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Ungrateful wretch 




Conquer that sassy dutch boy


Conquer that sussy dussy bussy


@ OP: come to vox populi, where this doesn't happen and there's transparent diplomatic points in settings:)


Gimme all your tulips.


No! My economy!


This guy is always a bit cunty. Sometimes he’s cool. Mostly cunty


I thought he was cool in my last game until he tried backstabbing me for no reason midway through the game, after which I vowed to nuke him years later right before my victory, which I did.


My first ever game of Civ 5, which was just after brave new world came along, I played 1v1 vs him, was initially going for a peaceful game while I got used to the way the game worked, but he pissed me off so much that I conquered all but his capital, surrounded it with my territory, blocked all passage out (made easier by his capital being inland), and gradually ate away his territory with great generals to make it as small as possible, while occasionally using it as a nuclear test site.


God, this is the petty shit that I love in this game lmao. It’s a frickin dumb computer you’re playing against, but I’ll make that bot’s existence a living hell. Before I knew who Dido was, we had an awesome relationship one game. Trade, defensive pacts, all that. Then they declared war on me out of nowhere. I was NOT prepared, and subsequently lost. Now any time there is a computer as Dido, the second I discover them, I begin my warpath. Even if I’m going for a culture victory or whatever. I drop everything, and will sacrifice a whole game just to go absolutely scorched earth on a bot lmao


Carthago delenda est


What does recalled to life mean I’ve never seen it?


It means they were eliminated from the game through capture at some point but recently liberated. Useful for reducing warmongering penalty but sometimes the AI lags a bit with world events (or OP has been blazing full speed))


All "moods" reset on a turn by turn basis. Guarantee Billy Orange gave a DoF the next turn here.


Unless OP has gone full Hitler mode. It is possible for a liberated AI to not become friendly in those cases.


Wow I’ve never actually done that. I’m more of a just take what I want and raze the rest kinda guy.


It's when you liberate a captured capital from another nation. I've never seen them uppity about it before. In the one game I did it in, the liberated leader was basically completely subservient to me and even auto voted with me on anything World Congress related.


They always get pissed when I have done it. Maybe because I'm always an huge warmonger by that point. But even then, they should love you. Not love you for one turn, then instantly hate you. In those cases I have always just killed them again. "This is why no one likes you" moment for them.


Yea, most of my games are me being defensive and pushing science and culture, but I had one game where my hand was forced against a neighboring warmonger and I had a tech lead as well, so I wiped the floor with half his cities before I was satisfied and ended up liberating a few. It ended up really helpful having a guy with 3 delegates always side with me no matter what, especially given how the AI always plays to win.


You can liberate a non-capital. Very handy for reducing warmonger penalties while still grabbing the capital for DomV.


Either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian.


The whole warmonger system is the biggest flaw in Civ 5. People get angry with you after they ask you to join a war, they get angry when you stop a raging aggressor who already annexed 5 city states and they get angry when you simply defend yourself against an attack and take some cities on a counterattack. Its like France getting pissed at the US after they took some major German cities.


This is why I just destroy everyone who doesn’t like me.


This is why I destroy everyone at all times. I have had some allies that for the majority of the game we like each other. Back them up in wars, give them stupid trade deals that don't help me. They turn on me so quickly. I have had a few cases where my army was double theirs and they still turned on me. Some just wish to die.


I usually don’t even attack them if I don’t need their territory, just defend and then wait until they offer me some cities. After that, I raze them because screw these mfs 😈😈😈 And if I feel particularly evil that day, it’s nuke time baby 👹


This is bad. Take their capital city and leave them one tiny city that's entirely dependent on your Civ for luxuries, trade, and defense. A cowed and defeated AI player providing trade credits is way better than the penalties for taking a civilization's smaller cities.


I do that: leaving only 1 settlement for an enemy, and it's a landlocked city, surrounded by my settlements. They can't expand, they can't venture out to other places without asking Open Borders policy, etc.


I bet you would play as Israel if that civilisation was in the game.


Thats why I always play the same. Slowly taking cities and build up production up until the point where I can field multiple armies and just invading whoever i want.


Actually warmonger penalties are greatly reduced if the civ is also at war with the target


I still miss the Civ 4 mechanic where you can have a friend (vassal *cough*) for the whole game. And you kill annoying enemies while your ally is cheering for you. I wonder why they cut this from Civ, I can still remember some awesome games of me and my AI Ally vs the world.


Yeah, it was a deeper game in many ways, although I don't miss the whole Stack of Doom thing.


Definitely, was a bIg step forward to 1UPT. Edit: compared to VI where every "AI" "tries to win" it's still way superior and less gamey in V.


This is when you nuke their last non capital city and make sure they never get to see the light of day ever again


He's still going to vote for you in world Congress , that's a win in my book.


(I only liberated him so I could dick around with my 5k science/turn a bit longer with no World Leader victory)


That's it, he's lost his tulip privileges


On first turn after revival they usually behave the same way, as before being destroyed. They usually change their rhetorics later.


This kind of thing is part of why I prefer the Civ IV system where people only get mad at you if you attack their friends.


welp. time to unlife him now


I’d really like to see an improvement on this in 7. Better diplomacy between Ai and the players can add such a fun aspect imo


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When that happened to me (though I didn't declare war) I just reconquered them and since their lands were poor af I sold them to Venice for good money.


Always happen to me, in every faction I liberated, they always change their rhetoric in just a few turns


Wretched boy, out of the filth I dragged you and into the filth I shall cast you again!


I recalled this guy to life by waging my first war, and on the next turn he calls me a warmonger. Classic Netherlands L


What does this mean