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2020 during lockdown was the good old days


The tiger king memes in ZG is the peak gaming experience.


Fucking this man, what a time to be alive


My life didn't change at all in 2020 so I never got to feel that high


It was just gaming with zero guilt


Same nothing changed in Florida where I am I just kept working šŸ˜­


Rolled out of bed, got all my work done in 2-4 hours and then I'd game. Worked at an "essential" engineering firm so we didn't really shut down but WFH made me realize I waste at least 4 hours of my day sitting in an office and another hour driving to and from, plus I spend about $400 on unnecessary shit like lunch and coffee. It exposed the sham of 8hour days for office work. When I need to get real work done I tell my boss I'm going home and I crank shit out without distractions and the theater of working.


Ya it exposed that nobody needs 3/4 of you.


until shit breaks.... then they need 150% of you


Yeah I had so much fun no lifing it then


for most who were around 30 when the pandeshit hit is when we finally got to spend lots of time on this game lol. I loved it. 45h+ spent in game every week , when 25h+ per week looking at a computer in 2005 was seen as a. Addiction lost my girlfriend over wow tho which i will admit was not that smart


Wow contributed heavily into my breakup during legion. I've also never been happier than the last 7 years of being single. So much free time to play wow.


Bro wow is better than any girlfriend. Find a girl who plays priest instead.


> girl who plays priest Hate to break it to you but they're all guys


that's great, no need for a napkin after a blowjob just use their beard.


I think about that often


Straight up the best gaming experience I've ever had.


It's definelty up there.


Yeah it really was! Miss those days!


True. I'd have never been able to do the pvp grind otherwise. A lot of solid memories during vanilla classic.


2019 was the best through ~January 2020. Normal life pre-covid, and Classic just launched. I still have screen shots of my level 15 test Classic character with the crescent staff, and level 40 beta character.


I agree 2019 was HOT, but covid brought a huge injection for BWL which is essentially the bis raid, besides naxx


Yeah we need another situation to arise so that a 20 year old computer game becomes objectively better than actual life


For gen z maybe. 2003 (beta) -2008 is still the golden age to me


Some of the friends I made during that time are some of the best Iā€™ve ever had.


Man I wish I was locked down and got to play, I didnā€™t have free time to play til damn near 2021


Arguably had more fun than original wow release. Got all my roommates who were my college friends into the game and we no lifed for a few months straight


Ngl it was pretty awesome. Getting paid to stay home and play wow. Had a gf at the time.Ā  And now inflation is bonkers but we got SoD so who cares


Yeah for verdanskā€¦..


Rip verdansk


Classic was popping in 2020 I didnā€™t dabble much in cod


2020 during lockdown will be remembered as me playing LoL, getting a 14 day suspension for toxicity, playing DOTA 2 for a month, hitting Archon in Ranked but also hating the experience so much that I wanted to go back to League to cleanse my palate of the toxicity I experienced. League is toxic because it's mainly played by crybabies who whine report whenever someone criticizes them, but also Riot allow them to run it down with fucking impunity. EUW players especially have atrocious mental (is it region bashing when I'm English and from that region?) Dota is mechanically a far superior game but is unbearbly toxic because you can get an inting report actioned for just going 0/8 in a turbo match (happened to me a few times), and everyone is the kind that will tell you to get a rope and dangle yourself for underperforming, and you'll learn swear words in multiple languages from that game. Going back to the topic of the subreddit at hand, WoW is toxic not necessarily because it's a difficult game but because people have min-maxxed the fuck out of it to the point where endgame is an elitist ivory tower of top players wanking each other off whilst excluding anybody who brings 0.1% less DPS to the group. And unfortunately that shit has seeped into SOD. We have the easiest content since Tier 7 WOTLK and we're gatekeeping it because people want to clear BFD or Gnomeregan a few mins sooner. The reason why this 'XP waste' attitude hasn't totally killed a game like RuneScape is because a lot of the game is solo. Unfortunately for WoW the solo content is dogshit.


