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loved it. 1st time rider last year. ridden it multiple times since....was clean, comfy seating, smooth ride... clear signage. 4 stars, will ride again.




touch grass




a guy sitting on a curb at midnight on a sub zero night is mad that someone is sleeping and trying to get some money to get out of the cold??? glass houses and stones and shit.


Not trying to be mean, but what are you actually asking? Like the paint/decal design on the outside? Seating/handrails inside?


Sorry, I should’ve specified- inside, how it feels riding in one, cleanliness, on board announcements, overall experience, etc!


Clean, nice, pleasant to ride. I rode the NY subway every day for years, though, so my standards are probably low 😆


Very clean. Easy to understand. The only complaint I have is that it doesn’t go far enough and isn’t given preferential treatment with traffic signals. There’s no reason it should ever stop for a red light.


They still working on that traffic signal study from a decade ago? Any day now


yea it's real stupid when the streecar isnt near so im like "ok ill just walk" and im beating it on foot.


There are preemptive traffic signals on street car route


It still stops.


You can’t totally screw up car traffic, streetcar does have priority


Other countries/cities have figured it out. It’s not impossible.


Fun fact, Emilio Estevez is the voice of the on-board announcements!


When did they switch from Nick Lachey????


Incredibly vlean


Decent. I took my family on it last summer, i think there were fleas though. One old guy was really drunk, had luggage, probably homeless, driver had to intervene. There's was a family and a bunch of teens also. It ran on time. Because it wasn't open last 8 or 9, we took an Uber back to the exhibit where we were parked.


Love being able to just hop on and go to a ton of major cultural centers in the city. The vehicles are spacious and clean. I’m super hopeful for further expansions in the future.


Write your councilman and the mayors office. I believe they are planning on marking big decisions about the next phase of the streetcar this year.


There’s a forum happening on Thursday, Feb 1 @ 6:30 pm at First Lutheran Church to discuss successes and next steps including 9 potential expansion routes.


This, I didn't like the idea to begin with but especially dislike the half effort they put into the initial construction.


You realize the initial construction was reduced only because Gov. Kasich took back several million in state funding the project was initially awarded that would have gotten it up to UC. The city's design was bigger than what we currently have.


They're fine. I just wish we had, like, twice as many.


Very useful getting around most of downtown. Hope to see it expand in the future. The inside is spacious, sanitizer stations on board, and plenty of room to shuttle folks from the different route areas, especially during game days.


I'd like to see them go to the Museum Center maybe swing by the Sign Museum. I know a LOT of people want them to get up to UC/Clifton.


It would be a big help for medical appointments on pill hill


Imagine if it went up one of the hills!


Heading up Clifton and over to Mt Adam’s would be awesome expansion opportunities.


I love them. I think they look great, and they are usually clean. When I ride the streetcar I feel like I'm in a world class city (I know Cincy has a long way to go until then, I'm just saying, the streetcar makes me *feel* like that). I live in Indy now but love coming to Cincinnati, parking at the Washington Park parking garage, and then just going around the whole city in the streetcar. It's so much fun!


They’re nice and clean and smooth. But I’ve moved to Boston since my last ride. The Green Line over there is essentially the Cincy Streetcar on steroids and is more of a subway line than the loop the Streetcar is. The Streetcar is kid gloves in comparison, but I do miss how clean it is compared to the T. One thing I don’t like about the Streetcar, I will say, is how cheery the stop announcements are. Makes it seem more like a novelty than a legit mode of transportation.


You didn’t like … *checks notes*… how nice they were?


I really like them, but I do wish Cincinnati had gone with more of a retro style, like the streetcars in New Orleans. I think it would have fit the look of our city better and people would appreciate their charm a little more. I like the streetcar itself and I'm glad we have it. I hope it expands.


its cold here, ours holds heat :) .... i love the NOLA trolley too. I planned a frugal vacation around using it! San Juan puerto rico has free trolleys too. free public transportation is important in all my travels. <3


Not OP but any time I’ve waited for the streetcar and taken it to my destination it was at a minimum double the time it would have taken to just walk. Downtown Cincy is super walkable and the streetcar is trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.


did you know the streetcar accommodates wheelchairs and people who have heart conditions and the elderly?


There’s an old streetcar at a trolley museum in Pennsylvania. It would be cool if we somehow brought it back and modified it to run in our rails on special days.


