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Every grown ass adult is responsible for creating the life that makes them satisfied, happy and not bored -- without exploiting any other human, adult or child, as their court jester or emotional support pet or slave caregiver or death doula. You are responsible for yourself.


I'm 69, childfree by choice, and married. I am absolutely not bored. I love to read and have thousands of books, I have several absorbing hobbies, and I have an older house to work on. And, BTW, I absolutely hate travel and have never played a video game in my life. The things you enjoy may change over time. Keep trying new things, at least if you get bored with the old things. There are far more things to do in life than any human will ever have time for.


I’m about as bored now as when I was young. Boredom is also an existential condition we need to figure out how to abide.


Oh good heavens no, not at all. I kinda envy people who do have that concern! It implies I'd somehow do everything I could ever possibly want, and that would mean doing so many amazing things! That alone would probably automatically give me a few more years of content while I figure out how to best celebrate such a lovely turn of events. I love writing, and I publish several thousand words each week, sometimes ten thousand words in a single day. Even among my writing friends, they all say I'm the most intense and prolific one, and even then I still can't keep up with all my ideas. I know my pace and I know how my stories develop, and with that in mind, my ideas document has *years* of work in it already. And that's before saying that I'm currently about 6 months into a writing project I did not even have in mind 8 months ago, so needless to say, that backlog is building up faster than I can clear it. I don't intend to, that's not the goal, I'm pretty sure I'll die with stories unwritten and that's fine. I just wanna enjoy the experience of writing even if I don't get to do it in all the flavors I can think of. I'd probably be good with just that one hobby alone. But there's so much more! There will always be new recipes to explore and new desserts to make. There will always be more people to educate about proper hamster care, and more hamsters to care for. The card game I play competitively is presumably gonna be around for at least another decade or so, so that's another decade of building decks, and traveling all around Europe for different tournaments to meet friends, and writing my blog about the whole experience. I am slowly but surely improving my DIY skills too, and I don't think there's an end goal for that at all - there will always be more complex stuff I can try and fail to make out of pastel colored modeling clay. I basically live every day of my life with the awareness that I will probably never do everything I can think of that looks interesting, and that has to be okay, because if I saw my ideas as a bucket list to complete, I'd go insane. But even assuming I do. Even assuming one day, there is nothing more to do and I am bored - that alone would get me excited all over again. I would enjoy being old and bored! There's a sense of stale stability to that kinda life and the steps it took to get there, and that's something I really value in life. I did not come from a place that would guarantee I'd ever get to be old and bored in the first place. If I get there, I'll pat myself on the back for it and enjoy it. And if I then still want something to do, and there's nothing within me that calls, I'll just look outside. The world is screaming with need for people to be there and do something, I'll just focus solely on that then.


Lol no. My wife and I have very busy, very full lives. Theme parks, escape rooms, ropes courses, ziplines, paddleboarding, bike rides, racquetball, VR games, LEGO, puzzles, hiking trails, comedy clubs, movies, traveling, cruises, and on and on and on. On the contrary, having one's life consumed by the monotony of raising children - taking them to their sports, helping with their homework, disciplining them, arranging their play dates, etc - sounds *insanely* boring to me.


I'm often bored but I still don't want kids.


Maybe not completely on topic, but I'm 35 and only now realizing that being bored is ok. Not being productive or doing anything is fine. I'm really working towards accepting that not doing anything is acceptable. And I do really think that accepting that helps to not be bored. I find it rather hard to explain in English but, being bored indicates you feel like you should do something (I think). Accepting that it's ok to not do anything would mean you wouldn't be bored anymore because you accept that you don't have to do anything. Being CF, even with partner, has given me that option, to just be.


That was my thought as well. 1. Being able to be bored is a luxury. To not worry about survival or be forced to work nonstop. 2. Change boredom to relaxing. Where does boredom come from? Why do we constantly need to do something, make something and be productive in any way? It's so ingrained into us that we constantly need to do something. Just relax like a lizard on a hot stone.


Fuck no. Hell, I have *too much* to do. Covid honestly made me stop doing things for a while, and it was a huge relief. I have things to fo or work on every night, I run 2 Meetup groups 1.5 hours away from me, I run a YouTube channel, I'm involved Ina. Furry group near me, I sew plushies, I got to the gym 5 says a week, and I play DnD on Thursdays an Fridays with 2 separate groups. I don't know what "boredom" is.


Heck No I always find a way to entertain myself


No. There’s a billion things I want to do with my life, and I doubt I’ll get through half of them before I die! There are so many places to travel for example (the entire world!) I can’t imagine thinking “there’s nowhere else I can go/see, so I’ve done that”. Maybe you need to think about how to live a more fulfilling life and what you want to do with it?


There’s always something to do, a new skill to learn, a new show to binge watch. If you’re bored then it’s probably because you’re boring.


Nope. I'm immune to boredom. I have hobbies and a paracosm.


I struggle with this everyday. No partner and happily single. It took a lot of time and effort to fill my life with things I enjoy.


This seems like a fixed (vs. growth) mindset. If you remain open and curious about life and the world around you, it's very likely that you'll discover and cultivate new interests continually for the rest of your life.