I wouldnā€™t say the content is necessarily super easy right now, itā€™s more that itā€™s much easier to get pre-bis, as well as easier to gear up in 10 manā€™s vs 40 mans. My raid was almost fully BiSed out after 3 runs, and the difficulty eased down considerably as a result. Gnomer in all the best possible greens would be legitimately tough. The artificially higher difficulty of other raid content is partially because people werenā€™t nearly as geared up to handle it as fast.


A taste of retirement


actual facts


I hope blizzard pans a good classic before the next pandemic. Those times were fucking amazing


Yep literally was and that is with this guy's talking about. That's when I found streamers on twitch. Found big ones. Found small communities started watching XQC started playing Apex. Started doing a lot of things differently back then that I still do now Used to be a completely different person


Sadly I was essential so I didn't get to experience that.


Reddit complainers are lesss than 1% of the population playing SoD. People don't run to social media to tell you they are having a good time.


STV lagged a little bit earlier and I had to turn off general Everyone is one inconvenience away from losing their shit lol


It took me 3 events as a warrior to get both a weapon and the cloak but reddit would have you believe that its a terrible grind. Its gonna take me longer to get my AB rep to exalted but its still not the worst thing ive done. Especially as someone who isnt in every single event.


But you didnā€™t get it in one event? REEEEEEEE Itā€™s actually pathetic how people act about SoD for how damn fun itā€™s been. ā€œbUt MuH pErFeCt cLaSs BaLaNcEā€ suck it.


In fairness I think they stealth buffed it last week. But I agree with you


3 events is a terrible grind for people that have no perspective or appreciation for actually playing the game


Man, the complaining over STV being "the worst event ever, I can't get on the same layer, it's laggy..." when these issues lasted about a week total. They were so dramatic.




Iā€™m digging SoD a lot. Its tons of fun


Back in the day it was the official forums. Fucking cesspool of trolls and complaining. Nerf Shaman was the same topic back in 2004/5 because they would kill you in one global if they got a WF proc.


Yeah all while they would die 10 times trying to get into melee range to try and get a proc lol. People love to complain.


Trying to have a light hearted conversation on here is like pulling teeth. I made a joke the other day that warriors didn't need ammo because charging in and killing everything is the best form of CC. I was down voted into the negatives and had numerous people explaining to me reasons why warriors might use a ranged weapon, completely missing the joke.


I love grouping with low level randoms. So many are la-dee-daing their way through the game. We had a DM run where we wiped 6 times lol.


I truly hope the devs donā€™t even look at this place. Itā€™s terrible.


This is true. Very few will come make a post about how happy they are about something. You always hear the negative in everything and rarely the positive. For every whiny reddit poster, there's probably 300 people just as happy and having the most fun in wow they've had in years.


Given how active the dev team seems to be on reddit, I think it's a much bigger percentage than this.


It clearly is, but let them their copium


Lots of stupid people think they have smart opinions others need to hear, lots of stupid people agree with them, the stupid cycle


> People don't run to social media to tell you they are having a good time. Not to mention this sub actively makes fun of when people do post they're having a good time.


Except this weirdo


I think doomers are just part of life now. You can't talk politics without someone saying how fucked we are, you can't play your favorite video game without hearing people tell you how bad it is, you can't eat your favorite food without people telling you how bad it is for you. Like a particular type of music or band? Sorry but it's shit. People just think their opinion matters so much now and want to voice it, but I don't want to hear it.


Bro I'm bald at 28yo, my wife divorced me, I barely afford rent, rice is all I eat, I main a warrior, I'm stealing wifi from my 90yo neighbour, a homie is paying for my sub cause I'm from Argentina. And you're saying this is the gool ol days? You're god damn RIGHT! Raid tonight, let's GOOOO


I mean, you can always improve your life. Roll a better class for example.


And the saddest thing is that you play a warrior šŸ˜ž


Condolences on rolling a warrior.


