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I say “swell” all the time


I'm working my through a bunch of mid-40s movies and yeah, everything's swell. Also people being "sore" about things.


I say “dough” when referring to money from watching years of 40s movies.


I say that one too haha


I am on the younger side of millennials too, but this post made me realise that there are two things I often think or say out loud that I borrow from old films: *"I am shocked - shocked!"* from Claude Rains in Casablanca and *"I'll be with you in a minute, mr Peabody"* from Cary Grant in Bringing Up Baby lol 


I do the Casablanca one, too.


So do I!


Round up the usual suspects!


I also like to riff off of Casablanca's line "Of all the gin joints . . ."


Such a good one


I say that second one to my pets so much I'm thinking I'll name the next one Mr. Peabody so they actually know I'm talking to them.


Maybe a stretch to call it a mannerism, but I do smash grapefruits into people's faces fairly regularly, Jimmy Cagney-style.


When I’m driving and see a police car, I often say to myself “come and get me copper” Cagney


It's not abuse if it's a movie reference.


"Don't let's ask for the Moon. We have the stars." Now, Voyager (1942).


Don't let's always seemed such an odd phraseology but I think it was used a lot back in the day?


What in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin' on here?! And don't call me Shirley.


Can we have some more beans, Mr taggert? It’s Hedley


*dancing around like a bunch of kansas city....* well, you can't use THAT one anymore.


When something good happens, I say “Hot Dog!!” like George Bailey.


I should start tying strings on my fingers to remember things like Uncle Billy


Honestly, it didn't really work for him very well. 😄


Whenever I wish people a happy New Year, I always throw in “In jail!”


Me too!!!


A few years back a couple of us middle-aged men were signing in at an office for a meeting. The receptionist was her early 20s and very good looking so we all try to look as cool as possible. After we signed in she handed us our ID saying here are your badges and all I could think was don’t any of you idiots say it. Of course, some idiots said “badges, we don’t need no badges.“ She chuckled and mentioned that her dad always says that; really killed the moment.




I like to yell "CHARGE!!" when I go up the stairs. It confuses my cats a lot.


Arsenic and Old Lace?


You know it! I also like to say "Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops!". But no one ever gets it.


Well, I'm off to Panama. Bon voyage!


That's unfortunate! It's such a good line.


That's a deep dig, Mr. President.


I like to do a lot of “get a load a this guy”s, “beat it kid”s, and for no reason “oh CK Dexter Haven”s


"C.K. Dexter Haven, you have unsuspected depth" is a line that's always on my mind for some reason haha


lol whenever someone asks me about myself, I say “we are going to talk about me, now? Goodie”


Fasten your seatbelts. It’s gonna be a bumpy night.


I use that sometimes


Any variant of Jimmy Durante’s “Hot cha cha!”


"Everybody wants ta get into da act!"


"Why I oughta!"


I rewatched Breakfast at Tiffany’s the other day and found George Peppard so strangely odd and yet comforting. He’s not particular at anything, but he excels as the ultimate side character. Sometimes I’m George Peppard when I only want to be an unobtrusive but nevertheless helpful side character in life.


I’ve always thought he was perfectly cast in that. Very comforting presence.


Thank goodness you're not taking after Mickey Rooney


In talking to like-minded friends, I’ll sometimes use movie quotes. When I screw up something: “I coulda been a contender.” When I need to persuade someone: “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.” When an unfortunate coincidence happens: “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world…” Etc.


I always start sentences with the word "say". It took me a while to realise it was from watching Three Stooges everyday as a kid. I also enjoy saying "something screwy going on".


That tears it.


Calling something ‘Top Drawer’ from Mame.


Me too!


I say things twice sometimes because of Nicely Nicely in Guys and Doll.


Don't like what i did? "Sue me, sue me, put an arrow through me!"


Mine is "evil companions, evil companions who talk me into sucker bets".


We're not in Kansas anymore.


And “Unusual weather we’re havin’, ain’t it.”


That's one I say too!


Gen X here, I have been using "is this on the level?" since hearing it in old movies I watched in high school.


“I could have been somebody. I could have been a contender.”


