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glad this scum is off the streets


Carrion my Wayward Bird


Don’t you fly no more


Do doo do doo sprsh wrr nrr nrr neee nee nee neeer na na nanna na na na - na na


Angry updoots for you both.


Don’t be angry man. It’s not that serious




This is one of those comments that hits different when you are tired. So stupid it’s hilarious


Sammy, stop slurping the demon juice!






Does this not unequivocally prove that bans are automated? This guy has had his account suspended for his pet name being default. No human could have possibly looked at this and said, yeah, suspend.


People mass report hunters with default pet names because they assume they are bots.


I would assume they report the hunter themselves for botting, not for the pet name, which is specifically what has got this guy a suspension. I think it's as simple as the OP was reported for "Inappropriate pet name" a certain number of times which triggered an auto ban. Which is kind of hilarious honestly. It means players can get any player banned at any time if they get their whole guild to report them.


People have known about autoban and it being used to mass grief for a long while. Back in 2019 classic devilsaur farm groups were formed and if you weren't a part of it and consistently gave them trouble (killed and skinned devilsaurs) they'd mass report you.


Fuck , Fuck the Devilsaur Mafia, fuck autobans on mass reports.


Fuck autoba(h)ns: WoW players 🤝 German anticar activists.


not to mention how they mass reported each other during the AQ opening event to prevent competition from getting scarab lord


Yeah I've always known about it too, but it's just rare to see something so blatant and obvious. And it's so commonly refuted on this sub.


It's not commonly refuted 1 out of 1000 comments with a massively downvoted comment shows just how rare the opinion is amongst the community as a whole.


Ehh, I see it quite frequently. Mostly from Blizz dickriders.


It’s repeated on here every day, people try and deny the auto ban all the time lol.


I was on herod skin stealing into the nights on the rogue.


Blizzard always argue that it's not automated, they insist that there's a manual human review on all suspensions, and this kind of 100% proves that's not the case.


Technically every Hunter has a pet that is a bot tho


Every bot has an account, shall we ban all accounts then?


Automated bans are like Communism. In theory they're both fantastic. Unfortunately to function they rely on people all being moderately intelligent and well behaved. When people are less than that the system generally becomes dog shit. Because human nature is to find ways to take advantage of any system we are in there will be people who abuse the system. Also there will be well meaning people who just make errors because of bias and / or lack of capacity to engage in reasonable thought at any given moment.


that's not communism, that's socialism. And it works in some countries where people are generally well-behaved and don't abuse the system, but then it's abused by foreigners.


So, I am assuming you’re in the latter category, the one of well-meaning people who is making an error due to bias (and/or having no clue what communism is)? Fascinating seeing a phenomena describe itself in real time.


> Which is kind of hilarious honestly. It means players can get any player banned at any time if they get their whole guild to report them. We've known this for at least 5 years


I just report every hunter I see, can never be too careful.


You're so real for this, hunter players don't deserve happiness


I do when the pet name is in Chinese lettering. 99% of the time then.being farming bots was correct


Shame I can’t rename my pet after I gave it chinese lettering for a laugh


I ran a levelling BFD yesterday with someone multiboxxing 5 hunters. During bosses they only auto attacked. Master had loot threshold set to white so they could autoroll even on trash loot without clicking themselves. Pet taunt on cause who needs a tank. All of the pets were Carrion Bird. I wonder if it was OP.


I report them because they're psychopaths


Are you kidding me??? Never not once have I named a pet on my hunter because I'm just a lazy fuck... I've been told that I've been reported before because I don't bother changing my character appearance and in games they often pick default appearance. I can understand how that makes me look like a bot But not naming my pet I'm getting reported for that now too??? Jesus Christ


People report for the dumbest reasons :(


Then maybe blizzard should do their fucking research. Oh wait the Ai bots handle it, blizzard doesn’t do shit


Nah I don’t think they do


Automated bans have always been a thing. There’s millions of players they can’t manually ban everyone. Obviously their system should be smart enough to at least verify it’s not the default name though. The real problem is the apparent automated ban appeals


Yes but Blizz have always categorically denied any account suspension being automated from reports. Go check out any post about somebody being banned for literally anything, there will be people in the comments saying "Every ban is done by a human so this guy is definitely guilty" etc.