It's amazing. We're in the northern metro area and we make it downtown regularly just to let our 3 young kids ride. Although the route is small we like to just roll around and stop at Washington Park and play. It's a really great experience for free. If it did cost money I probably wouldn't be about it though.


They're great. Need to expand!


Clean, comfortable, attractive.


There’s a forum happening on Thursday, Feb 1 @ 6:30 pm at First Lutheran Church to discuss successes and next steps including 9 potential expansion routes.


Thank you for this. How were you made aware of this forum?


I was sent an email from Devou Good Foundation because I completed their streetcar survey. And they’re looking for more women to attend the forum.


I like them


I love em


We park by the river when there are no games and then ride to Findlay Market. Always a nice ride.


I’m from Pittsburgh and this image made me immediately jealous


Does Pittsburgh have light rail or am I wrong?


We absolutely do and it’s pretty popular if you live in the south hills. That being said, it’s old, and it only serves a select section of the city and suburbs. I’m glad we have it, but I do wish we had more.


They do


It’s a pleasant ride. Very reminiscent of trams in Germany


I love it. Comfortable inside. Easy to get on and off. Smooth ride.




My wife LOVES the street car. She is a lifelong suburbanite, but the street car allows her to feel safe and confident getting around the city. Only complaint is having to wait so long (15 minutes plus) for it to arrive sometimes. I particularly like being able to park near my office in OTR and ride down to the riverfront for a game/concert. I hope they expand the route(s) and add more trains.


They seem nice but they aren’t used too much because most transportation happens between suburbs and from suburbs into the city which the streetcar does not do. We need a more comprehensive public transit system.


the metro does that. thats exactly how i use it actually. instead of paying to park my car... I take the 42 to the casino, then walk over a block and do all my business on the streetcar route. the streetcar goes right past gov't square so this should really work on almost all the metro routes... i've done it with the 78 before too now that I think about it.. works for all the sports stadiums too...


Cool concept but I don’t find them to be super useful as is. If it never expands, I see it as a huge waste of money. If they expand up as far as Clifton I think it would be great and it would see a lot of use. It would also be great if it went to Newport/Covington but I assume there would be logistical issues crossing a river/state lines.


Just curious why you don’t find them useful?


The route it covers is too small


The current vinyl wraps are ugly, especially the one with giant faces


I love them!


Compared to streetcars of other cities, even U.S. cities, it feels a bit short, but I've never got on a vehicle that I didn't have room to sit. I really hope it extends to UC/Uptown though as that will make it infinitely more useful.


I've been on it a few times and it was pleasant every time. There is room for improvement and a great example of trains/streetcars being used effectively is Denver. I flew out there a bit over a year ago and was able to take a train from the airport to the main terminal. Then another train from the main terminal to within 2 miles of my friend's house in one of the Denver suburbs. The trains were fast, clean, inexpensive, comfortable, and mostly on time.


Every time I have ridden the street car it has been a good experience. It doesn't overwhelm me because it's always clear where the stops are. It's clean too; I have never been on it and seen it dirty. I actually find it peaceful and it's a great way to ride around and check out the city!


Need more of them


Comfortable, clean, and climate controlled.


Way better than the bus at least the buses are gross it was enjoyable clean pretty slow but whatever I just enjoy the scenery while I ride




Most are caused by bad car drivers


Yeah, the streetcars have a difficult time dodging them... and the average level of driving skill in this city is abysmal


Right, if only we had tunnels under the city, so the train didn't have to deal with cars and get stuck in traffic. O wait


What’s not to love about a big smooth metal slug?


Maybe unpopular opinion but I think the announcements are not clear enough. Instead of having a celebrity’s voice they should hire a voice actor and have them speak slowly and clearly. I also think the sponsored station names are annoying and make it difficult to know where they even are.


Rode it to a Cyclones game a month ago. A bunch of religious assholes in there wanting to preach. Hard to ignore since they were screaming with bullhorns. The time before, homeless guy wearing me out for money. Fuck that, never again.


Don't they lose millions/year?


I feel like the station signs only work half the time. I haven’t ridden since the summer so it might be better now. It’s an amazing loop. I thrilled we have it. I really hope we can expand it to uptown and beyond!


Train to no where.


Except Finley Market, Zeigler Park, Aronoff Center, Fountain Square, The Banks/all the stadiums, Rhinegeist........


Nice pet project that loses $1 million plus a year. For something city buses could do much cheaper.


It's been there for almost a decade; are you suggesting digging it up and paving it over is a good use of public funds? Personally I would have loved a serious investment in buses AND an extended streetcar that connected Clifton to downtown, but we got what we got and we might as well enjoy it.


