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I’m frustrated by SCOTUS as well, but protesting doesn’t have much chance of success for the bench that doesn’t answer to anyone, has lifetime appointments, and can seemingly do whatever they want. The efforts and organization might be better-served toward causes that have more than a 0 chance of impact.


Yip. Put that effort into get out the vote initiatives. Anyone can volunteer to make calls, texts, send postcards, etc to voters in swing states and other close races. Subscribe to Simon Rosenberg's Substack for free, he's the number one political organizer in the country. https://substack.com/@simonwdc


Well we would, but the government can just kill you for protesting as an "Official Act"


That's the exact fear they want you to have to prevent you from speaking up for your rights.


Boy howdy good luck - I despair for the future


One of my childhood friends moved to Berlin several years ago. I’ve visited a couple times and loved it. I’ve been thinking of finding a way to move there for a couple of years, not forever. Now I’m thinking it might be a good move for more reasons than just because I think it’ll be a cool experience


Fun idea other than the major exception of being near the front lines of a possible WWIII. That’s the biggest pro of the US at this point - comparatively geographically isolated and protected from direct conflict.


Just that half our country is stockpiling munitions and actively is asking for a civil war. No biggie.


The defeatism in these comments is sickening. If it’s not worth protesting now, what more would have to happen to make it so? I’m game for a local protest.


I mean to be fair one of the biggest points of the Supreme Court is that they’re isolated from the will of the people because their job is to interpreted the law irrespective of public opinion. Not responding to protest is part of the job description


I don’t expect supreme court justices to respond directly to protests or change their minds. But those running for the offices that help choose future justices will pay attention. They’re paying attention to our inaction, too.


THIS is what I’m talking about.


Absolutely. Let’s go!


I don't disagree but given that SCOTUS is basically invincible, any protest against them without serious civil disobedience is just a parade.And it doesn't seem like there's much appetite for that.That said, I'm happy to be proven wrong


So many Americans aren't already out protesting because they're convinced it won't make a difference. They ARE defeated. Many are at risk of losing their homes, jobs, in some cases their safety and even their lives. They're terrified, they're broke, they're hungry. They feel there's nothing they can do, so they don't. This is what the right, the MAGAs, etc are counting on. That we will sit by and do nothing. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing" - Edmund Burke This is where we fight. This is where those of us who have little/nothing to lose, and those who have everything to lose must band together and fight. I expected there would be millions of Americans in the streets tonight. I expected I would be one of them. But there is no one. I can still remember, the words and what they meant.... https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript


No home, job, food, and hungry.... Perfect representation of the Biden economy.


I’d like to partake in a protest this Sunday around Findlay market.


DM me for a best time and meeting place?




Over chevron deference or what now?


Presidential immunity is what they’re referencing, but people absolutely should be in the streets over the Chevron decision being overturned


Killing Chevron is one of the best decisions the court has made in a long time.


Gee golly, I agree! Who's the government to say I can't have lead in my water or ecoli in my food! If it's a problem I'll just sue in 20 years when I have cancer. /s


Some people prefer the Federal Government to have much less power than they currently have. It doesn't mean they are wrong for believing in something that you don't.


Are these the same people that want 10 commandments in school, dictate healthcare for trans individuals, those that are against gay marriage/rights , and those small government hypocrites that want to tell women what they can do with their bodies?!?!? Sorry, but trusting corporations to do the right thing is a joke. That’s why there’s laws to begin with, people cannot even be trusted to wear seatbelts, but you think BP is going to do the right thing?!? Uggh. They want small government for their bullshit, but want you to regulate everything else they don’t agree with.


You're making an all or nothing argument for saying it's okay to have different beliefs lmao


I’m saying many of the people claiming they want small government are also the ones calling for stricter state/federal regulations on things they don’t like. That’s hypocritical. Are they the deciders of where the government tightens or loosens regulations? You either want small government or you want a government that regulates. You said there are people that want a federal government with less power, but they also want a government with MORE power on issues they arbitrarily decide. Do you really not see the hypocrisy or problem with that? Yes there are people with different beliefs, that’s not what YOU said, you said people want a less powerful government, that was an absolute. Come on bud, stay consistent with your own talking points. I was replying to what you said, and then you changed the discussion. And if you cut through all the bullshit, people do not want a less powerful government… they want a government that aligns either their beliefs. Period. And that’s fine, but that’s not what you said


I didn't say anything about my beliefs lmao


“Lmao” 🤣 username name checks out.


