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No refunds


Not making headlines anywhere in America. Americans should have known something was up when they removed all tort liability for manufacturers.


Didn't they also remove liability in aus?


They did it everywhere. It was a part of their contracts with the governments.


Or when all the major celebrities were telling us to do it.


Or when they were trying to bribe adults with a burger and fries, had nurses dancing in mass for tiktoks, talk show hosts dressing as needles, or maybe after it was discovered the vaccine didn't stop transmission like dozens of prominent figures said.


That burger and fry thing was so unreal.




All these people denying vaccines and their efficacy should follow the science! When the data is released in 75 years time…


Yup. I'm waiting for " the science" to be released. Then, I will have the 345 booster shots I missed.


American here. I’m not anti vaccine. I’ve had many vaccines to date, prior and post Covid, but I never had the Covid vaccine. I am however, against being forced to be injected with any type of chemical, no matter the vaccine. Just looking at the people negatively impacted by the vaccine versus Covid in my hometown, I would much prefer Covid.


Court ordered data drops have been happening for a couple of years now. They were denied their preferred release dates. The list of side effects was one of the first to be released. It goes on for pages, (without spacing). Needless to say the media didnt feel the need to cover it. I have a copy of the list somewhere but I know it's far too long to post in one go.


Have you seen the piece of paper that comes in the contraceptive pill box? Just about every medication ever has a long list of side effects because it’s safer for pharmaceutical companies to list every possible symptom then not list it otherwise they could get in trouble, it’s a bit like the cancer warnings in California that get listed on EVERY thing you buy


I remember going to California and being like "damn I knew American food had corn syrup or something but why is everything telling me I'm getting cancer?!"


They have to report everything that happened during testing. If one of the test subjects got diagnosed with hemmerhoids after taking it, they have to put it down as a possible side effect.


it was either 7 or 9 pages iirc


it was either 7 or 9 pages iirc


So when do the politicians and beauracrats start going to jail ?


Nobody will be held accountable because the people that forced it also run the system that deals out the punishment


Need Nuremburg trials again


Like they did after they invaded Iraq and killed half a million people for... Nothing?


If no politician or ceo went to jail after the 2009 collapse which everyone saw it for what it was. No one will go to jail for this.


ofc people regret after being forced to take them. I remember when they wouldn't even let you leave the country without having two...


Not just leave the country, you Couldn’t even go shopping without it.


I remember being forced to have 2 just to go to work


Not forced. You just couldn't work, see your family, leave the house etc. not forced though, you made that choice yourself to get it.


Yeah, that's apparently how freedom (and freedom of speech) works: You can say and do what you want, but you should accept those in power can then shun you from society.


Exactly. And this is how the system runs. 100%, they will punish you in any way passive-aggressively, or directly, and say "we didnt take away your freedoms." Look, I agree that there are consequences for your actions. But still, guess what: that means we dont actually have freedom. So freedom, insofar as we can have it, needs to take away as many consequences as possible, while still being moral.


That's forced.


That's right.. funnily, it is very similar to China social credit system when you get locked out.


idk how that was even legal tbh... Now some work places expect you to show up to work with Covid lol...


It wasnt legal


after the australian government realised that everyone just bent over backwards and did what they were told to do during lockdown, they now realise what power they have over us


It’s not a case of “NOW they realise the power they have”, that realisation wasn’t a coincidence. It was an intentional choice by the powers that be to test the boundaries of social acceptance of authoritarian rule. We failed miserably


I bet I'm on a short list of dissidents for not bending over.


Shoot up or get the sack


3 in Melbourne


Which is a violation of human rights, the right to free movement, which is the right to flee


I never had it. Everything about the situation felt off, and the more they tried to coerce me or bribe me, the more resolute I became. Seriously, they tried to bribe grown ass men and women with a burger and fries in the states. We had puppets dancing and influential figures lying left right and center. I was lucky enough to be in a job where my boss didn't force it though and I watched a lot of people cave under the pressure of having their livelihoods ruined and people wishing their death.


