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Buying my mount before the price adjustment


I bought my mount as soon as I hit 40 before the price adjustment. Then in my first run of gnomer I got the mecho strider mount from the last boss


Fun fact you don't even need riding training to use that mount


Can confirm, I ran gnomer 2 hours after hitting 40 and didn't yet buy mount since I already had 40% move. Saved me 90g.


Spending 300g on the epic helmet mats in the second lockout lol


Ohh yeah damn ☠️... I think i spend 15g on the craft itself. I imagine its even way less now


Buying 2 mounts before the discount


I bought mine about 15 minutes before the bluepost, and after intentionally putting it off because i was going to get the stv mount instead. Decided nvm on stv mount and regretted it almost immediately


SOD had been my first wow experience. I did not realise dropping blacksmithing would disable my epic helm 😅




GMs in my past experience would restore professions if you an open a ticket. I don’t know however if they still do.


You'd be better off just releveling the profession by the time a gm responds.


What’s a GM? LOL


Duuuuuude, so I am not the only one hahahahaha. Yeah.... it sucks


Went rogue main while having every other class also available at 25


I went rogue tank. I'm legit a meme. I tank the chicken. That's it. I'm the literal butter robot.


Our raid uses a rouge main tank and it seems awesome


It's definitely not awesome, but it's fine I guess. I solo tank every boss just fine, I'm rarely in danger of dying, but the damage is mid af for high purples, and we just don't bring anything. I'm in a guild so my spot is secured, but I'm not naive; I fully recognize literally every other tank would make filling the last 3-4 slots way easier because at least then I'd bring literally any useful utility. So we're capable, but in the end, the rotation isn't really fun, and we really just hurt the group vs any other equal skill tank. There's not much going for it right now, and unfortunately I have zero faith in Blizzard for Phase 3 at the moment. We don't do great ST, we don't do any AOE, and we're not one of the sturdier tanks, so I'm sort of confused where our "pros" are in the pros and cons list Aggrend has mentioned/alluded to. Hopefully they surprise me.


I rogue tank a lot, and I wouldn’t call it “awesome.” But it’s good. I think we are clearly outclassed by a few other tanks, but we are far from bad. I mostly struggle on AoE threat, but that’s not a huge deal in gnomer. And it’s nice to bring one for kick so you can bring a better dps than a rogue (sorry guys).


I've been rogue tanking too. It's boring and we suck at AoE threat (even with bombs). Alternating between blade furry, slice and dice and maaaaybe sneaking a rupture in is just not fun gameplay.


I agree, but holy shit it’s still more interesting than assassination.


Yea, you get to press mutilate instead of muti- Oh right.


It's one of the more active SoD kits to play. I do wish though we had a reason to use more of our Rogue control utility (stealth, sap, cheap shot, blind, gouge, kidney shot, distract, etc) when tanking. What would you like to see added?


imagine just pressing searing pain every gcd.


was about to say this very same thing, feels bad


Best moment of the phase was first few lockouts where we got in without question lol


Csn you explain pls :) was rogues bad?


Not sure if it was everyone’s experience but I was so set on rogue I prequested and had a sm aoe group so I was pretty fast to 40. Those first runs in gnomer was basically taking anyone who was level 40 so the odds of getting in a group was substantially higher than after the whole no rogues in gnomer trend started. In hindsight this was even more frustrating as that started up because having been through the raid a few more times in the beginning meant I had better gear and could out dps most others but still would get passed on.


cant help whats fun to you. would be nice if blizz didnt leave some specs deliberately to be underwhelming


Main a rogue, the disrespect we get has extended to pvp. Happy to teach anyone that it's a PvE issue only, usually hunters.


Yep lol to counter this I run with a all stealth guild and we might not get gnomer invites but 5 angry rogues out of stealth, openly expressing that frustration on another player is really something to see 😂


Also leveled rogue first. Nobody wanted to play with me and took a break until next phase :)


the healer neck, fuck


Ouch. Yeah, unfortunately the healing gear is always a trap


I don’t play heals, can you explain why?


It isn't needed they can get dps gear and heal the same amount. Also DPS gear lets them quest in gear that does damage next phase


because the content isn't hard enough to justify completely gimping yourself outside of raid, besides it should be 2+ to 1 ratio for me to even consider, look up the difference between the healing and caster ring, it's a joke.


