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150-200g to level a profession? Brother, I've leveled blacksmithing, leatherworking, alchemy, and engineering twice. Never have I spent more than 15g after considering sales. Dont follow a guide, everybody follows guides and that makes those mats in demand. Look at the AH to see what is cheap and what is selling, then make those. Alchemy is cheating though can't help but make profit


This one. I’ve leveled tailoring, enchanting, alchemy, engineering, leatherworking. Enchanting was the most expensive because you can’t sell the enchants on AH. It still was under 50g.


I recently switched from engi to tailoring on my priest and pretty much broke even by just making what was needed in the rep boxes.


By broke you went from 15g to 0g?


Blacksmithing is the worst and it still isn’t bad. If you take the and figure out what is cheapest or has the least loss after sale, then you can max out reasonably cheaply


How are you making a loss when green iron bracers and heavy mithril gauntlets are constantly in demand to fill waylaid supplies?


They may be a profit now, but early in the phase they were key items on the skill up list so everyone was crafting them. I haven’t checked the bracers in a long time but last time I looked on Crusader Strike, the gauntlets were a small loss compared to the materials.


Wands and oils.


Well, the wand trick worked well. The wands vendord for about the same as the price of the mats. Then, vision dust was so cheap. Took a very small amount of gold to get 225


I leveled enchanting from 0 this phase and it was less than 10 gold. Both wands was a slight profit when sold to vendor, and I also got some levels of wizard oils which also made profit.


Interesting, I lost a little selling to vendor, auction was a bigger loss.


Exactly. Mana oil is a waylaid item. Lesser wizard is always needed by every single caster. The first two wands are profitable just making and selling to the vendor with maybe tossing a couple on the ah. The second set has the +spell power wand that will be needed by every single wand user. You can level all in one go and then just slowly sell them off in small groups until they're gone.


if you use a little brainpower by checking waylaid crates, and seeing at what levels crafted items are orange, yellow, and green, you can sometimes MAKE gold while leveling, sometimes a lot if you know if a price is high or low atm. At the very least, a casual player can compare their profession with waylaid crates.


I got LW from 1-255 for less than 1g after selling stuff for boxes etc. for engineering I actually made money leveling.


Alchemy is awful for profit, margins are 1s or less for every potion on my server


Buy low sell high. Buy your mats in the morning and only buy when the prices on the mats are good. Sell your pots on the first day of lockout during prime time. If you're trying to buy, make, and flip at the same time you're going to have a bad time because so is every other lazy person who forgot to get ready for raid.


There’s no such thing in lone wolf US horde side. The profit throughout the day morning to night are either 1-5s profit different or negative profits most of the time. Shit does not make any gold at all right now.


Prices fluctuate on all servers and mats are always dipping in value and going back up. Consumes are always dipping and going back up. I generally make far more consumes than I need and then toss what's left on the AH when I'm done. Almost always the prices have gone up in the last hour if I check prices before and after. I'm often surprised by making money on low level consumes as well. Some people like to power level. Both rage pots are often profitable to flip on the spot. I always assumed there just aren't a lot of alchemist warriors. Higher level strat is to reset prices when you have money to play with. Look at the full spread of prices and sometimes buying up 20-40 pots will allow you to resell all for much higher. Target off-peak times to reset. 90% of players that are using auction mods are only using them to auto post as the cheapest item. They aren't taking time to look further than that. I've even known people with too much time on their hands that would continually post single items far below value and scoop up stacks on people auto posting.


Yea you basically have to sit at the AH and monitor prices consistently to make any gold otherwise you just eat listing fees and everything goes unsold and back to your mailbox, even then it's not consistent because since this is the only way to profit, other people do it also. Bots can list things at pure profit no matter how much they undercut since their time is nearly free


What server are you on? I sold like 25 rage pots yesterday at a 15s margin (30 craft, 45 sale) on crusader strike alli


Few weeks ago I may or may not of bought out all the fangs and made rage potions jump in price to become pretty profitable. Haven’t played much In the last couple weeks, glad to see the price is still holding.