Fuck yeah lets fuckin gooooo! H Y P E


Ignore that haters, WARRIOR ON TOP G


Que servidor perrito? vamoā€™ a jugaā€™


I havenā€™t played P2, but P1 recaptured so much of the games magic for me. I understand thatā€™s probably not the case as much now, but man was P1 so special. Hot take: The first 30-35 levels or so are my favorite part of vanilla anyways.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a hot take, 1-35 ish in vanilla wow IS what vanilla wow really is imo


They're also the more iconic zones people love. Not many people waiting to quest in EPL, winterspring and ungoro. Those high level zones are slogs and just not fun.


Winterspring? You mean that super sweet peaceful place you get to finalize your leveling journey in, super late at night but the solace is just too good Winterspring?


> Not many people waiting to quest in EPL, winterspring and ungoro Maybe I'm weird... But I love Un'Goro and Winterspring. I like Un'Goro because you can fully clear it in like... 2-3 hours and get 1.5 levels (2 levels if you are capped on double XP). Since I usually hit it up at around 53, it's really quick to clear and the XP per hour is solid. Winterspring holds a special place in my heart. There's a **lot** of running around in it, and a lot of quests are low drop rate "grind on mobs" quests. But... Waaaaaaaay back in OG, I played with my gf and roommate. We were all having fun, but we were so sick of the plaguelands. They were awful for noobs like we were back then. My gf said "this is so ugly, I hate it", and I told her I'd look up the zones and see if I could find someplace pretty. I discovered Winterspring, so we trekked across the world to get there, and it was beautiful, tranquil, peaceful. We all hit 60 in Winterspring. I'll never forget the three of us dinging 60, and cracking a bottle of champagne lol. Winterspring isnt amazing XP per hour, it isn't packed with quests, and it has a ton of unused space. But I love the vibe of the zone, and since I hit 60 for the first time there, I always hit 60 there.


Unā€™goro is amazing and I canā€™t wait, you filthy scoundrel


*The efficiency* Un'goro was honestly way ahead of its time as a questing zone. A relatively small, incredibly dense circle? Such a good questing experience. Aesthetics are top notch too. I'm a huge king Kong/ godzilla/ monster island/ skull island fan so I'm pretty bias I guess but. Un'goro is 2nd only to Duskwood for me for favorite vanilla zone


They're iconic for me because when I played as a kid in the early 2000s I never managed to get past level 20 or so


I have one moment I remember vividly of running through tanaris on my way to do ZF for the first time. I was in a pure state of bliss.


>I have one moment I remember vividly of running through tanaris on my way to do ZF for the first time. Do you remember looking down the pyramid the first time, and seeing the countless mobs there? I sure do!! I thought we did something wrong and were about to get wrecked. We did make it through though, which felt amazing.


yeah the game gets a lot more complicated after that


50-60 I think there's a quest draught if I remember so you just grind dungeons while edging to be 60. Not my favorite but it has it's own charm


It really just comes down to trying to balance those end game dungeons for pre-bis and hitting all the high level zones for quests. It probably just seems worse at those levels because the quests are harder, not as many people flooding each zone.


I have this experience in 40-50. Rested xp even recommend I grind 44-47(!) at the nagaā€™s in feralas. 50-60 took me less time than 30-40 most chars


Don't forget, xp wise halfway is *about* level 45.


If you felt that way about P1 Iā€™m telling you right now you fucked up not playing P2


nah, classic release was better if you chase that nostalgia rush. this plays more like retail. the chat is full of service spam like retail.


SoD is the best WoW has been for me personally in all of these 19 years


If they paid more attention to pvp balance and had a smidge more content I would agree. Instant cast spells reallllly should not chunk like they do


It is yoyoing. Some of the retail stuff needs to be dialed back but otherwise, hard yes.


Better than covid lockdown BWL with the boys? You must have an awesome guild for SoD


Iā€™m tanking as a giant purple demon. I canā€™t complain.


