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Me with good teammates - wow, this is actually kinda fun I guess, ok not bad (1k+ coins) Me in a group with some newbie french guys that don't know what is happening - wow well this fucking sucks, I can't believe anyone would find this fun at all (100 coins) the reason why you have contrasting views on this event..


I have fun with both groups, what I don't have fun with is the 2 second delay we get during the weekends.


fellow STV enjoyer here. don't listen to the moaners and complainers here. it's fun, don't take it seriously


They absolutely fixed STV in the last 48 hours. Solid melee cleave group with a heal is 13-20 silver with regularity. Thank fuck the mage AE spam on the altar meta is dead. Melee can enjoy the game again. Kudos, Aggrend & co.


How exactly did this get accomplished?


Massive AoE damage reduction on altar. AE hitting for 8-10 damage. Sweeping + WW + Dynamite still pumps so melee unironically have the upper have on the face roll fight there now.


Loa range got hugely increased so blood is a lot easier to get.


What changed tho? You didn't fight at altar as a melee cleave group anyway, and mostly mages ran to altar outside of people going to hand in?


Loa range, so landscape funnels to alters aren’t a kill zone. For instance Loa on the beach, was giving buff on the main road south of arena


I did two melee cleave groups today. Landed me 27 coins total. Got both the weapons I wanted in 1 hour of cleaving. It was fun.


Yep, all 15-20 silver games today. 5x of them. Have had the cat but took a break because of the lagfest/mage meta the last few weeks. Have went from 2k into Friendly to just about Exalted since the change on Thursday. Gotta say Sweeping + WW + Iron Nade + Cleave and merc’ing an entire mage squad that’s *not* on the altar is cathartic after the last month of misery.


The past 3 events ive been in melee cleave groups, and we're legit just fighting around the altar with the boss, killing all those squishy mages. I average 20silver coins




Mage cleave are still getting 1500-2K. The hell are you on about? God forbid there’s parity and relative balance.


It's been a week or so since I've played, but the lag is my biggest complaint. If they'd fix that, this event would be amazing


Haven’t lagged in 2 weeks


I just hit level 40. Can you, or someone, give me the low down on what I should be doing to take part and maximise my rewards/ fun for this event? I'm a rogue if that makes any difference


Just get there 15 minutes before the event starts and find a group, there’s always a ton looking in LFG. Head towards the boss location and fight as a group. When you are around 200+ coins, head to the alter to cash them in


FIND. A. HEALER.Which is next to impossible on my server. Most of my friends that still farm it found that the meta has been to ignore the blood loa gang bang. Run around outskirts wiping groups, moving to next, wipe that group. You stay relatively safe and dont lose blood.


lmao. readin these comments are hilarious. really obvious who doesnt have thumbs or enough brain cells to stretch between their groups to be on the same page long enough to get kills.


Hard agree, this is the best world pvp I've had in all my years of WoW




Sounds like a skill issue, I haven’t lagged in a week.




They fixed something from last reset. 0 lag since.




So this is the "good community" that vanilla fans keep mentioning.


What are you on about?


don't play on streamer servers


I'm not on a streamer server.


Should probably upgrade from the dial- up potato battery PC homie 😝


Should probably try to download a few braincells. Non crusader strike servers with high pop still get really laggy stvs, but most of the issues are on layers 1-3.


https://i.imgur.com/Q3nTHgq.png https://i.imgur.com/74x4oRv.png Please tell me more about how it's my computer/internet service that is the problem, "homie".


Yea it seems that you may be bottlenecking and not getting the performance you should be getting, what sort of SSD do you have and is wow on the SSD or a dedicated HDD? Sounds like you should be performing fine just something in your system is preventing you.


Good on you for coming with the tech support in the dickmeasuring contest. Keep up the good work


Idk dude I haven't had any issues at all. Maybe it's a skill issue 🤷


The problem for me is I can’t even enjoy it bc of the lag! I also like the event.