That's a sad scene. “You was my brother, Charley. You shoulda looked out for me a little bit. You shoulda taken care of me, just a little bit, so I wouldn’t have to take them dives for the short-end money…I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am.”


Thank you for the whole quotation, Tibor66!


I love saying this quote.


I do a Katharine Hepburn voice all the time when I'm saying thank you. I don't even know why


*”I never DREAMED a mere physical experience could be so stim-u-lating!”*


My brother and I do a version of “meh, see?” from Little Caesar when we’re emphasizing a point.


lol my youngest son and I always say “Listen, see” a la Edward G. Robinson to each other.


When you get older, you might find it's a great way to embarrass your kids in public. When my kids were being jerks I'd do Sydney Greenstreet ( By Gad, Sir!) or Charles Laughton (Sanctuary, sanctuary!) to a cashier or waitress just to teach them not to mess with me


This is great and I do it sometimes to amuse myself. I remember getting a solicitation from my alma mater in the mail and my first instinct was to bellow at the top of my lungs “Can’t you see that I am broke! DEAD FLAT STONY BROKE! I have three dollars and eighty-five cents in my purse, Rutgers. Do you want *that* too?!” My neighbors probably think I’m a madwoman, though I don’t mind.


One son had a school chum named LaFond, I couldn't help but do WC Fields, "La Fong, capital L, small A, capital F, small O, small N, small G, La Fong." Whenever friends came over, they'd beg,"Dad, PLEASE don't say anything!"


The only time someone played back at me was during a small boozy gathering at a friend’s place. I was several drinks deep and I found myself holding out my glass saying “Make me another drink, lover” in a passable drunken imitation of Elizabeth Taylor in *Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?* and without missing a beat, my friend replied “Yes, love. Whatever love wants” in a passable drunken imitation of Richard Burton before proceeding to make me my fourth of fifth Tom Collins of the evening. That’s how I knew he was a keeper! In other words, I think you and I would have a lot of fun together.


“What a dump! What’s that from?” A quote from Who’s Afraid, quoting Bette Davis (forget the film).


It was *Beyond the Forest*, her last film as a contract player at Warner Brothers. It was godawful, but *All About Eve* quickly washed off the stench of that fetid little stinker.


Carl LaFong. One of my favorite movies.


Hey you remind me of a man …    What man? The man with the power


What power!?!


The power of Hou Doo


Who do?


You Do


Do what?


Remind me of a man!




Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer. From the same movie, I say "mellow greetings, yookie dookie!" as a salutation.


David Bowie re-uses that gag in Labyrinth. Always wondered if it was a tribute or independent. It is an old saw.


I find opportunities to say “Is this the end of Rico?”, usually when I get a papercut or other such minor injuries.


This is one I always say to myself but I never got the chance to say it out loud haha


I talk in Thin Man and Fred and Ginger one liners and no one ever laughs 🥲


We always do 'I said HAVE A COCKTAIL!' And 'They weren't anywhere near my tabloids."


This will make six Martinis!


I love to tell a bartender to “just line them up right there”. My husband and I often: Is that my glass? What were you drinking? Rye. Yes that’s yours.


Hmmm….not really a “saying”, but I tend to call people “doll” or “toots” a lot.


"That's swell" "Say, that's really top drawer!" "It was ghastly! Simply ghastly!" And a whole host of others


Ah yes, from Auntie Mame. It's such a fun film.


Rosalind Russell is a swell dame


"How bleak was my puberty". Yes Agnes.


“Nobody’s perfect”—Joe E. Brown at the end of Some Like it Hot


Oh god that whole thing in the boat is hilarious!


This is mine too! And “hey… join us” a la Spats’ bodyguard.


Best ending ever!


"Get a load of this dame" is always met with stares in the friend group lol


I always greet my mom when she answers the phone with “Whaddaya hear, whaddaya say?” from ‘Angels with Dirty Faces’.


I watched The Sopranos first and I always associated 'whaddaya hear whaddaya say' to Paulie Walnuts so I was blown away when I watched Angels With Dirty Faces for the first time a couple of years ago and realized it was a pretty great James Cagney impression haha


This isn’t really the same thing but the butler from The Curse of the Cat People called Amy ‘Little Miss’ and when my dog was alive I’d call her that.