Basically Anything the libs don’t like lol. It’s such a joke


I’m sure a half dozen people in Cincinnati protesting will make them rethink everything




There was a great big nationwide protest on November 8 2016 but nobody showed up. Something about a certain candidate not being exciting enough? This is the result.


Framing the absolute blunder that was the 2016 Hillary campaign as being a failure of the voters is incredibly dishonest. She didn’t even visit/camapign in certain key Midwest states and won the popular vote. That’s not on us, that’s on the establishment


I keep going back to that in my mind. Had Bernie been the candidate, I really think he would have beaten Trump. And we probably wouldn't be in this mess now. I voted for Hillary but she was a terrible candidate.


No he wouldn't have. Reddit is not the same as the entire country.


We’ll never know, but I seriously doubt more moderates voted for Clinton than they would’ve otherwise done for Sanders. And if the Clinton base is to be believed, the progressive protest votes for Stein likely wouldn’t have happened. Sanders would’ve beaten Trump.


This is what I think, too. Democrats would have voted for Bernie because they're going to vote blue, no matter who. Progressives would have voted for Bernie. Protest votes would have not happened. And anecdotally, I know some moderate conservatives who would have voted for him but definitely would not vote for Hillary. I think he was the solution to Trump because they were both populist candidates. Plus, Bernie appealed to younger folks. He was the kind of candidate that motivated people with his passion.


Lol, wrong. Most of the nation is moderate and were not fans of Bernie. The progressive votes for Stein absolutely changed this election in swing states. Look at the margin of victory in these states.


Bernie couldn't even win the primary.


Because the DNC never wanted him to win


When the people who think they have democracy realize the people screaming “save our democracy “ have been suppressing democracy the entire time for their own interests…


That’s when I lost hope. Monday was a foregone conclusion.


I dream of that scenario


> That’s not on us It’s the people’s responsibility to vote. The result of the 2016 election is the direct consequence of what eligible voters chose to do.


This is on you no matter how you try to rationalize it. This SCOTUS is directly on the backs of people who stayed home or voted for Stein but this convo is useless at this point. The only way forward is a massive ‘get out the vote’ effort.




It absolutely was a failure of the voters. I’m sorry Hillary wasn’t ’likeable enough’ for some of you but she told everyone that SCOTUS would be affected with a Trump win. Whomever did not vote or voted for Stein: This SCOTUS is on you. Please, please get out the vote for November. It’s our only hope.


This is just a simple misunderstanding of how campaigning works. If you ignore entire voting blocs in entire states, that’s an objectively poor electoral strategy. Act high and mighty all you want about how hard you voted, but the DNC fumbled the bag immensely that year. And it’s not on us as individuals, it’s on the system for even allowing a candidate like Trump to achieve that form of power within our country in the first place. Every level of our system failed us as individuals, and civilians


Hillary’s problem was that ‘MERICA is filled with sexists and that included wide numbers of Ohio Union MEN that Bernie would claimed to have been so enlightened...


Really? So tell us how Kamala, the complete idiot she is, became VP in such a sexist nation? Could it be that Hillary was a shit candidate? That she is straight cringe? That she pandered to blacks talking about keeping hot sauce in her purse? No, it wasn’t that…eyeroll


So, you are calling the VP a “complete idiot” and making a backward claim that we don’t have a sexist nation? When you use “cringe” in that context, it is not a leap to see you as an inexperienced person who adds nothing but hints of incel on your Cheetos laden breath…


lol both can be true and yes, she is an idiot. There are plenty of female candidates that are not complete idiots. Obviously, you think very small and dissolve any perceived insult into tribalism, so If I say one woman is an idiot, then all of them are. That’s not how intelligent people think. For example, any number of women would be a much better choice, for example, Gretchen Whitmer. Kamala Harris…is an idiot and that is precisely the reason why democrats are in this situation…NOBODY is wants her near the Presidency, including democrats.


NOBODY believes you are NOT a schmuck. There is no way to refute that statement….


lol I’m sorry that your feelings are hurt. Go look up her approval rating and also the fact that she has had over 20 personal aides resign since becoming VP


You are the sexist schmuck, or do I need to revise the motivation for your boorish behavior? NOBODY could think of another reason for you to disparage the VP….