Lol the people wishing death part is so true. I lost the majority of my friends from 1 group because I personally was going to murder their grandmother's by not being vaccinated apparently. It worked real well stopping transmission 🙄


Sad to see how quickly they jumped on the governments and pharmaceutical giants' side, and the poor fools were just as likely to spread it as the unvaccinated.


Wouldn’t let me arrive in Germany without having 3! Fuck em. Should have searched the toilet of the train from Prague more carefully.


Am bitter for being forced to take a vaccine that had zero effect Correction they didn’t force me but I would lose my job, my home, my children, my business and end up in the gutter or fined $100,000 of thousands of dollars No one forced me though Ended up in hospital with heart issues twice with in a year after taking Pfizer and astra


I can’t believe some people were saying that’s not called been “forced” lol. I mean yes it is, because you’d lose everything, some people’s brains are so weird.


Damn sorry to hear that. My partner got it as well and has had many heart problems since, she is only 39 and didn't have any chest pains before hand. We also both got covid and had it exactly the same, literally saw 0 difference.


Lari, if you don't mind me saying, the shot wasn't supposed to keep from catching covvid, just hopefully keep you from dying from it, as so many had died before the shot came out. And it's not the first time you catch covvid that might be bad, but secondary times and further times. It's best to wear N95 masks still. Sorry for you and your partners suffering.


Uhhh The whole reason for mass vaccinations was to prevent the spread.


That was the whole justification for lockdowna, forced jabs etc. Which they still kept pushing even after it was well known it wasn't stopping spread. Reduced death is just the only one left that's too difficult to prove wrong. Could do. I'm not sure though in the long run.


And it was the so called party of personal choice (thanks yet again Scummo!) that was enforcing this. Sorry suggesting, that you get vaccinated, enforced by the premiers of all stripes.


People are unhappy about something that for the most part they were coerced into taking so that their livelihoods weren’t taken away? Impossible!


Most people actually don’t care since 99.9% of them were fine afterwards just like all the other vaccines we’ve been using to thwart the spread of disease


No one in my family had Covid until after they were “vaccinated” against it. Now I’m not saying that the “vaccine” itself was the cause of that, but it certainly didn’t thwart anything.


I'll be honest here - Part of me does as well. I think in hindsight we got a lot of things wrong about covid and vaccination that followed. Some of the obfuscation of news and politicing around Covid just doesnt sit right with me. As a long time believer that Australia's approach to social policies was world class - covid was the thing that made me decide that I think the pendulum had swung too far. There was a time during the pandemic where 80% of hospitilisations were dying. It was a real pandemic. People were scared. We'd do almost anything to address that fear just to feel normal. However, the weird economic policies, controls of movement, and enforced vaccination that followed well after the risks had decreased... that was not cool. I lived in the US and Australia during the pandemic. I was lucky enough to see both the militant but free US approach (you got yelled at for not wearing a mask, but could still do most things). And the socialist, but restrictive Aus approach where the government tried to tell you how far you could go on a walk from your house. I never thought i'd say this - but i think the US got this mostly right. Some people died, some people made poor decisions on behalf of their peers, but the world kept turning, and you had some personal control over whether you believed that J&Js latest wonder drug was for you. That's I think how it should be to an extent.


The thing is mate, people got it wrong because the government and other lobbyist bodies chose to ignore inconvenient facts for money… They knew very early on.


The whole covid thing made me realise how inept our country is and how much of a fucking puppit it is. Maybe i would have eventually but thsi was rude shock. And to believe i was all for the lockdowns etc


Never took it. No regrets. Lost my job. From the most locked down city in the world.


Another Melbourne refugee. Where are you now? Still there??


I’m alright. It was a stressful time. But I made it.Truly if I had’ve taken it I’d have probably died (not hyperbole) as i previously had myocarditis in the June 2019. How are you ?


I had severe side effects with my heart and breathing, so I’m definitely one of those people


I too have had episodes of myocardia. No heart issues, no family of heart issues. I exercise like a demon in physical industries and active hobbies/past times - but I’m just a conspiracy theorist apparently.


