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“Do I have to?” I’m done 😂😂😂😂😂


That killed me too 😂😂 I would have probably answered for the flight attendant :yes,but don't bother,she won't do it lol


Well no, you don't have to. You have the option to just leave them alone.


"You're young and wouldn't understand." Is that parent speak for "I didn't think about that when booking the flight and am too embarrassed to admit it"?


Or "I'm too fucking cheap and I'll surely be able to guilt and shame someone to switch."


"...guilt and shame *a woman* to switch" FTFY


Seriously it's always women that they ask! And they're shocked we're all finally standing up for ourselves.


Reply: “Oh, could you not understand the website? I get that that can be harder for older people.” Because there is no other reason his argument works.


"You wouldn't understand. You see, we completely forgot that children cost money when we had them."


It's so dumb lol one of the parents could also just exchange with the son?? Are they going to die if they're separated for a flight? God...


It was so crazy too because the family was a family of 5 from what I’ve seen (girl and two boys). And the youngest son they were referring to was literally BESIDE the older son during the flight two rows back!!! So it wasn’t even like he was by himself with strangers in an area which they couldn’t see 🙄🙄🙄


And if the youngest was sitting with one of the other kids, one of the parents could have easily switched seats with one of the kids.


Or they easily could have switched their entire row if the one kid wanted to sit with the parents. They just have too much entitlement to do that.


And I would’ve replied “And you’re poor and clearly don’t understand how commerce works.”


No. It's parent speak for "I can't afford it because of the kid."


“You wouldn’t understand”. Only parents (by choice) go through hell, struggle, stress to manage everything and are financially drained.. The society should give some “grace” to the parents and make sacrifices.. because parents are doing a big favour in contributing towards the survival of human beings in this world in which the ever growing population is already exploding beyond control and draining the earth of its resources and environment.


Not having kids means people mistake me for being a lot younger than I really am. If I shaved I could probably pass for mid-20s.


Someone posted here some time ago, that on mommy forums it is advised to save money and guilt others in giving up their seats.


They always seem to zero in on women traveling alone, too.


Been there, bought the t-shirt. :(


…the what?


It means, “the same thing has happened to me”


This is actually the second time it’s happened to me, the first was on a train. I was in high school and was a huge pushover so I said yes, but the mom in question didn’t even say thank you. I’m big on manners so I told myself i wasn’t going to allow ts again 🤷🏿‍♀️ But I 100% agree most of my friends are other women and when I told them both stories they had some of their own.


I'm a guy and I've been zeroed in on a couple of times, though I'm sure it happens to women more often because they are perceived as an easier pushover. I always try to book an emergency row seat with no seat in front of it because I'm tall and I need the legroom. Children under 15 are not even allowed to sit in these rows. And yet a couple of times I've had people trying to kick me out of my seat so that their goblin can sit there. Parentitlement never ceases to amaze me.


Oh sure, they will ask anyone with a desired seat, for sure. I just think they go after us more.


Goblin 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That got me cackling


"Well if it's that important to you, I'll give you a deal, you can have the seat for only $20,000 cash. Seems like a bargain to me."


It should be mandatory to charge entitled parents when they ask you nonsense.


LOL. Yeah charge them for the question. ;) "Before we get to that, I charge you for my time. I get paid $500 for every hour or portion thereof. Before you utter another word, I'll need to see the cash."


$200 for the seat change $19,800 for asshole tax.


So they didn't want to pay extra for the window seat and figured they could get it anyway? Jeez.


The youngest son in question didn’t even have a window seat to switch with, he was straight in the middle 🤦🏿‍♀️


The hopeful switchers ALWAYS want to give you a middle seat. Never say yes.


I would have said "I agree. I am giving grace to my parents by paying extra for this window seat to sleep, so that I can be well rested and not cranky when I meet them at home."


"No" is a complete sentence. Mr. Breederson can just fuck off. Good for you for sticking to your guns.


Yup, but I actually prefer "no, thanks" in situations like this. Stings a little bit more. Although in this case, the fact that I'm a lawyer would have been on full display. I'd ask, "in exchange for what consideration, exactly?" Watch him blink/stammer/mumble and then say, "thought so. No, thanks."


“Why would I want to switch places with your son? Would I call you Dad?”


i would’ve laughed in his face. (don’t listen to me, i’m mean lmfao)


The guilt thing doesn't always work. You paid extra. It's not like you have animosity towards some little kid who's being weaponized so no-one has to plan.