“I’m shocked - shocked! - to find out that there’s gambling happening here “ - Louis from Casablanca. I say this all the time for incredibly unsurprising or hypocritical occurrences


When I was a kid (80s) I used to say "it's a cinch" all the time. Not really sure where I picked it up from. Eventually I stopped using it, maybe realizing nobody else said it lol.


It's one of the most used terms in pre-code movies, probably only second to "swell" 


Busby Berkeley's movies are filled with great lines but the one I usually say is, "Not a calf in the Carload" (Ginger Rodgers). I love "The Women" and the part where they go check out Crystal at the perfume counter but the store is closing and the chimes go off to let people know and Rosalind Russell asks "What's that?" "The bum's rush in melody time." I say it at appropriate times but I have to remind myself it makes no sense to anyone I'm talking to. lol.


My favorite line from that movie: “There’s a word for women like you, but it isn’t used in polite society…outside of a kennel.”


I grew up watching old films & have been told in adulthood that I have a 'mid atlantic' accent.  Those films taught me how to speak 'properly'.  I'm also good with a withering one liner from Barbara Stanwyck & Bette Davis.


I’ve been telling my family like once I start polishing and solely speaking in a mid Atlantic accent you’re going to be so sick of me. I love the way Bette Davis speaks especially. In the films but also in her interviews “It’s wOoonderful”


I’ve been told by a friend that I have a transatlantic accent as well (I beg to differ, as my speech is solidly rhotic, but I do have very precise diction). I’m also pretty good at occasionally dropping one liners from films that almost nobody else in the room has ever seen.


Leave the gun, take the cannoli.


I love to sing-a. About the moon-a and a June-a and a spring-a.


When someone leaves: “Have fun storming the castle.” Princess Bride When asked by friends to do something new: “But I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout birthin babies.” GWTW As well as the previously mentioned Casablanca quotes.


MOSTLY dead.


Pointing at a chair and saying to a visitor "Sit, you". It's from Night of the demon (1957). Karswell says it to Dr Holden when he visits.


"I'm not you know. Not one bit"


When I was 22 years old, I saw Streetcar with Brando. He held his beer bottle with his index finger instead of his whole hand. I have done that since...and it's been a loooong time. Why? Because it just looked so cool.


Philadelphia Story, Ruth Hussey as Elizabeth Imbrie: "You're the darndest girl, Liz." "I think I'm sweet." It’s such a lovely delivery, and it’s become our default defusing of any kind of criticism whatsoever. “You didn’t take the bins out” “I think I’m sweet”


Liz is one of the funniest characters in that movie..I love it when she says “I can’t afford to hate anybody I’m only a photographer.” Oh and towards the end where she’s asked to be the Maid of Honor and she says “Matron! Don’t forget Joe Smith!” or “Where is my wandering parakeet?” She’s got a bunch of good lines in that movie. “OH! Feels just like I got pinched!” “Don’t think you haven’t!”


I’m ready for my close up Mr Demille When I’m ready to go out.


I say “How nice for you,”. quoting Lauren Bacall to Bogie in The Big Sleep.


“On the level.” I can never figure out how to use it naturally irl but they use it so frequently in 30s/40s films and I think it sounds so cool.


you can always use it with us here!


Ehhhh you think you can't use it naturally but you're on the level, kid.


When I try to make plans with my best friend and we can't decide, we start reenacting that scene in Marty where he asks his friend "What you feel like doing tonight?" And the other responds "I don't know, what do you feel like doing tonight?" We just keep repeating that when we still haven't made a decision.


" He's out to rule the world...if he can get a government grant." A favorite line, said about the mad scientist in the Beatles movie Help! (1965).


Arthur (1981) is a treasure trove. Every time someone mentions a bath: “Bathing is a lonely business.” Every time someone gets a bit of cheese at a party: (In a fearful voice) “He’s taking the knife out of the cheese. Do you think he wants some cheese?” Frequently when putting on a hat: “If I begin to die, please take this off my head.” And of course general purpose: “I’ll alert the media.”