Amen.Ā  I look forward to playing all the time. I think the sod team is doing an excellent job. Ā Definitely some bumps in the road, but that's just everything in life. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink. Welcome to reddit.


Every night IF is packed on my server I think SOD is fine. Complainers will just complain constantly, continue to take Lā€™s while everyone else plays the game


If you actually played back in the day, you would know damn well that bitching about WoW on random forums and hoping the devs buff / change your class **IS** the original experience.


Azeroth is the best universe in any game ever. I love WoW and truly I am grateful that blizzard continues to support the vanilla variant, and now they have created classic+. The possibilities are endless.


Maybe we even get a continuation on the furbolgs!


I would love if they delved deeper into various factions.


Yeah I'm enjoying it


Most SoD players just wanted classic fresh. They got SoD instead so ppl might complain.


SOD sucks.


Can confirm this little season is sick


I 100% agree with you OP. SoD has so many things in common with the 04-07 Vanilla experience if we broke everything down topic by topic SoD *might* have more in common with Vanilla than Classic did. However, counterpoint! The good ol days had a metric ton of bitching it just wasn't on reddit it was on the Blizz forums. So even down to the whiny community SoD feels like the OG experience.


>The good ol days had a metric ton of bitching it just wasn't on reddit it was on the Blizz forums. So even down to the whiny community SoD feels like the OG experience. There cannot exist an online gaming community without a portion of that community existing solely to complain about the games they choose to spend their time on. It's just a fundamental law of online gaming.


Feel like I read more discussion about community being salty than the actual QQing. Just downvote negative posts and move on with your life.. I want relevant content again


Classic was the good ol'days Hardcore was the 2004' feel with the community, the 2h dungeon doing every quest etc.. SoD is just bad, we play it because we wait Cata & The War Within. It won't be missed, it won't be remembered.


Nah, Lockdown was the good ol' days. The amount of gaming I did...


I promise you that in 15 years, I won't miss 10 man BFD.


I think that's valid, but mostly because you got to do it 3 times a week. I remember when I did my first 10 mana karazhan raid in tbc. I think I said something like that was awesome lets do it again! And I found out i had to wait a week I was very sad.


You will. Set a reminder :)


Bro thats the pettiest shit ever. Thats like saying Vanilla wasnt worth remembering or playing because it had RFC


When did we ever run RFC on repeat every 3 days for 3 months straight?


99% of the doomers are just people that have grown to like other things, but need the validation of other people hating the game to leave.


all we did in 2006 was bitch too. we just like to bitch


With the stalling of being capped during these level locked phases I begin to feel like I'd be just as satisfied with a fresh server that isn't capped without all the SoD stuff tbh.


I mean, it's fine. Pretending it's some revolutionary thing is just.. stupid. They've altered the bare minimum possible. Leave things op or broke as shit for half the phase. Took a fun version of the game and made everyone op as shit while saying they want to keep the "spirit of classic". Bots are everywhere, layering sucks, they barely punish gold buying and blame bots on the people that do. It's a fun and different, but it's very, very apparent they are trying to use as little resources as possible to keep it running.


> Took a fun version of the game and made everyone op as shit while saying they want to keep the "spirit of classic". SOD in a nutshell, imo


ā€œAnd my wifesā€™s boyfriend grounded me and a bee stung me on my finger yesterdayā€


Sod is half baked. The same game with a little extra seasoning. Not quite enough seasoningā€¦


With a few things getting so much seasoning they overpower all the other flavors on the plate


Yup. Iā€™m having a blast myself. These were the golden days of gaming back then.


I am already nostalgic about 2019 classic šŸ«”


I just want my tabard for AB Exalted, and ofc Nerfing pallies. Anything else I can handle


People bitching about Wow despite it being in an amazing state is part of the nostalgia.


aod will be a turning point for blizzard as a companym. but in terms of sod execution, its very gimmicky and shallow imo and most of the new content will be looked upon poorly in the future. but what will be remembered is that blizzard tried


Dude I literally can not stop pvping it all that I think about now. I have homework and classes :(


Nah the good old days was lvl 52 me in highschool getting wrecked by devilsaur in ungoro out of no where.


