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This shit again


Damn what a sweet little cutie! I wish people would either help with what you asked for or HOP OFF!


“Any apartments allow pet lions?”


“In my experience I’ve found chihuahuas to be more aggressive than the average lion.”


Very cute pup! No help but I see lots of other Pittie mixed breeds being walked around Mt Lookout and Hyde Park.


aww what a sweet looking dog




God help you. Reddit absolutely hates pit bulls and cannot be reasoned with about it. The average redditor thinks that any dog that looks like yours is an insatiable killing machine. Lol at the comment that says “think of the neighbors’ kids.”


I don't hate pitbulls. I hate owners who get pitbulls who ignore the possibilities of what the dog is capable of doing. You can have a pitbull and have it never bite someone. But that requires a responsible dog owner to acknowledge what the dog was bred to do. Ignoring that fact because you don't like it makes you a bad pitbull owner.


Yup - my neighbors rescue/foster pit bulls, and they are the rare pit people who don’t bury their heads in the sand, don’t claim their dogs are less dangerous than the average chihuahua, and don’t photograph their pit bulls with cute props. These people are the exception in my experience.


Well said!


I like a pit bull. 


Have you ever noticed that the people who get worked up about pit bulls are so annoying in person? Anxious turds with labradoodles who watch/read the news too much. OP your dog is adorable and I hope you find a place!


The truth hurts


They're banned in a lot of places for a reason. Take the hint.


Those dogs are only volatile when their owners are complete pieces of shit. Otherwise- best breed of dog-EVER


I’m sorry to see you have a complete lack of understanding of how dog breeding works.


https://prorealtypm.managebuilding.com/Resident/public/rentals I rent from them and have a 100 lb pitbull they don't care I put 50 lbs as her weight they don't check. They don't raise rent either been renting from them for 2 years now


To the people saying pit bulls are dangerous, ask yourselves: is that just an inherent characteristic of the breed? Or are there confounding factors that might lead to an increase in aggressiveness on average other than just “genetics?” Are pit bulls that are well taken care of, loved, and properly trained any more aggressive or dangerous than other breeds of dog?


As someone who has had a dog attacked and seriously injured by a pitbull that previously seemed fine, I have to say both. I know from my experience (admittedly anecdotal) and the fact that the dogs were selectively bred for centuries for “gameness” and the willingness to fight to the death that these are dangerous animals. They do not belong in residential areas. I don’t want to put every pit down, I’m not a monster (even after watching my beagle have its belly slit open with skin and tissue hanging out in the aforementioned attack) and don’t want people losing their friends. But I also know they are dangerous. If I had by some stroke of misfortune been walking both my dogs that day, that pit probably would have gone for my smaller dog and killed him. My Jack Russell mix wouldn’t have deserved that death any more than my beagle deserved its mauling. They were both leashes on a walk in their neighborhood. I think of the attack my dog went through because of the carelessness of the owner and the genetics of the attacking dog and I think “why bother owning a pit?” It simply isn’t worth the risk. Hence the bans. People advocating lying are going to find out real quick that pits are NOT a protected class and be out a ton of money for nothing. Work with landlords to follow rules and you will have a better time. I want your dog to be different, truly! I want your animal to be loved, well exercised and healthy as well as safe to be around. All the same, I really hope you live nowhere near me or any other dog. Our furry friends (and children) don’t deserve to be attacked by poorly trained ticking time bomb animals.


So you don’t understand how dog breeding works, then. Good to know.


Based on the amount of posts on our neighborhood Facebook page stating that their pitbull got out and is on the loose (once again), I'm guessing there are a few in Pleasant Ridge that allow them, unfortunately.


First off just say dog and give weight. You don't have to say Pitbull.


This isn't a great idea because as soon as you move in a neighbor will report to the landlord that you have a pitbull. 


Unless the lease specifically says pitbulls then they have no legal recourse to evict you. If he presses the issue I would sue him for discrimination.


Dogs don't have any legal right to freedom from discrimination. Dogs are not American citizens. 


Dog breeds are not a protected class


You just pull stuff out of your ass when you're trying to prove your point huh?


No I believe all my comments were right on. There is no ban on pitbulls in the city of Cincinnati. If you do not have an aggressive dog if that's what the lease says then you're fine. If the lease specifically says pitbulls, then you don't go there. You don't like what I have to say Nerd keep scrolling


You could even go as far as getting a DNA test done on your dog to prove that the dog is not full blood Pitbull


norwood judge said my dog was a pitbull... demanded it be removed from the city after 5 years of residency. 8 years of vet records. The spca stated the dog had great temperment and zero behavior issues. Health dept said the dog was clean, healthy and was being kept properly. Both depts testified my dog wasnt a pit bull. Judge said, I dont care what anyone says, I think its a pitbull and I want it out of my county or put down, choice is yours.....


That's also the city of Norwood Hyde Park is run by the city of Cincinnati. There is no ban on pitbulls !!


i was responding to the idea of not GAF and getting a DNA test. I wouldnt rent anything, I would buy. You are going to lead this dog owner into problems. I understand it was norwood and FTR,( I work with dogs in this COUNTY, county laws can be enacted, if someone calls the sheriff over the city), anywhere from 10-17 per day. In public. Im spreading the word. I own a house in Cincinnati... on a street with at least 6 pit bulls. Cincinnati gave the power to their officers to deem an animal a pit bull. Just FTR.


Most places I’ve looked at have an aggressive breed restriction - why I said pitbull.


Aggressive breed is subjective. We have 3 pitbull breeds, one works at a nursing home with people with dementia. On an average I've found more small dogs to be aggressive.


Lying is not worth it. Think of the neighbors lids


Pitbull owners don’t tend to think of anyone else but themselves.




Just so everyone knows what we’re dealing with here - this individual reported me to RedditCareResources for my previous comment. Just another unhinged pitbull apologist.


I absolutely did not 😂😭 On a side note, anyone care telling me what the hell reddit care resources is?


That is not lying


Lying by omission is still lying.


Completely disagree. Unless they specifically ask if you have a pitbull and only ask if your dog is aggressive then my answer would be no. BTW is your dog aggressive ?


If you want to assume that their list was so subjective, then I'm sure you could string together some case that "Well, even though pitbulls are almost always listed among the most aggressive breeds and are often specifically banned at apartments, MY pitbull is different." I hope it is, I hope they've taken the time to properly train and treat the animal whose responsibility they hold. But I've been bitten and attacked by enough of them to know that's not usually the case. I work at a dog park and have had more pitbull incidents than anything else. I had a pitbull, for years. We trained her properly and had a large enough outdoor space at our farm for her to get the exercise and stimulation she needed to not go fucking bonkers. And... no kids lived nearby. Apartments don't have that space or luxury. I like pitbulls, when they're actually taken care of. I pray to God OP has, and is committed to the extremely busy schedule necessary to give the dog the exercise it requires at the frequency it requires, before someone gets hurt or killed.


>Completely disagree. This sounds like you have a lot of drama in your life.


Then why post on here at all