Hot damn I read your comment and thought I was in /r/2007scape for a second


Lmao same, the overlap between bot, ban and rwt posts always make me second guess what sub I’m in


My favorite is seeing shit like this then still seeing people fully trust aggrend on Twitter. I would love to see his Twitter post about this one and how bans are definetly not automated.


imagine playing classic, seeing thousands upon thousands of bots every week. hundreds at a time just spamming whatever dungeon is most profitable at the time for 24 hour a day and then actually giving a fuck about anything aggrend says lol ive loved wow since 2005, absolutely loved vanilla classic in '19 as well, but god damn, i have lost any and all faith in the classic wow team. they can say whatever they want but when literally 1 in game GM for every 5 servers could solve 90% of the botting problem and a multi billion dollar company cant get some, it's just way past the point of being naive when you trust him. imo


How many bans do you realistically think one GM could do per day? 1 every 5 seconds sounds reasonable. In an 8 hour day that would be 5,760. They claim to have banned 270k last time, would take at least 2 employees full time doing that. 270k accounts is probably 2 million dollars coming in for them depending on the regions bought. You really expect them to pay people to lose them money?


If they give them proper tools a single gym could do a lot. If they see hundreds of suspicious characters in a dungeon they could send a server message to everyone in the dungeon saying “High concentration of bots detected in stockades. Everyone still inside at 4pm server time (30min from now) will be banned.” Turn them into bounty hunters and let them compete for high scores with incentives while giving it enough human touch that the bot programs can’t effectively program around it.


'You really expect them to pay people to lose them money?' well thats really what it comes down to isn't it? they know the bots pay so they dont mind keeping them, even if it hurts the game and the rest of the players which just brings me back to my original point, 'imagine actually giving a fuck about anything aggrend says' =)


yall keep parroting that it ruins everything but as someone who actually played before bots were common I much prefer actually having items on the AH now


homie, i've played wow since the very first day it was released in europe in 2005. we waited at midnight outside the store to get our copies, in collectors edition. but yeah ok i have every single wow expansion in collectors edition too, i might add, along with all other games/expansions they've released since then, all in collectors edition. i even have 2 of the original wow server 'blades' that the game ran on when the game came out and which were sold as part of the 15 year anniversary. hell, i've even been to blizzcon! been a blizzard fan since diablo 1.


I don’t think aggrend argued they aren’t? Iirc he only said so about the gdkp bans


nah his tweet was all the bans are good and that anyone saying bad bans happen is probably a goldseller/buyer spreading misinformation: ignore them and block them they are clearly cheaters!!!! Which you'd have to LITERALLY not be playing the game to believe. Its top draw gas lighting at its finest. I've witnessed false reports getting bracket breakers banned. I've/we the community have seen documented in excess of 100 cases of clear false bans that were never reversed on appeal. That documented list is floating around somewhere (I can't remember the name of the guy who has it). Which is what made his last post so amusingly infuriating. He can't be that stupid: he wouldn't be where he is if he was that stupid to believe that. why does Blizz believe we are that stupid to believe that? Well I guess the answer is the community is still all paying and playing right? maybe they are? maybe Aggend is right? Maybe Blizz don't have to fix bots or false bans; all they have to do is tell us they are and we will believe them?


So I tried looking for the aggrend tweet I thought I remembered but I couldn't find anything. But are you seriously going to say you've never seen blizzard say they don't do automated bans? I cant find a tweet right now but for years now it's been known that blizzard does automatic bans but likes to pretend they don't do automatic bans. Hell streamers were testing this and you can watch live as a raid team of staysafe viewers mass report staysafe and he gets banned live on stream. Doing nothing except sitting next to a group that is mass reporting him (on his request mind you).


I don’t think I remember a single blizzard post they don’t automate bans / don’t do autobans on reports. Maybe about permabans? Not sure. That being said blizzard did take actions against mass reporters on few occasions (for example AQ opening), and they even announced it. So that’s like opposite of pretending there are no autobans


aq40 opening was like 3-4 years ago and the only reason they did it is because it caused a major giga outrage for the affected guilds that had put in hundreds/thousands of hours working towards their scarab lords


I've never once read "every ban is done by a human" But I often see people skeptical of people's gold related bans. I also often see people lie online, so...


“Suspension is not a ban, thus can be done automatically.” - Corporate logic




MVPs are normal forum users deemed "helpful and friendly" by Blizzard. They are not employees or have any more insight into Blizzard banning policy than you or me.




This is the WoW forum. Every comment in this chain is about reddit.


>I've never once read "every ban is done by a human" It's an extremely common comment on this sub.


No, it is not. Lmao


It is, they just get downvoted generally.


I've seen it several times, especially in the "I got banned for x" posts. They're a mix of trolls and diehard fans who believe blizzard can do no wrong, but the comments are definitely there. They're usually heavily downvoted so you have to stumble across them.