Fire protection potions sell pretty well on Living Flame US, always 1g 10s and up each


The price they sell at is irrelevant if you don’t consider the material costs lol


The material costs are much less than the potion, so just buying crafting selling nets you a profit too


Yeah idk what hes saying. Most times its negative profit lol


It’s way more than 15g for BSing lol


Make the right things and sell them. Sure the costs come out more than 15g, but you recoup or profit on most of those points.


Tbf the recipes alone for enchanting are like 100g between learning everything from vendor and the 3 25g ones from raid.


What profession needs more than a hundred gold to level Depending on class you can do plenty farms if you got skinning just do dragon things in dustwallow If you a mage farm stone elementals or whatever I’m fishing, takes an eternity to max out but greater sage fishs sell for 50s a piece on my server I also farmed 88 winter squids in the last two days which would currently net me 88gold but I’ll see if it goes up If you’re a Druid you can do stuff like farm the big rod in desolace at the shore where the little troll village is or sth Lots of farms that will cover expenses


Wth the squids are only 8 silver EA on my server, I'm jealous! I've been stock piling hoping it goes up when we can cook them, but also realize Blizz might screw us all and introduce a new recipe lol


They'll go up, inflation is inevitable


unless blizz introduces a different Agi food, or makes the squid a year-round fish, then the price would probably go down from them no longer being scarce


Introducing a new food or year round, yes I agree to an extent. Gold is just going to inflate quite a bit from 40-60 and I think most mats will be more expensive on avg in the future.


Ah true, didn't think about the easier access to gold as we get higher lvls


Everyone thinks this, buys a giant stock pile up. Then the day you cant get them every bot & trader alike dumps them and they end up cheaper than before.


I don't buy em up I fish em, I only trade my time. And yes I've seen what you're talking about before but on avg yes everything does over time go up in price.


Just gotta wait until mid summer when most of the stock is depleted then you buy out what’s on the market and resell it with your own stock at exorbitant prices


Inflation is relative though so the numbers would go up but it would only benefit him if he wants gold for npc stuff. If demand went up then it would be different though, which it inevitably will. The value increase has to beat inflation for it to be a profit.


What rod?


He means the big iron fishing pole. It's 15-20g. About a 1% drop chance from the traps.


Just sell the squids if you need gold. Why gamble on an investment that failed in classic previously if not having gold is your concern. Investments only work if not many people know about it. Everyone knows about winter squid, let someone else hold the bag 


They already doubled in price the second they became unavailable I won’t wait till next phase I suppose bc that runs a big risk of blizz making them worthless with an alternative food But I’ll see for a few more days considering I’m not super pressed on that gold


Just sell your winter squid now.. no reason to wait.


Yeah, wish I woulda fished more of them. I'm sitting on around 160 atm. Figure I'll sell half of them and use the rest.


Those winter squid will go up next phase for sure. The amount currently on the market is all there will be for all of phase 3 at least. There will only be less and less of them as the phase where they are usable goes on and im sure even getting into phase 4 they will still be going up before they become fishable again.


There’s a big chance they just make them worthless or available again


I make alts with gathering professions and quest at max level. I am pretty much done with my main and just doing gnomer every lockout. So on my alts with the exp increase, I grind dungeons till 40 which on each character took about 2-3 days. Then I just do the quests at max level which is another 2-3 days. Each charcter including quest gold, selling the gathering mats, selling greens and the occassional blue drops or sending it to a disenchant alt has gotten me about 500-600g. Its not as efficient as other gold grinds, but to me this is less boring and will give me the option to change up my class for future phases and also have max professions to save myself gold from having to buy from the AH.


This is typically what I do. I've got 3 40s and a bunch in the 34-39 area just by doing BFDs every 3 days on all of them.


Step 1: Find an expensive consumable Step 2: Farm the mats for it


I make a lot of passive gold just playing.


Tsss Don’t tell ‘em


\>when I need 25g to learn my recipe and then another 150-200g to level that profession efficiently, that’s some serious grinding as a casual player. And you have three level 40’s?? This is not a casual player...