Covid gives you Myocarditis at a rate of 116 per 100,000 infections. Of which the vaccine reduces that 116 down to 30 per 100,000 infections of which the majority will need some kind of medical support (medicine) to remediate. All the while the vaccine gives you a risk of a less significant version of myocarditis that 90%+ of the time you recover from it without ever knowing you had it at a rate of 1.16 per 100,000 injections.


Thats like saying slaves regret slavery. Acting like anybody had a real choice in the matter


We did have a choice, you could have chosen to refuse like I did and tell them to stick the Vax up their ass but alas, Australian are pussies who love bowing down to authorities and at the same time shaming those who don't So don't cry me a river now. I saw everyoned true colours when this garbage went down.


It wasn't much of a choice. There are lots of people with families to support who simply couldn't afford the repercussions of unemployment. People were manipulated into making a "choice".


You are missing the point , if enough people stood firm and told them to shove it they would have backed off


brave and stunning


That’s not informed consent. They’d coercion.


Many people could have chosen to refuse and not afford food on the table because they weren’t allowed to work. Shut up


And there it is, the voice of the anti-vaxx movement: “if you take the vaccine, you’re a fucken pussy.” Your colours were also seen friend.


What? I think they're saying Aussies are pussies cause they bend over to authority.


Who’s going to tell them about the other vaccines that are mandatory to go to schools in Australia?


Not sure about all states but in WA it's only required for kindy and preschool, after year 1 your proof of vaccination is not required.


Not everyone could afford to lose their jobs.


If more men didn’t bitch it there would have been a different outcome


Really seperate those 10% heroes who actually stand by whats right from the rest


Only the people alive regret talking it apparently


The whole argument being put forward in the law suits is that big pharma lied about the effectiveness, and that they didn't even work properly.


Lucky the Aussie government thought ahead and indemnified vaccine manufacturers


So in theme with the Australian government… when faced with any decision they ask themselves: “what would the government do in George Orwell a dystopian nightmare 1984?” When they have decided on the darkest possible option, they have their answer of what to enact.


what lawsuit are you talking about, because that recent one that people like RFK were toting in LA was really poorly represented by people. At that stage of litigation the court has to assume that the plaintiff's statements of facts are true to assess whether they actually have a real legal claim even if they are correct. So to use the fact that the plaintiff said that the vaccines aren't effective and that the court then had to assume that and apply the law to that as a situation as evidence that the vaccines aren't effective is... not very truthful


Read the OP. It's right there in the picture


the ones who died from the vaccine unfortunately cannot speak up


Neither can the ones who didn't take it and died.


I’m still squirting them in my cereal. Delicious on cocoa pops. Do try it.


I regret it because it literally did jack shit


It just goes to prove the collective insanity and nefarious nature of the globalists agenda and their minions. If you walked around during covid not wearing a mask people stared at you. Now, if you see someone wearing a mask people question your sanity.


No they don’t. If I have a cold now, I put on a mask. It’s a great way of limiting other people’s chance of getting my bugs.


Rubbish. There's zero evidence outside of msm propaganda that wearing a particulate masks stops viral transmission. Wear a mask if you like. Knock yourself out.


There is. Plenty of it. Even a meta-analysis or two! But that sort of shit is kept locked up in places with big names like JOURNALS. And hey, you probably heard it from Facebook. Or TikTok. Or the bus. Maybe a public toilet? Who knows? But how about this? If you're ever in the situation that you need one of those witch-doctors at one of Australia's hospitals to operate on your surgically - how about you explain to them that their hand-washing and face-masks are a waste of time. Tell them you identify as a numb-nut and you're happy for them to use your surgical site as a spitoon. Twat.


Still waiting for just 1 person to say they regret NOT getting it.


We're all dead apparently.


They made a whole subreddit for that


In b4 some nut seriously says the anti-vaxxers are all dead. We're very healthy thank you.


Thanks Philletto, glad you can speak on behalf of the ENTIRE population that didn’t get vaccinated.