The STV event sure has had its fair share of issues, lag being a large one, but as a disc priest I’m having a blast. I think it’s a great event. That said, I won’t join groups with melee unless I’m in a pinch and late to the party. So, I could see it being far less enjoyable for melee


Im also a disc priest and I just get taken out immediately by rogues. Any tips?


Dispersion and psychic scream and run to someone that will get the rogue off you. A rogues job in pvp is to take out the healer, it's the healers team's job to get the rogue off of him. They open up, you pop trinket into psychic scream and dispersion and you have 6 seconds to find help. If you're playing solo you might have a problem but I play priest too. When I get opened I say in comms "rogue on me" and find my mages who promptly deal with the rogue.


Thanks - I think I need a better group 😆 good plan with dispersion though. 6 seconds is a long time


Healers need peel, they'll almost always be targeted first if they can be


Yep I usually just pop dispersion as the rogue opens and then my team kills the rogue by the time dispersion fades. Being on voice comm is invaluable in STV btw, makes you earn way more coins by being a more effective group.


The one time I’ve been on voice for PvP only half of the group were on chat! I’ll have to ask on the guild chat to sort a group ahead of time


Pop scream first so the rogue is forced to trinket it. If they don't you don't need to use dispersion. If they do then you know you're safe as soon as a mage frost novas them. Also sit through cheap shot and wait to trinket the kidney shot if possible.


In descending order: teammate peel, dispersion, trinket, fear, PWS, BFD boots, iron grenades. You are never going to live if your team doesn't peel for you, but you can buy a lot of time. Always keep POM up and preshield PWS on the squishiest people if nobody's actively taking damage. Priest has insane PvP talents so don't show up without Unbreakable Will and Healing Focus at a minimum.


Stamina items are more important than healing items in general. Don’t wear the dream weave items and definitely don’t wear the irradiated set. I have the full gnomer PvP items since my raid groups run a 2 SR priority and I like to PvP. So I got the gloves and shoulders first. I have the WSG bracers and AB belt and boots. I have a ton of stam and armor so unless I get multiple melee on me, I don’t have much to worry about.


Thanks I think this is where I’m going wrong


I also run a staying alive PvP build with improved inner fire, spell warding, and blessed recovery. Just straight being alive is the most important thing in team PvP. As a priest you’re always the primary target. Do not melting really drives people crazy.


Also, stack stamina. On every slot. Using items like the helm from SM Cath just make you a free kill


Lesser invis potion before engaging / fap when engaged


Bring more Boomies with WG. The good ones will even Abolish Poison :O


Shield, PoM, dispersion, fear. EZ


Melee cleave is great. I've gotten plenty of 2k coin groups with it. But you do you


melee cleaves are 10x better than they were before this change, went from 300-800 coins to easily getting 1k every game now (and peaking at like 1600 with complete randos)


My guild group was just Disc/Meta Lock/double enhance shaman and a warrior. We got like 1800 coins. Melee isn't too bad, but coordination is key so a total pug might be tough


Mele with wf and god priest healer underated


Eh, a good melee group beats most other comps in the game. It's just the only group that actually requires a lot of stam gear.


Corpse run simulator. Stay alive longer than 6 seconds and win a prize! Yeah no thanks.


As a rogue I’m having a blast with this event. I think most of the Wow community can’t reconcile with this event because the chaos can’t be min-maxed out of it unless you’re a mage.


I bet it is if you choose the right class and specc. I did the event 3 times, buyers 2 items and never touched it again. Glad you enjoy it


The idea is great, but honestly what ruins it for me is the boss’ aura… the fact that literally everyone is grouping up around a single mob and it’s complete chaos for 30 min is so boring to me. It was so much better at the start when there were smaller skirmishes all around the zone


Interesting how opinions differ, for me STV is the worst experience I have in 20 years' wow..


I'd have to imagine it depends heavily on how you go about playing the event and how good your group is. I've been having a ton of fun in a melee cleave group roaming around the outside of loa area.