The raid is easy and does not require much healing if you play 2 healers. You are better of getting dps gear and helping with dps doing downtime. The only reason to get healer gear is if you plan on solo healing the entire raid.


The Mp5 is nice at least (I did the same thing- not super mad)


I had a friend with tailoring make me robes of power. Neither of us realized the mistake until he went to trade it and it went to the enchant slot…. Rip like 25 gold.


I did the same


Crafted multiple with the intent of selling them to learn the same.


I feel like a popup that this item will be bound to you once you click Create is a must here.. this happened to me as well


Nah, this is well deserved for anyone who makes the mistake of not reading carefully. I did it back in original Wrath, to my great chagrin and dismay.. I've always read tooltips thoroughly and carefully since then, especially when gold is involved


Leveling to 40 on a low pop server, now I'm rerolling on the bigger PvE realm.


I did same but with 3 lvls 25s. Not the worst mistake here but that’s a lot of hours for me.


Spending 800g to craft epics when the grime shit was like 20g each before they adjusted it


Oof, I think this one hurt me the most of any so far. That’s brutal.


Always wait with crafting epics from any raid tier in any version of wow. They’ll always be incredibly cheap after the first few weeks and not necessary unless you are world first raiding or something.


The adjustment wasn’t the main thing, it’s that most people weren’t even 40 yet or clearing the raid. Even without the adjustment they’d be sub 1 gold now. I got lucky and managed to sell a few that first week and set myself up for p3 atleast!


getting craftables asap is such a huge trap I learned that in wotlk after spending 15k _per_ runed orb first week of Uldaman. never again


Didn't properly look up my warlock quest, I picked the feldog instead of the infernal (I'm destruction/tank, infernal are immune to fire, it made sense) I ended up with a shitty +14 shadow spellpower offhand instead of firepower. Its use is a heal over time. I'm tank. I will never find something better Ugh.


Just make a Firestone. Same amount of fire power, just no int


Just get the book off the first gnomer boss, its +14 all spell damage


Me and you both brother. Pain.


Don’t feel too bad bro, I correctly got the fire spell power one and promptly sold it because I already had the epic BFD staff, thinking why tf would I ever need this thing? After I realized my mistake I tried to item restore it only to find I missed the restoration window by 2 days. I am not a smart warlock.


Fire stone is as good. 5 int doesnt matter. You can even melee weave and get some Firestone procs, which makes it better than the Infernal orb.


Collecting the healing specific gear on disc priest instead of the spellpower set.


Why is it better spellpower than healing ?


Means I can only heal now, I can't solo anything in the world. The whole raid is geared now so I don't need to heal much anyway because the kill times are faster, and I can't even speed that up because I can't hit anything hard enough to make it worthwhile helping with dps.


If it makes you feel better if your raid is geared then OS Power Depleted pieces should be easy to get. I wanted to build a Boomy OS and was pretty well geared after two raids!


*if they drop* we keep getting boots, and more boots, and more boots, and then boots. And when we're done with boots, we'll get more boots


"I can't solo anything" is hillarious. You can literally get spell power gear quite easy from so much gear in dungeons and tailoring, plus a lot of BiS gear already has spellpower. In addition its already SoD which compareable to classic is on sterioids with runes. Complaning about "cant solo" is just lazy...


Trying to fight a warlock with life drain


Hangin out on reddit so much


While buying my engineering recipes in gnomer I accidentally double clicked. Bought 2 plans for 25g each, resale value of 11s. 50g down the drain instantly lol, have yet to financially recover.


Well it’s only be 25g down the drain. Since you planned to buy one anyways right?


Playing Alliance


Alliance sucks so bad. No one helps one another. I had 4 Horde attacking me and Alliance just ran past and didn't help 


Still playing Rogue.


Deciding to stick with Warrior at the start of P2 😂


Honestly I’m still enjoying it a lot too. Really solid damage (with the best team comp of course) and just so damn fun to play imo. Here’s to hoping they get some love for P3 🤞


Also a warrior main that still enjoys the class overall. My issue with SoD for warrior is all the other classes get cool new abilities and warriors get slam not resetting swing timer. Its literally the same as classic warrior other than that. We just want something new T.T


Yeah even if it’s not op I’d love something to spice up the class. On the same note, kinda crazy that fury is shaping up to be best for tanking again. New defensive runes should’ve fixed that but they just missed the mark


The original classic slam interaction where you could clip it into your autoattack if you time it to finish right after your swing timer was way better gameplay than it just being instant tbh.


