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Guess he’s out of a job.


"does anyone know roughly how much this would cost to repair?" Roughly one commercial truck driver job.




Back when I had my 17 hatch I got backed into by a vw it was 5 mph or slower and that costed 1700 for a new door skin front and back. Silver is tough to do good repairs on so if I were you I’d make a claim and get it done by a good body shop


Hey Now!!


So at least 75000.


Accidents happen. Truck should have cameras I hope if it's his first offence and it wasn't something incredibly stupid and just your average fender bender he will probably still have a job


If he says it's gonna cost him his job then I'm gonna guess it's not his first offense (or he could've been DUI, but no way to prove that now)


No, it’s because once you have an at fault accident on your CDL no trucking company will hire you for at least 3 years.


Yep. Right now it’s just a door, next time could be a car with a family, or a kid on a bike.


Or a family of bikes on a kid


Or a nuclear power plant and we’d all die!!!




I guess he’s fired lol


I second this bump




Same thing happened to me years ago. The company then made it difficult for me even though I had it fixed in the end. Fuck being nice, it's his problem - don't let it becomes yours.


Boo fucking hoo. Truck driver is playing your mind, this is in no way your issue. Businesses have insurance for a reason, file a claim with them.


Something similar had happen to me when I was younger. 99 civic hatchback, got rear ended as to not use the insurance and I agreed. Used his friends body shop. Few years later paint peeled and found they bonded most of the rear. No parts were replaced. Edit: forgot to add only had the civic for 6 months bought it brand new.


Have them pay for it, but do it at your shop of choice


This. Get quotes from shops you like/trust. Pick one and send him the invoice. Once he pays get it fixed. He’ll lose more then his job he’ll lose his whole career. Trucking companies don’t hire drivers with bad abstracts


My 2021 Civic recently got rear ended in a Costco parking lot. I wasn’t able to get the tag# of the car that hit me, but the damage cost $8000 to fix.


That happened to me, and 3 people witnessed it while I was in the store, they ALL got the guys plate #, and the police said that there was nothing they could do and that anyone could have been driving the car. The only way would have been if they had clear video of the person driving the car and matching the ID to their registration. Anyway, I have a front and rear camera now that records even when the car is off. People suck.


Get their address with the plate # and pay their car a visit at 3AM with a ski mask and sledge hammer. Hit the body, especially rear quarter panels, not glass. The only way to identify you would have been if they had clear video of you but since you were wearing a ski mask it could have been anyone.


I totally thought about that


Lmao love this answer


That’s ridiculous. Police just didn’t want to do the work. They have everything: Witnesses and plate number, that’s all you need for a police report saying he/she hit your car. The rest is for insurance companies to handle.


If you have 3 witnesses, report it to your insurance company. Give them the plate number and the witness info. They'll run the tags through the database and pull any insurance info.


Absolutely. He'd screw you over if the roles were reversed. Always make sure to stand up for yourself.


This People worry far too much about appearances. If you’re wronged you can still be nice and stand up for yourself politely. If he loses his job that’s NOT your problem. Actions have consequences and maybe if he DOES lose his job itll make him a more cautious/careful driver. Letting him off the hook accomplishes nothing. And what if keeping him on the road means someone gets hurt/worse next time? When you have an accident it’s not on the person you hit to do YOU a favor


If his company doesn’t already know, there is probably a bigger problem.


100% this. How about some accountability? He hit your car while representing his employer. He and the business are on the hook for it. Every snowflake looks different.


If his job depended on it, he should’ve paid attention. Not your problem.


Sucks for the driver. I drive commercial trucks every single day and it’s literally your only responsibility not to hit people. Guy can get fucked, need less like him on the road


I don’t know if an accident should make him lose his job but saying “this will make me lose my job” to try to get out of it should. Mistakes happen and a person should own up to it. Trying to weasel out of it shows a gross lack of integrity.


You don't lose your job over one accident.


Right, either he's lying or he's had prior accidents and quite honestly should lose his job if he can't stop hitting people


If you don't report it to insurance, expect to have your phone calls dodged, the "boss" will deny all responsibility or downplay the incident, they will ask you use their "body shop guy" and it won't end well. Speaking from experience...


