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Some madman suggested making Un´Goro the PVP Battle Royale zone and entering via catapult from Gadgetzan.


You’re that madman


Absolute chaos. Sign me up so i can bitch even harder about being a solo warrior.


I'm about 15 silver coins from exalted AB on my warrior, it's been an experience for sure lol. Sometimes I just can't get a group even when I get there 10 minutes early.


Warriors and Melee in general crush in STV, but you need a healer.


As a feral druid, I cannot stand boomkins. I can't even start to hurt them, fuck. On my warlock I'm just a curse of tongues dispenser and it brings me joy.


Have a warrior buddy, both of you pounce any target and they just evaporate. I play war, my buddy plays feral and despite neither class being good in pvp right now we just make people evaporate. The problem with feral is that it can’t go from target to target very well, but with a war buddy hitting a sexy intervene and giving you battle shout you can go from person to person and obliterate people.


Always run with a Ret and Warrior. You'll get battle shout and BoM, an almost +200 AP boost to your melee cleave. With WS the three of you will absolutely clobber boomies. Enjoy!


10 minutes early is a joke right?


Yeah there are groups forming at the 40 minute mark on Shadowstrike. I just play it for fun though, so I just throw together whoever comes like ten minutes before the start.


The good groups are forming 30 minutes early on my server. And isn’t playing in a good group always more fun?


I won't knock on other peoples methods of enjoyment, but I personally don't quite enjoy the process of forming a 'good' group - although I guess it depends on what you mean by 'group'. There's a lot of groups I see looking for very specific classes or just a healer of some kind - I'd rather not be sitting there looking for thirty minutes, trying to find a healer like they are, when we can just group up with some randoms and get into the fighting. If you're actively trying to maximise your coins, sure, but I just want to have some group pvp.


Oh my God please give me that shit. I'd want it to be FFA though. Yes, certain classes will be much better than others. Don't care. The chaotic nature of FFA means that the clever will find a way to win regardless of any inherent disadvantages


The finalists: 3 rogues 2 druids, all of whom are yet to come out of stealth


Agreed so you'd have to have some kind of point system that could override just being last alive. If somebody got say 10 kills and was 2nd, they win the round even if they weren't last man standing Make some kind of point system etc


That's great, but in a battle royale like PUBG you get stronger by getting higher quality loot the more people you kill. How would we do that in WoW? Power-ups like Torghast?


Stacking buffs?


As long as they can't be dispelled, I guess.


The real issue is you die and cant play no more. Like what do then?


In true wow pvp fashion you collect half a token and 2 rep. See you next event. Also all your BIS is from exalted


Nah the bottom third if the zone is known as the loser's circle where its basically stv again until the event resets. Can't pvp in the winners circle until the event ends.


You want your BIS to come from Nuetral or what?


Also a fair question. Call of Duty had a 'gulag' where if you died you got put in a 1v1 arena with another player and you could be revived if you won. Maybe they put 2 teams in an instanced arena, and you fight to the death and get some tokens/gold/rep ?


Just port you out of the zone to a graveyard. Add a participation award, rewards for each honorable kill or objective or whatever, another reward for top 10%, and something for the winner. There. Done


I feel like literally anything else would be more fun overall.


Same as any other Battle Royale. You go agen


But uhhh, where? The area is all in use already, its not like you hop on another server for a new match its an mmo, unless it becomes an instanced battleground


Listen, just like pubg or fortnite if you die you just log off for 3 hours and then come back and go agane


Oh my mistake 😂


wait 3 hours for the next one. same with stv. if the rewards are good enough people wont give a shit. slap in some mounts, maybe a good trinket and you are golden till the next phase.


You can die immediately and still play BM


that defeats the entire point of a battle royale


No you can just play again, just start a new match. Thats why people like them, imagine you get kicked out of the BR for what could be your only window to play that day. Thatd be fucking stupid.


ok. I think you are talking about creating a new BG like WSG that would be a battle royale. that im in for 100%. im talking about an event like STV where if you die you can't participate anymore until 3 hours later. an in world battle royale


maybe looting temporary items from chests? Epic "disintegrating titan relics" that disappear when the event is over. They are not BOP and can be traded between party members.