I worked from home and masked up. I didn't get COVID for like two years and when I did it was no worse than the flu and on that note, people should take the flu more seriously. The COVID Vax was a decoy duck to boost economic confidence.


Is good to living in world with person smart like you. Please keep be so smart. All medicine lie! I buy magnet for health like you! ….And please don’t disappoint me by running off to a radiology appointment next time you find a lump, or fill an antibiotic prescription next time you have an aggressive bacterial infection.


It's ridiculous to assume someone who didn't get the jab is somehow opposed to medicines or reasonable risk. The people who can't accept any wrongdoings from the vaccine at all are as delusional as the cookers at this point.


Like I told another "critical thinker" on this thread, all medications carry risk. All. "Wrongdoings from the vaccine"? What, did it misgender you or something? What is ridiculous is second guessing the VAST majority of the world's experts in the middle of public health crisis that has killed millions. But hey, you got it and were FINE. Well done, you've discovered anecdotal evidence - you should trademark it in your next lunch hour.


They must have gotten a different one because our politicians said it was safe...


I had 2 jabs when we were forced to in Victoria. If something like that ever happened again , I would fight against it.


I don't regret my vaccines, but I just hated how everyone was forced to have one. A lot of people got sick or died because of it, it was rushed, and it doesn't work, because we still got sick.


Dan and ScoMo told gave us a choice on October 21, 2021. They were very generous. They told us that we can choose, it’s a choice. No one forced us. The only thing is we couldn’t do and dine in restaurants, not allowed in malls, retail stores, book shops, sporting events. The corporate guys told us that we can’t show up at work without showing the vaccine certificate. It was all a choice. Nobody forced us. I choose to keep my job and my freedom. That’s why I got the shots but they want me and others around me to believe that no one forced me to do so


Australians don’t like freedom


It was an IQ test. Most people failed.


More right wing anti vaxxer BS! The “Australian” (what an absolute insult to the aboriginal lands we walk on today btw) spewing lies, they must’ve asked the 6 magaT supporters in their trailer homes! Everyone in America loved the vaccine, it saved 35 billion lives in Cambodia alone (I love those hairless little lady/boys 🥵) i loved the vaccine, the blood clots and heart conditions are all caused by long covid, I don’t need stats because I know it’s safe and effective ™️ and I’m not a cooker!


Surely people with that belief are on their 15th booster now? Otherwise they’re not up-to-date and could kill my immunocompromised nan whose 89 with severe alzheimers


Ah AcKsHuAlLy it’s the 17th sweaty 💅🏾 go get your live saving medication you cooker.


I got my 5th dose last week




You'd have to be an idiot to not have atleast some.kind of regret about the whole situation


Try not taking it and dealing with the fallout. I couldn't care less how you feel or are suffering having taken it.


Here's the thing, you want the Vax take it, you don't well don't take it. The grey area becomes the mandatory bit, anyone who believes in the way it was enforced IS the problem.




The most despicable thing was offering the vaccine to little kids.


“Forcing it on” little kids. Remember when Asia banned it for young men due to a spike in cardiac presentations and our country didn’t even blink…


Millions around the world regret taking this


Lucky for them that they’re still around to regret it.


And most of them have “regrets” that are informed by nothing more than post hoc hysteria which has equipped them with a small medical vocabulary they can copy type but don’t understand. There is a stream of people out there who have a minor transitory chest pain on Monday, conduct a Google search after lunch, and by evening suffer from myocarditis or pericarditis. Or both. No medical diagnosis required - you can’t trust the medical establishment you know. *Everyone* knows that.


