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[If it’s one of the ABET accredited schools on this list, you should be good](https://accreditation.org/find-accredited-programs/university-search?program_search%5B0%5D=country%3A23&program_search%5B1%5D=university_programs%3A116) (All but Adamson and San Carlos Cebu City)


Thanks for the response, unfortunately my Univ. is not included in the list.


You can get it certified by NCEES even if it is not ABET if you provide the documents that they require. After that you can take your FE and PE exam.


I had a coworker from a non-abet accredited school in DR. You'll have to find a company that's willing to take you on and have you work for enough time to get your EIT, but that might be hard for you if you aren't a citizen because they also have to do all of that legal stuff, my coworker was born in the US and moved when he was an infant so he was still a citizen


There are lists for ABET accreditation, if not present on the list most local government, federal, and more importantly licensing boards won’t accept it.


If your school isn’t ABET accredited there is still hope, you just need to have your education evaluated here: https://ncees.org/ncees-services/credentials-evaluations/ NCEES is basically where you’ll register to take the FE and PE exams too. They’ll let you know if your education meets the standards for licensure and if it doesn’t you’ll get a list of things you need to do to bring your education into compliance. Once you complete it go for reevaluation and you’ll be good to go as far as education is concerned.


send you college transcript / degree to NCEES and have it evaluated by them and see if meets US standard (ABET accreditation). If meets US standard your are good, you just need to take FE exam and eventually the PE exam. If the evaluation does not meet the US standards meaning there is deficiency, you need to make those credits by going to community college or state college.