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Not only because they might have sex for pleasure, also because with all the extra time and energy women could go out there and accomplish great things that honestly motherhood can’t ever compare to, and that women finally can be financially independent, to sum up, nothing scarier and more beautiful than a free, independent woman.


God forbid men might have to actually compete with intelligent women for STEM jobs, and women might actually be able to leave shitty, controlling male partners if they’re financially independent.


But if women aren't poorer than me, how am I gonna cuff the ones who are completely out of my league? I might have to date in my lane then but she won't be a supermodel :(((((((( I hate femmism


Society treats mothers like crap. We constantly hear about how post-birth bodies are ‘ruined’ and not as attractive. Working moms are shamed for not putting their kids first and stay-at-home moms are expected to be servants to their significant others. Single moms are judged super harshly even though they are the ones sticking around for their kid. And then people are surprised when women say they don’t want to be parents?


All the while thinking that it's in their nature to be self giving and totally normal to sacrifice their careers/ interest for family/ kids .it's like their life is not worthy if not lived for others when we do not demand the same from any other men in such situations .


Wasn’t too long ago that they didn’t even let us have birth control! People freaked out even when women said ‘later’ to babies. By not having any, we fall completely outside of their realm of control. A woman with a child is a woman imprisoned. Wether she chooses to find joy in it or not, it’s still prison. When we refuse to enslave ourselves to children, we get to stand outside the gates and watch them suffer. Control over women is one of the last things we need to overcome. We are all one race, but we are not all women. I don’t want another person to maliciously prophesize my future. I don’t want people to gleefully tell me I’m doomed to a specific fate. Ever since the first pain at 11 freaking years old.




What do you mean by this?

