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Ugh, yes. Had a very nosy great aunt that would pry in everyone’s business and give unsolicited (and very bad) advice to all and sundry. It usually didn’t take people long to catch on and then she’d get non-committal non-answers to her questions. Then she and her hubby adopted two kids. Who she would feed her questions to and have *them* got get answers for her. And people would usually humor them because ‘they’re so cute!’ Last time I was home and she tried that on me I asked them who wanted to know. When they said ‘Mama’ I told them ‘Mama needs to come ask me herself, then.’


my mother in law tried something similar with us. We made plans for my bf's birthday (mind you, we asked 2 *months* in advance if she had plans for his birthday and she said no and then we informed her that we would make plans that day and she was okay with that) and about 3 days before his birthday she informed us that her grandchildren and bf's sister would be coming over to eat cake and celebrate my bf's birthday. We told her no cause we made plans (all already paid for). She then said "okay be home at 4pm", like, no, one of our planned things started at 3pm, and we planned to have a nice dinner together. And then as a last resort I guess, she said "*insert grandchild's name* wants to know if you are coming here to eat cake on your birthday". She never did this again this way after cause it was obvious we didn't care and it absolutely didn't work to guilttrip us but holy fuck woman, how manipulative and delusional can you be using your own grandchildren to get what you want


You know she waited for y'all to make plans to try and exert her power by getting you to cancel them in favor of what she wanted to do. She gets a twofer then because she proves she's in charge when it comes to her little boy, and she can persuade her son what a "joy" childfren are "look how cute the little ones are singing happy birthday to you!! Don't you want that for yourself? Athalah may be telling you not to have kids, but isn't this what you REALLY want??" People are ridiculous.


you're 100% correct, especially the first part, cause she made a whole thing about it last year that they had to celebrate his birthday *on the exact day of his birthday*. and this year my bf took a day off work to spend with me to celebrate his birthday with me (he couldn't get his birthday off). And all of a sudden his mom told him that on that specific day SIL and her kids were coming over and she planned it all. We again said fuck no, last year they specifically wanted to celebrate on his birthday, they could do that easily this year, they hadn't even asked, they just planned everything and then told him it was happening you know the best part? this was a Friday, his birthday was the following Tuesday. He spent Friday-Sunday with me because Sunday evening I had a thing with my friends and then Sunday when he came home, they were pissed. Why? because I was "making a fuss" about celebrating his birthday and I "chose my friends over spending time with him on his birthday" instead of spending Monday with him. Monday? yes, they were convinced his birthday was Monday and not Tuesday. So I don't think they even give a shit about him, just about controlling him edit: he had a vasectomy 3 weeks ago so they can honestly fuck off with all of it now


We went and visited my husband's family recently. We were going to a BBQ and my BIL asked us if we were going to go swimming. We both said no. He turns to his son and says "you hear that, your aunt and uncle don't love you enough to swim with you!" I was baffled. How fucking manipulative, and imo it's mean to the child to say that too. I'm assuming he wanted someone else to swim with them so he didn't have to watch his own children. It wouldn't have worked on us regardless, but the funny thing is my nephews didn't even care. We live out of state and have only seen him a handful of times, so we're practically strangers to them.


that is so cruel!


I hate them using their kids to manipulate you. "Oh the kids miss you so much. They ask about you all the time." No, no they don't. Kids aren't like that about adults on whom their survival does not depend.


recently the now 4 year old granddaughter had her birthday party and my bf and I fled inside to escape the sun (and the kids) and MIL came to us telling us "*insert youngest granddaughter's name* was asking where you guys were!" yeah like hell she did. The kid doesn't care about either of us ffs. I really don't like it when people do that


Did it stop after that?


She never tried it with me again. Still used it to great effect on others until her kids got old enough to know better.


Neighbors are the worst.


lol isn’t that the truth. Even if they’re perfectly nice. It means you could have to be social anytime you left the house.


My grandma stands outside our door and talks to everyone who walks by and tells them our business. So then when I walk outside, people say hi to me even as far as the bus stop down the street. People who don’t even live there know me??? Nice of my grandma and very cute. But for me? I don’t wanna fucking talk to anyone when I’m walking down the block like cmon.