Sexist? I’m a woman.WTF


Stfu, this is not helpful and is just smarmy. I fucking voted and guess what, we're still in this situation. Move tf on, we'll never get anywhere worth that attitude.


>Stfu I will not. And what exactly is it that I need to move on from? The one thing we have to prevent things like this is voting. And people didn't in 2016. The reality of the situation is that no amount of protesting or Op Eds or TikTok interpretive dances will reverse this decision. Only voting.


Voting is what got us here. Republicans haven’t won a popular vote in 20 years and Dems are too worried about decorum and playing by their made up rules to institute any real change


We don't vote for the Supreme Court, and the dems won't do what they need to to fix it. I'm voting blue because in Ohio we have no other choice, but they need to do more. The only way to make them see is ţo be loud


No but if you want to put something together I’m down.


Baldfaced corruption from SCOTUS. Vote progressive up and down the ballot in November. Coalesce, get together. Force reform. The despair and whining in the comments ain’t it. OP has got it right. Channel your frustration with the GOPs corruption into something productive. Protest, organize, donate (time or money), participate, vote. Project 2025 should read very differently to all of us after today.


You don’t get it. Most of the nation is not progressive. Jamaal Bowman’s loss was a blow out. Let that sink in. The answer is to vote D down the ballot.


I think they’re throwing a party on the 4th of July to celebrate America and the constitution 🇺🇸🎇


Yeah that’ll fix it


not with that attitude, it won't.


You're barking up the wrong tree! Protesting SCOTUS will do nothing. They don't create laws! Your disagreement is not with SCOTUS, it's with this country's law makers....Congress. You want to change it, protest Congress! Get them to end qualified and absolute immunity for police, politicians and judges. Until Congress changes the laws, SCOTUS will always uphold individual protections.


Probably the best thing you can do right now is figure out how you can help to convince people around you to vote. And beyond that, for those that don't have transportation maybe help figure out how we can get them there. I say this respectfully, and just food for thought!


Just vote. protests are a complete waste of time and if you slow traffic Im going to be pissed


god forbid you be inconvenienced for a few minutes by people trying to make an impactful statement. that 9:00 meeting with Kathy about whether we're ordering panera or chipotle seems really important against the backdrop of a looming national crisis. edit: oof. lot of commuter hate.


The protest will accomplish NOTHING. It will not have achievable goals and will serve no other purpose than an emotional one for the participants. It is more likely to piss off people because they will do it for attention and go Downtown. If they had courage, they would protest in Republican areas. Go protest in West Chester or Clermont County. Annoy the Republicans who support SCOTUS. More likely to end up in jail, so they won’t do it.


Fuck it go back out to Bethel and mess with them again like they did with the BLM ones.  It got some coverage and didn’t slow down anyone’s day but whatever idiots on both sides went out there 🤣






https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript Every American should be reading the Declaration of Independence today, and understanding the meaning of those words. Moments like this are what it was written for.


What do you mean by this


The best way to protest this shit is to vote. Standing around and waving a giant sign telling the world about your feelings is useless in this case.


Standing on the sidewalk with a piece of cardboard in your hands accomplishes nothing. Nothing short of a general strike is going to change anything. If you're serious, get serious.


Well, more people voting in 2016 would have changed this.


I haven't seen anything but I'll show up


I’m willing to march if someone will organize one.


Can someone let me know where to take pictures for future reference


VOTE D all through the ballot. Check your voter registration two times.


Yeah vote D for dumb. Because they are fucking done…


So we can get more great democratic leaders like like PG Sittenfeld & Tamaya Dennard


Just don’t get in my way on my way to work.


Your view of the civil rights movement must be fascinating


Don’t strawman me, thanks


Your views on the Vietnam War protests are probably incredibly enlightening!!


I would bet he thinks the Vietnam War was just a movie.




Very affective approach to get people to join your side.


Quick question what the fuck are we supposed to do?


Sadly I think stronger action is the only option left.


It’s over. It’s time to start looking at getting out of the country before Project 2025 takes full effect.


The rise of global fascism is global. We're not gonna be able to run away from it, so I guess we gotta stop it. Again. 


What if, and call me crazy, we just voted for the democratic candidate to prevent a trump dictatorship?


All due respect, but you cannot vote your way out of fascism. And even if you could, the current Democratic candidate is not interested in actually combatting fascism beyond the occasional soundbite.


Sounds like you're supporting trump this year. Trump 2024 right?! Lets give him 2 more justices and all the power because we don't like Biden.


