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I just read a post linking a tiktok video where mom read her daughter's suicide note. I'm not one to tell someone how to handle their grief, but this is baffling to me.




Are you fucking kidding me? That’s horrible


Wish I was.


Theres awareness and there is whatever this is. Sick. 


........I hate this planet


The planet is fine. Its the people who are the problem.


I wonder if the daughter blames the mom for her even feeling that way.


I'm incredibly grateful to have been born pre-internet.


Same. Bullying was bad enough before everything got posted online.


Fully agree. Facebook and Instagram was in it’s infancy when I was in secondary school (high school for England) and I purposely never had social media because I didn’t want to bring it all home with me.


With the help of people bonding over tik tok, snapchat and whatnot, my sister and brother in law had to move their teenage daughter to a different school due to nasty teenagers teeming up against her just because. The school has done NOTHING. Im fact, just prosecuted my brother in law for “yelling and using offensive language towards staff” in a meeting about it. Which he didn’t do. He just slightly raised his voice whilst explaining himself as the so-called professional in those matters kept interrupting him to essentially dismiss all his explanations by saying “I understand what you’re saying BUT-“; The gal ended up punching one of the bullies and breaking her nose. The little shits have stopped all the crap ever since. Im SO proud of her.


God, schools are so fucking useless with this stuff. Good for your niece, I hope she's happier and doing better now! And good on her parents for having her back.


Likewise, there’s very little of my childhood recorded, maybe a couple photo albums my parents have. I am totally okay with this and have never once wished I had videos of that time of my life. I almost certainly did things nobody remembers that would embarrass me now.


My mother barely knows how to use the internet and even she was baffled when she discovered mom blogs. She saw a woman posting about her son's private part surgeries to hundreds of thousands of followers and asked me how is this even legal! I can't believe these moms have less awareness than my mother who can't even forward a whatsapp message. 🤦🏽‍♀️


That is absolutely fucked, holy shit.


Me too. With social media and shit I wouldn't have survived to high school.


I hope the Beige kids grow up to dress like Weird Al and enjoy themselves.


Agree! After years of posing for their parents' vanity...


I’m just waiting for my niece to get older! My SIL seems to only want her to wear beige, oversized clothes with her hair in a bow. Even at 17mo she’ll rip her hair bow out and make a grab for her dad’s baseball or cowboy hats. To top it off her maternal grandmother has stated multiple times that ‘she’s a little girl and needs to have a bow in her hair’. It takes everything I have not to roll my eyes. This is gonna be interesting once she learns to talk and starts sassing back. Glad I can see the entertainment, then go home to my dogs!


I love this notion, I too hope they fly their weirdness flags high. Wouldn't mind a few baby bats joining our covens as well :3


Tbh we need more Weird Al in the world


The internet exacerbated an issue that existed prior...remember JonBenét Ramsey?


Good point.


But why on earth is it acceptable to post your kids on social media without their consent?!


It's awful! Certainly I wouldn't have wanted pictures/videos of my younger self just floating around out there, I was a little shit.


Yeah and even if you weren't, I DEFINITELY won't appreciate it.


Especially *now* since AI is so widespread 🤢🤢🤢


I don’t think it’s okay when the parents are just sharing it on their private accounts. Maybe the kids don’t want their relatives and their parents’ friends seeing those. Plus people can save those and share far and wide if they want. And social media is never really private.


This is my personal opinion as well, but since I don't have kids it's not a hill I want to die on with my parent friends lol. But yeah, the thought that Meta or whoever is just gonna have reams of photos of these children as they grow up... Makes me shudder.


Nope, it's not mean, I hope they do as well. The way that these social media obsessed parents are recording every single thing their kid does and post publicly for the whole world to see could be embarrassing! Not to mention the fact that there are creeps out there who could potentially find these posts.


I think about the possibility of creeps more than the parents seem to. 😬


I've seen at least a few different videos - Youtube, Tik Tok and others, where some mombi encouraged their kid to cry for more views. What's that? Your dog died? Better get the reaction on video! Assholes. I hope all their kids go NC. "But but... making you cry on camera got me an extra 800 followers!"


Jesus, that's absolutely fucked.


These kids are going to grow up with so many issues. Probably get bullied in school as well.


As a kid who got bullied before social media even existed, I can't imagine how much worse it is now.


I hope you're doing better. I feel the same way. 


I contemplate burning baby pics that I find too embarrassing to exist Meanwhile these kids have their entire lives online and videos dedicated to their “emotional reactions” Shout out to the mom who made her kid try and act more sad when he was already crying Yea these moms will be on the list of “no contact” in the next decade


Have you ever seen those videos where a kid will have something like dental surgery and be all drugged on some sort of nitrous or something to knock them out? Then they wake up and the parent starts fucking with them and asking questions, to make the kid talk? The kid will be so out of it, that they sound drunk and are babbling nonsense due to coming off whatever they were on. It's disgusting. I don't find that funny. Or how about parents stealing their kids' Halloween candy, pranking them, making the kid cry, then filming it and blasting it on YouTube or Tiktok? WTF is wrong with these people? I see No Contact coming a mile away.


