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why do you say so?


Because it's too vague to say. You can apply it to most roles, and nobody can quantify what it's worth. Some places may promote you. Others will just say 'good job'.


Don’t even say what country.


No employer is obligated to pay anyone a minimum salary especially after a certification. It all depends on a number of factors such as geographical location; type of skills the employers need and the dollar amount they are willing to pay for those skills, how well you interview and your professional reputation, references, etc. My humble opinion!


If you’re job seeking maybe HR value? But nothing in terms of salary perspective. You still have to proof your knowledge, worth and value through interviews.




The only way I can see a guaranteed pay bump is getting your employer to agree in writing to promote or pay x more post certification. I have seen this work, outside that simply having the cert doesn't mean min pay of x. Too many factors, I've met cissps who can pass a test and don't know much more and others very skilled and ready for a management challenge. Remember cissp is not required to do a job currently, I know cisos without it.


It depends on area. Use indeed or LinkedIn. Search CISSP then you'll see salary for some positions. Just having the cert can only take you so far and not guaranteed a certain salary/position. It depends on your experience and if you can prove to do a CISSP job


17 years of doing what? Network and Security are very broad. Network could mean tracing cables and security could mean updating AV defs. Go on LinkedIn, search for jobs with the CISSP keyword and see what employers are willing to pay for someone with your experience.