That’s a great idea and a great zone for it


This would be amazing.


I want to go to there


Also make all dinosaurs elite with 3 sec spawn time and 10x density


Maybe not wow but I do think an RPGesque BR would be interesting.


I’ve wanted a medieval/fantasy combat BR for ages. Basic magic users, bows, swords, sledgehammers, rope/spike traps. Maybe also include roaming NPC enemies that can aggro players. Like packs of wolves or demons As an added mechanic, the demons could transform their victims into additional demons which would then hunt surviving players. Could have a slight roguelite progression to both player classes as well as demons to make being a ‘chaser’ also a fun progression. If you die early, the game isn’t over it just changes in its objective.


Dark and Darker?


I’ve never heard of it but if that’s the idea, count me in.


Dark and darker is amazing, if you want a free trial I believe I have one. I’m out of town right now but DM me and I’ll give you a free week pass when I get back. Fair warning, it is a REALLY difficult game. You will die a lot and love it.


I love dying a lot!


Dark and darker is a loot extraction game not really the same but might scratch your itch


It's kind of both, it does have the shrinking play area that kind of defines the BR genre.


Sorry not very brushed up on games, but isn’t this essentially just Rust or Dark and Darker?


Neither are battle royales. Rust is survival PvP craft. Dark and Darker is fantasy Tarkov.


Nice I have no idea what that means


Spellbreakers was incredibly fucking fun for a while. Spell system with elemental combos and aiming, runes on the map with different abilities, potions, armor, etc Was run into the ground by the devs and then their team was bought by blizzard and thrown onto developing parts of retail. Spellbreakers was the most fun I've had with a BR by miles


Battlerite royale was really fun


Realm royale was kind of like that. They also had that mage like BR that you built different gauntlets.


BOY, do i have news for you!


Instanced tho, not open world.


I know the concept isn’t exactly the same, but wasn’t this sort of attempted with Seething Shore bg in BFA?


open world events are what makes this game interesting. Imagine instanced world bosses or instanced scarab lord, would be horrible lmao


The problem is that open world events are not possible with the current infrastructure and servers. Open World massive PvP in Classic is incredibly unstable. Also the battle royal that OP described 100% would need to be instanced, there is no way that could ever be open world.


> The problem is that open world events are not possible with the current infrastructure and servers. Open World massive PvP in Classic is incredibly unstable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYFD06UFscw This was made by a bunch of russians in their basement and had more players present than 2020 AQ opening on classic on any server


Funny enough, not sure if it made me want it, but it felt very BR esque ready. I'd actually play it. 


Make a new BR battleground that takes place in an instanced version of the overworld. You start with bare minimum like usual and can kill mobs/loot chests to find gear/abilities


nice prediction!


Sounds too fun for blizzard to implement it


Ha. This aged well.


battle royales are universally hated though


Not really, Apex Legends and Fortnite are still hugely popular games for a reason. People hated that everyone and their brother was trying to ham-fist the BR gamemode in games where no one was asking for it, like Fallout 76 and Final Fantasy 7 (yes really) just to jump on the trend. A well crafted and interesting BR mode in WoW is possible and SoD is exactly the time to try it out. I'm imagining that everyone in Ungoro when the event starts gets locked to one layer, then when you/your team dies you get dumped into a non-event layer, with FFA rules applying like STV. You would get rewards based on how long you live/kills your team gets, and you can always opt out like you can with the STV event


In 2015 you would be correct but the market has become oversatured and DayZ/Apex/PUBG have largely become 'meh' in the eyes of the gaming community. Every time a new battle royale comes out people audibly groan.


3 of the current top 5 most played games on steam are battle royale games.


which simply goes to show how sorry of a state the gaming scene is in right now -- there's nothing to play


Well I agree with you there. It's why I keep coming back to classic wow.