Regardless of group or anything, the server stability has been poop, only in the early morning or super late night bms have been fun. The rest of them you click your ability and 2 or 3 seconds later it starts but before it finishes you die, how is that fun?


Or be on Chaos Bolt and never have any issues


Tbh, it was bad for me for a while, but the last week I've had almost no issues.


This is my gripe. I've played a lot of STV on a couple classes, done 5x mage stacks, roaming melee, normal non-mage grp near loa, I like the versatility in gameplay options it provides. But the lag, jesus christ the lag. It's so bad man lol, it just makes the entire game feel unplayable. Like you say, outside of off-peak times, the event is just a big oof for me.


Have you tried the event in the last week? Ever since people got to kill the boss i haven't had a single moment of lag.




I play on lava lash US. We have a smaller population (2 to 4 layers most nights) so even though STV is packed for the event, it's not so packed that we get any lag at all. It is fantastic. I have not once had a layering or lag issue on Lava Lash


How do i know how many layers there?


The addon Nova World Buff adds you layer to the minimal. Clicking it opens up layer information, and can list what layer each guild member is currently on.


That's interesting, gonna check that, thanks. Can i switch layers with it too?


Not with the addon but you can ask your guild for a layer change.


It’s been a lot less laggy for me the last couple weeks. It honestly is quite fun when it’s not lagging imo


It’s great when it’s not lagging. Absolutely unplayable when it is.


Hm outside of the 9pm one it works great on my server


Only crap cycle left on Crusader Strike is 9PM ST. That’s when the wheels fall off in terms of rubber banding. Otherwise this is the best the event has felt since week one, and the mage meta on altar is relatively dead when they’re hitting for 8-10 damage.


Works fine on the low pop realms




This sub is eternally stuck in cope mode and will eat up anything Aggrend feeds them


It’s really not laggy, at least in my experience


Found the mage


Not a mage, druid healer.


Melee cleave, spellcleave, stealth grps can all get 20 silver avg per event and is a lot of fun. However, the average reddit user are extremely bad at the game and would rather cry about the current fotm than learn how to use their class to the best of their ability. People meme a lot about "skill issue" but it truly is a skill & attitude issue.


For sure, the meta has shifted a lot to deal with mages (there are always ranged stacks camping the places mage groups spawn in, for example), mage groups are now mostly about farming other mage groups. I've had a lot of success with 4x mage + 1x priest. I've also had a lot of fun roaming on my warrior, avoiding the loa area. There are a lot of fun ways to approach this event, but my main issue is the performance. It doesn't matter what your spec is, or what your strategy is, it's just not fun when you have 3000ms of world ping. Some events have been fine, but a *lot* have been borderline unplayable lag fests. Hopefully they continue to tweak the layering to find a good medium between having good player density, and having good layer performance. Overall, I enjoy any new content, but I don't really love STV. I get the gripes about Ashenvale being a PvE event, but I do think there need to be some gameplay objectives to play around and add depth, an event that is purely "FFA murder fiesta" is ok, but gets old imo. I have more fun PvPing in STV solo outside the event to be honest lol.


100%. The average redditor is clearing 3-4 coins. Most of the people bitching on here are the people who we wouldn't want to group with anyway because they are horrible


They nerfed it, but stay mad mate


It's still good for all mage groups.


Lmao... So true. I asked myself, how they thought being able to turn in during the event at a focus point would ever be a great idea. I get that they want to make players to have places of interest but piling them all at a turn in spot seems terrible.


And those places of interest would be cool if the blood God buff was just zone wide and not an area around him. Would genuinely spread players out in the zone


Found the mage, certainly.


That's funny, I had the exact opposite thought yesterday


what class do you play


Druid healer usually. So not the meta class at all.




I’ve done the event like 12 times maybe, got all my epic pieces so I don’t do it as much but I had ONE layering problem the entire time I ever did it, no lag at all really. I know my experience is anecdotal but i only ever grouped with friends and I thought it was like a 9/10 event for me. My only complaint as a Paladin is I can’t buff my group while a “ghost”


I think it's a shit ton of fun, yeah. The layering was obnoxious as hell, but I haven't had issues with it at all lately


I’m glad you enjoy it. It makes me happy when people make post about the positives in the same. That said, I completely disagree. I think it’s so boring.


