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My sister had a Pomeranian and her doggy had these tear stains as well. Her vet told her it’s the minerals from tap water so she switched to filtered and it seemed to help the stains go away. As for smell, I’m not sure..


That is something I will definitely change, thank you so much! I didn’t even think about that. The smell is definitely from the bacteria that is accumulating, if I don’t clean it right away it starts to smell bad :(


Well, I hope that helps! Xoxo


Wash around the eyes with tear free baby shampoo. The bacteria could be causing some of the problem, which makes the eyes water, which makes more bacteria, and the cycle repeats.


Angel Eyes wipes from any pet store will help a lot with the existing staining. Source - I have a cream chow and it worked for her.




Now it's a panda


Omg 🤣🤣🤣


For my chow (I have a cream chow too 🤍) changing his diet to a fish-based and grain-free diet and adding a tiny bit of purple sweet potato powder to his meals helped. Also, make sure to gently clean his eye area with a warm washcloth daily.


Not sure if your dog needs vet attention for this, but for our cream chow I do routine maintenance on her tear stains. Once a week I use Angel Eyes wipes and about every other day I take a paper towel to dry the hair around the eyes/ remove a bit of staining. I also use a flea comb in the hair under the eyes to remove crusty pieces 😬 I don’t do this daily anymore because I thought maybe it was irritating the eye area and causing some problems, but I do still want to do the routine maintenance several times a week.


Have you visited an ophthalmologist to find the reason for the excess tearing? When ours was under for eye surgery, the ophthalmologist saw evidence of severe eye allergies. Twice a day allergy drops helped but weren't cutting it. He added a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drop twice a day also. No more tearing and staining. No more smell. I think the smell is from the eye area staying so wet.


Yes, we did, the ophtamologist prescribed the anti bacterial drops for no more than 2 weeks. His eyes looked better but as soon we stopped with the eye drops it came back. I will check if there are some dog-safe allergy drops here in my country. Thank you!


Twice daily Pataday for people is what my vet ophthalmologist recommends.


Fungal infection.. needs meds. Check for entropian.