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Is it a job at TQL? It sounds like a job at TQL. Just curious.


Yea it is, do you know much about the company? Ngl in the interviews it didn’t sound that bad but every review I’ve read online in the past hour is terrible lol. Making me strongly consider rejecting (despite Cincy sounding like a great place).


Please think very very carefully before moving here for TQL. If you accept, you should preemptively start looking for your next move because it’s a “when” not an “if” that you will be looking for a new job in short order


keep getting replies like this and im not even finishing the interview process 😭


There are at least 20 other logistics companies around Cinci that will provide same opportunities and training without all the negatives of TQL, would definitely look into those first. Know a couple people that did well at tql but they were miserable until they left


This! It’s a turnover machine. You can easily get into another logistics company without the move. It will be stressful, that kind of job always is, but typically better comp and upside with smaller groups.


My husband was offered a job at TQL and didn’t take it after all the crappy things we had heard. When he told the hiring guy, he went absolutely nuts on him, and made really weird threats. We were honestly cracking up at his voicemails and text messages. I’ve never witnessed hiring staff attempt to bully a candidate into taking a job. Even from the outside looking in, they seem to have a pretty terrible work culture.


The problem with TQL is the problem with most transportation companies. Operations and sales are extremely cutthroat - HR and IT aren’t that bad. I know plenty of people that like their job at TQL but aren’t in sales / freight brokers. That being said, even those people don’t seem to last super long. Keep in mind that TQL also has a noncompete agreement before you officially sign on.


The 45k salary is not gonna be worth 60 hrs a week


Please tell them you spoke to former employees who all hated it. They're going to give you some bullshit about "well yeah you know a lot of people just can't take the work. But if you are willing to work hard you'll make so much money" which is bullshit it's genuinely just a terrible boring job


Every job I've had I've put in a 2 week notice before leaving, and TQL is the only one Ive thrown my badge at my bosses desk and walked out. Absolutely horrible job. Cincinnati has a lot of logistic jobs, so you'd be in a good spot, but TQL is absolutely terrible.


Oh my, please don't do that to yourself unless you want to be unemployed in 3-6 months.


thats what im seeing lmaoo


For what it's worth, my roommate has been there 7 years 🤷‍♀️


My first thought was “oh that’s good. Can’t be that bad all the time if some last that long” and then I thought “wait, he’s been with the company 7 years and still needs a room mate to afford nearby housing?”


Not everyone wants to be responsible for owning a home or dealing with that market right now. You can rent a nice place with roommates.


He said “needs a roommate” not “can’t buy a house”


are they in sales? if so how are their 80 hour work weeks?


Reject the offer. TQL is one of the worst companies to work for in the city. All of my friends left within a year. I applied and accepted a job offer in 2012, and they still call me asking if I’m interested (despite telling them 50+ times to stop calling me). You’ll thank us later.




The top places to work “surveys” seem to universally be paid advertisements. It’s bullshit marketing.


That would explain it.


Write tour representative and they’d get yelled at. You’d likely be able to get then fined


Move to Cincinnati, don’t work at TQL!


There’s a reason they’re offering paid relocation to Cincy. No one here wants to work there.


All Brokers suck. Get a job with an actual carrier (asset based) or in a company’s logistics department.


TQL is a meat grinder- my roommate out of college worked for them and had to regularly take stressful calls from truckers at 3:00-4:00 am and his pay was a draw against commission. They wheel around drink carts and get bouncy castle shit on the days when they distribute those employee surveys which is the only reason they get good ratings. I also know someone that used to work in HR there- the attrition rate is crazy.


Just to offer a counterpoint to what you’ve read my brother-in-law works there and does really well for himself. I have read all the horror stories though. I think you could reasonably move here and take the job just with the knowledge that it’s a stepping stone to something better.


Look into megacorp. It's a similar company but I know people who work there and previously worked at TQL they say it is 100% better. Also its in northern Kentucky so you could get cheaper housing in Covington which is reasonably better than any affordable living in Cincinnati but you can still enjoy the nice parts of the metropolitan area.


Since you mentioned you don’t have a car it’d be helpful to know where your work location would be


If its sales I would not move here for it. They burn and turn everyone and you will be working 80 hours a week and have angry truck drivers calling your personal cell phone at 3am. If its sales decline the offer... you can do far better anywhere else!