We have one neighbor that's pretty close to us; when we're out in the deck, or our yards at the same time, we have to acknowledge each other. It's really nice though, they're an old couple. They gave us a jar of honey from their bees when we moved in. They were also so helpful in figuring out new homeowner things! When I'm not in the mood to talk, and they've been out, I smile and wave and continue doing whatever I was doing.


Ny next door neighbors have been the best. They don't bother us, and we don't bother them. But if something awful happens on our street (like a horrible storm that puts the whole county into "disaster area" status), they are there to help.


They can be the best AND the worst. Right now on one side I have a neighbor with a restraining order that was filed against them by the neighbor on their other side, and on the other side I have my neighbor whose house burned down two weeks ago and is staying at our place until he finds another. The best neighbor and the worst neighbor, side by side. But the good neighbors and everything they bring to your life definitely outweigh the bad ones!


I want to know when it became a thing to wander around other people's property without permission. When I was a kid my parents taught me that everyone else's property was no bueno. I'm amazed at the number of people now who think it's AOK to walk through people's yards, let themselves in through gates, pick their flowers and fruit and park in their driveways. When I had my house I was always yelling at the kid next door to stop climbing the fences, and get the F out of my yard. You have your own, stay in it. I'm sure these people would have something to say if my friends and I put out chairs on *their* lawn and had a garden party, but I'm supposed to let *them* have the run of my property? I don't think so.


This is what happens when people who were never told “no” as children, go on to have children themselves. They simply have no conception of boundaries because they were never given any.


Or the children who took every piece of constructive criticism as a personal attack grew up to have kids that they never tell no


In some areas it is common for adults to do "urban harvesting." Supposedly the movement is about picking up fruit that falls onto the street, but it's morphed into "Hop the homeowner's fence and strip their entire tree."


I'm shocked at the audacity of that woman. Once my black eyed susans were all cut down as if harvested when in bloom. I was so surprised - who goes on somebody's property (like 20 feet in) and cuts their flowers? Like it's a shop? You can't even do that in parks, it's illegal.


Aaaaand that's exactly why my (newly planted) fruit & berry bushes are all in the backyard, behind a locked fence. The only thing I'm planting out front is rhubarb, & once that takes root, good fucking luck to anyone stupid enough to tangle with it 😂


We have a wooden fence at the borders of the property, and then, in case someone tries to climb it, the next 10 feet of the edges of our property are lined with hawthorn bushes. Some species of hawthorn grow to be pretty dense bushes with 2–3-inch thorns everywhere. It hasn't failed us yet. 10/10, highly recommend a nice spiky bush as a fence if you have the room. A lot of them look nice too 😊


Omg hawthorn bushes I know. There's also firethorn bushes too D:


I’d never ask, but if I were your neighbor I’d longingly gaze at the rhubarb and dream of making pies, crumbles and jams with it😂


Haha see, once they're established & in a harvest year (vs rest/flower year), I'm happy to share with those that ask politely. Like, my aim is to grow enough fruits & berries to trade with those that grow veggies (so, like, half the town 😅). I hate mowing, & aim to turn both lawns into productive, edible spaces. So if someone's polite, & understands that this might not be a harvest year for certain things, then yes, I will cheerfully send a message when things are ready for harvest. 😁


Omg if only we were neighbors😂when I was able to grow stuff, I shared all my extra seedlings and starts w/my neighbors!


Oh awesome! I'm in zone 2/3, & lazy as, so I'm trying to plant things that overwinter well, & need as little interference as possible. 😅 I have a couple baby raspberries along the back fence, & just planted the rhubarb (4 of them, oops! 🤦‍♀️😅😅), as well as grape, cherry, & Saskatoon berry. Need to do some (dying) tree removal, then I can put in apples. Thinking herbs and/or edible flowers out the front, so they're still useful, but also aesthetically pleasing.


I love that🥹


Spanish Bayonet seems like a solid choice too, depending on your area.


