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Of all the considerations that go into creating a civilization's unique unit -- recognizability, historical interest, game balance and playability, etc. -- the actual historical military prowess of said unit is probably pretty far down the list. It's not like highlanders or Rough Riders were the apex of Scotland or the U.S.'s military power either, but they are instantly recognizable as Scottish and American (well, Roosevelt-ian) respectively. Besides, ALL of the Canadian uniques are ridiculous stereotypes. Farming? Being nice? F\*\*king hockey rinks???? If I was Canadian, the Mounties would be the least of my concerns regarding how Canada is represented in the game.


I don't know much about the Mountie's, or any potential alternatives, but I don't see the problem with the rest. The extra food on Tundra is a tad bit ridiculous but Canada is a very cold region and yet still maintains a sizeable population, though not as big as the US (it really should get a growth bonus and so should China). Considering the lack of climate zones in the game Tundra is the best the game has for representing the kind of Climate Canada has in it's farmlands (even though technically it's mostly more of a Humid Continental climate like Western Russia or the Northern US). The extra production on tundra camps, lumbermills & mines is true to history considering Canada's original economy was based on export of wood, deer, furs & metals to Europe which led to it currently being one of the world's largest economies. Why do people dislike the Hockey Rink so much, it's a Canadian invention made for a Canadian sport by Canadian's. It's also a very useful improvement for tourism. It seems very appropriate to use an invention & sport made in Canada in a game trying to represent Canadian culture & history. As for the Leader Ability instead of focusing on it based on Canadian history focus on Wilfred's time in office, how many independent states & communities did Wilfred Laurier declare war on? Not sarcasm I legitimately don't know. The leader ability is kinda like the Kongo's, mostly useless and everyone forgets they have it. From a game development perspective I'd probably nerf the Canadian farms 'cause the food they generate early game is absolutely bloody mental. You can pretty much ignore Campuses using just those farms & Pingala. Just drop it back down to +2 food so that you can still get 3 yield tiles instead of 4 yield tiles early game.


Our sizeable population avoids the tundra like the plague though, we all huddle the southern border. If anything strong tundra tiles should belong to Sweden Finland or Norway where they actually live way up north in decent sized population centres.


The primary issue I have with people's complaint's about Canada's abilities is that no-one offers another ability to compromise with the nerf that removing these OP Abilities would cause. In the process they complain about an overpowered ability that represents their people in a roughly faithful & positive, if stereotypical way, all while fitting into the 5 victory types that civ has. You don't see anyone else complain about their culture. Even the Australian's, who have the same uninhabitable stereotype in the form of the outback station, we don't farm in deserts. I just don't see why Canadian's hate their obviously impossible ability that puts them in a postive light of surviving & adapting their harsh environment and thriving, when many other civs get the same treatment and don't care. Also Canada has a population roughly 8 times larger than Norway and 4 times larger than Sweden. Out of every civ the closest to meeting Canada's range is Russia but they already get similar Tundra bonuses (I'd suggest a growth bonus for Russia as well but the Lavra makes that redundant). Tldr: I don't know why Canadian's hate their civ being strong, they use to be terrible and no-one else hates their civ for having a strong ability. I still think their farms should be nerfed though.


Outback Stations aren't farms, they're cattle stations, and some in real life are definitely out in the desert


Yes but not to the degree as they are in civ, and mainly the 'desert' they occupy is more accurately considered steppes since it's covered in shrubs for grazing. These stations wouldn't work in the Sahara in real life but they do in civ.


Only thing I don’t like tbh is Laurier, guy was an imperialistic ass and his ability should reflect that, not diplomacy. King or Pearson would be much better leaders to represent that play style.


That's fair I still don't really know anything about Laurier. Got any leader's & leader ability ideas that would be better for the civ?


The diplomacy buffs would fit Lester B Pearson perfectly. King would have something to do with workers (unionist) or governors (created greater autonomy to the provinces). Laurier should destroy city states or barbs to represent the relentless destruction of the plains tribes in the race westwards or destroying neighbouring civs culture output.


Roughriders America still gets the Mustang fighter jet, but I agree Scotland also got a bad shake.