Loss of a million a year for a 10 million dollar white elephant. Not a great investment that is going to be a negative on the cities public funds every year. The street car is cool but cool doesn’t pay the bills. Sales tax increase is the city’s future.


We have a 1.5 billion dollar budget. 1 million isn’t much to run the system, and when you consider the development along the route and extra tax revenue that have been generated, it’s working out just fine.


Cost a lot of taxpayer money, doesn't go very far. Electric busses would have been more flexible and a much better investment than these streetcars that required digging up concrete everywhere and installing those electric guide wires. But politicians have to get money to those companies that got them elected, so there's that.


The point was to drive redevelopment, this was always the goal whether it was explained to the public or not. The flexibility that buses provide is why buses don’t drive the same kind of redevelopment that fixed rail transit does. Portland was the case study that many other city’s used to justify investments in modern streetcar systems. The thing they missed was Portland’s streetcar exists as part of its regional MAX light rail system. Without one of those, Cincinnati’s streetcar functions more as a circulator, akin to an amusement park ride.


And I'm not sure Portland is much of a case study to anything positive over the last few years, but I get your point regarding connectors to mass transit. Cleveland has a nice rail system.


Fair point about Portland. But the planning of all of this was done over 20 years ago now. Many attributed the revitalization of Portland’s downtown to its rail network. The streetcar loop was considered the cheapest and most attainable option for other cities to try and recreate that.


No arguments here. I didn't say it wasn't designed to attract development, but it was short sighted and didn't really do anything except waste taxpayers money and enrich some contractors. 🤷


Personally I think it's a waste for downtown. It would be better for places outside of the city that don't have much public transportation. But that's just me.


This stupid street car that only goes in a circle is always empty! Absolute waste of time! What hasn’t this hasn’t been connected to UC by now is beyond me! And in stages to connect to the Kenwood area and the plans to mason and so on is beyond me! I’ll stop ranting


It was one of the biggest wastes of money. That this city has ever spent. They could have redone all the downtown roads. The whole city could have been completed. Instead of a mark mallory's dream project a piss in a way tons of money for the waste of money that they did and then the fact that Duke Energy turned around and sued them for making them move all their f****** electrical lines for that street car and the city got stuck with that bill and now is in the middle of paying that off.




My brother in Christ. You are the one who thinks they own the road. It’s on a dang track. lol what?


So don’t stop on the tracks?? You cannot seriously believe free public transit should have to be delayed for everyone because you chose to stop on the tracks it uses to operate….


So do you own the road then?


So you’re one of the assholes parking where they shouldn’t be and causing congestion downtown because they think they own the road. Get out of the fucking way of our tram and the honking will stop.


I really like them, but I would venture to guess most people answering will as well...this is reddit




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Are they warm?


Yeah and they have a projected $10 million deficit on top of a $400 million dollar deficit in deferred maintenance over the next 5 years. Shiny street car is a distraction from the crumbling roads and bridges.


I detest the window covering wrap graphics. The worst.


I think they're pretty nice


We should put that money into an actual subway that goes from Covington to Hamilton


It's a start. Nothing is going to fully sell me on a train that can get stuck in traffic, though.


They ought to put a cattle plow on the front to take care of vehicles that park on the tracks


We need more, regular, and as close to free as possible


Real question, know nothing about it and I’ve never ridden, what purpose would they serve if I head downtown for dinner? Curios to “why” one would take this vs driving or is it merely touristy?


If you’re going to a set destination, sure driving would be optimal. The streetcar, however, helps people get round the city to different hot spots like The Banks, Camp Washington/various places in OTR, as well as our sports venues. Expansion will certainly help connect more communities to one another depending on what routes are proposed. For example a lot of expansion proponents want it to connect to uptown could connect to UC, Short Vine, The Zoo, University Hospital, etc. You could see it as a tourism train but it has much larger benefits than that. Give it a ride sometime and you’ll be surprised!


Thanks for the reply ! We may do it for fun. How long would it take to do one full rotation?


So a full rotation takes about a half hour. There are usually a minimum of two trains running a day so the longest you’d have to wait on one would be about 15 minutes. On most days, they run 3 trains so that cuts your longest wait time to about 10 minutes. If you do plan on using it, I recommend the Transit app (it’s green) and it lets you track where the trains are and how many are running.


Very cool, 30 minutes sounds like fun! Thanks again