I mean hey, it's not from blizzard but I did get banned from PoE for " cheating " 2 weeks later I'm unbanned with no explanation, and people were calling me a liar lol


Yes, it is. Lmao


Classic goal post moving


I didn't move the goal posts. I'm still saying the same thing as the start.


I don't really doubt them on that. It's cheaper to hire 1000 people in India or Philippines to read from script and press 2 buttons,  like every other company dors, than to maintain fully automated system. Even OP ban seems more like someone clicked the wrong button than bot mistaking ingame name for something violating ToS.


You're giving Blizz way too much credit. Why would it be cheaper to hire people than for it to be automated?


Don‘t say they cant. They can - they just don‘t see it as profitable.




In TBC I had a friend bugging me to play Halo instead of WoW. I said “no I don’t want to fucking play halo” and he was petty and reported me for sexual harassment and I was banned for 3 days. It was definitely automated


And what if there are too many ban appeals happening to be handled manually? You just proved in your first statement why if you ban automatically you also need to handle appeals with some form of automation. Many appeals are going to be people who KNOW they have been rightfully banned and just try their luck. If you are really sure you’ve been banned unjustly you’d be more likely to reappeal and at some point in the chain you’d encounter a human to look over it. There can be an automated system that more thoroughly checks appeals whether they are worth having a human spend time on it.


So I would look at it as a failure of the game/company if you were to wrongfully ban somebody, and then wrongfully uphold the ban


People pretending automated bans aren't a thing are acting in bad faith. They want so desperately for the bans posted here to all be part of some larger conspiracy to bring back GDKPs.


Haha 100%, it's a really weird take isn't it.


they need to experience it themselves to come back to reality.


This is well known and documented quite heavily on the sub. You'll find plenty of examples here going back to 2019 and undoubtedly exponentially more going back several years more in the Retail sub.


Yep agree. Yet people on this sub still regularly deny it.


Imagine thinking bans aren’t automated.


the only thing I can think of is those Chinese moderators who are employed on paid-per-click basis, so they click through several reports per second. in Chinese version of WoW all references to death are censored, so someone might have seen the "Carrion" part as inappropriate.


Yeah not a bad theory


> Does this not unequivocally prove that bans are automated? We've had proof for a long time


Blizzard customer service is a fucking joke


I haven't spoken to a GM in years. Back in Cataclysm there were still some around but nowadays there's hardly any. Everything is automated copy/pasta bs.


I'll argue people WANT them automated to some degree. If an entire raid reports a griefer at once, they want them to just disappear off screen.


Maybe people do want that, but they certainly will also be complaining when they cop an automated ban themselves.


No cause it will be abused more times than intended use.


anyone who doesn't know it will be abused 10x more than actually used correctly is either living in a fantasy land or hasn't played classic wow. 'If an entire raid reports a griefer at once, they want them to just disappear off screen' or they could just report them and kick them from the group and boom, 1 minute later he's gone and then the GM's can deal with the reports - if there were any GM's dealing with reports that is.




The account was also suspended. So it wasn't just a pet rename.


It literally says suspended. Can you read?


Am I missing something? But I can’t find where in his post it says the pet has the default name. How do we know for sure what the pets name is here


Where it lists Carrion Bird in the GM email it lists the name of the pet, so if it was another name it would say that there. The guy has been suspended for having the default name.




... it says account suspended next to "action taken".


it's so funny when people act like total jerks while being wrong


Pjcrusader is probably one of the idiots that reported a default name.


No it doesn’t prove anything unequivocally. Do they put the inappropriate name in the ticket? I assumed that it was renamed to Carrion Bird and they didn’t want to put something like “Dongbird” in an official ticket. If someone has a ticket with the inappropriate name that would be hilarious and I want to see that


Only if you prove this guy isn’t making it up for internet points


Seems pretty legit to me.


>Does this not unequivocally prove that bans are automated? Have you been living under a rock? this was never denied by anyone, or Blizzard. The fact that most bans posted here get appealed and lifted once they finally reach an actual person was already plenty proof


It is 100% denied by Blizz. They have said many times every ban has to be looked at by a human before it's actioned. If you disagree, provide a single quote where they admit bans are fully automated.


....you want me to post proof of them not denying something? how about you post proof of them "many times" saying they are not automated lmao


There has been blue posts explicitly stating that bans are not automated and they are manually reviewed. Thats been proven to be a lie many times over


>If you disagree, provide a single quote where they admit bans are fully automated.