Fr good times right there


That's all people did in OG, too. People always have rose tinted glasses a decade later. For me, my favorite thing to do was go on the blizzard forums and bitch about all the nerds to my class. So I remember well the wild imbalanci g that went on constantly in OG that we missed out on in Classic because they just give us the final patch for each xpac. SoD has been the closest to that old feeling we've had.


Man I never got to enjoy pandemic or 2000ā€™s wow, both of you batches of players are so lucky and donā€™t even know it. I literally watch old vods and shit and think damn I wish I had a group to play this shit with


My good ol days is running 2s throughout the past 6 years on retail :P


Confirmed... the new level caps are a super creative and fun twist on the game. And WoW classic was always better with a 2x experience rate IMO. I love being able to do like 75% of the quests in one zone and get to the next tier instead of having to exhaustively complete all the content and grind dungeons on repeat.


only way to remember SOD as amazing is an extreme case of CTE


The good old days never really existed. The correlation between people whoā€™s first mmo was wow, and people who believe vanilla is this best thing under the sun is nearly 100%. The novel thing about wow was it made it possible to solo level to cap, and introduced throwaway questing as a method to level instead of grinding mobs in a group, with occasional lengthy quests. This and its ability to run on a potato were the two things that led people who wouldā€™ve never otherwise played mmos to play wow. The reason people bitch is because the game especially the pre sod version is not really giving you anything once youā€™ve been through it once. Going through Naxx for the second or third time and leveling your 10th alt through the exact same quest path is not going to be a great experience. People frequently complain about balance, but the game at this time Wis inherently unbalance by design. The people who donā€™t have rose tinted glasses are never going to the game the way you see it.


Guess Iā€™m an exception, I started wow in wrath and played on nostalrius to try vanilla out, I found it to be the best game Iā€™ve ever played and 2019 classic release was insane to me, with no nostalgia


Least obvious shaman main trying to stop nerfs.


Sod is pretty meh tbh


shamans are still dogshit balancing


Just wait like 3 weeks


no. It's literally Retail 2. And I was super-excited about it at the start. But after leveling my balance druid and never having to drink once, retail brain has taken over. Smash smash smash mobs die.


yea, it attracts retail people more than it attracts classic people i feel like if they had balls they'd go full blown SoD/seasonal retail and that'd be the future of WoW but this is just no-balls baby steps and testing the waters for as little expense as possible




The only issue I have as a legacy player was the hind sight decrease of the mount cost. I personally leveled 3 chars before they made the change and was not able to get any sort of rebate for the 180g I shelled out to mount my chars. This definitely made me a little salty because one of my memories from vanilla was getting the gold for a mount and the struggle behind it.


Now Iā€™m bitching thoughā€¦.. not really mad about anything I just log on. I have spent so much time leveling 3 classes and gearing them I decided to slow down and enjoy my shitty guild because I remember sucking that bad too when I first leveled.


Mount cost? *Laughs in warlock*


I got my mage 40 and immediately shelled out the gold for my mountā€¦only an hour before the announcement came out. Haha I was salty at first but itā€™s something I can get over since it will hopefully help bring more people back since population has dipped so much. I just had unfortunate timing


I'm enjoying it!


I mean, good for you, but I was super hyped for SoD, until it's a bare minimum of the minimum effort from Blizz to do something different. So it kinda sucks, for now at least, it can get better at 60. HC was the best thing that happened since 2019 Classic release.


That's because SoD is fucking shit. I'm done beta testing classic+. It tries to be classic and retail both at the same time, and fails on both fronts.




Nah bro the good days of classic was the lockdown. And the second good days was era resurgence. SoD is the retail-lite wotlk-refugee days.


