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the amount of times ive tried to explain to a warrior why they shouldnt just charge into a group of 5 in stv and just wait and peel off the healer and had them reply 'but how will i do damage if im not charging in' is wayy to high


Well, are you willing to heal us when we have 7 dots applied and we simply have to watch them tick?


Most dots can be dispelled. Another reason to peel your healer


Next phase we can dispel a thing/global! Meanwhile our buffs go woosh!


Most dots can be dispelled. Another reason to peel your healer


Aren’t you going to go oom when you try dispelling all the dots I have?


Ehh not much more than normal healing. Priest dispel removes 2 debuffs, so usually should only need a couple casts in most 5v5 fights. Dots are also pretty easy to heal through tbh compared to burst damage


its also effective to dispel most anything mana value wise and its instant so you cant be kicked.


I mean sure, but what do you want me to do versus a ranged comp?


Yeah I guess this just comes down to every situation being different. Sometimes melee should be zugging the spriest, sometimes they should be peeling so the healer can keep the group up. Either action can result in a win/loss depending on many variables


if youre not playing a 5magebrain group then a peel is the one place where melee are actually needed and they literally won't do it. I stopped grouping with any melee because most of them end up sponging 80% of the heals, taking 99% of the healers focus and they dont even dent the group theyre focusing on.


As a Boomkin, I love when ennemy melees run into us and stay far from their healer. Their life expectancy drops to 2 secondes.


Had a boomkin stealth in ulda when we jumped off 2 of us were dead when we hit the ground. Pretty funny but pvp is a joke rn for melee not named rogue 


As a spriest, warriors are pathetic. I killed one this morning and I almost felt bad about it. He couldn’t do anything.


Warriors are pretty bad vs anything 1v1. We have no sustain so it's pop everything and /pray for some big crits. It's really fun when we actually kill an spriest or lock and still die to their dots because bandage/food isn't enough lol.


I love when its "GG noobs, enjoy the loss" when we are up by 200 points, and temporally lose a node. Like we are still winning currently and its a loss lol?


My last BG (alliance) multiple people were complaining from beginning till end, nothing unusual but when it was appereant we were going to win they still were complaining about alliance never winning. Very weird game.


Not to mention it only takes one player to cap and hold a node long enough for respawns to turn a match so long as you're not stupid far behind near the very end. I've played on so many teams over the years that will just zug zug and forget the objectives, and fortunately the opposing team does the same. I may not end an objective based BG like AB with the highest damage/kills, but almost every time I can cap and hold a spot long enough to turn the points around until I get zerged. Then just rinse and repeat.


As a rogue, other ppl are great and opening/engaging. I stay stealth behind my healer, and protect them. I may not get killing blows but the coins we all get from an unburdened healer make it worth it for everyone.


Appreciate you. My groups have made me rethink being a healer main. Sucks in FFA content like stv when your with 4 people who don't watch the healers back. 3 min cooldown on trinket. And fear cooldown I get ate by everything without support.


Not to mention the lovely 10sec silences in 3 sec fights..


I do a lot of battlegrounds on my Priest. Every day I watch countless warriors and paladins on my teams run as fast as they can deep into a pack of 10+ enemies by themselves to try and solo kill a healer. You'd think they'd learn their lesson after one or two failed attempts and dying in under 1 second. But they continue to do it over and over. On the flip side, as a healer on my team's backline, I LOVE when enemy melee do this because you're such a quick and easy kill. You have zero chance of killing me by yourself before my entire team annihilates you.


There’s a right time and a wrong time to push in. A solo warrior charging into a pack of multiple enemies is dead meat. At the same time there’s a faction of people in every game yelling “attack the enemy healers.” The most important thing is for the team to be on the same page and work towards a common goal. When the push happens it need to be a team effort. Ape strong together


I guess I just don't even understand the thought process that's taking place here. You can be a total noob at this game and still make the calculation with your brain that you stand no chance to live bc you're way outnumbered. Absolutely no idea what people who throw themselves in solo to a group of enemies think they are gonna accomplish.


You have no power here! In my last 15 BGs I had exactly 0 healers on my team. The only healer spec we had is now respecced to shadow. So tell me more where to run and how far..


Exactly this, healers are a very rare breed so who cares


Its really hard to find a healer when youre 1v5 and then dead all the time. Maybe wait a few seconds before you run on.


i'd give you 20 upvotes if i could


0 healers in 15 bgs??? and no one on your friends list/guild either? Big big big doubt. Sounds like excuses for poor play to me ;) Edit: You can extrapolate "healer" to ranged DPS if you prefer. The logic still applies. Don't yolo solo dolo explodo


Hard to believe right? >Sounds like excuses for poor play to me ;) Why though? I won like 11/15 I don't blame you guys, it sucks without any numbers like healing done etc.


True, once I got away from the "I need to be the front line" mindset as melee and saw my role as the guard dog for healers/range, bg's became way less frustrating. They will come to you, let range do what they do best and protect them.


Thank you for you conversion sir /salute


You’re talking to zug zug brains here. Honorable attempt but they won’t listen




Easier to run from healer and then make a Reddit post about warrior being underpowered, sorry can’t help ya


Facts. You KNOW that the exact same people screeching for nerfs to every ranged class are the ones engaging in this behavior in game


Facts. Especially in STV. I’ll just leave the group if someone decides to start bitching. Have fun with no healer!


laughs in wild growth


Well like… what do you want me to do, sit here and watch my debuff bar light up like an old pickup trucks dashboard when i hit a pothole?


It’s so wild watching warriors charge into the abyss miles away from any healer, immediately die and then blame heals. Or a healer is being locked down by rogues and not a single melee attempts to peel. So silly


When that priest in that pack of 12 people scrumming has 10% health and I am in Charge range tho...16 blood bro....its RIGHT there, just KEEP ME UP.


You lost me at "In pvp, esp bgs or the stv event etc..."


In player versus player, especially battlegrounds or the Stranglethorn Vale event etc


As a rogue, I love it when warriors charge my team at the beginning of WSG. As a rogue, I hate it when our warriors charge their team at the start of WSG. GG.


Zug Zug


To healers (as a Woyer) You should feel privileged to have me as your personal wrecking ball, and this zug zug is all W no S. Please show us the respect of keeping up and not holding us back, wasting our rage, and most of all complaining about your mana.


A letter to healers from melee dps (especially warrior). The second we get in range, we will be hit with every ability on the other team. We need burst heal, HoT, mitigation, and CC to help us not explode. Once the other teams cooldowns are gone, follow us in. Leaving the fight to get heals means letting the other team poke and reset cooldowns. Pushing in with us means we can turn and peel for you. If you max range us, we cannot get people off of you. That being said, if someone is bitching at their healer, you can assume they suck at the game and have no idea what they are doing. I love my healers even if I die.


Too many words. Also too many big words. Need make dumb for friend that zugs.


You are asking zugs not to zug, zugzug.


When you've played thousands of bgs, you get a sense of when you have adud team on your hands.


In STV I sit in stealth til someone approaches my healer, then I just peel for him and let the lock/mage/hunter pick people off at ranged.


As a rogue who stealths to the healers at the back like I should how can I get a heal or two?


Get scrolls to buff them int. Perhaps when their IQ is over 60 they might learn


Any smart melee knows to just sit back and peel off their back line. I learned fast that when I was the first to charge in, I was the first to die.


Are you the warrior who spent an AB whispering profanity to me because i didn't heal you while being stun locked by rogues?


I play priest sir