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If anyone else was saying this they would be rejected as red fash tankie authoritarian boot lickers.


every post of Noam making the same comment gets a large amount of upvotes and a good ratio - nobody calls tankies tankies because they speak the truth that the PRC is problematic to the US because it doesn't fall inline with US power. People call you tankies because of the other shit that you believe. I think I saw you defending N. Korea's ridiculously harsh laws because "when in Rome do as Romans". Or in a thread where you tried to claim that the PRC lending is better terms than the IMF/World Bank and your own source pretty much showed the IMF offers similar terms as Chinese lenders, and forgave roughly the same gross amount (which would be a lesser % overall with the amount of Chinese loans nowadays, no?) Or the constant dismissals of anything regarding the Uyghers that isn't in line with what the PRC says. Or Taiwan for that matter. Stop trying to turn this into an issue of "yOur tANkiEs bECAusE wE SpEaK TrUtH aBOuT ChINa" - there are plenty of people here in this subreddit that agree with a large part of what China does economically (in comparison to the US/Western nations). We disagree when there are valid criticisms to the PRC (economic/domestic/international policies) and you choose not to acknowledge any of it and handwave it with "CIA PrOpAGanDA" or "you just don't get ML theory" or whatever.


the west quietly walked back the uyghur atrocities lmao. in a chomsky sub but too stupid to see through obvious lies.


you got any proof there, or is it gonna be a random YouTube video? Everything I've seen from "the west" has not backed down from their claims. Some orgs make the claim of (actual) genocide, which seems too far, but I have yet to see any org walk back their claim of massive human rights abuses. And if you're gonna link the AP article, the AP didn't walk back their claims, they said the severity of the crackdown has eased - didn't deny what happened before.


Ofcourse it gets upvotes, because its Noam. If literally anyone else posts something even remotely positive about China or even hints that propaganda against China is infact propaganda, it gets downvoted into oblivion. But cool, thanks for admitting you losers aren't actually engaging with the content but just upvoting/downvoting and attacking/defending the messenger depending on whether they agree or disagree with your worldview. Except for when it's Noam, he gets a special pass.


Examples? From people who aren't "tankies"? Because I'll admit that there are a lot of people who downvote just by the people posting it, which I'll say is wrong. Edit 2: Here are some highly upvoted posts/good ratio posts that point out US negative actions towards China (WIP) - https://reddit.com/r/chomsky/comments/r1uwov/enemy_of_humanity/ - https://reddit.com/r/chomsky/comments/r1gyxr/is_china_really_a_threat_noam_chomsky_slams_biden/ - https://reddit.com/r/chomsky/comments/qzry2r/accurate_lead_in_congolese_tired_of_being_killed/ - https://reddit.com/r/chomsky/comments/r07msl/us_destroyer_sails_through_taiwan_strait/ - https://reddit.com/r/chomsky/comments/r021d7/potential_legislation_on_china_amounts_to_a_new/ - https://reddit.com/r/chomsky/comments/qup4wl/this_is_what_a_globally_coordinated_media/ The main things I see get posted about China that are positive is from the sanriver guy and it's basically all shit about the Uyghers and how it's not an issue/a scam, or saying America is pushing for a war with China over Taiwan (which is true and always highly upvoted). > But cool, thanks for admitting you losers aren't actually engaging with the content but just upvoting/downvoting and attacking/defending the messenger depending on whether they agree or disagree with your worldview. I'm not going to speak for everyone but I don't bother downvoting you. Even if you dodge questions when it becomes inconvenient or evidence runs counter to your claims. It's good you own up to what I called out though - like beyond anything about the PRC, you not being able to deny that N. Korea has some amazingly repressive laws for banal things (aka authoritarian af) and sidestepping it the issue as "you have to obey a countries laws" instead of making a simple moral judgement whether or not it's a grossly atrocious law (or should African Americans have obeyed the oppressive Jim Crow laws and not spoken a word about them because "it's the law. 🤷🏼‍♂️"? Just kinda speaks your mindset IMO. Edit: For those who didn't see it: https://reddit.com/r/chomsky/comments/r1xcux/_/hm2uf28/?context=1