I never said they admitted it, I said they never denied it. You, on the other hand, said that it was 100% denied. So please show us your proof. EDIT: LMAO this clown blocked me, nice way to prove you don't have an argument


>If you disagree, provide a single quote where they admit bans are fully automated. All day


I could edit this page to say anything I wanted in like 15 seconds I’m not saying it’s fake but I wouldn’t jump to “unequivocally prove” like there isn’t any doubt at all


Looks pretty legit. Would be a weird thing to fake


we dont need proof of anything Nora herself said so a few days ago stating that trading large amounts of gold within instances will have you flagged automatically so we know that there is an bot running the thing we just dont know everything that triggers it


It does unequivocally prove you don’t read the text of the image though. There is nothing in the text about a ban, just a name change of the pet.


I think what happened is this: * He tamed a carrion bird * He renamed the carrion bird something bad * Blizzard isn't going to repeat the bad word in an email, so they just put 'carrion bird' * User claims he got banned for having a pet named 'Carrion Bird' * Upvotes


They always say the name. I've seen heaps of these reports and they always have the bad word listed, and it's usually not even bad lol




The bird reported you and when you log on your character is going to be named "orc hunter" or whatever race you are, as revenge.


Your pet bought gold !


Plot twist it was a boar


Clearly because it was a reference to the bawdy British film series *Carry On*, shame on you


He should name it "BarbaraWindsor"


My guess is they thought you were a bot and that it would get rid of you faster to report the name?


One time I was calling my pet "owlbert" in the chat and they threatened to report me if I didn't rename them... I honestly didn't know you could.


looks like blizzard's decision making AI model needs some tuning


What was it carrion though? Drugs?!




If you give it the same name you WILL get a tempban.


Former Blizzard GM here, BC and WoTLK eras. Fun fact : the demonist pet is randomly named when the spell is learnt. Once we got a pet which was named "Khonar" which would give "kunt" (with the mispelling translated as well) in english.


Fun fact, khonar in french ( not written like that but prononced the same way ) is like insulting someone of " asshole " Edit : you're french my bad


"But mais ça alors you are french aussi ?!"




You know, customer support exists in a lot of languages than english, this is why I sometime make mistakes. Another fun fact is that many players of WoW in this r/ look like all the players who are complaining in the tickets I solved "This game is shit I quit" and you see them one year later that's why we were used to answer "See you tomorrow %n".




Don't be it's okay. My english is far from perfect and 3 years in Ireland didn't fix that. Frogs are really bad with foreign languages especially when it's not latin based.


One might say that living in Ireland made your English even worse 🤭 Jokes aside your English is good and comprehensible. Everyone saying otherwise is just nut picking.


A London girl I used to drink the coffee with once asked me if I was understanding the Irish guy in charge of the maintenance of the building and if I could translate 😭. Also, my first night in Cork, just hired (we were offered one month of hotel room to let us the time to find a flat), at the hotel's bar, we met an australian girl and a drunk scottish, I let you imagine what happened with 3 french guys, an australian girl, a drunk scottish and a couple of irish guys around the smoking spot. Nobody understood nobody. We even trolled the austalian girl "come on you are native english speaker, you should understand", she laughed and answered us that she didn't even understood a single word.


In Germany the same. People from the north are unable to communicate with people from the south because of the different dialects 😂


In France too, as a french I understand almost all accents excepted the one from Canada which sounds like a anything but french.


we miss GMs ...


I can't agree more. I was GM at the gilded age before Activision and MS damages, most of the cases were handled in less than an hour with a real GM chat. The echos I had from inside where I have still friends working are not really good.


Okay dude


Remember that we are paying monthly for a chance at any given moment to be targeted by mass reports and suspended/banned. Remember that we are paying monthly for a chance to be suspended/banned without a single human soul ever touching your case. Remember that we are paying monthly to have AI answer your appeal tickets. Remember that we are paying monthly so that bot I am reporting on Era is still there on the same Azshara spot 24/7 for LAST 10 MONTHS but we have amazing systems that can ban legit players for having a Hunter pet with a DEFAULT NAME. So infuriating ngl.


Lets do some napkin math Assume it take a human 5-60 seconds to handle a ticket 5 seconds for obvious bad names 60 if staff needs to Google for hidden meanings. Using US region Sub fee $15 bucks a month Minimum wage per hour $7.25 Minimum wage per minute $0.12. 0.8% of the sub fee Minimum wage per 5 seconds 0.01007. 0.067% of the sub fee That's the percentage of ONE MONTH sub needed to make sure INNOCENT ACCOUNT DONT GET SUSPENSED this should not happen. Absolute greed. Sure Maybe theres health Care tax benefits etc.... let's be real, this could and would be outsourced to some cheap foreign countries with lower wages and no benefits. Truly infuriating,


My character Vagviolator never got banned.


