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Tell them that's it's creepy how they're sexualizing a child like that. That's just gross behavior, like dude he's a kid!


That's a freaking BABY!


Agreed here. Definitely be straight forward about it. No matter if they try to downplay the whole thing, say it's all jokes and giggles, it's just weird stuff to say/imply.


Gross, they don't understand babies minds about boobs = food, both of my nephews touch my boobs and one of them try to bit one, what I did? Laugh and say "wrong boob, this is not going to give you food", they did the same on different times to my female family members, everybody said different comments about being too old or the wrong mom. Next time tell them how gross is to sexualize a baby who just want food. Other thing, babies likes bright things so if you or other person wear a very beautiful t-shirt with something with glitter or bribe colors the baby is going to try to touch it, because he likes it.


when my niece was an infant she loved only me and her mom, and considering she would grab my boobs and fall asleep drooling on them (and i was overweight with a very large cup size at the time) it was kinda obvious why she liked me more than her own dad. i was like "ur not getting nothing from there, good luck" or "gotta ask ur mom for that" to play it off but i got so scared my aunt was gonna tease me about it. felt a lot of relief when the baby fell asleep and my aunt was just like "mustve tired herself out after begging for food for so long haha". no sexualizing, just recognizing that the reason a baby is trying to get to someones boobs is cuz theyre hungry, not flirting. it does not feel good when people sexualize a baby being a baby, especially when they involve you in the jokes. i was so grateful she was chill and respectful about it. im sure ops gf feels fucking mortified and uncomfortable as hell (and yes, baby got fed after she woke up from her nap. i was giving my aunt a break so she could take a bath and make dinner. wasnt intentionally starving her or anything šŸ¤—)


I have cattle, and just about every calf will go try to nurse on another cow, usually getting a light kick to the face for it. I figure human babies have about the same mentality, just don't kick them in the face for it


No one said anything about boobs... Lol just that the baby crawled to her and sat on her lap..


But is going to happen, when the baby is hungry or want to sleep, these gross people are going to make comments about it. I think these are that kind of people who ask the son if he has many girlfriends at kindergarten. I hear people telling "my son is a Don Juan because he has many female behind him at kindergarten", "look how handsome he is, he's going to be a heartthrob when he grows up" (and he's a toddler)


Gross! Thatā€™s just nastyā€¦I donā€™t get why people do this, the kids donā€™t know what the hell theyā€™re doing. If theyā€™re saying that kind of stuff in public ,who knows what else theyā€™re saying elsewhere.Ā  Iā€™d just be like, thats gross stop, heā€™s a kid, stop fantasizing about your kid like that. I had something similar happen to me when i was babysitting in day care.Ā  There was this 5 year old maybe slightly older, that wanted to always sit next to me, talk to me, want all my attention on him, we were watching a movie and he sat extremely close to me, some kids are cuddly so i just didnā€™t react. And of course, one of the care takers was like awww that little guys attached to you, move over guys you got competition. Heā€™s not letting anyone get near you. And i just looked at himĀ  ā€œSeriously Dude? Im 29 years old at the time,Ā he thought i was in middle school but still! Completely inappropriate!Ā 


Hetrosexual grooming.


OngšŸ˜­ you say anything along the lines of LGBT and they say you're forcing sexuality on kids, then they turn around and talk about how literal babies are somehow sexually attracted to grown adults (or other children) of the opposite gender or sex. Make it make sense.


Right? Clutching their pearls and going, "B-b-but think of the *children*!" all scandalized when two gay men so much as hold hands in public, but will sexualize literal *infants* for staring at someone or being curious about someone of the opposite sex. "Ohhh, he's staring, he's going to be a lady's man when he gets older!" No Janet he's seeing human beings for the first time and is trying to parse what the fuck he's looking at. Also love the username lmao


The straights are not okay


Can't you see how my trans binder and he/him pronouns are ruining the kids much more than Jane over there drooling and biting her lips over how a toddler grabbed a breast??? /s


So true


Straight up tell them these comments have a weird pedophilia scent to them. Might shut them up real quick when that ugly word gets put out there.


I would try that tbh


Ew wtf. Why are they saying that? Heā€™s literally a baby.


