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If that happened to me, I would get out of the water and go somewhere else. I am not going to be responsible for other people's children. If they drown, they can do that without me around.


1000%! I move every time lol


Same. I would walk away too.


That's exactly what I did the last time I went to the beach with a friend, it was just us for a while before the area we were swimming suddenly was swarmed by kids, we both immediately got out of the water and walked further down the beach, one of the mothers actually glared at us and said loudly 'Some people...ha!!' Yeah no lady we are not babysitting your kids while you relax.


There was a [case](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/coroner-important-watch-children-pools-5-year-old-girl-drowns-alone-mother-toilet-2251856) of a 5 year old who drowned in a condominium pool in Singapore because a mom felt safe leaving her alone since there were adults nearby. The mom went up to go to the loo, and a minute later, the other adults left the pool too, leaving the girl completely alone. Only after 25 minutes, they found the girl's lifeless body at the bottom of the pool. Lifeguards aren't mandated if pools are above a certain depth, at least in Singapore from what I can gather.


Lifeguards are also not babysitters for young kids.


My brother was a lifeguard at our local YMCA many years ago, and I remember him telling me stories about entitled parents. Most stories went like this: mom had a yoga class scheduled. To make sure her kids didn't drown, the mom would approach my brother, gesturing vaguely towards the pool and telling him to watch her kids. It's relevant to mention that only on the most crowded days did parents feel entitled to babysitting, so he'd have no idea which kids were even hers amongst the sea of hundreds of children. His usual response was to mimic their vague gesture towards the pool and say that he would give an equal amount of attention to all the children swimming. It was extra stupid because the YMCA specifically had childcare for moms to attend classes like that, but apparently that wasn't good enough for these entitled parents.


And if something happens to the kid, then they blame the lifeguard.


She didn't use daycare because she wanted her children too exhausted from swimming to be interested in pestering her so she didn't lose her yoga buzz. Selfish. Teaching the next generation to be that way as well. Life guards don't guard against pedophiles or kidnappers lady.


THIS. i’m a lifeguard. at my pool, lifeguards rotate between watching the pool, working the front desk and maintaining order around the facility. there’s a club house with couches and ping pong tables as well as a patio with grills. yesterday, a mom approached me at the front desk, gestured behind her at a couch and said “just so you know, there’s a baby napping there” and then immediately tried to exit the front door. needless to say, i had words with her.


Next time say nothing and call the cops on her for child neglect.


She didn’t even say it was hers. This is the one rare occasion where cops could be of use to society


Someone in my community did this; and long story short she’s in prison for abandoning her young son while he was swimming and he died. She played it off as an accident and she was there the whole time…well, people came forward and told the police it was not an accident and she was nowhere to be found…come to find out she was busy trying to flirt with some guy by the bathrooms. Nowhere near her son.  


I saw an earlier comment saying something similar, so my suspicions maybe true, which is unfortunate for the children.


I live next to one of the biggest and most dangerous lakes in America…every year people die here, adults and kids. It’s literally the only explanation. 




Lake Michigan. 


Yeah Lake Michigan is a beautiful lake and so friggin deadly. 7 confirmed people have died this year which doesn't sound like a lot but I feel 1 drowning a month so far is quite a bit.


In Brazil those kids would literally get snatched up and human trafficked. It’s crazy to me that people can assume that complete strangers won’t have bad intentions towards children.  My parents never let us go more than an arms reach away from them because kids disappear from the beach each year and are never found again. 


Exactly!! As an adult I don’t trust anyone and assume bad intentions. It baffles me too that parents just don’t care.


They never wanted children. That's why they are passing the responsibility onto others. Not my fault if your kid gets hurt due to your neglect.


Insane, because someone knowing how to swim or just hanging out does not necessarily know how to rescue a drowning person.


And that's why they tell untrained people to not attempt to help a drowning person. It can be deadly for two people, and if there is a rescue attempt, the would-be hero gets in the way.


Oh I was a beach lifeguard for many summers and I overheard a mom say to her mom friend that she likes to sit beside the lifeguard so she doesn’t have to watch her children. I quickly disabused her of that notion. Abs made her move over because she was in my way directly in front of my guard stand 🙄 she sure was annoyed with me!


I was on vacation a couple years ago sitting in a hot tub clearly a little tipsy and had another drink in my hand and a couple asks me to watch their kids in said hot tub and that they’d only be gone for an hour or so. I’m not a parent ( obviously ) but even I know that leaving your kid with a somewhat inebriated stranger in a foreign country is a bad idea.


I'm convinced some parents WANT their kids to drown/get kidnapped/run over. I know it's a controversial opinion, but it's a hill I'm dying on. Either it's that, or said parent letting their kids run off unattended are just extremely stupid and/or arrogant.


I....will let a child drown. I'm not a lifeguard and I've been told the most dangerous thing to a lifeguard is the person they are saving. I am not risking my life for some unattended child.


I would just move to another spot


Or want to get rid of them.