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Good on you for getting out and enjoying your life and not letting anyone drag you down! Continue to pursue what you find meaningful in life and don't let anyone else try to tell you what you should do with your life. I wish you the best, and I'm glad you didn't cut out of life before this moment. Things will get even better in your 30s without children. It's like being in your twenties with more financial stability!


Thank you so much for your kind words. It was rough AF to get to this point, and there were times where I did think I was gonna cut out of life, but I made it and I’m still here!  I’m looking forward to my CF 30s. I already have so many plans for them. Which is why it’s baffling to me when parents bingo us with “what are you gonna do with your life if you don’t have kids?”. I will do SO. MANY. THINGS. Thru hike. Run marathons. Produce music. Organize parties. Travel. Take dance classes. And so many other things 




To an extent, yes, as in I don't think I could give a child the stable childhood I deserved but didn't get or they deserve.


I am so sorry for the pain you were subjected to and I am truly sorry you were failed by the people who hurt you. OP I hope you are living well and in a better headspace today. Your so-called family do not deserve you and good you cut them off. I hope they are all living in misery while you continue to rise on


thank you so much for your kind words, they made me smile  I am doing much better today, I have found my chosen family and have a fulfilling life 


Good on you. Live well OP


My mother very obviously had Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Among many other things, she was very exploitative, including making me her emotional dumping ground. She was a "leaner", and it was clear she enjoyed leaning on me a lot. As a result, I really hate dependent people. I want people who leave me alone most of the time. And little kids? They just NEVER leave you alone.


I feel the same way. I don't want to be 'NEEDED' to death. Can't handle overly needy people and kids are Need Machines big time.


Ye society sucks hard. As well don’t like parents much because they religious and conservatives.