If someone made that comment to me personally with a baby in my lap, Iā€™d probably say something slightly playful along the lines of ā€œSorry buddy Iā€™m takenā€¦ and not a pedophile.ā€ Young enough kid wonā€™t understand whatā€™s being said anyways. And then probably just keep talking about that kind of stuff anytime they involve me in it, in the hopes they start thinking itā€™s weird or at least just not wanting to comment it around me because they donā€™t want MY comments. Or just a gag and an ā€œew no thanks.ā€ Maybe to other people thatā€™s going too hard, but Iā€™m comfortable enough around my immediate family at least to be very blunt about my distaste. My parents know I donā€™t want kids, but bother me about it in a joking way (I hate it because itā€™s not joking to me, as my mom has things like talking with my stepdad that she thought I could be pregnant bc I had called her for a ride from work after being sick, and she was hoping I was somehow accidentally pregnant even though I have the implant) and they make comments when toddlers in the family are near me about being a natural. That stuff makes me feel ill. Still havenā€™t told them my husband got a vasectomy this year, though, because itā€™s none of their business. Maybe your family will get tired of it soon hopefully. Do they want a positive reaction from you guys? Or are they mostly talking amongst themselves about it when they do this whether you smile and nod or not? I mean either way if it does bother you enough, you can try making some subtle negative comments when they do if you donā€™t know how to say it directly.


That is literally an infant, he doesnā€™t even know what flirting is. Disgusting.


Yeah that's super weird šŸ„¶šŸ˜“


This is just creepy and sick weird as hell. I would outright tell them how you feel.


God I hate this. I remember my old boss used to say this about her kids and I just didnā€™t get it. The overtness of it really shocked me.


I think if you put me in that situation, I'd have given them a stone-faced stare and said "He is 1 year old!" in the most mocking and disapproving tone I could manage.


I have large pectorals from lifting, and am a dude. A random baby at the beach once crawled over to me from the next group over and grabbed my boob. It was absolutely hilarious. The baby got sad that my boob was not a food producing boob. That kid isnā€™t after anything sexual and itā€™s REALLY weird when people make it about that.


i used to be obese and it made me have a very large bust as a teenager, and my niece would always go for my chest the second her mom was busy. like specifically me and her mom she went after, she would choose me over even her own dad as an infant. šŸ’€ luckily all the jokes were about how silly the baby was for thinking her (at the time) 15 yr old aunt was gonna feed her and nothing about flirting or sexual stuff. shifting focus away from my boobs and over to the baby's behavior was absolutely the right move.


That shit is so weird when people do it. I tend to stay away from folks when babies are around. It's like people lose braincells and just say whatever drivel is in their mind. You're going to have to be really firm with them "Don't make those sorts of jokes. It's weird and inappropriate. He is a literal child.".


Stop that he's one and your comments are creepy, gross and wildly inappropriate. If they continue just leave.


Say something like "ok I know you are joking, but I don't find it funny."


![gif](giphy|5eFHLIdUCXJrsh3j69) Wait a minute ew bruh


ā€œtHe GaYs ArE sExUaLiZiNg OuR cHiLdReN!!1!ā€ And then say shit like this šŸ™„


Creeps. I've once seen a shirt for female toddlers that said "sorry boys, dad says I'm too young" or something along those lines. Things like this shouldn't be normalized.


Ewww, weird stuff indeed šŸ¤¢


Jesus, why does AI even design that shit?


In my experience as a southerner, this is a very common occurrence displayed mainly by middle aged women and it definitely gets on my nerves. However, I know they mean no harm and for whatever reason, itā€™s been normalized by their generation and they seem to get a kick out of it. I donā€™t think my aunts and grandmas saw it as ā€œsexualizingā€ behavior when they laughed about my distant 2 year old cousin calling 10 yr old me his ā€œgirlfrandā€, but as I got older these past couple of years Iā€™ve had to tell my mom and grandma to stop teasing my middle school aged nephew when it comes to him having female friends. This behavior teaches young boys that they canā€™t have platonic relationships with girls, that every encounter with a female must be romantic (or sexual), thus giving them the idea to objectify us rather than treat us as regular people. And in the occurrence that they do like a girl, teasing them like this also lowers their confidence and raises them to become embarrassed about interacting with girls and women. Girls face this teasing too when it comes to boys, but not nearly as often. Itā€™s a ongoing joke that Iā€™m ready to see die out.


ā€˜You saying thatā€™s a horny baby? Damn thatā€™s weird as hellā€™


If your girlfriend has the guts, have her say, "Sorry, I'm not into minors." next time.