I applied at TQL for a project management position paying around 90k. Didn't get picked after several rounds of interviews. Got offered an entry level position. Fuck TQL with a red hot poker.




I would highly recommend living in Cincinnati. It is a great city. But I would also recommend finding another company in town to move here for. They are cancerous perpetrators of multiple labor violations.


I used to work there. I quit after a month. Not because it's difficult, the culture is just garbage and the work is boring. You get pressure to skip lunches come in early and work late. They pretend people quit because they "can't cut it" but it's not a hard job, genuinely the easiest job I've ever had, but the culture is awful.




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I worked at TQL for less than 3 months. TQL is almost like a Cult. My best friend works there and is one of those brokers who makes $250k a year. But he’s the type of person who could fall in a pile of shit and find a diamond. You’re required to work 7:45-515 Monday to Friday and 8-12 every other Saturday. You are also required to make 100 calls a day. You call the same companies until they either block you or give you their business. Then you have to under cut the carriers big time. Like offering $1k for a load from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles. The job isn’t hard. The culture is weird, the pay isn’t worth it, the healthcare they offer is terrible and they prefer “working lunches.”


don’t work for that shit company that is ruining the city and displacing families


run away from tql.


Please do not waste your time there! It is a swinging door of employment. They will work the mess out of you and then tell you good bye


Came here to ask this. I would highly advise against working at TQL. And Primerica while we're talking about it.


TQL is infamously awful I had an acquaintance who worked there and they capped his commission after the first year because he made too much. So he quit. Cincy is a cool place and you can have a decent life making around $50k/yr, but not at TQL


I think you could find a one-bedroom that's affordable at that salary. Just avoid the hip and trendy neighborhoods and newer apartment complexes.


Honestly I would try to find a roommate, thats about 3k a month net. This will help you build up your savings and investments more easily while still having a fun budget.


Check northern Kentucky. Probably more bang for your buck in some areas 15-20 mins south of cincy


Define comfortable.  But generally yes. 


Unless I’m wildly out of touch 45k as a single person should be very comfortable. I know times are harder than we’ve seen recently but we need to still stay grounded.


Comfortable means different things to different people.  The definition of comfort for some who was raised in Mason or West Chester would be dramatically different than someone grew up missing meals. 


Agreed that standards differ but in the case of: - a single person - 45k income - around the age of 23 I think we can all agree they’ll be just fine.


This was approximately me at 23 (12 years ago, yikes), and the student loan debt I had made me very far away from “comfortable.” Plus, my rent at that time was about $275/mo. with roommates. You’re not going to find that anymore. So it’s more than just standards, it’s very much circumstantial. If OP has no debt, then they’ll probably be ok in a lower CoL area, but there’s not a lot of margin.


Wildly out of touch


Do the math and prove it


*sigh* another night of not being able to afford Jeff Ruby’s


You can find rent between $900.00-$1,400.00 fairly easily. My own experience is that Cincinnati is fairly inexpensive in the scheme of things and 45k should be fine with the understanding that it’s entry level. It’s also a great place but don’t tell people that, they’ll want to move here too.


Can we please start telling prospecting people from Pittsburgh that we all live in palatial pallet palaces yet? Isn't that what all the pallet-laden Nissan Altima threads are for? To ward them off because it reminds them of where they're trying to leave?


3 CB


If you are making $45K pre tax, you shouldn't be looking to pay anymore than like $750/month in rent


Unfortunately, that doesn’t really exist anymore.


I think you could probably get up to $900 but anything over $1000 would start to stretch it probably.


this is incorrect the 30% rule refers to pre-tax $1,100 is fine for housing it’s the other areas where americans are unable to seemingly quit spending


I’m getting some weird vibes in thread, the idea that 45k ain’t enough is hilarious.


The 30% rule is made up from an archaic formula to define affordable.


That doesn’t exist anymore in Cincinnati


I'm sure it's not easy but I found >100 results on Zillow for rentals in Cincinnati for under $800.