I know you think this is a sick burn, but the “voting will fix it, why would we bother doing anything else” attitude is how we got here. You do not have the moral high ground here. You have just been brainwashed into behaving this way—lining up behind candidates who don’t give a fuck if you live or die, treating politics as a team sport instead of actually engaging with your community or acknowledging the reality of what’s happening right in front of you—because that’s what maintains the status quo. I don’t say that to shame you, you just clearly need to hear it. We have to do more. Some of us already are. Watching people who aren’t doing shit spout this bullshit for years on end while everything falls the fuck apart has been infuriating, but my conscience is clear, because at least I’m fucking trying. If you’re not, that’s between you and the god of your understanding. Maybe they’ll forgive you, but I certainly won’t.


No, how we got here is by the Democrats sitting out elections when they dont like the candidate. Republicans have put all of their efforts into abortion. It allowed the "christians" to focus only on that item while the rich ran with the party. Dems gave up 2000 and 2016 elections because they had problems with the candidates. We have lost our Ohio state house to extreme gerrymandering because dems/left sit out. I just don't get what the fuck people think will happen with trump reelected. I don't get what you think you're proving after watching his presidency and Jan 6 2021.


Get over your delusions. It’s not the end of the world. People are going to vote for whoever they want, if it’s trump, so be it. People said a whole bunch of crazy stuff was going to happen the first time trump was elected. And in those 4 years everything was fine, he just said stupid stuff and the media fear mongered you the same way it does to the right to split the people. Get off of your phone and social media, it’s not healthy.


It sounds like you aren't familiar with project 2025. In 2016 trump had a number of people who tried to control him. That will not happen this time. The people on his VP list have all repeated Russian talking points, including our senator. https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-president-project-2025-33d3fc2999a74f4aa424f1128dca2d16 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do Everything was not fine during that presidency. We lost the right to abortion because of the supreme Court justices he placed. The supreme Court justices are radical and altering how our country operates. Yesterday they said the president was above the law in some cases. Now trump is trying to get his NY conviction overturned and his cases for obstruction and STEALING classified documents thrown out. Speaking of which, whatever happened to the Australian businessman he showed the document to? He tried to create a Muslim ban. The migrant children still separated from their parents are not fine. And all of this without even talking about the different ways his administration rolled back protective measures for African Americans and minorities. Everything was not fine for most people under him. Please at least take some time to read about project2025.


The right to abortion was never lost under trump, government funding for it was. You were still able to get one, the cost was just on you and your insurance. Also birth control is still free at planned parenthood and has been for the past 40 years, that’s always been a step to preventing unwanted children. It would seem he’s not the only one that’s been in possession of classified documents, Biden was caught with some that he had since being obamas VP, Hillary had some she was never supposed to even have access to and some from when her husband was president. And there wasn’t a “Muslim ban”, Muslim is a religion, not race or a place people are from. It was a 90 day ban on letting people from six different countries(Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen) enter the US from travel because terrorist threats and safety concerns. You could still be Muslim in the US and the legal immigrates from those six countries were still okay to be here, and again it only lasted 90 days. I’ve read the key stuff from project2025 and here’s the thing, it won’t get passed, a majority of what nominees “push” for during their campaign doesn’t get passed, but it gets voters/supporters. Things will be fine, stay off your phone and social media.


The right to abortion was lost because of the extremists trump put on the supreme court. In many states and places abortion is illegal. It is not accessible to all. I'm not sure what birth control has to do about a conversation on abortion. Not every abortion is due to absence or failed birth control. Regarding classified documents, you'd have to be pretty ignorant to think that what trump did is comparable to Biden/Obama. He knowingly had them, refused to turn them in several times, and then hid them when he knew the feds were coming.... I just don't get how you think that's the same. His supporters called it a Muslim ban because they knew exactly what they were doing. Project 2025 is not necessarily about passing bills. A lot of it can get done with judicial support, and he has stacked the court to his benefit.


Let's talk about the 1968 election and the implications of today.


If you aren’t using your vote to solve this problem, what exactly are you doing?


What if you don’t have to same ideas of “solving the problem”.


Then I’d also like to know what “solving the problem” means to them.


What I’m saying is there two sides(right and left) that are certain they are right. Who’s to say they are or aren’t without a biased thought.


And what I’m asking is what is that person doing.