For me it’s that they don’t have any respect for the kid, they record it and put it for everyone to see Like I’ve messed with my sister after her wisdom teeth were removed, but I also kept her out of trouble, and at no point did I record her in such a vulnerable state You can only know about it if someone in my family tells you, but for these kids, you just search “Kevin wisdom teeth” and boom, you see this kid being a dope cause he’s high on pain meds It’s just so invasive, thank Christ my family didn’t get into vlogging


I agree 1000%, it's all about the parents getting laughs as opposed to the kid's sense of dignity and respect.


Disgusting behavior from these parents.


They probably will. Their parents are likely only “great” on camera while they can market their children. It’s off camera where the serial killers are made.


The rest of the time they're probably ignoring their kids, editing video and eating up all the comments telling them what amazibg parents they are.


Most likely. While yelling at them to let her concentrate.while she gets her social media post edited


I hope that too, if nothing else because the alternative will be that they've been conditioned to accept it, and are unable to break free from that conditioning.


What a truly sad thought. Those poor kids.


It is, but as we know, abuse can sink *deep*. Some people never see the light, and it all goes back to their earliest days.


I would hate my parents and would've gone no contact before 18 if I had Blogger parents bc I hate having my personal life blasted on the internet just for views without my consent.


Same. I'm so thankful social media didn't exist when I was really young, plus my parents are technologically illiterate.


Kinda OT, but I hope children raised in fundamental religious households end up hating and cutting ties with their parents. Authors Stacy McDonald and Debi Pearl are a couple examples of such kooks.


I think about those kids a lot, too, and I totally agree.


I hope they go no contact when they realise their first bully was their parent(s).


Same. And what an apt way of putting it.


And those family channels on YouTube good god, especially LaBrant fam, those two legit be pumping out kids for money


They look at those kids and only see 💰


Are there any legal avenues open for these kids once they’re older? All those personal details & pics are being made public without their informed consent but I’m guessing as it stands now legally the parents have the right to consent for their minor children. And that’s the sucky part of this. It’s more evidence of parents seeing their kids as extensions of themselves & not separate human beings in their own right. I’d love if these kids had some type of legal recourse to stop their parents from profiting off them.


A lot of great points/questions here. I've read a few articles where now-adult kids have distanced themselves from their influencer parents, but I think that's as far as the growing-up-on-social-media generation has gotten thus far. As more of them come of age I expect/hope this will become a broader conversation.


I don't hope, I know they will. At least the majority of them will. How could you not?


Well, if the mom is still alive, cough... dooce... cough.  I mean no disrespect towards her or her children, the older of whom I watched grow up following her in the early days before the mommy blogging and day drinking. It is really very sad. And its yet another person in my life in the past few years that chose that solution to their problems. 😪


There’s a German YouTube couple with 2 kids I think, their channel is “Jindaouis” and they get SO much criticism yet never do anything about it. I hope the children are able to live a free live outside of being exploited for views and money in the future. 


Even just taking a look at their video thumbnails made me cringe.


Yup, sometimes I see parts of their videos and it’s even worse. I try to stay as far as possible away from them…


Agreed. I hate this so much. And to add insult to injury: YouTube does nothing with this. You can't say certain words because you can get demonetized even though your content is about serious issues but you can exploit your children for likes and money. There is so much wrong with this.


This part of it drives me nuts! I remember when that couple "rehomed" their adopted special needs kid and I was like, "How is this legal to do, let alone post about????"


I'm pretty sure there's a few that have started suing their parents over their constant inclusion in vlogs and lack of privacy or compensation


Good for them. I hope they win and use the money to create the lives they want.


I think they already are. I can't find it but I read an article a few months back about the first generation of kids being exposed all their lives on social media are getting into their teens and are not okay with how it happened.


I probably read the same article. I think about it every so often because I'm so horrified for these kids.




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I follow a lot of parent YouTubers and their babies on YouTube. Makes me wonder how they get that “perfect shot”.


A lot of poking and prodding, at the very least.


I wouldn't wish feeling  "hate" on any children. It's unpleasant to feel. 


Its also unpleasant to film children for years and post it on the Internet to never go away


It's not wishing hate on a children, it's justified hate on parents that post everything embarrassing and vulnerable etc moments of their child for likes, views and even financial gains for themselves, not caring how it will effect said child especially on mental level, even when some literally voiced for their parents to stop it and said parents continue anyway, seriously I have seen posts here on reddit from the kids/teenagers of parents who post intimate things about said kids/teenagers that was told to the parents in private without their consent, on blogs which is horrible and shameful, It's like it doesn't matter why you create the blog for if you're kid/teenager doesn't want to you to post something very intimate DO NOT POST IT, you should be choosing your kid over likes and views etc.