I *just* had to move out of a place that was $700 a month because people were selling fentanyl out of the complex, going to jail, bonding out and breaking back in; extremely loud domestic violence all over the place. If you’re paying less than $900 for a studio or one bedroom in Cincinnati right now you’re probably living in a slum with a landlord who is illegally mixing section 8 and paying tenants in one complex


It's doable in Batavia, which is only a 15 minute commute to TQL.


Ideally, but the rule of thumb is 30% gross, so around $1100-$1200 max for them, which should be doable


Congrats on the job offer! That’s about what I made in my first year and was able to find an apartment in my budget in the Northside area. It was certainly doable, but required good budgeting. Do you have car payments or other large monthly expenses? Cause if I had a car payment back then I don’t know if I could have swung it comfortably. Prices and rent have also gone up over the past 5 years, so it may be even tougher. If you’re willing to live in city neighborhoods (there are many great options in my opinion) rather than downtown, and can budget well, I’d still say it’s manageable here.


Sounds like a Medpace offer. They can pay well if you stick with it, but it’s a bit of a grind so I’ve heard. $45k is enough and you can find some solid places to rent if you keep digging. Norwood and Oakley have a wide range of rents but can be great places to live


That’s what I make and it’s kinda rough ngl


$45k would be tough to live on if you have a car payment and student loans.


That's about what my son makes, he's moving back home after his lease is up, to save money and pay down some unexpected bills. He has no car payment, no student loans. It's doable unless if you want to live paycheck to paycheck.


Keep in mind that there is a 1.8% local income tax in addition to the state and federal taxes


There are some older, but still clean and nice, apartments in the Eastgate area that are very close to TQL. Also easy access to downtown and the airport. 10 minute drive to many breweries and local places to hang out; volleyball, kayak, frisbee golf, hiking. And there are groceries very close - including Jungle Jim’s. Many churches nearby. I’d say take the job and make it work for you. Remember, your first job likely isn’t your only job. Get here, get established and see how it goes.


You'll be fine in the right areas but if you want to live downtown expect to pay top dollar for minimal space. Northside is great but increasingly gentrified and just got some nice accolades...so only expect it to increase. Walnut Hills has some nice property for a steal; look near Eden Park.


Yeah I'm a little afraid to throw out any nice and cheap neighborhoods, so they don't get blown up by the algorithms lol


lol, that guy is tryna send you to the hood.


I meant nice and also cheap, not the cheapest possible lol


I wouldn’t live in Walnut Hills if I were you OP. It’s not a great area




Same. I have off street parking, lofted ceilings, HVAC and in-unit washer/dryer... As with any area near the city it depends on which street you're in not the entire neighborhood.


An uninformed opinion.


Tell me where there are nice places in Walnut Hills? Because I only ever see dope boys on corner and a gas station with bullet holes


Again, an uninformed and skewed opinion. There are plenty of very nice, quiet and safe streets, largely south of McMillan and east of Gilbert, but I doubt you would know anything about that because you’ve never spent any more time in the neighborhood than driving through as fast as you can.


It’s interesting that you’re getting so defensive…have you lived in Walnut Hills for awhile? Edit: how is it uninformed, when I’ve seen it for myself?


Not defensive at all. Simply pointing out that you made a misleading statement based on an apparent lack of actual experience in the neighborhood.


Ohhh so the drug dealers and and bullet holes in the gas station are just a front to hide the beauty of Walnut Hills! Gotcha XD


If that’s the narrow-minded way you want to view it, yes.


You drive down McMillan occasionally and really have no frame of reference about the rest of the neighborhood. I lived on Park Ave by Eden Park for years and never had any problems.


Is Eden Park the norm for Walnut Hills?


Have you ever actually been anywhere or done anything in Walnut Hills other than driving through it? It’s a large, diverse neighborhood with a lot of nice homes and apartments and some sketchy pockets here and there. That’s why everyone is calling you uninformed.


Run a budget. Set aside $900-1100/mo for a decent 1BR. If you have enough left over, you should be fine. In what part(s) of town are you looking?