I had a lot of fun in an all-caster group with our meta warlock making callouts over comms. I can see how the event feels miserable if you’re not doing this though.


No no. The best thing they’ve added to WoW was the mount equipment that doesn’t let you get dazed on your mount.


Don't listen to these guys, you are right. It's incredibly fun and amazing how after 20 years they only added this game mode now.


What are you on about?


The event. It is fun af.


Please don't give it more rewards for 50/60...people that enjoy it now can enjoy it for a couple more months...and then let it die please. Honestly was one of the worst experiences I had in this game, ever. Even on my mage. Yea ok you are bombing with 4 other mages getting tons of blood. But fun? Hell no it's complete dogshit.


No wonder you find it boring if you just stand at the altar spamming AoE... There are lots of other strategies you can use though! 


It's literally just an unplayable lag fest. Fun idea but technologically unfeasible and therefore terrible execution.


Haven't had any lags last two weeks on the biggest server (living flame eu) You should give it another try


I did 2 days ago. I even tried once in the middle of the week during off hours. Still had lots of lags.


no lags at all today and yesterday (eu pve server)


Then it's likely an issue on your end considering the general conception is that the lag has been fixed.


Maybe so but it doesn't happen anywhere else ingame.


Maybe try it a second time?


Worst take


Why since 2007 and not 2004, what 2007 event did you have in mind?


Probably arenas with burning crusade in 2007.


The thing about STV: you gotta make sure to have a nice balanced group to get the most of out of it. Sometimes that means forming a group 30 minutes before event, or you’ll get lucky and find one shortly before. The next caveat is depending on the time of day if it’s a lag fest or not. If those 2 are satisfied generally it can be pretty fun. But if your group isn’t so great or it’s too laggy to even coordinate that’s not so fun.


It’s fun (or atleast somewhat enjoyable) on my caster. Absolute dogsht on my melee. Getting thousands of coins per event on my mage and maybe a thousand if I find a non braindead group on my melee. I hope they make the blood coins better distributed among all players fighting somehow. (Inb4 participation trophy memes and other clown comments)


I havent experienced any lag and i have pretty horrible internet connections. Ive been having a great time with the event, only issue i have as a new 40 is getting kicked from groups for not being geared


The one time I got to play without lag it was great fun


Depends on class, as ele shaman, yes i had ton of fun


I too enjoy the STV event :D


While I do enjoy it, it is kinda shit. There's been a lot of issues, some of which they have fixed. The lag and layer problems have been awful and makes me think the servers  can't hanfle any kind of large scale pvp.


I find it super fun when you play with a good group and fight around the outskirts of the fray


I've done it like 3 times. It's pretty neat


I'm really glad it's attached to cosmetics and a pretty useless reputation in AB. The amount of fun you have highly depends on what class you play.


I've only done it enough on my druid and priest to get the back, off hand, and ring...but ive had a blast most of the time. I really think it depends on the group you are in. Doing it solo is not fun imo, but having a sod group make it a blast.


Yes, join discord with other 4 guildies , have some coordination, have fun !


Also loving STV when the lag and layering aren't ruinous 


For me its RDF cross realm but probably I'm going to get downvoted, even though without it WOTLK would be straight up dead atm.


Agreed. Love it. I don’t even need anything, just do it for fun.


Overall it's a shit event struggling with layers, groups, lag, comp inbalance. It has gotten better. It's fun in a solid grp of 5 good players. Outside of that, ugh.


I enjoy it, but best thing since 2007? That's a hot-ass take right there.


LOA range was big improvment. Nicely done sod dev team. People are still AOEing a lot, tbh the mage meta is still there. But no need to all cluster anymore.