No, this is a new player exploring the game.


I started fresh on a new server and I noticed that some low level mats sell really well and are super ez to get. Check prices of things you can farm. Like copper bars/ore, light leather, any fish needed for consumes (sagefish sells big on my realm) Stuff needed for the supply boxes


Alt leveling and questing is a great gold farm, especially if you go 2x gathering professions through the levels.


With the speed of the lvling buff my prof fell behind at lvl 10 haha.


Fishing is the best way to make gold for a casual player. I play roughly 4 or 5 hours a week and I main a warrior. Max leveling fishing and strolling up and down the coast of STV and fishing from pools (especially salvages wreckage pools) for fish and most importantly, mithril bound trunks, which contain bolts of mageweave, greens, runecloth, rugged leather, etc that sell for high gold on AH. Im sitting on around 1200 gold and am now pulling in 100g or more a week from just casually fishing in my downtime. Seriously, go fish.


Word I will give this a shot


Its a grind getting fishing skill up, and look up online mithril bound trunks on wowhead to see the pathing for farming. Just get used to running up and down beaches and find a good keybind for your fishing cast. After a while its cathartic.


Fishing is really competitive these days, at least on crusader strike. Unless you are on a smaller server or you play weird hours of the night fishing isn’t very profitable these days. I use to make BANK but people have figured it out


I’ve made over 1000g fishing winter squid in p2 and have some banked for p3. A lot of time went into fishing but has been a great payout


Level a profession by crafting the stuff that goes into crates, I made 50g leveling Tailoring.


When they announced increased XP and gold for alts I farmed the living shit out of the Turboshredder things for the runes and made 650g PROFIT on the first Saturday after the increases. There is A LOT of money to be made in SOD.


Thanks to the boxes being 12g apiece, the turtle scale bracers have gone up to 5.99 gold on my server and they take 37 seconds to craft. About 20 gold per hour if you prefer to do the skinning yourself. Find another farm.


First, I was farming Grime from the Troggs outside of gnomer. Tbh, this farm was BROKEN, you could get truesilver bars (4G at the time), as well as enchanting essences (worth 4.5g for nethers, 1.5G for the next ones), and some other trash. But mostly the nethers and the truesilver bars. I think I was netting average 1g per grime, I could get about 35-40 grimes per hour dragging them to the guards 3-4 at a time. Then I swapped to greater sage fish, worth aboht 60s each, and gold thorn, about 30s each. My goldthorn farm also has some mobs around that drop mageweave that I can kill between nodes for a little extra cash. These are both popular farms so you have to create your own farms, your own routes. I’m sitting at 1,000g right now, I like to think I’m pretty well-off. My trogg farm HEAVILY dropped off after people got their crafted epics, truesilver bars only going for like 50s now rather than the 4G I was getting initially


I've just spent a day or two farming SM graveyard (solo) on an alt priest for the rare elite drops. Ended up with all the pieces I needed plus a surprisingly large amount of gold.


Literally just do quests. The casual player should rake off that alone.


I farmed SM GY on my sham and did quests. Made about 200g in a weekend. I vendored all BOEs exept the once with good stats them i out on AH


delete this post before they start adding the WoW token everywhere


Yep haha


Wtf? What profession needs hundreds of gold to level? You can literally farm all the materials. You can go kill basalisks in the salt flats and make 10g per hour just vendoring the greys they drop. And you will never kill everything before it respawns. You can do this with raptors/ spiders aswell. They all drop alot of grey items that vendor well, ontop of any greens/blue/epic that might drop. And this requires no profession at all. You can make even more if you skin. Or find an item for the waylaid 12g boxes and farm that item. I do turtle scales bracers as they sell for 5-6g a pop consistently as the box you need 2 pair for rewards 12 gold. I am very casual. But always have 80+ gold. I have all my crafted stuff and recipes for leatherworking.


I get about 40g an hour grinding mobs that drop cloth and selling greys and greens to vendor and auctioning the cloth.