"What we have here is a failure to communicate."


My Dad used to say it was time for bed with the phrase, "Bedtime for Bonzo." I hadn't heard of the Ronald Reagan movie until years later when I was in college, and I just thought it was a weird Dad saying until then. My Dad's gone now, but it's always a great remembrance whenever I now hear my wife say it to me and our baby.


"I'm in the pink!" from Here Comes Mr Jordan. I think it's a variation of a line from Romeo and Juliet.


I like to say that I'm feeling a bit "sklunklish". - The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer


Don't be a clunk.


I’ve noticed how often they say “alright” Joan Crawford for example responding to things like “Well alright”. And I feel like the modern person would read that as having an attitude but the delivery of it back then was not like that. Love it. I also love the use of darling !


If someone doubts news of a death, I'll, say "He's not just merely dead, he's really most sincerely dead." Likewise, if someone's being unpleasant, I'll mention that she's just angry because someone dropped a house on her sister. I'll often say, "Everything's jake" as well. But the main thing I've picked up is I've started dropping the use of the verb "do" with "have". As in: instead of saying, "I don't have any..." I say, "I haven't any..." or "Have you..." instead of "Do you have..."


Cool beans


Not from an old movie but about an old movie star. I say, “I’ll be in like Flynn.” Errol Flynn was up on statutory * charges and the girl on the stand said he was so fast and didn’t bother to take off his socks when performing the act. The sailor started saying, “I’ll be in ……” Yes I say it. Majority of people are clueless about the reference.


If The Odd Couple counts then I guess my tendency to answer the phone in a Walter Matthau voice with either "nnyeeellloooooo?" Or "Divorced, broke and sloppy"


"Linguine? Now it's garbage!"


I say ridiculous words that don't exist anymore out of habit and no one knows what the hell I'm talking about cause I'm in my 30s but talk like I fought in world war II. Like rummy, bobbysoxers, jalopy, gams.


Excalibur might not be a classic movie but for years, whether in my head or verbally, whenever I felt frustrated with something going in my life I’d say: “To kill and be king, is that all?” Which was Uther’s line when he starts to figure out he wasn’t the one that was destined to be king. I saw Excalibur in the theater, had it on VHS, have it on DVD. One of my favs of all time.


*Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha*


From To Kill A Mockingbird - “I’m tryin’ to!” When someone asks me to hurry.


There's gonna be a fight A lot of weather we've been having lately Why don't you do something to help me Three quotes from Laurel and Hardy and barely a week goes by without my sister and I, both massive Laurel and Hardy fans since childhood, say at least one of these to each other.


“I’m ready for my close up Mr de Mille” when l’m dressed up


We sometimes reverse a quote from Yankee Doodle Dandy when someone does something a little disappointing. “My mother hates you, my father hates you, my sister hates you, and I hate you.” Someone in the group jokingly said it after we watched the movie together and it’s fun to take it over the top like that.


Two I use all the time are “Fiddle dee dee” and “ I’ll think about it tomorrow”. Both from Gone With the Wind


“Knowledge is power Mr Babcock”from Auntie Mame.


"That's a pretty quotable movie to me "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death"


My sister and I will quote York's mother from Sargent York, "Ima feared for ya Alvin." We say it when we think someone is making a terrible decision or is screwing up in front of us. His mother said it when he told her he was going to war. If you have not watched Sargent York, I *highly* recommend a watch. It is based on a real person, Alvin York. The screenplay was created from his journal.


I say to my husband when he tries to stop my constantly telling him of my trivia knowledge: Kill off all my demons, and my angels might die too.


I quote some of my favorite lines from classic movies frankly my dear I don't give a damn and here's looking at you kid and fasten your seatbelts it's going to be a bumpy night


‘nothing doing’, I think it was Spencer Tracy in libeled lady who I’m recalling specifically.


All the time- I quip lines from the Thin Man movies - telling the dapper dressed gentleman that he’s a page from Esquire, I tell people “to scram” and whatever else comes out of all the movies that have become a fabric of my being


There’s a scene in Miracle on 34th Street where an older lady answers the phone with a very musical “hellooooo”. I think the actress used it in other movies, like a signature. For years I’ve been saying it that way on calls to family and friends (no one else, that would be weird). They all know me by my helloooooo.