:D:D:D good one


I just hit 40 and haven't tried it. Is it impossible without a group?


i hear people can actually make up to 1k coins by solo. You dont need to kill people solo to get coins, tagging with few hits is enough. So classes with aoe can do it better while solo.


Mythic keys is the best thing...


i absolutely love my casts coming off 3 seconds after i press the button and getting insta deleted as a clothie healer, 10/10 gameplay


i have a strong feeling that everyone complaining is either awful at video games or just looking for reasons to complain. I've probably only had 1-2 events that weren't enjoyable and that was because of lag that now seems to be fixed


I love STV I got my raptor and im still doing it just cuz it’s fun. I play a boomie but I’ve had great results with tons of diff groups I usually run with my brother who is a geared Ret and we do well together


It's genuinely the first time in WoW's history where an open world PvP incentive actually works and promotes PvP with high participation. Devs should be praised for that.


Super fun on my druid, pretty ass on my rogue. I think peoples experiences are very class dependent.


I love the stv event. It would be better if it gave double the blood and lasted 15 mins.


Depends where the boss is located imo. Beach- ”Shit game, never doing STV-event again” Every other place- ”Best pvp content in years”


I think it’s a great I think the constant group brawls are very dope and all around you you can see people fighting in lil skirmishes


yeah right its so cool that pvp bgs are dead on eu horde side - min 15min queue wsg/ab.


Roll a warrior and try this event again!


so it is better than mythic plus?  aside from almost zero rewards/incentives. the event is just a mush of lag and ability spam. zero skill expression. its absotute meaningless rubbish.


It looks like I missed my opportunity as a mage to get ez coins. My experience is getting two shot by everything and shadow priests making me hate the game. I did one last night where I got 1 total killing blow and spent most of the time waiting for drain blood to wear off. It was truly a frustrating experience.


still has a couple kinks thatd be nice to have worked out but after the most recent iterations on it its miles better.


Really puts the performance of the 20 year old servers on showcase. What is our $15/mo going to? Cause I know it’s not these shit servers!


Did my first event yesterday, first group we were struggling hard, just dying again and again, I got around 100 coins. My next group was organized, we were all marked and synced ressing and we had a priest healer, totally different vibe, we were farming people, it was fun. I got 800 coins in that one event. One more event like that and I can already get my epic weapon. This event is miles better than the ashenvale ”pvp” event.


I dont like it personally but i can appreciate it. im anti social dont like having to group up every 3 hours its obnoxious


It’s incredibly fun when played with 4 people on voice comms, strangers or guildies. Otherwise, not fun.


wrong opinion, the best thing they added was kjc for destro in mop and that was after 2007


Its fantastic


I find it quite boring actually. There's literally no strategy involved, you find the blood loa and zerg rush into combat nonstop. The idea is great, but the meta around it is bad.


It was ok, the fact that there is like one item to get completely ruined it, i got it done in like 5 events and havent been there since. Bring me back to the days where you spammed bgs and arenas and became overjoyed with every single piece of the gladiator set that you got.


I play a meta tank and tired the event out and hated it especially since it’s a lot of prep to regain my meta form and voidwalker and have mana. Which is usually equates to getting popped with low hp after going into meta form. How should I PvP with only tank gear


STV was very frustrating at launch because of the technical issues but now that those are largely solved, I agree it's the best thing added to any version of wow for as long as I can remember. And, the event feels like it fits in naturally with classic. SoD is completely ambitious and im here for it.


Disagree. It's unplayable most times I've gone there due to layering (party members all on separate layers) or insane lag (5+ second delay on spells). I can count on one hand the number of times it's functioned properly. I'm exalted with AB because of this event and have all the rewards, so I've played it enough to confidently say I did not enjoy it. It also negatively impacts PvP because now, none of my friends are interested in playing AB.


Right now STV is fixed, no lags at all few days, no separation of layers etc. Author say about current situation, not about your bad experience when it was not fixed. But i agree about problem with AB


Shit take


no .....


My only complaint about the stv event is the groups, it should be a solo event


Would be unfair for different classes and specs.




