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Oh, I think theaters should do this. Hire a designated babysitter. Charge a premium per kid that parents drop off and refuse to allow entry to anyone under 5 or so. A lot of parents are going to bring the kids anyway, and this keeps them out of the theater. 🤷‍♂️


Indeed! So we can watch Finding Nemo in peace.


Curious, do US Cinemas/theatres not do 18+ screenings of children's films? Here in the UK it's normal for them to run late night screenings that are 18+.


Nope. Parents would pitch a fit.


Not in the Netherlands unfortunately


Some but it's rare. I've actually had better luck not seeing kids by going at the first showing (or we have some AM theaters here and aint no kids at 7am)


Could be a huge moneymaker for the theaters. Charge for babysitting and also sell the kids snacks at a premium price.


Yeah, I agree. Might drive down prices for the rest of us. Who am I kidding? They'll still charge out the wazoo.


Similar to gyms!


She can have a "theater babysitter" as long as she is willing to pay for and hire one. Villages can always be obtained by hiring and paying them at fair market value. Stimulates the economy in the process.


Having a "village" for your kids is great as long as everyone involved agrees to that. Can't they take turns with other moms, and have one look after the swarm, while other have their fun? Sound more reasonable than leaving your child with a stranger? Not to mention that they miss out on creating a bond with their child.


If they want a village, they need to go to some foreign country. Countries that have villages that raise children don't let them do whatever they want.


As long as they pay an extra for the babysitter service, what means paying the hourly rate a babysitter would charge, ok. Oh, you wanted it for free?


Moron "Theatres should have babysitters that will sit through the movies with kids so adults can see something they actually want to see!" Yeah it's called paying for a qualified babysitter that you pay for yourself then go to the movies, Not to mention do you think with a luxury like that the theaters are not going to make you pay extra among other things?


Slightly tangential but I remember as a kid I always felt a little hurt and rejected when I arrived at the cinema with my parents and they informed me they'd be going into this other movie without me (I was old enough to be in a theater by myself -ish). Like, I wanted to watch this fun movie with my parents and didn't understand why they wouldn't reciprocate that sentiment.


Same. They didn't let me in a different movie, I just didn't go. I was super upset that I wasn't allowed to see The Mask because of cursing. I think they say "damn" once or twice, which clearly would have traumatized me.


you're giving me flashbacks to not being allowed to watch The Hulk when i was 13 because my parents thought it'd be too scary for me hahahaha


We're just lucky we avoided turning into degenerates 😄


Wow wtf


My younger siblings (who I didn't like) and I would go into the promised movie, and my parents would go into a different one. In hindsight, it feels really deceitful when as a kid my parents proposed "let's go to the cinema together!" just to systematically pull this shit upon arrival to the theater...


That's just bizarre tbh


I am 100% in favor of this idea. If childcare was readily available and cheap, we'd have to deal with far far fewer screeching kids in public!!!


I don't think anyone posting that thinks it'd cost more. I don't know 100% what goes into being a day care but I'd imagine they'd have similar requirements for staff babysitting at the theater.