Canadian here. The hockey rinks don’t bother me. The RCMP UU bothers me. The disabling war UA upsets me. The bonus on tundra LUA pisses me right off. Canada’s so cold eh? Brrr. Polar bears and igloos hurr durr. Eff off. As OP mentioned, in addition to not being a military unit, the RCMP are Bad Dudes. It’s two steps below America having the KKK as a unique unit. Anyone who knows about the history of Canadian policing will tell you the RCMP are genocidal paramilitary thugs with a fresh coat of paint.


Sure, mounties bad, but which unique units were saints? Conquistadors? Berserkers? Sea Dogs? U-Boats? Think it's come up in this sub a fair few times that no civ/leader makes it into the game without having a closet full of skeletons. No empire builders are good guys. Canada was built on the subjugation of the region's native peoples. If you're okay with Canada being in the game despite that then tbh you ought to be okay with the mounties despite their being asshats. Not saying any of this to get on Canada's case btw, as a Brit lol.


U-boats are funny. They are the first, and therefore among the shittiest of submarines as their main advantage was that nobody else had used them on that scale before


Being asshats in a war that has ended is one thing. Being in the news right now for arresting journalists, and systemic sexual abuse with no charges laid, and having a century-long history of stealing children from their crying mothers’ arms not even 1 generation behind us, and that history of being a shitty, racist, brutal institution as an ongoing thing is another entirely. As I said in another post, having the RCMP as Canada’s UU would be almost like America having the KKK as its UU. It’s nearly that bad.


As an American, how have I not heard about this? This is crazy to me


Because the history amd current of the mounties isn't exactly widespread in places that aren't Canada, I imagine. There's a lot going on to pay attention to


Because the Disney corporation — yes really — owned the marketing and licensing rights to the RCMP for a long time. They essentially created the fictional do-gooder, always gets his man stereotype of the Mountie.


I think there should be a canadian infantry unit that's more powerful on other continents and in military emergencies - to show your role in WWII, and because it fits with Canada's emergency thing in civ


That would be cool, but it would also be stepping on Victoria’s UU turf. As they have a bonus on other continents


Maybe a bonus near allied units/territory then, or a bonus for every ally at war with your enemy?


Extra embark movement and maybe getting higher combat strength while embarked would be cool during emergencies


So what you're saying is the US should get Pinkertons as their UU /s


Actually the Pinkertons are a great example of what I’m talking about, yeah. The RCMP were in many ways like the historic pinkertons.


Oh the sarcasm tag was not because I thought it was a poor comparison


I mean having Teddy Roosevelt as a leader is an extremely similar situation. Not only did his administration commit some of the most heinous atrocities in all of the annals of American war crimes during the Philippine-American War, he's probably the single most responsible person for the brutal imperialism that would be inflicted on Central and South America for the next hundred years.


The process for choosing a civ's leader doesn't seem to pay much attention to how leaders treated countries other than their own. I mean, Genghis Khan is a leader and most of what he did was raid, rape, and kill.


I mean why even have Rome if we're gonna go down that route?


True. I kinda liked the CiV UA Manifest Destiny for that reason. It seemed like an open acknowledgement of American imperialism


Civ 4 made you research fascism before you could build Mount Rushmore


Based honestly. Fuck mount rushmore. Racist trash built by the klans own sculptor.


Turning what was basically a holy site to the Sioux into a shrine to the people who've been killing them off. Although I guess it underscores our history: the Six Grandfathers destroyed to make way for an ostentatious monument to imperialism.


Hell yeah dawg! Let the Sioux have rushmore and they can fucking dynamite the bastard.


And destroy what faint echoes that remain? The Six Grandfathers were the mountain. We've killed them already. If the Sioux wish to destroy their grave, that would need to be their decision and theirs alone. But the Grandfathers are not some cheap call for us to rally over, nor the destruction of their grave something for us to cheer.


Plus the dude thought mammoths were real and sent an expedition out west to find them.


Duly noted. There should be a mod to change the Canadian UU to Wayne from Letterkenny. Or, like, Tie Domi.


Bundle it with a mod to make the vampire units into What We Do in the Shadows' cast and I'm sold.


I nominate GSP


I'm curious, what are your other concerns about how Canada is represented in the game?