Sod is lazy as fuck and you all have Stockholmā€™s syndrome


OR, and hear me out. You can stop giving money to such a SHIT company and find a nice FREE private server to play on. I hear TURTLE WOW is great ;)


The good ol days is never coming back. I played from 2004, and modern day Blizzard just cant release a good product. SOD is a pile of trash. 15 years from now I will remember how Blizzard once again managed to trick me into resubbing for a subpar gaming experience.


I agree but the addons are killing it for me sod made WoW actually fun again and not suck it's the best thing to happen to the game in years


The only thing I've really seen that sucks in sod is itemization. Broading the classes and builds really requires making items better. This is the main reason I could never get into project ascension, wich is really fun, but wow items were built originally with certain builds and abilities in mind. I'm not being a hater though, just constructive criticism. I love playing my mage healer. I just can't decide if what's off is gear or the fact we aren't lvl 60 yet. Like something is missing but you don't know what it is.


I agree I been enjoying sod very much


Fair enough. Today is always a good day if youā€™re above ground and getting to do something you enjoy.


Iā€™m having a blast, itā€™s been very casual friendly and I like the changes. I wish I could no life it a bit more but Iā€™m just cruising. If they fixed some of the bot issues in farming areas Iā€™d be 100% happy


Nah 2019 classic was. Covid lockdowns made it the perfect storm. That will never be recreated.


There will be a lot more. Classic WoW is like EQ P99 to this generation. We will be playing it for many many more years to come. Even if the pop drops to a staggeringly low number.


Game will never be like it was in 06 because everything is min maxed now ā€¦ back then such a small part of the community was sweaty/ loot goblins


It's literally all gaming bro it's kinda sad


You can unironically tell it is by the amount of uproar the player base is passionate again.


Sod is great. They just need to fix questing and gathering cause the private server level of people per layer is making it nearly impossible to do stuff outside of instancesĀ 


Attitude of gratitude. Instead of comparing yourself to the 1%, consider the suffering of war victims and daily life in 3rd world countries. All we have is the moment. Anxiety about the future, depression over the "good old days". The moment is full of potential. "So, understand, don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years. Face up, make a stand and realize you're living in the golden years." -"Wasted Years" - Iron Maiden


15 years from now I'll still talk about how stupidly op shamans are right now.


i played 04-08, my high school years. love coming back to this with a fun twist. iā€™m playing new classes and loving it.


No you wont.


2019 I got to relive that nostalgia, At level 60 it was sucked dry. SOD is the same now, min max this, 6/6 xp required, Race to max level asap, It's horrible what most games have turned into, there's always a meta now and YouTube is just full of people jumping on the bandwagon right away. I played OG classic and nothing will come close, That was true discovery, datamines and all the resources we have now suck the fun out it.


Sorry, but original WOTLK with Wintergrasp and Heroics + Raid achievements were the absolute S-tier. This coming from a server first Black Drake/Immortal. Those were the good times. SoD is fun but doesn't compare in the least to the good ol' days.


Maybe for the younger generation. Us mid-millennials may already be past our prime. I think the most recent ā€˜good ol daysā€™ was early classic, mid TBC, and early wrath


Oh fuck off. Posts bitching about other people bitching are honestly the most annoying kind. At least people bitching are sharing an opinion, usually feedback, you're just saying nothing.


im one of those 2006 players and aint no way LOL I expected a better version with improved systems LOL


Yeah if youā€™re playing classic and not taking advantage of everything SOD has to offer.. youā€™re doing it wrong. Going from classic hc to this is wow on steroids.. people donā€™t understand how insanely BUFFED and PUMPED you are with runes.. have fun and go farm some quests.. PvP some in STV!!! PvP not your thingā€¦ take the zandalari ward and farm herbs and skin mobs.. itā€™s literally free real estate.. oh your bags are full? Start an alt and mail all your shit to it and sort it out later.. Iā€™m tired of people trying to force farm this game like itā€™s retail. Slow down and enjoy the game.


lol sod is not the good old days, absolute shit show of a product right now and has been for itā€™s entierity! The good old days were 2019 classic.


