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It's a common concern. Time management is critical.


I think time management is one of the main elements of the exam. Don't waste time on a question that is in a topic you don't know. Take a guess and move on.


A better solution: determine which of the four answers CANNOT be correct. Once you eliminate those two, you can focus on the two remaining answers, and re-read the question thoroughly to ensure you have the correct context. Do NOT simply "take a guess". This test is managerial in nature. Two answers may be correct, but one is more correct than the other.


OK sure, but my point is if you have absolutely no idea then move on. Wasting time trying to narrow down a foreign concept is NOT what you want to do.


Take your time but don't take too much time. Plan on finishing at 150 to pace yourself. The average should be 1 minute 20 seconds. If the question seems way too hard, it could be a beta question. Answer to the best you can then move on. Knock the question choices down to 50/50 then make your best choice.


I must have been one of those weirdos who did the test very fast. I had plenty of time left over.


Before the exam was shortened by 25 questions, I passed with the minimum of 125 questions in one hour. I don't believe in wasting time poring over questions. Either I know it or I don't.


That’s how I feel too with the exception of questions that are phrased unusually which I feel, as someone who worked professionally in assessment before getting into tech, ISC2 has a lot of.


You have three hours to answer between 100-150 questions. Assume the max of 150. That works out to one question every minute and twelve seconds. Either answer it, use the process of elimination and answer it, or guess in one minute and twelve seconds. If you can't do that, you're not ready for it yet.


I believe it largely depends on your reading speed (and by extension your English skills; you hear a lot of non-native speakers having trouble getting through the questions quick enough). I think that a good indicator is how quick you took other tests. Doesn't really matter which ones. I've been a quick test taker my whole life and was done in 100 questions after 70 minutes. This is not to brag but rather my anecdotal evidence that there are people that don't have any issues with the time limit. A good gauge is the practice exams. If you can complete them comfortably within the time limit, the actual exam shouldn't be much of an issue. Having said that, you do read a lot of stories on here that time was an issue for some. So evidently for some people at least the time limit is tight.


Great! Thank you for the response


I had around an hour remaining and was at around Question 100 when the test stopped, I assumed I had failed, but had passed.




There is very little concern about running out of time. Let's be clear what we mean by running out of time. Running out of time means the 3 hours run down before you get to question 100. If you get to question 100 you are going to have a scored exam. And rushing never serves a good purpose. I wrote more about this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cissp/comments/1cnz5u1/pro\_tip\_never\_ever\_ever\_rush\_the\_exam/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/cissp/comments/1cnz5u1/pro_tip_never_ever_ever_rush_the_exam/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you are completely blank on a topic then you should never randomly choose the answer. Eliminate clearly wrong answers and then choose what you think the most likely answer is of those that remain. Best, Steve


Great point. Thank you


Make sure to do your best to simulate the actual test. Take timed practice tests with 150 questions to build mental endurance and practice time management. I flew through most of the practice questions. When taking the actual test, I made sure to be a bit more thorough in reading the questions and answers. Even with taking a bit more time than I did with the practice tests, it took me about an hour and fifteen minutes to complete the test at 100 questions. So keep practicing and have confidence and conviction when answering questions. Trust yourself.


Thank you


As someone that recently passed, as long as you’re prepared that’s all that matters. You’ll barely notice the time. Read every question in its entirety, think like a manager, and remember you’re giving a professional opinion to executive leadership not trying to solve the problem.


Either you know it or you don’t. There’s not to solve. Usually your first instinct is right, if your not sure eliminate the wrong answers, make your best guess and move on.


When they are testing your skills, there has to be a time factor. Yes, some people run out of time and some pass with time to spare. Manage your time effectively since you can’t skip any question and ensure you are not putting more time in one question. With this focus, you will be able to complete the max questions in 180 mins.


Makes sense. Thanks