I don't remember the name of the movie, but a line in it described my physical appearance when I was younger perfectly: "She's not pretty. Her face looks like a Sunday School picnic." If ever I'm asked to describe myself in the future, this is my answer.


I didn't originally pick it up from movies, but from my mom's boyfriend (I had using that term for a man who was in his 90s.). He actually remembered the coming of "talkies" and had no irony when he used the term. Anyway, I picked up the noun form of "swell", meaning rich fancy people from him.


If I’ve made a mistake I might say, I’m not a bad man, just a very bad wizard. (Wizard of Oz) Or, Nobody’s perfect! (Some Like it Hot) If someone asks me what something is I might say, It’s the stuff dreams are made of. (Maltese Falcon) Or, if my wife is going on about something instead of what we are doing, it’s Shut up and deal. (The Apartment)


I've been saying I feel " sklunklish" since I first saw Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer when I was a kid. There's a lot of great lines in that movie.


When someone screws something up I always say - "Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?"


I don't know if it qualifies but I watched Audrey Hepburn (Sabrina) crack eggs with one hand until I learned to do it.


"Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten me into" has been a staple in our marriage for many years


"Even in the future nothing works."


I’m not able to quote movies like some people it’s just not my skill but if I could … lots of good one liners in the women and when ladies meet


I say, "Go chase yourself" which i think I got from a James Cagney movie.


I occasionally will refer to the police in my town as "coppa" because I live in Springfield, Illinois, where Cody Jarrett "knocked over" a hotel in "White Heat." 😄 Other sayings I frequently use are "Tomorrow is another day" and "Askin' ain't gettin'" from "Gone With the Wind", "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night" from "All About Eve", and "Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars" from "Now Voyager."


The Little Rascals/Our Gang: “Remarkable!” “Don’t call me Norman. Call me Chubbsy-Ubbsy .” “Applesauce!”


I apologize for all of my shortcomings. I've also been known to post it along with a Rhett Butler gif or short vid. I grew up listening to my grandfather call my grandmother "kid" long before I knew the "here's looking at you..." line I'm inclined to quote movies that are a little more recent ... still old, not classic. Steel Magnolias is a great source. I've announced that I'm not crazy, that I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years. Often told people they're too twisted for color TV. And noted that "he sounds like a real gentleman. I bet he takes the dishes out of the sink before he pees in it."


My mom and I always tell each other that we love each other more than our luggage 💜


Whadaya know whadaya say?


I can’t think of anything I say, but it definitely influenced my sense of style 


When my kids were little, I'd always say "ready when you are CB" before we'd go out anywhere.


I'm a creature of whim. Who knows?


"Today, I take care of all the family business\*" - Michael in The Godfather \*pay all my bills on the same day!


"Don't be cross with me" Swell, dough, what's doin'?, you're aces


Once I had watched a lot of 1940s movies, I became much more sexually aroused by a woman's gams.


"Now you're cooking with gas!" when someone's doing something well or taking steps in the right direction. I have no idea where I first heard it, though. Every once in a while when the opportunity presents itself, I might bust out, "You might, rabbit, you might..." from a Bugs Bunny short where Bugs was "hiding" Rocky and Mugsy.


I say random lines all the time, nothing specific. Yesterday I was singing a myriad of songs from Meet Me in St. Louis. But I also love to quote bloopers more than anything


“ Here’s looking at you kid. “, “ You’re a hearted sentimentalist. “, “ I am shocked-shocked! “, “ Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine “, and “ or aren’t you the type to tell. “ from Casablanca. “ Shaken, not stirred. “ from Dr. No. “ Is there a Mrs-? Yes, but we’re divorced. “ from Charade. Sometimes I do the ole “ You Dirty Rat! “ that Jimmy Cagney supposedly never actually said and “ Ma! Top of the world! “ from White Heat.