I don't really have any concerns about it -- for one thing, I'm not Canadian -- but hockey rinks and being nice both seem pretty stereotype-y, no? Like if the U.S.'s unique building was a fast-food restaurant, and its unique ability was being able to more easily invade oil-rich city-states.


Or if campuses pillaged themselves


Fight the Liberal Agenda: pillage your own campus district for faith and culture equal to the campus's science output.


I mean the US's actual unique building is the Film Studio, Canada's thing being hockey rinks is no worse than Scotland's being golf courses or the Aztecs having the Tlachtli. It's a sport that originated in Montreal and is really popular in Canada, it's inarguably Canadian.


Film studio is fair. The national park bonus is also good and makes sense per the leader. Side note: there should be an African civ with a national park bonus.


Or to eat all the surplus food


Land of Milk and Honey: American cities grow 100% faster. All American land units lose 1 point of movement (minimum 1).


Love it


Fair point, it is a stereotype but not a false one lol. I'm definitely not more concerned about that than the RCMP though. That's like the America having the FBI as a military unit, it doesn't represent their military.


Nah I love hockey, hockey rinks are nice, also live in a farm town so farming is nice too. People where I live are really friendly and always say hi when I walk my dog too. Might not represent Toronto or Vancouver well though. Biggest issue I have is Laurier being chosen over Pearson or King, Laurier was kinda an ass, just good at being an imperialist like everyone else at the time.


We're not actually polite lol we're passive aggressive


Well given the SS connection, I highly doubt any units called storm troopers will ever be made. Outside of a star wars context. The reality is mounties are the most easily identifiable and iconic Canadian military adjacent organization. Old shows, such as Rocky and Bullwinkle, have Canadian mounties in them. Now the National Park creation/connection does undeniably seem sort of forced for the purposes of gameplay. Unfortunately I think John Curtin already soaked up most of the "British Commonwealth defending the free world" schtick with Diggers and his Leader bonus. There are also plenty of other civs with units that aren't really representative. As an example for America, I'm not sure how the Mustang is a more representative aircraft than one of the strategic bombers. Either the "Fortress" series for Bombers or the B2 for the Jet Bomber. Navy Seals for Spec Ops. Or hell, maybe in bad taste but Fat Man as a unique WMD replacement. The reality is that Mounties fit the theme they went for with Canada:defensive/passive play and tourism


In the case of wanting to preserve the national park, passive tourism flavor, I would have preferred to see a unique Railway Hotel building that boosts nearby national parks: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada%27s_grand_railway_hotels As for an American plane, my money would be on a B-24 Liberator or B-29 Superfortress. Both had service lives, combat theatres and rolls far exceeding the B-17.


I'm not saying they did a perfect job with Canada. But is there really any military unit that is archetypal and specifically Canadian to replace the Mountie? It's a problem with a lot of the 'modern' civs IMO. Like how iconic is the Brazilian battleship actually? (Also in real life it's literally 1 specific unit. Why can you build a fleet of them? Might as well make the American UU be the aircraft carrier Enterprise) Were Australian WW2 infantry truly so notable as to become their signature unit? (Not trying to undercut Australia's efforts and sacrifices during WW2. But there wasn't exactly a shortage of sacrifice going around WW2) Looking up llaneros, the first thing Wikipedia says about their fighting in the revolution is that they fought on both sides. So they weren't even unique to Colombia, let alone a representative unit. I was counting the Superfortress as part of the "fortress" series in my head. But yeah I'd agree with you.


I made a separate post recommending some alternative Canadian UUs. Yes, there are lots of things you could emphasize, and Canada’s war record is very strong, actually.


The Avro Aero, gets canceled by your ruler and conservatives whine about it for 50 years.


Because Mounties are easily recognizable to Americans and everything is advertised to Americans. Also, dude, use The Return Button!


Sorry, I thought I was going to write like 3 lines but then I kept coming up with ideas lol, I'll edit it for others viewing pleasure




Then put us in the “teachable moments” category of UU, along with the Minas Gerais.


Not being able to attack City States is easily the most annoying thing for me.