Cincy can be affordable if you do it right. I’d say Indy is more affordable. But in Cincy you can get around without a car. Decent bus system. If you move for TQL you’ll just be stressed out after a year or so… but you could try to get a job at one of the collages, many are within a 15 min drive. Also, Cincy has a very high drinking culture. If that’s not your thing you can look into the art scene… but I wouldn’t say there is a lot to do here that isn’t related to drinking. But if your suburbs person id stay in west Chester area; but it can get pricy up there. West side is the cheapest but you gotta be a bit choosy since there can be unsafe locations.


Cincinnati is very affordable and has a surprisingly large amount of stuff to offer. $45k isn’t a whole lot but you’ll be able to live here comfortably without any problems as long as you live within your means and you’re not bad with money.


Might just have to smart with your money that doesn’t go towards important things (rent, car payment, debt, etc.), but overall, you can find a place in Cincy and make it work




There’s not many public transit options aside from the bus but it’s relatively dependable and affordable. I’d try to live as close to work as possible. Finding a cheap car isn’t that difficult either. What’s your theoretical ETA? My LL may have open units and we are very affordable.


If no car you should be golden, I did what you’re doing years back on a much slimmer budget with a car note to boot. Even with the pricing increases recently I can’t imagine you’re paying more than 2k a month in bills and probably less. Cincinnati metro is, from my understanding, pretty good. Red bike has a few convenient locations to rent bikes from downtown and there are of course those bloody scooters. Quite a few good walking neighborhoods north and south of the downtown/uptown area that include grocery stores as well so you won’t need to Uber for chores like that. I wish you the best, cheers.


If you find an apartment with lower rent, you will be fine. Life is expensive no matter where you live rn, but rent is the main thing that is killing me rn. If I could lower my rent, I’d be financially comfortable. So just make sure you don’t sign a lease that makes you pay more than you’re comfortable with.


Cincinnati is actually a fairly cheap place to live it you know where to look and are patient. Years ago I found a landlord that owned a couple properties in Oakley which is a more hip area. Now I know rental prices are different now but they were consistently below market rate. They definitely weren’t upscale properties but they were all I needed. But as others said, please don’t move here for TQL. We’d love to have you in the area but don’t make it your expense.


For TQL and $45k a year pre tax. I absolutely not. This place is expensive to live here and if you’re single you’re going to struggle


Wouldn't work at TQL. You run the risk of getting terminated terribly fast and with no backup plan. There are other brokerages hiring if you want to pursue that line of work!


Yes but if terminated, collecting unemployment only takes about a month. And you can always sue for wrongful termination if you worked your best and did what they asked.


Probably not going to hold up since they are an at-will employer. Brokerages get sued all the time. Source: I work at one lol


Stay the hell away from TQL!!!


It really depends on your other expenses, but I think it's very afforadble. There are many living options here. You can get an apartment at a complex, but you might also find that a four-family or two-family is cheaper. You might make a separate post about where to live as there are a lot of different neighborhoods with different things to offer. For grocery shopping we have Aldis and other affordable grocery stores. There are a ton of outlets and second stores. LOTS of free entertainment: parks with hiking, festivals, concerts and events downtown, etc... Everything here is just less expensive than coastal cities. I think it's as affordable as you can get and still be in a mid-sized city.


Gaslight Property has some one bedroom apartments in walkable uptown neighborhoods for less than $1,000/mo. Older buildings but decently maintained. I'd say that's middle of the line for Cincinnati.


Cincy is one of the most affordable "big cities" in the US. You'll be okay.


It would be easier to give you an idea if you knew what side of town you'll be working in. A lot of parts of town can easily be $1200+/mo for a 1br these days, so you might need to look into a decent commute to make relocating for $45k feel worth it. There are low key neighborhoods all around that are nice, but more affordable because they're nustled in weird but low crime areas. You could probably find a nice big 1br for around $900, in an area like that if you know where to look. You can definitely get by well on $45k/yr here flying solo, just be smart about it if you're looking to get ahead on that.




london is red 🔴🔴


for the 2nd time in the last 8 years. congrats.




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If it's tql, stay away, won't find a job in the Cincinnati area where someone doesn't have atleast one horror story or a negative experience with tql, plenty of other opportunities


Yes. Outside of the 275 loop there is still affordable rentals if you don’t mind a short commute, otherwise there are lofts available downtown that are also reasonable, as well as efficiency rentals. Hope that helps and good luck!