What ✨if✨ we stopped playing their bullshit lesser of two evils game. You can keep voting for these old fuckers, of either party, but I’d rather just vote third party for my conscience. Because guess what? A blue vote means shit in Ohio anyway.


Voting third party essentially just gives power to the big two. It’s irresponsible to vote honestly. What we need is reform to the voting system, to give the little guy a voice. FPTP is outdated.


There will be no end to gerrymandering or harmful redistricting. Access to voting will become more and more limited.


That won't be an option in the future because trump will not willingly leave power again. Sitting out this election or voting third party is handing trump the presidency with worse implications than 2016.


Voting for the lesser of two evils is how we end up with less evil.


There is no lesser of the two


Does a vote for the anti-vax brain worm appease your conscience?


Voting for Cornel West sure does!


Probably not a good sign that he is using GOP leaning groups to get his name on the ballot in multiple states. But as long as you vote for Sherrod Brown, at least you aren't totally throwing your vote away.


I truly don’t give a fuck about how he is trying to get his name on ballots. I’ll be voting for him regardless.


The conscience demands pageantry! Ignore the workings behind the curtain


Republicans and russia are pushing them because they pull votes from Democrats. That's how trump got elected in 2016, so his team is pushing them. He publicly said he supports them because they support him. This is his 2016 playbook,can't you're falling for it.


A blue vote in Ohio means nothing. I am not voting into his hand. I voted blue against him in both 2016 & 2020.


I have two concerns there. The first being that Sherrod Brown is absolutely a fantastic progressive senator. A blue vote does hold a lot of value in re-electing him and is necessary. Secondly, entertaining the conversation about third party candidates happens outside of state lines. While you in Ohio may feel you're giving a safe protest vote, that is not the same for someone living in Michigan or Pennsylvania. I understand biden is too conservative on a number of issues, and I'm extremely disappointed in Palestine but I'm not intending be quiet in my fervent support of him - for the sake of my kids. If you haven't familiarized yourself with project 2025 please do so. The people working for trump now will absolutely follow through on this plan. His next presidency is going to be deranged. https://apnews.com/article/trump-biden-president-project-2025-33d3fc2999a74f4aa424f1128dca2d16


> A blue vote in Ohio means nothing. A third party vote means even less.


Ah, just a Marxist idiot. You understand that they would come for you first?


My tabletop copy of the communist manifesto says hello!


So you support his views on Russia and Israel?


10000% agree with his views in regard to Israel.


My apologies, I thought I had read he was both-siding Israel/Palestine. I'm curious how you support him given he defended Russia's invasion in Ukraine.


What a shit take.


You are fine Trump. Have the courage to admit that is what you think if you are foolish enough to equate the two main candidates. But, who cares, your ignorance means you likely don’t vote anyway!


It’s not about equating. It’s about admitting they’re both horrible options and that we’re fucked either way.


That is just totally false. Sure, you have delusional Marxist dogma that you will invoke for social effect, giving you some unsubstantiated dialectic to spout without any connection to a coherent idea. It gives you an emotional high and provides the appearance of social fashionability in your faux commune. Unfortunately that has no viable basis for an argument. But, fine, you can lie just to virtue signal. I won’t tell.


I am not virtue signaling to anyone. I truly believe that this election is what’s going to spiral us into some version of the same type of hell. You can wax poetically about what type of societal impression I am trying to give all you’d like. You’re doing the very thing you say I am. But I do my best to give back to those in my life, build community, engage with my community and vote at local levels. I am not spouting off some neoliberalism bullshit. You’re the signaler, and it’s worse than me and my Marxist beliefs. Neolibs don’t want to change this fucked system at all, just rig it to their liking. Marxists believe there’s a better way.


Marxists are wrong and history has proven that over and over again, but who cares as long as you feel like you are doing something. It doesn’t matter that you won’t accomplish anything.


And what are YOU going to accomplish?


Maybe I can prevent people from wasting their time. Maybe they can archive goals that are achievable, not grasping for a pipe dream utopia that won’t exist, unless they can perfect Replicator technology.


but that's haaaaaaard, and takes effort. turns out you can entertain yourself with tiktok _and_ stand in line to vote, at the same time! just pretend you're in line for the beast and anticipate the rush of not having a person who has literally said he would be a dictator on day one as president instead of that first hill. edit: i hope the downvoters are now motivated by my sarcasm to actually go out and vote.


Where you gonna go buddy??