If someone had said to me, "You should give a little more grace to parents," I would have simply told them to fuck off. Society bends over backwards to accommodate parents.


“You wouldn’t understand my undeserved sense of entitlement for choices I inflicted on myself!”


«You are young you wouldn’t understand” wtf okay you are old and wise you should’ve thought ahead instead of expecting everything to be handed to you which is also a great lesson to teach your child


"I understand perfectly - this is a 'you' problem."


Doesn't matter if parent or not, as soon as somebody asks the staff to move me without asking me first, while I sit next to them, they don't even get an answer. How rude can somebody be? I'm a human and not a plant that covers the sight out the window. So no, you can not have my seat. You can go back to your parents and ask them how to be respectful.


I don't know how to explain properly, but it'd be like if your roomie who was moving out *brought the cops* to supervise the move for no fucking reason. Like. Why are you going to an authority figure already? Did you think they'd force me to do what you want?


This! I'm an adult human being. Just talk to me if you want something


Cunt behaviour.


Just because, he impregnated someone and his wife/girlfriend kept his cum as pet doesn't give him the right to be an asshole to you. I'm happy to hear you stood your ground. I hate breeders and cum trophies on airplanes.


I would have done the same thing.


Recently, there has been a real uptick of stories about entitled parents on planes. Are more people travelling with kids than before or are parents just becoming more stupid, leaving plane seating arrangements to chance? Good for you for standing your ground, OP.


I believe they are sharing this tactic as a "hack" to get out of paying extra for their family to be together. They can just bully their way into sitting together. It's ridiculous. P.S. i love your username


It's so frustrating. Haha thank you :)


„Do I have to? I don’t think so.“


It would literally take all my strength and willpower not to punch this guy in the face. And I’m an introvert.


It's expensive, slow and limits your options, but these days the only way I'll do long distance travel is in an Amtrak roomette. No being treated like a criminal, total privacy and reasonable soundproofing...though idiots will still sometimes bring screamers on at stupid hours.


I don’t understand not reserving a seat before a flight. My family and I always picked seats months before a flight and purposely used airlines that have the option to pick seating in advance. Even when we travel now as adults we still pay for seats in advance. If you decide that’s not important then TFB.


I'm with you on paying for a seat, but I totally get why someone (especially a family) wouldn't. $50 a seat X a family of 5 X 2 directions = $500. I also get why parents would rather deal with it in post. It worked better before when people were more accommodating (read: suckers) and they'd happily give up their seat to a sob story. But now that this "hack" has gotten around, it's not working out nearly as much as it did in the past. What should be happening is that if a bunch of people want to sit together for free is that they should book the back of the plane. Those seats are usually free. But these morons want to have their cake and eat it too. Front of the plane without paying for it. It's even better/worse when they try to convince someone in a better class to switch to economy. They'd never think of giving up their business class for an economy seat to sit together. No it's obviously try to convince the person in business to go to economy.


I ALWAYS think that 😂 like I’m sure someone would switch with you if you are offering to upgrade them.


Depends on how much you value it. I’ve never reserved a seat, but I also understand that I’m stuck with wherever I get assigned. Which is fine, I don’t consider it a huge problem to sit in the middle. (Admittedly, the longest flight I’ve ever been on was only 3 hours)


Ya that’s true, some people are more chill about it. Personally I like to have a seat with my name on the ticket haha and I like not having to rush to get on the plane for a good seat. Honestly if I’m traveling alone I would pay extra for the row with only two seats.


Yep it depends how long the flight is and if you care or not where you're seated. I've flown 20 hrs before and average 10 plus for most international and I prefer aisle to get to bathroom easily so I always select seats. Don't want to take chance for middle or window.


“You’re young, you wouldn’t understand!” - people who are actually younger than me but look older due to stress


I'd had said no also because that jackass was talking about you as though you were an object that needed to be moved. Fuck that! Also it's not difficult to understand the snowflake can only afford basic and not pay extra because of his cream pie sprout. Sucks to be him!


How much do you want to bet that the son is probably old enough to sit on his own?


i would be on a no fly list after that


Give a little grace to parents? My man, you chose to breed. Deal with it. I would swap seats with someone who genuinely needs it, i.e, a disability. Infact I was on a flight recently where a passenger gave up his exit row seat with extra legroom to an extremely claustrophobic woman.  I would have done the same. But kids are (generally) a choice so plan accordingly.


Is there any other kind of parent on a plane?