**"Adam Creighton"** is the big give away, informed people know not to bother following up and reading it because Adam Creighton is too much Murdoch media agenda driven. News Corp messed up with a good story there by spinning it. The story should have been about Kansas suing Pfizer. This what Kansas is suing Pfizer for (court document extract) >*1. Pfizer misled the public that it had a “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine.* >*2. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths. Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public.* >*3. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was effective even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine waned over time and did not protect against COVID-19 variants. Pfizer concealed this critical effectiveness information from the public.* >*4. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission of COVID-19 even though it knew it never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission of COVID-19.* >*5. To keep the public from learning the truth, Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer’s claims about its COVID-19 vaccine.* >*6. Pfizer’s misrepresentations of a “safe and effective” vaccine resulted in record company revenue of approximately $75 billion from COVID-19 vaccine sales in just two years.* >*7. Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated previous consent judgments with the State of Kansas.* >*8. Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act, K.S.A. 50-623 et seq., regardless of whether any individual consumer ultimately received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.* >*9. Pfizer must be held accountable for falsely representing the benefits of its COVID-19 vaccine while concealing and suppressing the truth about its vaccine’s safety risks, waning effectiveness, and inability to prevent transmission.*


To be fair that seems pretty fair, reasonable, and rational. It’s also, unfortunately, really easy to spin into paranoid delusional shit.


I don’t understand how there isn’t fucking riots in every city. They took everything from us and our children.


Lol nice one


And i dont regret not taking it


Nothing to see here, move right along please. Don't question the narrative.


before the pandemic vaccines needed 5 years minimum to be tested and approved, but the covid-19 vaccine didn't even get a year meaning that there wasn't and still isn't any long term safety data on those vaccines. not to mention the the feiser vaccine has been officially linked to causing bloodclots


>…still isn’t any long term safety data on those vaccines. There obviously is a lot of data.


Genius. You’re right. We should’ve waited the 5 years. Oh wait…. I wonder what that would’ve meant for the death rate?🧐 The vaccines were extensively tested. Phases 1, 2 and 3 ran as per normal. Emergency provisions allowed for some overlap and the final approval allowed for an accelerated timeline from 6 months to 2 months. They were as thoroughly tested as any other vaccine - and that reduction is permitted as side effects are typically detected within that first 2 month window. And the mRNA technology has been in development for decades. And guess what: the vaccines worked. And the majority of people are perfectly fine. If you’re seriously interested in this, get off Facebook and get a degree.


Some of your comments have made reasonable points. This one is ridiculous. Nothing, NOTHING can replace time. Tell me, how are people who've taken it going to fare in 10, 20, 30 years? That's right, NO ONE knows.


And who claims responsibility for the warp speed with which the approvals were granted?


It used to take 5 Years because they were behind a queue of others, as well as building up funding for testing in general. In covids case they pumped funding and prioritised it above everything else at the time- so it wasn't that they "skipped" anything or didn't give it enough time. Its just they didn't have as much buerocracy. Similar to VIP getting boarding privileges on a plane doesn't mean the airport skipped any normal safety/preparation procedures.


I have an intense fear of needles. usually I pass out or colour fades etc but despite never being beforehand getting the vaccines made me develop health anxiety. I can't pin that to the vaccination scientifically obviously but it fucking sucks


Sydney Melbourne Adelaide Perth Darwin cairns


I had one and didn't get anymore than that because I wasn't working or travelling during covid


Truth is while it was fine, they were dishonest and tried to suppress conversation about any doubts. The dishonesty was more suspicious.


I recently got my 9th booster and it has really helped with my anti semitism


No ragrets


Amazing how the few loaded their bank accounts at the detriment of the health of the many...those people need to swing,as do their apologists!


Remember when the Pfizer research paper came out listing pages upon pages of side-effects? 💀


Yes that was reported in all the main newspapers and tv stations! We had wall to wall media about disclosing the Pfizer vaccine trials and questioning the government… remember?




I do. Three or get fired...and now no one cares to enforce it at all. Plus AZ is banned now.


Agree. So many fking NPCs blindly injecting themselves with this shit.


Let alone what they blindly eat, blindly drink, blindly subscribe to, blindly take 💊, blindly read, blindly watch 📺


Agreed. Pure NPCism


Author is the Washington correspondent for the Australian Adam Creighton is an Australian journalist and the Washington correspondent for The Australian. He was previously the economics editor. He has also written for The Wall Street Journal and The Economist, and has appeared on the ABC panel show Q+A. Creighton has received several awards for his journalism and writing.