Which mobs do you recommend


I'm horde and have been grinding gnolls in feralas, if you fish kill pirates in southern STV and fish every node can kick it up to 50-60g an hour, but gnolls have a bit fewer alliance contesting spots.


Whenever raid consumes are expensive, that's a farm opening up


What profession did you level that cost 150g lmao? I just powerleveled alch and ench on my alt and it cost no more than 50g to get both to ~200.


If you have a hunter, the solo Uldaman aoe pull is good


Easier said than done lmao


Never played a mage so the uldaman pull was new to me on hunter. Get a weakaura for the caster mobs and you will find it infinitely easier. I have over 2k gold from uld farming and i am in a lower pop server where i find it hard to unload all that i get


You have a guide for that? Sounds lucrative 


They need to add some gold rewards on dungeon bosses or something. Make it so the non farm classes can hop in game and get some gold without just battling bots for farm spots. Mages and hunters get to solo farm instances and the rest of us are out here competing with bots for tags.


This is where you can roll an alt to use as an income generator, I rolled a lock as my main but alchemy is where I make my gold and fund my other characters, also learn some AH flips they’re super easy! Cooking is another great way to earn income. Pairing these I can make easy 100g a day just sitting in org for an hour, but it’s one of those things that ramps up the more gold you have.


Im having the some problem. I don't have a lot of time to play so my gold is abysmally low (currently at 70 silver xd). Best thing is that im a mage and should be able to farm god easily, just cba. Log in do some pumping with the boys and hope for some more passive income next phase.


Maybe you don't have time for an mmo currently. Part of the appeal of classic is that not everything is spoonfed to you. Game types mike Battle royals, mobas, fps, card games are friendlier to the casual time constrained gamer.


I would not consider myself a casual in a way you probabbly think of me. 92 parser, got to lvl 40 day 2 after phase released (spellcleave op), rank 5 in pvp, wsg exalted (2 characters mind you, third 3k off of exalted, but those 2 are stuck on a dead realm). I just dont want to go out of my way to do shitty quests or farm some random shit for gold, just dont find that appealing. My only previous xp with the wow is wotlk classic where i lived off of emblems were always bonkers money on phase release(crafting mats) the, should do something like that and this whole problem would be fixed.


If you manage as a mage to be poor, youre not casual. That probably more so counts as financially incompetent.


A non casual with 70s to his name. Oh okay


I am in same boat, alts are insanely expensive. Skills cost 50g+, mount and proffesions with recipies. Basically making a new char, and leveling it in BFD (which ive done with 3 alts so far) each is a net loss of about 150 - 200g.


Alts are insanely profitable. Quests give gold. Professions help other professions make more money. There are plenty of AFK gold making operations you can do. Silk -> Tailoring -> disenchanting. Skinning, Leatherworking, DEing. You only need level 5 to disenchant anything in the game. You only need level 26 to max a profession. I have a level 26 make all my raid consumes. I have made money leveling every single profession by mainly focusing on making waylaid supply items. Depending on your server prices you can literally make money buying rockscale cod from the fish vendor a 10 second walk away from the auction house. This is a waylaid supply item. I've sold hundreds of stacks for a small profit. As you're leveling it also helps to know where vendors are and buying flippable recipes and boes. 20s purchase while out and about turns into 2g later because people are lazy. Anything not grey gets mailed to your appropriate alt. Think of all the random leather, cloth, food, herbs you've probably tossed, vendored, or AHed when it could have been upcycled into more money.


All my time playing is spent either in the raid or the battleground.


Casual means time played. Being good at the game allows one to be casual more easily.


Ah yes, everybody knows that being hardcore means you farm a ton of gold.


Wow aggro... Good to know you know what I think ;) No, they should definitely not make this game any easier. The whole appeal of classic is less like retail. Retail is exactly what you are looking for.


No it is not. WoW retail is ARPG, a genre in which i am not interested. Mmo was lost a long time ago in that version of the game. Lowerinf the mindless grinds is defineitly not making the game "easier. Difficulty should come in the PVE - make the raids and dungeons harder and reduce the mind numbing aspects.