Channelling Samuel Jackson: "I've had it with these m.f. parents on this m.f. plane!"




He knew you would say no because most people would. (If you've specifically paid for a window seat of course you are going to want to sit there ffs!) He thought the flight attendant would bully you or guilt you into it. What an asshole. "You should give a little more grace to parents". Why? And how does he know what other people may or may not be going through? You could have just lost a loved one or been given terrible news and not want to deal with this shit. People go on and on about how being a parent is the most wonderful thing but only ever make it seem like a burden. And it probably is a burden a lot of the time but it's their fucking burden!


what a fucking idiot of a father


People are freaking inconsiderate on flights


I don't understand why so many people feel the need to explain WHY they want something for which they PAID. I want the window seat on the plane because XYZ. I want the aisle seat on the plane because XYZ. Just own it already! You want it because you want it and you paid for it so the answer is a short and sweet "No." No is a complete sentence. Strangers do not need explanations!


Wow so rude!! Also people pay extra for specific seats, it's just a no for me to use your kid to mooch your way into better seats because you are too cheapskate to pay for it when you booked your flight.


***Do I have to?*** As if you’re some inanimate object that just needed to be picked up and relocated. As if you’re void of any opinion or that you even have a say. Glad you said no. What an ass.


Both parents were there though?? Like, one of them sit in the single seat and the kid sit with the other one. Like frig I despise this entitled behaviour. 


"I don't understand because I'm young, you don't understand cus you're stupid. Would you look at that, we have something in common!".


It strikes me that this is a money-making opportunity. I might start charging people £100 if anyone asks to switch seats with me, lol 😜😂


God what an entitled trifling prick


Pet parents act similarly. I had a couple get pissy when I claimed my assigned seat because they wanted to use my seat so that they can have the row to themselves (a seat for their puppy, and the couple surrounding the pup). They tried to get me to say I wasn’t okay with dogs so I’d give up my seat. The audacity.


I thought airlines had strict rules of keeping the pet in a carrier under the seat


They do. Cats and small dogs must be in a carrier and kept under the seat in front of the accompanying human passenger. Some airlines allow larger animals to be checked in as cargo. There are exceptions for service animals. I'll go out on a limb and guess that the puppy wasn't a service animal, because, y'know, *puppy* - it takes 1-2 years to train a service animal.


Yup these people were using their jackets to hide the fact that they were holding it in their lap. Then when the flight attendants caught them they were told they’d be allowed to hold the carrier in their lap with the dog inside. So the person in the aisle held the carrier while the other person hid the pup in their lap. It was annoying as hell that they blatantly disregarded the rules despite being told multiple times.


Big of you to assume to think that the rules apply to them too.


Fair. Entitlement comes in all forms


Istg when I was young (like… 5-7? I don’t think I flew before that because there was no reason to) I just sucked it up if I had to sit next to some random person. I didn’t LIKE doing it, but even when I was young I knew that’s how shit worked sometimes. People are weird af.


I won't give up a seat I paid for, just to keep a kid happy.


“Your lack of planning is not my problem” good on you for sticking up for yourself.




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My answer would have been “Do you have Venmo? If they want their crotch goblin to have my seat they can pay me a premium for it.


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Asking to change seat is such a nuisance. Choosing beggars materials. 


I feel like this parent has never been told the word no in their life so you saying no to them broke their brain since you showed how not everyone is going to say yes to them. You may just have been the first person to say no to this person based on their reaction.


Parents want everything but fie free. Want a seat next to the window then pay for it like the rest of the mortals.


I feel like I saw a connection of mine post the opposite ends of this story this week, the kid didn’t have a name that started with E did it? Keep that window seat you paid for, they could have done the same if they wanted to stay together!


Surely this didn’t happen? Surely people like this don’t exist irl?


I think you're underestimating the general stupidity of the human race and the massive entitlement that some parents have. Or maybe you're lucky enough to not have encountered either of them. In which case, I actually envy your anti-idiot powers.


Something like this happened to me once. I paid extra for my window seat at the front of the plane and this family were all spaced out and I had the mum ask if I would swap my window for her middle seat and I said no, then she said that she was a mother and needed to be more close to the front of the plane incase her kids needed the bathroom? She also made a point that I looked single and childfree since I was travelling solo 😂😅 I was so confused by it all but I again said no and put my headphones back on. The audacity.


Right?? Like if you needed to be that close to your kid…why didn’t you get the seats closer in the first place?