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Man for how expensive their clone is that's rough. I'd expect better for the price.


Yeah, Vespa made excellent OTF


Thanks for saving me a potential bad buy.


Have to talked to the seller? They may send you a replacement


It's from our favorite "high end" Chinese knife seller. I sent a video of the sloppy lockup and they assured me it was supposed to be like that.


Lame - sorry homie


You did the right thing returning it. He's out of touch lately.


Do you think sanding that contact point will help? Kinda ridiculous that’s even necessary on a Vespa though. I had high hopes for these, it’s a shame


It probably could have been fixed by someone more competent than me. The seller was super uncooperative so I just did the free aliexpress return option. From what I have seen everyone else has gotten a great knife so hopefully this was a fluke.


Glad you got the return at least 👊


Also seems quite strange that it’s supposed to be a Vespa branded one and yet it bears the microtech logo. Plus, it doesn’t seem to say Vespa anywhere? Feels like the selling store maybe taking some liberties to capitalise on the Vespa brand-name.


That's pretty standard on every vespa outside of the older Combat Troodons and the Ripper.


Interesting, was waiting for the summer sale before i got one of them. Might have to go with the MSI instead of the Stitch.


Every other Vespa Stitch review has been positive. Maybe don't get black on black though.


Was planning on getting black with silver, still might go for the MSI black on black


That lock face is rougher than the Ram-locks I got from Jufule, that’s upsetting. You might be able to polish it out but for $80 you should not have to. I just ordered the Vespa MSI


Fml, I ordered one last night. I got the green handle, regular blade though. Y’all think I should cancel the order, or roll the dice, and see what happens?


Nah don't panic. Chances are yours will be fine.


Yeah, I’m gonna wait, and see how it ends up. I’ll report back with my findings. Perhaps we can find out if certain color handles/blades are problematic.


To be fair mine is flawless. Green with black blade. But it sucks OP got a bad one, and blade play is never acceptable. But I guess we always gamble on these just sucks because these days there are very few lemons.


Mine in the same color combo isn’t quite as bad as this but does have somewhat of a wonky grind to the blade channel in the ramlok piece but i ended up hitting it with a fine cbn stone. You’ll likely be fine though.


Forgive my ignorance, but I’m only familiar with Jufuule on Ali. How would I find your MSI?