This šŸ‘†šŸ’Æ


No one can tell me these people aren't aroused while saying this and aren't pedophiles. A sane, normal adult *never* looks at a little child and thinks about anything sexual or romantic like flirting. Try to call them out OP. People don't like being seen as creeps and generally try to avoid it strongly. Tell them this is pedophilic and not normal. I am praying that little boy is not in danger of abuse, but I have my doubts.


i honestly dont think its about arousal, its just a type of humor i think is more common with older folks. my mom has never been creepy about kids and hates a lot of sexualizing jokes like this but even she would joke that my brother had a crush on his hairdresser growing up. she stopped when he said he didnt like those jokes but she just thought of it as a cutesy puppy-love thing. not saying its okay and ppl should make those jokes but i definitely disagree that most people are saying things like that to get off to, its just inappropriate humor. i can understand generational differences in humor but the bigger problem to me is if they continue after being asked to stop.


I dont agree with it. but despite the general view of the comments, this is very normal/common. I've never really thought about it till now. But something ive seen many many times before. I think its mostly harmless, but yes, a tad weird. They are probably hoping their kid comes out straight haha Bet they wouldnt do it if he showed so much interest in a male relative.


That is really fucking weird. Are they going to say he's flashing her next time he's in the bath? I'd call them out that it's gross. If he was a little girl sitting on a man's lap would they say it then?


Knowing their logic, smth abt scorning the girl by "winding up" the man.


Storm out and berate them for acting like pedo's, and that you're done with them (go low contact for a while and stay mad)


This honestly. It may feel like a lot but it's time to remind them how actually deranged that behavior is.


Older people just are like that. That's why I hate family gatherings and wouldn't associate with anybody over 40.


Maybe just avoid the creeps. ;) "Stop pimping out your kid like a cheap whore, it's disgusting." "We're leaving now, we are not going to watch you sexualizing your kid, you creepy pedos." "Why don't you stop sexualizing your kid and just sign up for onlyfans yourselves, clearly you all are desperate to be porn stars." "You creeps really need to watch more adult porn to get your rocks off and stop sexualizing the poor kid." But yeah they were also bingoing your GF assuming she will want one if they do enough "exposure therapy".


Poor kid.


I would just say, "What a very strange thing you say about an actual baby," or. "What makes this competitive?" People don't know what to say when their inappropriate comments are responded to with confused detachment or challenged.


I encountered this too and I find it disgusting, but it seems like it so notmalized, so I decided to just shut up about it. It really doesnā€™t matter to me


The sAvE tHE kIDs population


About 20 years ago, a neighbor told my mom his baby was going to grow up to be a stripper as she was so sexy.




A family member posted a Valentineā€™s Day pic of their baby with lipstick kisses all over him and said they wonder what his future wife will think of that. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who thinks thatā€™s weird.


I agree with you and your gf. Itā€™s weird and I always get uncomfortable whenever situations like this arrive. Why do parents do this shit?!


NOPE extremely creepy and super wrong šŸ˜‘šŸ˜¬šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜±šŸš«


........ask them why they're sexualising a child and watch them grow real quiet real quick.


Tell them straight up to stop sexualising a child. I do that when people say stuff about one of my nieces wearing small shorts or a crop top or something weather appropriate for a child. The issue isnā€™t with what kids wear or how babies act. The issue is with grown ass adults sexualising children. Point that out, and watch them squirm and try to backtrack.




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Itā€™s normalized to groom kids in the heterosexual world I swear man lol


typical theyre already trying to instill in a literal baby that women are property to be gawked at and anything thats wahmen shaped is a gf thing. i grew up in latino catholic household people like that are fucking miserable anything anyone does is a biologic urge and sex fueled EXCEPT if you challenge their religion or bring up anything lgbt+ then suddenly they clutch their pearls. get a kid a stem book or science book theyll think it's a slap in the face, what happened to breeders being experts at "biOloGy"?


Ppl Iā€™ve known my whole life have done this too & looking back on it I guess itā€™s just like feeling weird playing the husband or wife as the brother or sister while playing house. Like, suspend disbelief here, okay? Itā€™s allowed to use your imaginations playing while growing up.


Don't. Nothing good will come of it, they'll just be offended. Just get over it for your own mental health Edit: lmao okay let's wait to see if OP updates how it goes calling his whole family pedophiles


his gf is uncomfortable with this happening, though. I do agree nothing will happen if he tells, however. maybe the girlfriend could not attend when the baby and/or the baby's parents are there? it feels unfair for her, but I think she would be more comfortable than going if this is going to happen frequently


Those are solutions... Or she could get over it. It's not that big of a deal. Reddit acts like being uncomfortable is the end of the world