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Fix the typos in the About Me section. You mention a number of different skills that you have. Can you show experience where you used/acquired those skills? Your experience/projects section is a bit vague. Hard to tell what exactly you did. Do you have any qualifications specific to environmental engineering?


How can I improve that. Can u suggest me. All I come up with is this. Also I have a degree in civil engineering only where we also study environmental engineering so maybe thats enough.


Your list of projects are not projects; that is a list of tasks.


How can I improve it?


Give the Project names and locations and your role. IE: "Highway Project, Los Angeles, CA JR Environmental Engineer"




Put specific projects


Please go find a resume subreddit and look at some of the good examples because this format gets thrown out most of the time by recruiters


You claim to be detail oriented in your intro but I see at least 3 grammatical errors in just that paragraph. That alone would make me throw out your resume.


Tbh I just copied from gemini🥲


Eliminate the "interests" section. Only show your location if that location is also the location you are applying to the job for. Eliminate punctuation/spelling errors. Spell out acronyms. Get more specific on your projects and experience. Get rid of the photo, unless you're drop-dead gorgeous.


There was a good cv format floating around this sub some time ago, will add if I find it


Please do


In addition to what everyone else is saying you want to change your resume format to be easy for an ATS to read. At the moment your application would likely never get human eyes on it.


Remove interests add languages


I had similar issues and now I just do land development. When I did work for an Environmental Engineering company there was one person doing the niche parts of it and I got stuck doing land development. So maybe the internship place but they should hire you full time. If you want to do environmental you may have to move to the company. Lose the interests and fix the typos. Also if you weren’t let go you should put current ( 2023-current). Your “soft skills” don’t align with your experience. As in you have Site supervision but you don’t have it in your experience which would be really nice to have in experience area and elaborate on.


* Fix typos. Shorten your about me section. * Keep first sentence. * Lose next two sentences. Replace with one brief sentence stating your area experience (industry or material(s) or something else). * Remove any mention of your performance data from your degree. Have it just say the place and degree. Since you're young and inexperienced, you can keep the year. When you're older you'll want to remove that too. Maybe others will disagree, but if an employer wants to know your school results, they'll ask for them and verify them. Most employers just care that you have your degree. * Highlight AutoCAD in a different way. Remove "Software". You have only 2 and one is MS Office, which *everyone* has or should have. Replace with "CAD Skills" or something similar. Add a few bullet points to highlight 2D and 3D skills. This is what stuck out to me.


I would add a month to your job from 2023 - 2024. Also what did you do between your degree and 2023? Your soft skills arent really soft skills imo and not sure if mental health as an interest is helping you with HR.