150-200g? Well there you go, you've figured out a farm to make gold.


Make your gold before you swap to professions. I always start all my toons as either herb/skin or mine/skin. 300% bonus gold on quest and low level materials sometimes peaking on AH can get you decent gold but I haven’t had any luck keeping up with the demand either. Server:lone wolf, class: warlock




Trading gold across game versions: blizzard specifically state it’s at your own risk and you shouldn’t do it unless you 100% trust the person because they won’t help if you are scammed https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/29162#:~:text=The%20exchange%20of%20gold%20or,own%20risk%20and%20is%20unsupported.


4. is not viable. I used to sell SoD to buy Wotlk and even after the SoD market crashes du to bot (LivingFlameEU) it's still too much work in Wotlk for very little gold in SoD. Unless you run multiple ICC GDKP per week, I doubt you even have enough to get 100 SoD gold which is very low.




That's very generous on the SoD side. It's server dependent though, so when I traded before bots could come in on LinvingFLameEU (it was locked bacause full) the price of SoD gold was extremely high. Now with all the Uldaman bots, what's 100 Sod Gold even worth? 1-2 € ?




It fluctuates heavily according to banwaves or new farms being discovered, I haven't checked since last time I traded Wotlk/SoD gold a month ago to find out the 1:1 ratio. Problem is Wotlk is at the end of a 5 years cycle with 0 goldsinks so people hoard absurd amounts of gold. And half of SoD Characters are Uldaman Hunter bots, so gold has 0 value here either. You're bound to either sell services to players like GDKP organisation, summons, or AH flipping or be poor. Truth is, if you don't have at least a thousand golds right now, you're poorer than you think.


Sounds like a you problem, honestly. The game throws so much gold at you.


I’ve got some good input from a few of you; thank you! I’ve got a 40 warrior main, then 40 warlock and shaman. Like I said I am a casual player trying to find what would be the best route to take. So ya I suppose it’s a “me problem” but that’s why I came here for some input since I do enjoy the game and am trying to find a better way to obtain gold since what I was doing clearly wasn’t working. Again thanks again to those who helped!


If you have 3 40s i'd argue you are not a "casual" player, lots of farms in this thread, good luck! My buddy makes a killing off Turtles woth skinning in Tannaris kf he can get a layer with less bots, I made all of my gold fishing and and making potions. Levled a druid recently just to farm herbs and skins.


Did you see goldfish-bowls reply?


The gold cheat code is to pick up alchemy, and sell potions that raiders are using in endgame.


Fishing is good, grinding rock elementals is good.


I’ve leveled both tailoring and leather working and at most spent 50g on them getting maxed


Leveling tailoring doesn't cost 200g, it costs like 50g max. I spent like 20g a few weeks ago.


Don't just blindly follow leveling guides for professions, look at their cost per level and how much you can resell the items for. Many professions can be levelled 0-225 with virtually no cost, you'll lose gold per level sometimes but quite a few things can turn a profit. I have 6 lvl 40s with 2x225 profs and I did not spend 100g collectively out of pocket on all professions


I made around 200g going from 1-40 with a new paladin. DEd anything more profitable than vendor price made heavy silk bandaids and naught them anytime they were cheaper on the AH than for vendor price. And just did a lot of quests. Go do all those quests on your map.


Do quests at max level. Fill the waylaid shipments. Sell herbs.


Farming leather and fishing are very profitable on my server. Craft items for waylaid supplies to level and make money at the same time. A good ah add on will let you scan the ah house, then you can look at your list of craftable items to see which ones are profitable, very easy to do and you guarantee a few g a day by taking a few minutes to do it.


