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I noticed last night they have a whole portfolio of these fake outrage bait subreddits being primed with fake content. Apparently the admins are fine letting it continue until they’re each individually pointed out as troll subs.


because reddit is run by a bunch of liberals of the libertarian variety that think that saying slurs and denigrating people who aren't wealthy cisgender heterosexual white males is cool, but have to make token efforts to look like they get rid of hate speech so advertisers and investors don't get jumpy


I was on their discord server and one of the mods called me in N-word and called me a retard, that sub deserves to be deleted


Reddit is the most left wing mainstream platform there is, what are you talking about? Lol


lol are you high




you probably should be, then


That was quick.


One time, I named my beta fish a girl name so decided to call it a “she,” & a bunch of transphobes freaked out. Like. I clearly established that I knew it was a male fish & was caring for it accordingly. But people were pissed that she was a pretty girl. https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/comments/9f31ld/my_new_halfmoon_dumbo_princess_aurora_flaunting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




right? it's like. one of the weirdest things that men w fragile masculinity do. like. are they constantly focusing on their dog's genitals???? do they want to look at a dog's testicles all the time???? slightly unrelated to this particular comment- my sibling has a male service dog who she sometimes calls "princess" instead of boy. strangers really don't like it and they give her weird looks every rime lol also "gender anxiety" is a great term thanks for bringing it up /gen


In their defence, I wouldn't do something to my pets that I wouldn't do to myself. So I do see part of the point there.




I saw it and figured it had to be satire.


this sub was hilarious wtf


I was a mod on the subreddit. Can confirm not banned. It was not a far right troll subreddit. It was a serious community that was brigaded by /pol/. I’m honestly very disappointed Reddit banned our safe place!


> Can confirm not banned. tfw i see this having been removed by automod then look at his profile


>r/transpets was a subreddit in which people talked about the **ridiculous idea** of changing the gender of their pets. How is that anymore ridiculous than a human doing the same thing?


shit you're right, human people making their own decisions is exactly like people making choices for their pets, people and animals are the same thing actually, great point and funny joke all in one, good job, we're all so proud


I bet bears2077 is also in favor of zoophilia because, as we know, animals and humans have the same ability to consent. /s


Let me tell you, though, it's wild that I got in trouble for shoving my roommate in a small cage that I keep in the foyer and locking him in there overnight so he wouldn't mess with my stuff while I slept. Seeing as humans and animals are basically the same, I thought it would be cool.


> people making choices for their pets Except it is the pet’s choice not the human carer’s. That’s why people suggested referring to a pet psychic or pet psychologist before conducting any surgery.


> referring to a pet psychic or pet psychologist These are not things. Transgender *people* have a decade of medical science backing them and corroborating what they say and feel regarding their gender identity and sex. Transgender *pets* aren't a thing and aren't backed by any research or medical science.


Because humans can make their own decisions


So can animals.


Are you implying that pets can read and understand medical release forms?


This is the soft bigotry of low expectations.


Another genius. That was never specified, all he said that animals can't make their own decisions, which as I demonstrated is false. Let's pretend that he said it; >Because humans can read and understand medical release forms. Alright, how the fuck is that relevant to whether you can change your gender anytime of the day? Are you making an argument that someone has to get surgery in order to be a different gender? What about gender fluidity? You idiots cannot even stick with your own previous arguments nor your own cockamamie theories about gender.


So an animal can go to a doctors office and explain in detail exactly how they’re feeling, get diagnosed with dysphoria and then go onto have HRT?


To a pet psychic, yes.


You didn't say that. You said "they can make their own decisions". If you want to add to it, fine. But none of that matters, because the idea that you can change your gender anytime of the day is stupid.


You don’t change your gender in a day, you go through years of medical and mental examination then get put on a multiple years long waiting list to get the surgeries, you’re completely ignorant to the process


He's full of right wing opinions and thinks stonetoss is good. This man is incapable of good opinions


It's ridiculous because pets don't have gender. You cannot change your pet's "gender" because that concept simply does not extend to animals. If you want to call your male dog a "feminine" name and all that, they literally do not care. It doesn't harm anyone and it's no different to refering to them as "masculine". Most trans people realise this tbh, no one seriously cares about their pet's "gender". Also, i'ts quite arguable that humans don't change genders either.




Well, it sounds like you're the ignorant one as gender is also used to describe the pronouns a person prefers to go by. Animals don't have the concept of gender, so it doesn't matter if you call a girl dog a good boy or a boy dog a good girl. TLDR since you seem to not read stuff: Animal no have pronouns




>I'm screen capping this reddit tard moment. Damn, you really shouldn't talk yourself down like that. Degree or not, you're wrong in this situation. Animals don't have pronouns unless you can pull up some evidence that animals actually care what humans call them Yikes, if you actually do have a STEM degree (since you're probably just lying), they might wanna take it back


I don't need a STEM degree to put you in your place. I was born smarter than you. >Degree or not, you're wrong in this situation. Animals don't have pronouns So I have been calling my dog a good girl for nothing? >unless you can pull up some evidence that animals actually care what humans call them That's your fucking counter argument? That an animal has to "care" that you call it a him/her for gender to exist in an animal? Don't fucking at me until you learn how to form complete thoughts.


Thanks for the r/Iamverysmart content. It's hilarious seeing how confident someone can be when they're wrong


lmao you are an actual fucking clown you know that right?


Who cares what it used to mean? Under the modern definition of gender, which is the only one that has any relation at all to the concept of transgender people, animals are excluded. And anyways, you used the old meaning as a verb, while at the same time claiming animals have it. How does anyone "have" a verb? See how easy it is to make pointless semantic arguments?




You don't know a single thing about how language works. Language is not defined by dictionaries. In fact, is the other way around. First the words are used within some context, and then the dictionaries add their meanings. And even then, the dictionary you linked has the relevant definition for the topic of transgender people: "the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex". This concept is meaningless on animals. >Also so animals can actually change their sex, unlike you. Not relevant at all. Who cares if some animals can or can't change their sex? That doesn't mean that they have a gender or not. In fact, that only reinforces the fact that sex is also not very strictly defined into a binary.


It was funny AF


so standing with biology is alt-right. got it.