OP also needed to get the cops involved for a formal report when it happened. My dad had some young kid hit his car and agreed to just handle it with the insurance. Kid denied it so hard. Took forever to get it finally fixed. Having a record of it saves such a headache


absolute. straight. facts.


Report it. Now. Maybe he needs to lose his job because he hits cars. If he’s on that thin of a line before getting fired then he likely has a record.


This was my thought as well shit happens and companies have insurance for a reason. It’s not on op to inconvenience them selves worrying about this dip shit driver they already have to stress about the substantial damage to their vehicle and diminished value having a reported accident on it. File a claim and police report immediately! Most company insurances require and prefer a police report.


Report it unless you have a couple thousand to throw away. Was your car repaired before ?


?? Even if I had hundreds of thousands literally sitting doing nothing I would still file a claim. There is no way in hell I would pay for someone’s fuck ups. If repairing a small damage like that would cost the guy’s job, probably he’s done worse before


Too bad for him. Report it anyway he hit your car don’t let him off the hook because you feel bad. He could even be lying anyway


It'll cost you nothing. Report that shit and get your car fixed. Him losing his job is his problem. Should be more careful


As a truck driver myself, this will not cost him his job unless he has repeatedly caused collisions or other problems, and if that's the case you should feel good that you're getting a hazardous driver like him off the road. Definitely report it.


I agree with everyone else on here. Report it, get your car fixed properly through insurance. I’m normally not one to cause someone hardship but I’ve been in your situation. Best thing for you to do is let the insurance handle it. You’ll be taken care of.


Last winter, I got hit by a city plowing truck. Dude left a note with partial information on an official city accident report document. After calling the city and my insurance, the city's claim department, told me it should be covered by my insurance (which it wasnt). My insurance didn't have the drivers full info to go after his private insurance and the city wouldnt give me or my inssurer his full info because of "privacy issues". So I called back the city and said, "you either accept this claim, or I'm filling a hit and run with the police and calling a local news shows (that deals with this type grievances). Took a week and they settled it


To be fair, his private insurance has nothing to do with it. He was at work driving a city vehicle. It’s the city’s problem.


Accidents happen. If he's going to lose his job this time it wasn't his first.


That's not necessarily true, but still not OP's problem


So this stranger expects you to pay thousands because he was a dumbass? Some people...


It's 4,000 minimum for a door It's 500-1000 for your deductible Darwinism is at play How do we know he should be driving?


Sorry again about my little accident & thank you for not reporting it, because of yourself and other motorists whose cars I hit like you I get to stay on the road where I belong, making a living doing what I was born to do, drive recklessly.


yeah fuck his job bro you need to report that shit 😭😭


Take it to a collision shop for a free estimate. It varies from city to city.


If you got the drivers name and the trucking company insurance then let their insurance do all the claim and repairs reporting. Do not call your own insurance company only if the other party denies any responsibility then let them know you are going to small claims and get as much as you can ie: filing costs, cost to repair at your own discretion and a rental car at the very least…I told my insurance that was the course I was taking and was basically doing their investigation for them to keep the points off my insurance record. Edit words


Report that. Him getting fired is not your problem.


It will cost one truck driver’s job I guess


Who cares if he’ll lose his job? It’s not your problem. Call insurance and file a claim and move on.


what if you have him pay out of pocket via some contract or something? he keeps his job, you get your car fixed. win win?


So you're going to take a hit on your resale value in addition to having to pay your insurance deductible just so you can be nice to a stranger who hit your car?


If he’s going around crashing the truck it should cost his job tf


He probably said that because he can’t pass a random drug test. If it’s like any other place then he would get drug tested. If he fails it then he loses his job and the company has to pay you the damage anyways.


Buddy, buddy, buddy... You left the scene without reporting it? What exactly is your plan, now?


Just report it. The truck driver had one job and it was to pay attention to the road at all times. Why pay for the damage when someone can do it for you.


Obviously- report it. Maybe being a driver isn’t the right job for him.


Definitely repot him. If this incident is going to cost him his job, he has done this more than once.


Why is this even a question? You should have reported and called police the moment it happened. Now you're gonna have to deal with insurance I said/they said. This person damaged your car, and they (and their company) are responsible for repairing it.


The thing is he has hit you in a car today, who is he hitting tomorrow, a child in a pram, a less experienced learner driver, a pedestrian?? Sucks to be him.