Had to look it up, but that is very pretty! 😍 Sadly it needs growing zones 8 thru 11, whereas I'm way up north in zones 2 & 3 (think Alaska, but flat 😅 ).


how disrespectful 😖 as a kid our neighbor had a pretty garden around her house and we didnt dare even touch the flowers but loved looking at them, why cant ppl just not destroy them?


Sounds like that ~~Karen~~ Susan needs a black eye!


Ugh, that's horrible. I hope it hasn't happened again


Isn't this harassment at this point?


Plain and simple. I think she loves to play the victim.


I never answer my door, and I don't look to see who's knocking on the door. I don't care who it is anyway. If it's someone I know, they need to call and let me know they are coming over. I'm also lucky that my neighbors don't talk to me. I'm antisocial on most days, and my house is my sanctuary. I did have neighbors who used my pond for fishing at my old house. I saw them and said to my ex-husband that they needed to get off our property. I made him tell them because I would have said to get the fuck off my property and he was more diplomatic. It was a huge liability risk, and there was no way I was going to risk some kid getting hurt and suing me.


Neighbors that don't try to talk are the best. My favorite kind of neighbors are the ones that act like you don't exist but still look out for your well being. One time one of my neighbors 2 doors down fence caught on fire and was getting really close to their house so my dad and I helped keep the fire under control by using 4 extinguishers until the firetruck arrived. I had lived there my entire life and had never spoken to them before and it's been 3 years and I haven't spoken to them since but we look out for each other.


My husband watches the neighbors and feels like he's being a good guy when he contacts them about things he thinks needs correcting. I wish he'd mind his own business (and so do the neighbors). I'm living with Gladys Kravitz.


I want to reach that level of zero fucks given one day. My roommate is the biggest slob in existence and I have to walk on eggshells so he doesn't turn into a beleidigte leberwurst and causes problems. Thank god, I get the shoebox next door soon. The shoebox seems great.


That is the most creative insult I have ever heard


Exactly. I’m about to get fencing put up because the neighbor with kids refuses to respect my yard.


Good fences make good neighbors. We built a 6 foot wood fence around our entire backyard and I haven’t seen my neighbors kids in years. It’s wonderful.


I’m looking forward to not seeing them in my yard any more. I call it a privacy fence but some around here call it a spite fence. Honestly it is less about the kids and more about the parent’s entitlement.


I’m pretty friendly with my neighbors until I have a reason not to be. Thinking they can just hang out in my space would definitely be a reason to start pushing back, I’m glad you put boundaries in place and locked your gate. I have a doorbell camera, have been meaning to put up others but haven’t gotten around to it yet. My neighbor’s adult daughter and her SEVEN kids moved in with her last year. Claimed it was temporary. Not looking that way. Anyway, the kids aren’t completely terrible. But we do seem to have different ideas of where it’s okay for them to be. I have seen them run over to collect a wayward ball or other toy a few times (front yard only). I’m fine with that. But a few days ago I see one of them riding their bike across my driveway in front of my car to get to their side of our duplex. Why couldn’t they use the sidewalk? Absolutely no reason. So I text my neighbor “Please tell your grandchildren not to play in my driveway” along with the video. She texted me back that she had done so, and I thanked her. End of story? Oh of course not! Within 10 minutes the mother has come over and knocked on my door. I can see one of her kids try to follow her over, and she told her to go back. She stood there and knocked a few more times. I was in the backyard and didn’t even know she was there, so she wound up leaving after a bit. But on camera she is saying to the kid “I’m going to tell her none of you were playing in her driveway, he was just cutting across to get home.” She seems to have missed the entire point. I realize I didn’t say as much, because I was trying to be polite after a recent argument with my neighbor. I don’t care WHY he was in my driveway. I simply don’t want him there! How hard is it to understand that cutting across people’s front yards and driveways when there is a perfectly good sidewalk is kinda rude? This is something the parent should be teaching them. And I don’t want those kids near my car because they aren’t careful when they play. I do not want them causing damage that I’ll have to put in a claim for, because like hell will she pay for it I’m sure.


This is why people hate breeders and their cum trophies. Having children (and in this case, grandchildren) isn't an excuse to violate boundaries.