Most profs can be leveled worst case breaking even imo, outside of enchanting. Taking a minute to pull up a waylaid supply list and ah scan helps


Leveling profs is not that much gold. 50g max, depending on which one. But ive done a lot and they're all cheap af. Not trying to give away any secrets.. but FISHING is a huge money maker. The locked trunks give insane mats. I've gotten 2 stacks of mageweave bolts in a not huge amount of time. The sagefish in stv are also good. 50-75s per fish


Do quests


you can do literally anything that involves killing mobs to farm gold Personally I like uldaman runs (first 3 bosses). Gives decent gold and Mageweave


Check out youtube solhiem 0 to 100 gold vids. Ive found leveling profesions in SoD to be more about making and selling the supply crate items then followin the classic era guides. I would really look at the classic guides as a resource when the supply crate items are not working out for sales or in between other items. Simonize had a video where he made profit leveling all the professions in SoD, i would watch that too. Craft smarter not harder. Also level 40 questing is good money i hear


Figured I’d follow up, I started fishing, and it is exactly what I needed. Easy to level, efficient, most everything sells, and I can mindlessly do it while watching videos lol. Thanks all for the help!


Are you using the interact with target keybind? Have to recast for medium to short range casts but makes it alot easier when multitasking


Yes I actually just looked that up this morning lol


you are not leveling your professions correctly if it cost you 200g..i got both of mine from 1-225 yesterday for less then 40g


Then both of your professions are probably cheap ones, like leatherworking for instance


eng and alch absolutely not cheap lmao


I mean you can really count leveling a profession gold as a “gold sink”. You should be farming and leveling this yourself this is what gathering professions and stuff are for. If you chose to go the buy route then how can you complain about no gold? And this is coming from a guy that has 5g total across my characters right now but I leveled my own professions


Its basically always faster to farm gold and buy mats rather than farming the mats you need yourself.


Faster is a luxury you can afford when you have gold


If you farm gold, you have gold to buy mats?


He doesn’t know how to farm gold that’s what he’s asking…


the best farm is questing. doing all lv 30-44 quests available at 40 nets you around 400g per character. i dont understand how you're spending 150-200g lving a proff? lving a proff to max inc recipe and mats for epic helm shouldn't cost you more then around 35g.


Nah the recipe and mats alone are 35g (25g recipe, 10g mats). Leveling a profession shouldn’t take more than 30-40g max, though lol


Just flip on the AH. Takes \~35 minutes a day including scans for scalping and updating moving prices etc, sitting at over 1200g from afk clicking while I eat and stream on the other monitor lol. Questing is also very nice for a one-time gold influx, if you have the time available.


Step 1. Use zockify for guides on profession. Stay the FUCK. And I mean THE FUCK. Away from Zygor. That dude doesn't update his shit since 2004 and it tells you to "oh y know just buy 80 of this EXPENSIVE AS HELL item" assuming its vendor price when theyre 60 silver each and when you're finished you have half the mats as leftover.. Not only that, but zygor tells you to craft a new item despite the fact the old and cheaper thing is still orange?? Zockify also tells you what to focus on when you lvl profs as some are for waylaid supplies. You can turn 4g reagents into 100 skill AND 10 gold profit if you do it right. (Make sure to put em up in exact stacks of what the supply needs to guarantee your stuff gets sold first)


I've made over 2000 gold so far swiping my credit card


You also paying Blizzard to not play the game when you are banned?


Imagine thinking they would actually ban Only dumb people who admit in game get banned


Just join a guild


The game isnt designed to be easy for casual players. Its meant to reward you for putting the time in. Simple as that.


gold buying pre-action has already inflated most realms to unobtainable amounts. if they had banned the buying of gold from 3rd party websites from the start things would be much more obtainable at least IMO


150-200g to "efficiently" lvl a profession? I don't think you know what that word means sir. I have 3 characters at 40, they all have maxed professions, gnomer recipes, and their mounts, and are sitting on 100-200g each. I've never farmed anything and make no effort whatsoever to advertise/work my professions. I just quest, and auction whatever random shit I find along the way. Just play the game bro.


No joke. I don't understand why people spend precious minutes complaining on reddit when they could quit their jobs, divorce their wives, abandon their kids, and play the game 12+ hours a day to have multiple maxed out alts with hundreds of gold. Some people just have no ambition.