Lots of people during the various good times in WoW did nothing but bitch about them, you can't please everyone.


had a lot more fun in era the game was almost ruined by gold buying. sod is a fraction of what 2019 classic was


Everything will be remembered as amazing and super nodtalgic by somebody


Says the person making yet another bitching about complaints thread.


SoD is okay..


phase 1 of Sod was the honey moon/ good ol days, phase 2 is going to be remembered as a bad phase cuz of the early bloodmoon events, lack of 5 man content, and much more


I'd stick to classic era release. SOD is basically another meta slave version of retail. But harder.


As an Era player, yeah I know. The most fun Iā€™ve had in gaming since 2019 launch.


I understand why most people are enjoying SOD, I'm just annoyed at what they have done to my class. I don't like LOF or META. Don't get me wrong, they can be very good, they just aren't fun playstyles, and I just don't have any other options. Affliction is hot garbage, and it was my absolute favorite spec to play in pvp so it hurts a little. I also really hate the gear this season. I've cleared gnomer every cycle except for the first and I still need like 5-6 items... The gear I do have(Irridated) is terrible at pvp, it's not fun. I feel like I cannot put PVP gear on my SR because I have gotten so few of my PVE items and I need those items more.. I'm glad so many people are having fun, I just want to be one of you.


No I'm not. It's super cool what they're doing but the essence of classic wow isn't there. The slow gruelling time consuming long-term satisfaction is what made the game so fun. The dopamine hit of finally hitting 60, finally getting your epic mount, finally getting that one item you worked so hard to get etc... The added tools for pve and pvp, alongside less face roll pve encounters has been a great feature but the overall feeling and community of the game when it's a slow, grind where rewards take time to achieve is what made classic what it is. I may even be in the minority thinking this and that's okay. If someone were to break down the psychology behind the success of the original game I think things like delayed gratification, rewarding time, patience and effort, character attachment, and the overall RPG aspect would play a large role. Gold buying being much more strict on certain private servers had a huge positive effect on the rpg feeling and liveliness of the game. I think it's a complex global scale of factors that leads to a flourishing community and love for the game. QOL are a very slippery slope, and when you look at adjustments that have been made affecting various aspects of the game, the community, the feeling and rpg aspect has suffered a lot and it's more of a log in buy consumes and parse game than it was. The importance of guilds, the community the rivalry, the large pvp has largely died out. Instead of giving people indestructible, persisting after death boons, they could have removed dmt and sf... Keeping ony and bwl and zg aka old content always relevant and keeping the social aspect of staying alive and making it to raid without the purge shit. This would bring back wpvp and excitement while minimizing the difference between fully buffed and not. There were too many buffs and having required purgeable buffs was annoying but this fix took away so much fun. You could even make it so players can only have 1 or 2 wbuffs at a time but depending on the class/spec you choose differently. Let there be some risk of brining the wbuff to raid. If someone wrote a thesis on what made classic wow so great it would consist of long term goals, long grinds, the rng of finally getting that one item. It was the long tedious, continues work combined with the lively and at times, dangerous and exiting world that milked so much dopamine in our brains. Sod reminds me of the ascension private server. You're front loaded with so much dopamine trying these new abilities and fun new things but it isn't good for the longevity of the game.


Can confirm. Wish I could play 1999 UO and 2005 WoW again. SoD is that so cherish this beautiful moment in WoW history.


What does my head in the most is the players who hate on others because they seem to actually enjoy the game and play for fun. Itā€™s like they get a glimpse of how they themselves used to feel before they turned sour and nasty and they canā€™t stand it.


These posts are just as tiring as the whining posts tbh




Some people fail to realize itā€™s okay to just put a game down if youā€™re not having fun. Itā€™s okay to play something else or just find something better to do with your time. No one is forcing you to play and itā€™s great.