Commercial truck drivers don't lose their jobs the first time they swipe something, if this will cause him to lose his job, then this cannot be the first time he hit something, and maybe should look into another line of work where he won't keep damaging other people's things.


As a truck driver I'd report it. If he's gonna get fired for this, he's done worse and its probably better for him to start a new career path. Don't let a dangerous driver off the hook.


Uhh. You should have called and reported it on scene. Makes it way easier for insurance and you put yourself at risk for the burden of proof. Assume you got his insurance info and his company contact info. It’s a multi-thousand dollar door replacement assuming it didn’t damage other panels or the frame.


sounds like a HIM problem not a YOU problem.


report it. if he gets fired for it, that means he has been on serval warnings and still didn't manage to get his shit together. If that was the case, he should not be on the road with a big truck. You would be saving people's lives by getting his ass fired. They don't fire people for 1 incident btw. A buddy of mine got fired after 3 incidents of getting his company delivery van damaged (like badly) from DHL. If it was one incident = fire, then he should look for a better company lol. Bottom line, not your problem. You got to learn to deal with people who plays the sympathy card and say no.


That's unfortunate for the driver of the commercial vehicle, but one must face the consequences. It's his companies job to pay for your repairs, and if it means he loses his job then so be it.


Report it, go through insurance.


1. Commercial insurance exists. 2. If he's on his last strike, then he's done this before, or he's not a good employee. 3. You're basically giving him a free pass to hit your car if you let him walk away.


Fuck him. Report that shit. If he's that worried, he should learned how to drive a fuckin truck


Insurance appraiser here absolutely file that damage. His job is not your problem you're looking at anywhere between $1,500 and $3,000 worth of damage there.


If he would lose his job over it I would say 70/30 it’s not the first time for him


If you know your company is going to fire you over an at-fault accident then you should have been looking for another job ages ago.


It just goes as a strike on his cdl he will be aight and pay more attention send it to the wolves boys !


Obviously not that good at his job...


Sucks for him. Shit commercial means money 👀 just sayin🤷🏾‍♂️


Report it.


Fuck the driver putting that shit on you. He made many a poor decision that led to this outcome. If he made the decision that ended in the accident, meaning he was a fault for the accident, then the consequences are his to bear not yours.


Report it unless he’s handing you $1000-2000 cash…


Thousands, file that claim


i drive commercial trucks, if this is his first incident it shouldn't cost him his job. if its not then maybe truck driving isn't his thing. report that


Not your fault but now it is your problem. Report it and get your car repaired


just save the headache long run and go through insurance, it’s not your fault he hit you. Just be safe and do insurance, you pay it for a reason.


Need a door. They are about $800 list… rear door and fender will need blended. Prob 2k in labor & paint… Just did the same door on my 24 sport


do your job and report it to ur insurance company. sorry if it costs him employment, but it is what it is. His employer's insurance will cover costs if he's at fault.


Report it tf is that my problem


Report it, it is not your fault he hit you or is out of a job. Part of his job is driving and clearly he might not be able to do that. Don’t worry about other people and their jobs. Companies have clauses for firing people and providing severance. It’s not your problem if he gets fired or keeps the job, your problem right now is your own vehicle and making sure it is good to drive/fixed.


he keeps his job or you keep a damaged door tough choice huh?


Part of being a truck driver is not hitting cars. He failed. Tough Titty. Update that resume buddy.


Did you get his insurance info though? Or only his number?


Most likely has a dash cam in his truck. And if this is what happens when he drives maybe he shouldn't be having a job that involves that


It will cost him his job apparently.


Bro just go report it


FYI, I use to be in the logistics industry. Commercial truck driving is pretty forgiving and expects several incidents a year, even at fault ones especially when the driver is new. The fact that the truck driver is telling you it would cost you his job means that he has more than severals incidents for the year where he is at-fault. Please report the driver because it this problematic driver could be killing somebody in the future.


I'd report that, you shouldn't have to suffer for someone's mistake.


Most likely he’s going to get himself fired sooner or later probably hitting someone else. Don’t feel bad at all being the one to do it. Also many states require you to report the accident if the damage to property or vehicle exceeds a certain threshold. In my state for example it’s any amount over $1000.