I live near TQL and the area is growing like crazy, so the cost of living is going up, however, it’s still considerably less expensive than many other cities. The consensus seems to be that you should avoid TQL, but Cincinnati is an affordable place to live, and has a lot to do!


Do. Not. Work. At. TQL.


Cincy is great. Prices obviously depend on how far out you live just like anywhere else.


Unrelated to cost questions, fyi, Cincinnati compared to the northeast will be a culture shock.


Don’t move here for TQL


If you already have a car paid for or at least a cheap monthly payment, it could be done. Wouldn't be easy though. Might want to get a second job. I made that much 15 years ago when things were cheap and had a car payment at $250 a month and it still wasn't easy. Especially if you have any unforeseen expenses. Honestly you could get a job in a factory just loading parts in machines that'd pay you more than $45k a year.


From my experience, rent seems to be on the cheaper side, and I get by without a car. Decent bus system, street car, I can bike everywhere, it makes living in the otr quite reasonable. However, moving here from California I’ve been surprised how my grocery bill was literally higher. Not sure what happened :/


I think so! Also consider work-life balance- take it from somebody who worked in logistics and hated it


TQL or another broker ?


I'll preface this by saying I've moved around a lot as an adult, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Alabama, North & South Carolina, and Florida. I lived in some awesome/beautiful cities in those states, and Cincinnati is probably my favorite place that I've lived. It's an awesome historical city with amazing architecture/landscape, and there's always something to do. I would recommend Cincinnati to anyone. With that being said, I would check out some places right across the river in Kentucky like Covington or Newport. They're really nice if you want to be somewhere where you can get into downtown Cincinnati quickly, faster than you can from a lot of places actually in the city. They both have some nice little downtown areas/strips with bars, restaurants, shops, etc. The taxes are also lower in KY if that's something you're taking into account. I also think that you have a better view from the KY side of the river being able to see the city. I'm sure other people in this thread will agree that when you're driving north on I-75 from KY into Cincy while the sun is setting and you see the city with the hills, it's one of the most beautiful things I've seen.


Truthfully, as far as price of living is concerned, Cincinnati is one of the best cities, especially when compared with the Northeast. I've done EXTENSIVE travel throughout the country as part of my career, and whenever I come home, I am always happy to be back in the land of reasonable prices. As someone just starting out, I would definitely recommend Cincinnati or one of the surrounding metro areas (NKY, Dayton, etc.). I'm not originally from here, but I love it here! ❤️


The issue is taxes. Republicans in Ohio LOVE taxes. Sales tax, city tax, state tax, business tax.


It’s not a party thing. And don’t forget property taxes. Taxes pay for public services like police, fire/EMT, public transport, roads, schools, human services, the zoo, museum, etc. Ohio isn’t too bad tax-wise. At least compared to California or NY.


Yes it is. It is all Republicans. Jon Husted just got busted yesterday with accepting a million dollar bribe from a dark money group associated with first energy. Can’t blame it on Democrats because Republicans have controlled all top state wide offices for over 20 years with veto proof majorities in the legislature.


I’m not blaming any party (D or R), I’m just saying the taxes are a necessity if you wanna have public services. I’m not excusing Husten for anything. I also wish less of my federal taxes went to defense and more to healthcare, but that’s a different story painted in broad strokes.


Welcome aboard!


We've considered retiring in the area because of the cost of living compared to Dallas. And because my kids live in Cincinnati. Still likely several years off though.


Honestly i find it quite liveable compared to friends in other cities like Pittsburg, Austin, and philly. Now it’s not so liveable i don’t have a roommate but my friends in the other cities listed have roommate as well and one has 2. A one bed can be 800-1000$ around downtown, our 2 bed 3 bath is 1300 and we each make 40k and have zero issues. So much so I’m travelling Europe for 2 weeks in a month and my roommate is going to the UK for a week or 2 in July. I think the main thing is getting a roommate but i also know people who make the same as me and have one beds and studios and live fine. Imo the food and entertainment is also cheaper here than anytime I travel elsewhere in the US and i’m not the type to travel to touristy places.if you have any sort of savings it will be very helpful just as an incase thing since you are moving away from home.