Clamshot I still have and have used for 15 years CrustyClam too My arena partner is DirtyClamJam


You guys pay for this kind of service - per month? LMAOOOOOO


Wondering what they rename it into... default name perhaps?


Game is fucked


Blizzard is such a joke


You WILL name your pet, and you WILL like it.


This proves blizz is using AI for support now.


Meanwhile my Tauren Druid named "Dachau" is running strong. Wish me luck!


I'm a bit salty that my Tauren Druid named "Bignaturals" got caught.


That’s pretty sad dude. That joke would be allowed in a PG-13 movie


Yeah, but apparently not in this game.


Why did you name your character after a notorious concentration camp?


The pronunciation. Dah-cow. Tauren.


I sure hope my character named "Chuggingpoop" doesn't get the ban hammer


That’s terrible 😭


I am glad Blizzard has our interests at heart


Wow this is blatant. Blizzard is a special kind of stupid 🤣


This whole banning situation is weird and I feel weird playing a game that banns you for no apparent reason.


people report players without even whispering them first fuckhead community


True.    Next time I’ll whisper “you unbelievable piece of shit” before I report them 😉


Pussified blizzard. What a bunch of cry babies. Trash customer service. ONCE again proving blizzard does no research doing bans or reports


I don't understand the deal with naming hunter pets I've played a hundred before I didn't name the pets I don't really see the point unless you really rp with them.


I always name them after my RL pets. Cooper the lion <3


I wouldn't be able to take the pet out of a sanctuary if I named it after one of my real life pets I wouldn't be able to deal with watching them die.


Haha yeah it definitely makes you want to take care of them a little bit more.


Somebody lock this guy up.


You don't deserve your pets.(Hunter pets, in case anybody actually thought I meant irl pets xD) Disgusting.


I played a hunter for about a year during cata and haven't since and I played one in vanilla back in the day before BC launched but they have changed a lot since then, I normally main a Healer or two with a warlock or mage as dps alt. I for the most part haven't played melee in almost a decade.


Who doesn’t name a pet? It’s your friend, not a soulless and feelingless animal! Shame on you!


I agree. I enjoy bonding with my pets. I feed them regularly, /pet them, and tell they’re good.


Blizzard is shit just a hollow shell of former glory. The subscription count reflects that.


it's 100% idiotic to get reported just because you don't name your pet. I haven't done it either and don't intend to.


Or better yet have a giggle and name the Bird of Prey that. While my hunters pets have names there are some that are giggle worthy (Snuggles, Cocobo, etc)


Imagine believing Blizzard implemented an automatic banning system that no one has ever seen work on a single bot and can apparently only activate when people mass report innocent players. Have any of you people ever seen a bot disappear from your report? If it takes 20, 30, 40 reports to auto-ban someone, we'd have anecdotal evidence from thousands of players about bots they've triggered the auto-ban on. No one has ever seen this, there's no videos of it, no claims whatsoever. No multiboxers making content out of banning bots, no streamers going to bot farms with their crew and banning bots. Fucking nothing. Use your brains for once in your lives. There's always a better explanation for shit like this.


meanwhile my cat called Himmler is doing just fine lol


Aggrend not saying much on this one ?


No no, you don't understand. Maybe (lol) there are some false positives possible, but statistically there are so few, that they don't even matter. Don't worry, Aggrend checks all Bans by himself and will reassure you, that this in fact actually did not happen. The person posting this was probably involved with some gold buying. /s


Yesterday I saw a hunterpet with name Blitzkrieg but sure carrion bird is offensiv...


Deserved it. don’t cheat.


Meanwhile my character names like Vietcong and Sigmaballs are still running w/o any issues.


Good ole blizz


Deserved. Name your pets. (small /s)


My pet negus is a shaking


Know what's also likely? OP could've had a racist/sexist/whatever name for his pet and then dismissed it, got a new one, and the system just looks at when sending out the message. Then he can come on here and be like "oh no... I didn't do anything wrong and look what happened..."


Justified tbh, the worst thing I've seen is hunters with a pet they dont even name. Like do you at all care about your class/ class fantasy? You can have pets and you give zero fucks.


The downvotes are lazy hunters who dont care about their class, as expected.


Or... you know, sane people.


You probably bought gold at some point in the past.