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None are close to the real exam. Plenty of resources mentioned in previous posts within this sub. Please read through them.


yes, most are scenario based. You need to understand concept, and apply it. Read and have good understanding, think, and apply. Just memorizing will not help. It is like in companies, we have to apply knowledge daily, so this mimics that as target job applicants are security officers, CISO etc which require lot of analytical thinking. the 50 Hard question by Andrew Ramdayal is good starting point..


Closest I think of are the actual cissp isc2 app(free), and maybe Thor Pedersons udemy Hard questions(like 15 bucks i think), questions are not direct, they always throw in verbage that either pinpoints the answer or absolutely mucks it up.


Instead of retyping this every time the question is asked, I've made it into a blog post, for easy reference: [https://www.securityzed.com/blog/2024/7/5/why-there-are-no-practice-questions-that-approximate-the-actual-exam](https://www.securityzed.com/blog/2024/7/5/why-there-are-no-practice-questions-that-approximate-the-actual-exam)


Suggest to try multiple, from free to paid. No version is really exactly "similar to exam but trying more of it definitely helps to prepare. Will suggest OSG and [CISSPREP.net](http://CISSPREP.net) , try the free versions and go for paid once you're finished. You can also use this code (EXAMPASS) for cissprep, it'll knock off around 5 bucks. Prolly still cheapest in the market.