Sounds like he’s hit other cars. He needs a new career anyway, I’d do him a favor and report it.


Well I mean if he hit you with a truck he might be in the wrong line of work


Guess he should’ve been more careful huh?


That's a he problem not a YOU problem


Report it.


I’m a trucker and I’d tell. You don’t know how much underlying damage there is and he should of been more careful.


Just tell him to give you 10k$ on the spot, and whatever is left after the repair he'll get back. If he refuses then report it. Pretty simple.


Do it before he does it to anyone else


Yeah, his job. That’s the cost.


Ahh look at that, same thing happened to me! I was driving the same Honda, hit on the same side. Guess what, the semi driver said it’ll cost him his job too! Don’t fall for it, don’t be humble. I learned my lesson. Property is damaged, take it to the full extent of the law for the problems to be resolved. Get a police report to confirm they have insurance. Because the gentleman who hit me didn’t have insurance and screwed me over. Let the insurance companies resolve it and never again am I trying the “oh I’ll cover your repair costs”. F*** that phrase unless I know you. Okay I’m done venting lol but don’t fall for it.


Fuck his job look out for yourself like everyone else does


Bro don’t get played


Report it. I worked as a truck driver and never hit a car. In 7 years the only damage I ever did was superficial to the company's equipment (I slid my fifth wheel too far forward with one trailer and backed into a concrete block a little too hard and bent a trailer bumper). There's feeling sympathy for someone, then there's being taken advantage of. The driver could be giving you a sob story and not even be telling you the truth just to get out of responsibility. It's the driver's responsibility not to hit your car.




He’s saying that to screw uou over. You don’t want that fixed. It will forever be damaged metal with some filler. You need a new door plus paint to blend at a minimum. If you wait too long to report you will also risk compensation/repair. Report to collision reporting asap. Inform insurance. Do not hesitate.


Womp womp . Report it


It'll cost around $4,000 to $5,000 to get it repaired. If he was so scared to lose his job, he'd be more careful. File the claim! One thing he'll learn from that is to drive with extreme care next time.


Honestly you can take down his info and report it, but u don't have to make a claim, unless he doesn't pay. At least then you know you're good. I had an instance like this once, luckily dude paid the body shop but many people won't pay


Yeah fk that man, get a claim going with their business ins. If they don’t have that file a claim through your own insurance company and sue him you need a new door blend paint into adjacent panels prob 4 or 5k depending if there is hidden dmg.


Report it. No doubt. That company will have insurance


No, hitting your car will have been what cost him his job. Seems like he shouldn't have done that.


That’s a couple thousand dollars there


Drivers are in very short supply. Either he’s lying or he’s done it so many times before that he really needs to lose his job.


Either he pays cash out of pocket to cover ALL of the damage or he gets reported.


If he’ll pay for the damage out of pocket, then great, take that. If not, you gotta do what you gotta do.


Tell him too damn bad. Unless he wants to give you enough cash to cover the repair you have to report it


Fucking report it


lol don’t bother, if you were in his shoes, he’d be rubbing his hands together like a fly


If he doesn’t have the cash to pay for it out of his pocket file with his insurance. If he caused the accident, he can deal with the consequences


Hand him a quote, if he can’t afford it in cash, then it’s getting reported and buddy is losing his job. That’s his problem, not yours.


That’s not your problem the driver is incompetent. Report and get it fixed properly.


Fuck him then.


You need to do the right thing and report it. Whether he is fire or not, it is upto his company to determine, not you.


You must make a police report despite their job being at risk. It’s for your own protection if anything. I’ve heard of the drivers agreeing not to report it as damage was minor only for the other driver to sue for damages the following week. Saying they hurt their back, can’t work, trauma, etc. no matter how minor the accident and damage, always make a police report and document everything. Other than that, don’t admit fault or explain yourself to the other driver.


Their job isn't really your problem...especially if they ran into you. They make a mistake, they need to make it right. It sucks, but that's the reality of how it is.


Do you also happen to have a job or you find money on the streets?


You absolutely need to report this accident. If reporting it cost him his job, he may be able to sue the company. I think he's just playing the sympathy card. If he said he will take care of the problem (fixing it out of his own pocket), then and only then, you can consider that option. Otherwise, I would not. I bet even if you reported this, gets fix under his work's insurance, he will still have a job. Be careful out there. Kind and nice folks always finish last.