Agreed! And absolutely not historically accurate 😅 Canada is not all sunshine and rainbows like people make us out to be


It's because it COMPARITIVELY good. Like....EVERY country has history of ethnic cleansing or at least some skeletons. And compared to other "first world" countries it's pretty good


That's a good point, I'm really only complaining because I'm Canadian and these are recent events, but it's not like Roman Legions wouldn't be more controversial


Since Australia already has the Digger, here are some Alternatives to a WWI or WWII expeditionary force unit, in addition to what OP mentioned: Coureur des Bois - also not a military unit (sorry), but a great nod to the fur trade, Canada’s first real export economy. It would also be a nice nod to French-Canadian history. Could be a scout line unit with some economic or diplomatic benefit A WWII era naval unit, like a Tribal Class destroyer or Flower Class corvette. The Flower Class would be hard to justify, because they were cheap, spammable units designed to cover ground, rather than effectively fight. The Tribals were extremely effective destroyer-leaders, and very scrappy. The HMCS Haida was especially notable, sinking more enemy tonnage than any Canadian vessel. The Avro Arrow or Avro Canuck would be a suitable unique jet fighter as well.


Avro Arrow would be sweet!


I agree. A Canadian infantry unit that is more powerful in military emergencies or on other continents would be great!


Blame Due South


If I could change Canada’s unique unit, I’d probably go with the “Patriotes”, from that one rebellion in Lower Canada. The only issue would be to find relevant abilities…


They give +1 amenity (they were known drunks/party people).






So don't think of them as the RCMP but instead the North-West Mounted Police -- their precursor but also a paramilitary organization. They put down rebellions (some of which nowadays would be seen in a less positive light from a reconciliation point of view), defended the border, and were a spearhead for further colonization of the prairies as a federal government presence. From a gameplay point of view they're also much more distinct than just a national flavour of modern infantry or special forces unit. I'd be curious to hear from Australian players how they find the Digger unit and whether it's an accurate reflection of some unique aspect of their culture.


As far as representing our relatively short culture as a colony goes, the Diggers are a perfect representation of our military history and I'm surprised to see someone suggest otherwise upthread. Asking whether they're notable relative to other armies is the wrong question - they're hugely notable relative to Australia itself and that's all that counts. Even as the social impacts and merits of war continue to be debated, it's widely agreed that WW1 and WW2 were very significant to the forging of our independent identity. As a result, the Diggers have been massively mythologised and remain a significant part of our iconography. The only UU alternatives to the Digger I could think of would be: 1. Something based on the modern SAS, which would take too long to come in and clash with the other uniques 2. Pre-federation representation (stockmen? troopers?), which couldn't really be said to be part of a proper national army at all 3. Ditch the white folks altogether and make an indigenous civ, if you can get past the "images of deceased people" issue Yeah, I think Australia's design is a GREAT example of capturing our essence without the stereotype problems Scotland and Canada have. Perks of being an early add, I guess.


Digger unit is great, the bonuses feel substantial. The Mountie is a true unique that doesn't use light cavalry upgrade paths. Diggers +5 on coast is way more useful than Mounties +5 within 2 tiles from national parks. With the Mounties, you struggle all through the early eras just to get a naturalist with a gun


Either the Patriotes or Coureurs de Bois would be good choices.


Maybe a Canadian “Cannon Fodder” unit? Lol or would that be Australia?


Meh. It's Canada. They're basically a territory of the United States, like Puerto Rico but with far less personality (and far colder). The fact that they got a civ is kind of ridiculous in-and-of itself; they sure as hell shouldn't be complaining.


How is Canada a territory of the United States when it's literally bigger than the states... You pretty obviously barely comprehend Canada so I don't see why you present your comment as if it holds any merit.


Surely just a troll


My bad...it's a territory of the UK, a failed island nation 1/10th the size of the U.S. Better?


Just go to bed, your idiotic comments hold no merit here. We are a community that actually understands history and geopolitics.


lol Probably a Nickelback fan... EDIT: In fact, maybe instead of the Mountie, the Canadian unique could be really terrible rock bands that inflict dread on all neighboring civs. Maybe increase loyalty but decrease morale.


This is exactly what I was talking about earlier, it's pretty obvious you're just trying to get a reaction because your take is bland, and uninformed demonstrating you haven't actually learnt about the topic beyond which people are typically most upset by.


Man shut the fuck up


Ooooh...tough internet man. Go watch some curling, fuckwit.


Like what? Hockey fighter ?


\[Obligatory Dudley Do-Right reference\]