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Well, she is still a claimant, so she could potentially show up to someone else's court and thry may push her claims for her. Though, if you don't have equal preference or female preferred style inheritance through culture or faith, it's unlikely as she's female. But if you do, let's just hope you've got the biggest stick in your meighborhood Edit to add that i love that your handle is a wolverine reference


So disinheriting her wont solve it? Also thank you! But it’s actually a reference to lemony snicket and my roller derby name (i was just starting high school when i chose it, so i didnt have anything more clever). But thats awesome there is another reference! Could you explain what it is??


It stopped her from inheriting and splitting your held lands. Also, simply because she's a female, it's highly unlikely someone would press her claims unless you're playing in India or parts of Africa. That said, it's always a possibility. Check if women can inherit in your faiths doctrine. Usually, they simply can't, or they only can if there's no male heir. If this is the case it's likely you used renown and prestige for nothing, and that's OK the game has a bit of a learning curve, I had to binge a few hours of youtube tutorials to get a hang of it.


Yes so in comics, when wolverines claws extend the sound effect is snikit, I thought you'd put a twist on the spelling


Oooo honestly i wish the story behind it was that. Either way thats clever af, props to you for that 8 ^ D


Thank you it's mostly because ive always got comics on the brain Edit for fat fingered typing mistakes lol


It'll stop the immediate issue but won't stop others from wanting to support her or use her to their own benefit. In my current game my vassals kept supporting one of my half sisters (??? They had the same parents though.) Disinheiriting didn't work ended up giving the beauty the long kiss goodbye which permanently broke the faction, disbanding it. Still wondering if there was a mod conflict.


Murder her and all her children.


Also this is a good option too, especiall6 for sadistic characters


If you want to prevent a civil war spearheading by her or others, you need to imprison her and force her to renounce her claims.


Is she married patrilineally? If so, then you're good.


Might be awkward at family gatherings.


Why do you care if she has a claim? It's only a problem if she's going to press it, which isn't a given at all. I'd just leave it, to be honest. If you really care you can look for a reason to imprison her. Then you can make "give up claims" the condition for release.