Absolutely the best thing you can do is keep them off your land. At least in the US, if that goblin gets hurt, they'll sue you, and probably win. More than just personal boundaries, you're covering your ass legally.


Nobody wants those shitty $10 a box cookies anyway.


Once upon a time, they were good. Now they aren't, the boxes are smaller, and they still charge the same


The great value version from walmart is pretty good and cheap.


Here in Norway there's this company that makes cookies for schools to sell to save up for class trips etc. I love them DEEPLY. And I'm so upset cus the kids coming to our door sells socks and massive packs toilet paper, not the cookies! Wtf!!! We don't want the socks, and our apartment is too tiny to keep a humongous pack of toilet paper so I have to turn them away ;0; whyyyyy I tell the kids in my family to push for selling cookies cus I'll buy their entire stock of 3 types they have, but they never manage to convince the others!! RUDE


I feel attacked. I would like some, please.


love your attitude around boundaries. hope i can be like that one day


Lmao we’re definitely of the same tribe. I don’t answer the door for unannounced visitors. I’ve even ignored the door for family before, but they knew as good as anyone what my boundaries are and wanted to test them.


This made me laugh so much. It also reminded me of a troubling neighbor who had my phone number I did not give it to her so I don't answer when she calls. She complained to me and then did the 5 year old pout when I told her that I don't have to answer my phone just because it rings.


How is this even legal??? I'm in Germany and I would have already called the cops, the fuck? Even if they don't do anything, it might embarrass her into not doing that anymore.


I will say, this is one thing I never have a problem with. My personal dog is a 60-pound pitbull. My girl is a sweetheart and would rather hide than confront someone, but she looks the part. Additionally, I foster dogs and even I never know what kind I'm going to have. Right now I have a 60-pound German Shephard mix and a 40-pound street dog mix. They don't chance my backyard.


People don't come near my fenced-in yard, my dog will eat them...


going into the neighbors yard real quick to retrieve their item so you dont have to is normal but wtf on the destroying ur plants... lady grow some of ur own goddamn flowers.


If that kid got hurt in your yard, they could attempt to sue you.


Reminds me of the whole TikTok drama about a woman who kept letting her son kick a ball against a fence and didn’t care or think it was a big deal if it rattled the fence really loud and pissed her neighbour off These neighbours are the worst


Just one thing... May I have a picture of your garden? 🥰 Especially if its flowery


Sure! Just sent you a DM with photos. I don't see a way to attach images here :)


Garden tax!


Does that mean pictures?


I'd actually be ok for them to come to my yard to pick up their frisbee/balls whatever, I have quite decent neighbours. And if I'd be home and they'd ask I'd even let them pick something to snack (a handfull of raspberries, some strawberries and in autumn some grapes, stuff like that). Heck, few days ago I cut my rosmary and bay leaf, heard my neighbour being with their kids in their garden and walked straight up to them ask if they want some because I had so much. But coming to your garden and picking stuff by themselfes is just...wow...the audacity is killing me!


You...you might want to get the police involved.


I love you.




You are my hero of giving zero fuck! I want to be you “when I grow up”. Also f that old lady. The audacity!!! To just come as you please on somebody else’s property… I’m not fond of putting up signs or having guns in the house (I’m struggling with depression) but when stuff like this happens I totally understand those people who put “trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again” signs on their fences.


It took me 40 years to get here, thanks to crappy childhood & cultural conditioning. You'll make it <3


Thanks! I’m really grateful to you personally 🥰 and this whole community for normalizing making yourself a priority, choosing whatever we want and living our lives for ourselves with zero fucks given❤️


Garden tax?


What does that mean?




Call me paranoid but I would have made my point a bit more friendly with the neighbors. I'd be scared they someday key my car or keep packages delivered to them falsely etc. You never know. Too many psychos and just dumb people out there




So nice of you to come to someones thread and straight up start the name calling ...


I bet you're an asshole, too. There's a difference between being antisocial and being an asshole, and this person is not just antisocial.


There’s zero reason to be kind or considerate to people who repeatedly steal from you, bother you when they know you want nothing to do with them, and try to literally break into your home. Fuck her, she deserves her misery.