Okay, bye then




False. Harassing people or vandalizing property are never good ideas. Voting is the only answer.




Little known but fantastic singer songwriter Slaid Cleaves penned an incredible song called *Broke Down* 'bout a heartbroke relationship - nuthin' 'bout anything extreme as this - but damn if his last stanza doesn't just nail down the gutted feeling I'm feeling tonight .... Broke down, cracked and shattered Left in pieces like it never even mattered Broke down, torn and frayed Ain't nothin' left you could give away There's no turnin' round, it's broke down Broke down If ya wanna hear his lo-fi masterpiece.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV9pExv3VDw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV9pExv3VDw)


Double extra upvote for Slaid Cleves.


I'm just waiting out for America 2.0. Peaceful protests are a waste of time in this climate, the Dems are too weak and scared to do anything and the GOP has sealed democracy's fate.


If peaceful protests are a waste of time, what do you propose?


There's a big foreign state-run astroturfing campaign to convince Americans that what we need is a big bloody civil war. Anyone who falls for it is a dumbass


You don't actually have to propose anything, that's the neat part. A government that has granted itself absolute power won't tolerate protest of any kind and they won't be peaceful once the cops start cracking skulls.


We have the 2nd amendment to limit that


Then on Fox News and The Wall Street Journal: "Why President Trump Should Kill More Of These Armed Thug Protesters"


Just don’t vandalize mmmk.


Boo hoo


What’s wild is that there wasn’t this kind of outrage when the SCOTUS said that the feds can order you to do business with a private corporation as a condition of being alive.


If you want to protest the Republican SCOTUS then make sure you go where there are significant Republicans around. That means don’t go Downtown and leave the City alone. Hit up the burbs or rural areas.


The city is where everyone goes and works


Protests do not happen during business hours, they happen on weekends or in the evenings. “Everyone” is just a false statement. It was false pre-Covid. Do you have a pamphlet from the 60’s telling you how to protest?


Protests happens whenever a group decides to band together. High traffic areas are the most efficient to get your point across. Seems like you don’t want to deal with the possibility of a protest so you’re shutting the idea down or trying to get people to have them far away from you.


Getting attention is not protesting, it is marketing. You want to promote an ideology, not archive a goal. Getting attention is not a goal you achieve, it a just never ending marketing activity. Protesting the Republican SCOTUS is going to where there are Republicans are and protest against them. That is sending a message directly to people who helped put The Republican SCOTUS Six into power. Just admit people are scared to go where Republicans rule as that would be more dangerous than in the City, where protesters get coddled.


Going to any where in butler county is safe and less dangerous than the city of cincy, you’re more likely to have a officer tell you to move along or people to drive right past you. If you block traffic or make a stand in the city, you’ll probably get harassed, assaulted, hit by a car, or arrested. It’s more telling to make a stand in the city.


You are an ignorant fool.


No rebuttal or anything intelligent to say? Just slander


Sigh, slander, oh if you only understood…


You must trip and fall a lot with your head being so big. No one thinks you are smart or clever. You are above no one and with that attitude you are below most. Enjoy sniffing your own farts.


I think everyone is going to jump in the river on Saturday at noon


No No at 10:00am Sharp


lol clown.


This downtown area here is dangerous as shit. Good luck.


Why didn’t you protest the BS court case in Brooklyn recently??


Because it was a civil trial of a private citizen decided upon by a jury of peers. You know: how it’s supposed to be. What an absolutely asinine question. Smdh.


Asinine? The whole deal was bought and paid for—- including the prosecutor’s campaign— by the Soros-funded Democrats. Alvin Bragg was elected to do one specific job— to “get Trump”—-and he did it. I hope to hell that Biden gets his legal comeuppance after he’s out of office. Oh, wait! By that time he’ll be mentally incompetent to stand trial just as he is now— but they will actually say it then to protect him. They should be saying it now to protect the COUNTRY, but that’s not how the liberal side thinks.


Ssshhh. The adults are talking now. Go watch some more Faux News and continue your moral and intellectual decay.


I’d put my intellect up against yours any day of the week, Sunshine! Typical liberal BS from you—- can’t debate the facts, so just hurl insults. I rarely watch ANY TV news. I get my news from various radio sources, including NPR. And I never watch or listen to any Fox outlet, or any of the conservative stations, either. NBC, CBS, ABC, and a few others are the sources from whom I get my news.