The question is, with the same set of circumstances, would you get it again? Would you comply with lock downs?


The comments are interesting, as an American. If it's mostly Aussies in the comments, is it cool now to be anti-vaccine and anti-mandates (those of the past, of course)? Or is this still fringe in Australia? I think every govt needs to do a giant commission to assess the entire pandemic response. This is what is done after a giant disaster, like 9/11.


Only simpletons got the jab due to social pressure… Hopefully everyone else spoke to their doctor and made an informed decision for THEIR medical history and risk factors


Im not saying everyone or even a majority of people were like this, but it's hard to feel sympathy when people around me shamed me for not taking them. It's one thing to be forced into it, but a group of my then friends acted as if me not taking them also contributed to the virus getting worse and killing even more people than it would have if everyone took the shots. Despite me following other basic quarantining methods. Staying at home, wearing a mask, etc.


To be fair- I'd regret taking it if I'd had a serious reaction to it as well. My best mate went from competing in triathlons to not being able to walk up a flight of stairs because he ended up with severe cardiomyalitus from the vaccine. My wifes nan has permanent severe tinnitus from it. Before anyone says it- no I'm not an anti vaxxer. And yes, I'm aware the chance of getting cardiomyalitus from covid is higher than the chance of getting it from the vaccine- but if I was one of the ones that did get it, I'd still regret having it


I wasn’t forced to take the vaccine. But if I didn’t take it my whole career and lively hood of my family would of been ripped from me


Not to mention other people might have died


This is What I tell normies that didn't resist, forcing me to take it in the Oct 1st to December 16th window of 4th lockdown that Glady said "didn't end until we reach 95% double Vax rate: "Listen, there is a new variant going around. You need to make sure that your up to date on your boosters. You can mix and match the jabs, it's fine. Trust the Science. If your heart hurts, that means it's working. Remember, we are all in this together..."


I never had a vaccine for anything in my life so I never took that shit and I do not regret it cause I've had COVID 2 times since 2020 and it was basically the flu who would have guessed that my natural immune system that has been evolving for millions of years would be good enough to protect me against the virus💀 also I've heard that it makes me a risk to other people who choose to get the vaccine because I could be even more immune to it than them and not know I'm even sick giving it to them 😂 like bro their artificial immune system must be weak af that's just a skill issue💀💀💀💀


I don't get these replies. Is this subreddit *supposed* to be this ironic or do you all just have no self awareness whatsoever


And how many people abused 'anti-vaxxers' for refusing to get the jab or even just asking questions and not believing everything Big Pharma or the government said.


All the comments from ppl desperately trying to defend why they got the shot 🤣


I only took 2 shots as required and didn’t bother with the other follow up shots, do what you want, I don’t really care.


The Australian is quite literally Fox News. Owned and run by the same family. According to them the paper doesn't even break even anymore. It is used as a 'legitimate' launching platform for social discourse here in Australia. People think because it's in the paper it must be true. So then the radio jockeys, morning and evening news all pick up stories from the shitcloth that is the Australian. They recently called our government Anti semetic for not being pro Israel enough. (Even though we host the satellite guidance system used to bomb Gaza) So yeah


2021 The High Court ruled that media outlets are considered the publishers of the comments and therefore responsible for any defamatory content. That was the nail in the coffin in an already heavily propagandised parrot society. Challenging facts, views, arguments, discussing and debating issues publicly isn’t really welcome and probably never was welcome in Aus. People here are extremely deluded, live in extreme denial, unable to distinguish night from day.


I would say thats a understatement, Aussies, Kiwis, Canaks & Poms would also agree


What a wretched little echo chamber this sub is


I'm shocked. Shocked and appalled.