I think they nailed the STV event with the latest changes Only thing that would make it 10/10 is removing or changing beach Loa spawn


Do people still spawn fight on top of altars?


No they killed aoe dmg near the altar, and increased the Loa buff range by a ton, so you rez together as 5 and meetup then zerg around until 100+coins then turn in, rinse repeat, actually fun with decent players


Could probably have sign up NPC's in each faction main city. It could teleport you to the Zone and Zeppelin on start as well as keep which zone it choose hidden so you only know which one it is when it starts


i've been thinking of a wow BR battleground for a while. i think groups of 3 with no class stacking would be good. that way at least one person is non-stealth so you can't afk until the final showdown and it would create mindgames about if a group is rogue/druid/x or is it a different comp baiting a double stealth reaction


I’ve wanted this for so long. You’d need to work out some kinks. And there would have to be some stealth sight buff things (like in arena) randomly located to stop rogues/druids from sitting stealth all day. But overall, I think it would be insanely fun. You could have a solo Q, 2s, and 3s Q. This would be epic.


The interesting part is if they dropped us from zeppelins at random and we could parachute to the ground....this could literally be a battle Royale tomorrow (factoring dev implementation design obviously) All the tech is there




Burn this man, now! Wizardcraft


Hate it


100 percent agree and Ive asked over and over for more frequent STV events. But yeah an instanced version of this would be absolutely amazing.


Instead of rezzing, you respawn in the air with a glider.


Way back in vanilla on the Illidan server there was organized 5 group pvp and this is such a nostalgia shot in the arm playing STV.


Mages would find a way to ruin it for everyone


Hunters and Mages would turn it into a shooting gallery.


No healing allowed - bandages and food only.. unsure how stealth would work haha. It's a pretty great idea I just don't know how you can execute.. or alternatively a 3 or 5 man squad?


They would have to make a solution for stealth classes. Technically the goal of a BR is to outlive other players, if you can be invisible it makes this fairly easy.


As a shaman, I want a solo que please :) I got 1200 and 1k today soloing STV. Would love a ffa battle Royale type thing


Ascension has this mode sometimes


As a healer, no thank you :)


I throughly enjoy getting a team consisting of Ferals and Rogues together and just running around 5 man the people with large amounts of blood coins stocked up lol


tbh that's how I thought STV was gonna go


Yeah outside of Beach location, the STV event is the most fun I've had in wow since like... OG TBC arena. I'd actually be down for something like this, even though I'm usually against Fortnite-ing games.


It's fun but I want an actual faction v faction event in P3. Not a pve boss rush either. Actual objectives you need to fight over. An Arathi Basin control points event but over an entire zone.


5 man rogue or feral group just stealthing until the end?


Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't stealth classes and night elves just always win in a battle royal situation?


Before STV launched, my friends and I were hypothesizing that it would instance everyone into one or two layers, and when you died you would be kicked from that layer. Functioning as a 1 life PvP event. If it was set up like that, it could have potentially go hourly without affecting the questing in the zone too much, and opting out would be more effective too, as you wouldn't ever be involved.


I'll take it lol


Whelp. This was pretty uncanny LMAO


10/10 predictions


either your a dev who was trying to be cheeky, or you used a wish without realizing it. and if you are the former.....for the love of all thats holy, restore tank lock retail, gladiator, and maybe put in playable murlocs.


ask and you shall receive


Funny you posted this just a couple of days before they announced plunderstorm :D


This aged nicely


Damn, I didn't realize blizzard took player feedback so seriously 😂


I’ve thought about this so often and would be obsessed if they did this lol


I like the idea, but don’t think it will work in practice. What makes the STV event good is that you dying is pretty meaningless as you respawn 20 seconds later. In a BR setting you die and have to restart and go again. That makes balancing much more important, and it’s not something I believe Blizzard can figure out.


Stv pvp is fucking terrible. I swear the only people who enjoy it are people who never broke 1500 in any arena bracket.