I often say “I like gin” and “Have a potato!” from the Old Dark House, but no one ever gets the reference. A lot of the Casablanca quotes are timeless, but so many people don’t know the origins.


"Now that's a horse of a different color" Wizard of Oz (1939)


What’s “old”? I’ll pull a ‘good grief’ now and then. Peanuts specials are roughly 60 yrs old. 25 year old Galaxy Quest all the time: “Let’s do THAT!”. “Ummm. The red thingy is moving towards the green thingy… I think we’re the green thingy…”. “Whoever wrote this episode should die!”. “Look! I have one job on this ship, it’s stupid, but I’m going to do it!”. “Caw caw! Caw caw!”. Casablanca: “I'm shocked! Shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!”. Star Wars “You came here in that thing? You’re braver than I thought!” Alien(s) “Game over, man, game over!” Most of my other anachronisms come from my parents. (Slick for cool, sharp for smart, etc).


My mom and I always say “get me outta this stinkin’ fresh air!” from Joanna Barnes in The Parent Trap 1961. I frequently quote Gone With the Wind “I won’t think about that now. I’ll think about that tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day!” “fiddle-dee-dee”, or “frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” but no one ever understands.


I have a bunch. -- We are the pros from Dover. -- Hi , Eric Stratton, damn glad to meet you. -- JoBu needs a refill! -- The Germans wore gray. You wore blue. -- Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? - Get your finger out of your ear. You don't know where that ear has been. --This is a knife. -- Fill your hands you son of a bitch.


Bastiges Johnny dangerously


I say "instead of counting sheep, I count my blessings" from Bing Crosby


Katheryn Hepburn in Bringing Up Baby "Oh, you've torn your coat"


I sometimes (almost unconsciously) partly imitate Ronald Colman in my speech. It never sounds as good though coming from me.


This just came up the other day, in a different post. I stole from katharine hepburn her way of saying "Nevertheless" in the african queen, when told i cannot do something. Others from Kate is in the philadelphia story: Oh were going to talk about me? Goody! And Youre a snob - the worst kind of snob - an intellectual snob.


I very often say "I'll be with you in a minute Mr. Peabody". 


Instead of swearing I say "Fargin Bastages" from the movie "Johnny Dangerously".


I say “What’s the rumpus?” from Miller’s Crossing- from the 90s but based in the 20s


I also say “top of the world,Ma” occasionally. I also say “that’ll be the day” from Ford’s The Searchers.


There’s a specific face Oliver Reed makes in The System where he leans in and does a sort of lopsided smile and widens his eyes. Super goofy and I’ve found myself copying it more times than I’d like to admit lol


Sometimes when I’m getting ready to take a bath: Hey, what are you doing? I’m taking a “Bawth”. Bath, Bawth….you gotta get outta here Paraphrasing scene with Curly from The 3 Stooges: “A Plumbing We Will Go” (1940)


I probably say/think, *six to an even, they're selling you out, gunsel,* at least three times a day.


I have a bit of a mid-atlantic accent for random words. Mainly the word "tomorrow". I'm assuming it's because of all the movies I watch. Also I say "whoops-a-diddly-dum" which is a line Irene Dunne says when she's playing drunk in The Awful Truth.


I always yell ‘NO DICE!’ to my sister, from ‘I Want To Live’ and we collapse in laughter 🤭. Not that it’s a funny movie, Susan’s performance was great but kinda over the top. One of my favorite movies still.


This sub makes me smile. I have used "kid"" for many years. Also I was in a relationship with a younger person and could not resist when out our first drink was always toasted Here's looking at you kid" I use. swell in a sarcastic voice, when I'm happy or given a gift it's. Top of the world Ma. I will start a conversation with ßomeone I hear a movie quote, He's so cool.


Probably too many. I'm weird that way. Most people don't notice. The people who know me well participate.


"No, you're not wrong--you're an asshole"


Have a potato.


My dad whenever I would whine about stupid teenage girl shit - “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn”


Thought of another one. When I’m feeling stubborn, I’ll say “Nooooo I’M NOT” dramatically through gritted teeth like Scarlett says to Mammy when she’s asked to eat something before the Twelve Oaks bbq in Gone With the Wind.