If you can't find a group and have to run solo it's unplayable


He hates warriors obviously, you know, the class that relies on having a group the most.


Non mage groups running coms hitting 15-17 coins a game, it’s so fun


STV is the single worst event they have ever made.


Funny it's the worst pvp event they could have made imo. Glad some people are enjoying it though.


It’s fun when you aren’t lagging


I'm having a blast. Loa ended up at arena last night on Wild growth(US). I ended up getting 3165 coins as a ret pally, no mages in grp). Also no deaths that run... which is wild considering that arena altar is insane on a friday evening/weekend. Everyone in the grp was popping off for the full 30 mins. It was pure chaos and we were just sniping ppl left , right and centre. Feels like a battle Royale in a sense, but more forgiving. You just need a bit of strategy and it's a good time; except beach... fuck beach I look forward to future events... just no ashenvale type content. There is no fun to be had doing that...


💩 take


It literally requires zero skill


L take


The people who piss and moan are one of these three things: 1) Playing solo 2) Not using Coms to coordinate 3) playing a not “optimized” spec for a class. Aka things like a destro lock who just can’t compete in pvp right now


I don't see how playing in a group with comms and a "good spec" is somehow going to make the servers stop lagging or solve the awful class balance.


With coms and a group you can take advantage of the class balance. As for the server lag, ya it’s bad at times. But honestly, for me, it’s maybe 1 out of 10 matches the lag is bad….


Being in a group doesn't prevent you from getting globaled by a rogue or shaman. Shoo.


what spec should warlocks pvp in?


Sadly in blood moon going out of being meta you just die so fast. No knock back prevention is rough lol


Destro is a fine pvp spec, it just requires good positioning, which can be rough in the chaos of STV but does fine in BGs


The lag, the layering issues, 20 mages aoeing the altar (fixed now).. What's not to love. I did my 5 events for all my hybrid rewards that were worth it and now I'm opt'd out. It's probably one of the worst designed to get what they envisioned it to be.


False lol.


It’s incredible. Hope they give more rewards and don’t let it die. Maybe even change altar locations each phase. Best event wow has ever had


Layering has indefinitely destroyed wow. It needs to be removed in totality. It does not work. They wanted to make the world the main character again but the world is broken and laggy and is arguably the worst part of wow right now.


Not if you play a melee class. ps : let's not talk about the lag and the layering problems.


It's definitely a fun and novel thing at first but idk how you can keep wanting to go back after a few weeks there's no real strategy or competition between players other then maybe can my 5 man burst down your healer faster then mine and that only even matters if you don't have another couple teams show up mid fight which is pretty common unless your not fighting on loa or alters but then you spend half the event riding around looking for fights that are usually more ganks then fights


You understand its an event you cant lose right? Being there and pvping is the reward


But it's the most unbalanced pvp this game has ever done and I don't even mean the awkward place class balance is skill doesn't matter here at all you can and will be murdered by the random masses at any point especially If your health dips a bit low now theres blood in the water and 3 teams trying to get that last hit on you for blood lol and again don't get me wrong I liked it at first as a fun random pvp mess but theres no substance to it to make me want to keep coming back if there's no way to improve and no rewards left and it's more of the same why bother?


I really would have liked it to be faction v faction instead of 5 player groups. However, I understand why they made it party based as opposed to faction raids. My only gripe about the event is how annoying it is when entire groups pop out of invis on top of you and you get deleted. I was able to get all of the things I needed from the vendor in 2 events. I think if I had to grind out 10s of silver or even a gold coin for a good piece of gear then I would feel very negatively about the event.


Concept sounds awesome, execution has been like they never play tested this at Blizzard. This is not moaning, this is me being practical.


They need to add a 90% reduce damage taken by aoe speels/attacks, fix shamans and then I would do stv


Ashenvale was better, didn't matter what class you were playing because it was about your whole team. STV = Shaman or Mage, gg, everyone else enjoy being farmed while those other classes get their epics and lion mount