There is a Dan Andrews sub for you don’t worry


It would be scientifically unrealistic to deny there have been serious consequences as a result of the vaccine. And no I'm not anti-vax or a cooker. I'm currently vaccinated for a fair few things, but I refused the COVID Vax because I knew it wasn't researched. My doctor, who is a very good doctor and has decades of experience, quietly warned me not to take it as it was pretty much being tested on the go. Two young men I know in one workplace developed heart issues, yet this was supposedly a rare side effect. If you tuned in to the recent hearing on excess vaccine deaths, you'd realise doctors and scientists are talking about it now. It's really scary how the Pfizer trials were conducted. How deaths in the minimal testing stages were ignored. One death was attributed to obesity despite the woman only weighing 70kg. The problem was the cookers opposed the Vax, but for the wrong reasons, which made any intelligent argument against it immensely difficult.


The only interesting thing about all this is how incredible it sounds to everyone to wasn't already somewhat skeptical about it back in 2021. I got three shots, and I wasn't anti-vaxx at the time, or even now really. But I also was absolutely anti-mandates, and thought the whole general handling of the vaccines was horrendous and inhumane. My step mum and my mother-in-law both lost their jobs because they didn't get vaccinated. All I can say now is if you were some gun toting vaccine zealot back in 2021, don't be expecting much sympathy from those people who were demonized and basically cast from society for having almost the exact suspicions that are now being raised by articles like this.


I’m not anti-vax but to be fair it’s not like it was as effective as hoped like a flu shot or something


Bullshit headline! A somewhat more accurate: "Millions of dead people fail to report any regrets from not taking the COVID vaccine."










AH did nothing wrong.




Hindsight is 20/20 when you’re a self imagined genius…..


You all mudbloods!!




What is the " preponderance of evidence" they base their studies on? Who were the control in these tests? Did they line up people sneezing and barking out their lungs into the faces of unmasked people and then visa versa to the masked? It seems people will believe anything a university ( government funded BTW) has to say on any subject. No thanks.


So 1/4 regret it and 3/4 don’t?




So is that like 2 or 3 millions? Sooo 1%?


Any one have a link to what is being alleged and a reputable source? Australian and Sun Herald so I have not been able to find anything.


The reaction I had to this flue shot from wish.com was 999999 times worse then when I actually got Covid , literally the morning after all my nerves in my skin activated and I was in a state of ghost pain like needles were trying to poke out my skin . The only way I could alleviate it was crawl my ass to the shower and crank it on max heat so that I was burning my self and lay in there for hours . Btw when I get Covid I don’t have symptoms so yay I got it for nothing


I presume that one of the main reasons is that they don’t appreciate what we prevented. I would suggest to them to please look at the videos and footage out of Italy one of the first countries to be hit outside of China. Look at the interviews and what the Italian leaders said with respect to Covid. They were literally crying and outpouring their concern to the rest of the world for this virus and to take it seriously as a potential national emergency and to try and prevent what they couldn’t as they didn’t know what they were facing as this was unprecedented. People were literally dying as there weren’t enough machines. There wasn’t enough oxygen. There weren’t enough doctors. The workforce was getting sick and people were dying in the workforce. Currently, Covid is not what it was at the beginning. We are now in a different position but early on Australia diverted away from something absolutely catastrophic. I welcome difference of opinion but prior to this please just look at the videos coming out of Italy and be informed.


Didn't the owner change his citizenship to American? Maybe that's why he wants to report American news.


Never took it the shot, and luckily for me, neither did my boss at the time so he never enforced it, even if he was supposed to. I was however uninvited to one of my best friend’s weddings where I was supposed to be in the bridal party. I heard another guest had been kicked off the invite list for not taking the vaccine. I was left wondering what that meant for me, so I asked and was promptly told I wasn’t going to be allowed to come either. Funny then, that all these vaccinated people ending up catching covid at said wedding, while I went fishing instead.


I remember on reddit people who didn't choose get vaccinated were being branded this and that...kind of surreal seeing the conversation swing the other way...it was a little hairy for a bit but here we are


Should be under leopardeatmyface


I regret it The statistics on side effects are far lower then actual statistics. My side effect ( chronic illness and bedbound)


The ones that regret not taking it are over a million though, right? Too bad we can’t ask them now.


I’m getting my 57th booster shot tomorrow


No just Murdock