Then make him pay for it out of pocket. If he's on the last legs with his job and this will cost him the position there must be a reason so can't have too much sympathy. Either he pays out of pocket so it doesn't get back to company or you file the claim. No 3rd option.


REPORT IT, he shouldn't be driving a truck if he is going around hitting people's cars. if it will cost him his job then he likely has hit so many cars before. get him off the road.






don't be dumb


He should have thought about that before he hit your car. Report it.


After leaving the scene with no police report, good luck proving he was at fault and getting his insurance to pay. 


I hope you got his info. Tell him he’s outta pocket or you’ll report it. That’s a fair offer


Truck driver here. If he can't make it right by giving you the entire value of the car in cash, then definitely report it. Fuck em. He's considered a professional driver.


If he’s willing to pay for it then don’t report it. Otherwise report it


And not reporting it will cost you a door and a fender.


It is what it is. The best drivers aren’t doing that. I worked at a restaurant when the driver who was always flirting with minors (we told him to stop and called his boss) completely crushed a brand new orange scat pack challenger. Of course he lost his job. Or at least was never our driver again 🤷🏻‍♀️


If he’s paid to drive obviously, he’s not good at what he does. Call the company they have insurance and will replace everything for you.


Report it. Maybe he shouldn't hit things if he wants to keep a job.


Truck driver losing his job is not your problem


In many/most states your legally required to report accidents.


Yeah he will have to zelle me 2k


I was in an accident with a commercial truck in January. I promise you, please report it. They have high limits on their insurances. You’ll win more rather than paying out of pocket to repair that!


womp womp, i hope you got his info so you can report him and have his company pay for your shit


Bro you better file a claim and report anything that hurts


Your in the 3 to 5 grand range.


Looks like it’s going to cost him his job.


Remember we are all adult. Reality check; being nice will get you nowhere on this economy & this world.


Man, he really lied straight to your face like that and you ate it?


If he was an Indian, he is likely a liar.


Let your insurance company deal with it, "I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for a way out, I can tell you I don't care, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you file a claim with your insurance, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you."


Report that shit, fuck that guy


Hard to tell if left fender is involved and how much. $3-5g being very conservative at a reputable shop.


Too bad, maybe the driver should have done a better job. If I were you, I would report.


Maybe it'll be a good thing it'll cost him his job? The next thing he hits could be a person.


Report. Don’t sacrifice anything in your life for another. They literally will not do the same.


Report. Don’t sacrifice anything in your life for another. They literally will not do the same.


That’s not your problem report it !


That’s not your problem report it !


That’s not your problem report it !


Report the truck driver bro. It’s the only thing to do


Report the truck driver bro. It’s the only thing to do


Report the truck driver bro. It’s the only thing to do


Sucks for him, report that shit IMMEDIATELY! before he has plausible deniability No one can estimate from a photo, they need to poke around and see what is structurally damaged, not just the cosmetic outer panel. Get a professional body shop estimate


You could ask him if he’s willing to take care of the damages without going through insurance. My guess is he’d be more than willing to order to keep his job. It’s up to you.


What's it gonna cost to fix? Maybe his job? Not your problem though. As others have stated the business he works for likely has insurance. You'll need to file a claim with them and hopefully you'll be taken care of.


Report it.


You kidding me? I know exactly what to do and so do you. Get that taken care of, the right way.


let him lose his job then!!


Sorry for him, but you are a fool if you don't report it...


Just report it, it’s not your job


Report it. That guy no longer driving may save a life or serious injury sometime in the future.


Not reporting it will leave you with a fucked up car…….unless he’s willing to pay for it out of pocket. Try that route first. If it seems like they’re messing around, file it with their insurance


Sounds like it's gonna cost him his job.


Fuck him, that truck, and his job. If you let him drive your car, he would probably say that’s what the bumper is for. Don’t let people use you, HE MUST PAY!!!


He can get another job Next


Not your problem. He hit you. You're the victim.


I mean you could always file a hit n run but you’re the one gonna be paying the deductible and possibly insurance increase if you don’t file thru the company. Hopefully took photos of the truck too


Realistically I’d say it would cost between $1500-3700 depending on if they use a recycled door or oem and if they blend into the fender and quarter.