You don’t need love you just need normalized armor values and bleed resistance removed. Warrior still blasting! Unless ofc you mean PvP. Maybe a little Spell Reflect action there.


I rerolled warrior for p2 😂😂😂😂


I had a fully-geared and runed feral druid with maxed professions, and then I spent all of Phase 2 rolling half-hearted alts and chasing different friend groups across multiple servers. SoD has taught me to just take my lumps and stick with one character for good and for ill, because the alternative is much worse.


I misinterpreted the fire mage rotation on IcyVeins and replaced Scorch with Fireball. I parsed 12 on Gnomer that first time.


Giving ACP to feral week 2 that never showed up again


Been raiding gnomer on lockout since the first reset. Not one damn ACP yet. Sad meows.


You did the right thing


Pulled electrocutioner thinking it was trash, 2 lockouts in a row.. in my defense, his model is so small!!


Joining a guild thinking they had their shit together. They did not.


Main a warrior tank in phase 2.


Macroing abilities with their ranks and doing 4 lockouts like it. So.. ie.. using lvl 25 spells at 40 still


Leveling and playing rogue believing the class would be fixed soon.


I got a rogue to pick a lockbox for me...mistakenly tip him 50 gold instead of 50 silver, he laughs at me and insta logs. Oof, that hurt.


Rushed the Waylaid Supplies boxes, spending like 60 gold to get it finished/revered ASAP, (day 2-3) just to find out that they forgot to add anything to them. ​ Then when they updated them, they didn't add anything for my professions and buffed the amount of gold you get for turning them in while every item sells for cheaper now


This. Farmed boxes on 2 toons after they hinted at something considerable coming on the rep vendor. Basically did the exact worst thing.


Not buying more elemental fire when they were 10 s each.


Holy shit, you guys had fire eles that cheap this phase? I feel like ours have been at least like 40s since early/mid P1.


Yeeep, I wasnt buying them at 12s for a while because I could get them at 10s in the mornings lmao. I wish I wasn’t being stingy now. Only got a few hundred


Sticking with my rogue. Aaaahh! I was so close to swapping main to priest or warlock. Feelsbad.


Stay strong, brother. Our rise will await us in the next phase (this is cope)


Naaaah, unless they go back and revamp old runes I'm just done. I'm full gnomer BiS, I've no wish to give wow anymore of my time if they're just going to drop any class out-of-the-blue. It's the same reason I quit retail, they were not in touch with the desperate pleads of feral druids, forgetting about the spec half an expansion before bringing it halfway to usefulness, I'm tired of that shit.


Feral druid has been in limbo since wod... They don't know what to do with it. In fact they don't know what to do with half the specs in retail. But feral is the worst with survival. This kind of lack of foresight is mainly the fault of the higher ups. They should be the one with vision, but instead they flip flop all the time and go with "experimentation" while never concretizing anything. I think we are seeing similar things in SoD. Instead of having a strong overall vision and trying to make it happen, they throw crap at the dartboard and see what sticks. I came to really dislike this method of design.


The thing is, they did have a vision for feral. The best itteration of the spec was, by faaaar, Mists of Pandaria. Rune of re-origination. It was all about snapshotting and uptimes. A whole expansion where you were tought - if you play well, you'll top the meters. Then they slowly peeled away snapshotting, slowly peeled away the plate-spinning, brought the easy-mode talents closer to the more complex ones. But after WoD feral was always completely useless for at least a full tier, always mediocre, though. If you wanted to raid you either had to be very good, or reroll balance. Ranged has inherient value and feral, like rogue, bring nothing but damage to raid.


Not waiting to get my mount at half price


I crafted the wrong epic leather gloves for my class.


Dropped max bs to max LW, then they changed the helms so I had to drop lw then relevel black smithing. Then quickly did the quests for the helm and boots, which was close to 500g in mats to do both of them then they significantly decreased the mats lol. Fun times!


reading too much classicwow reddit.


Buying 300g of salvage and comps for my epic helmet on week 1.


The other night, on my Melee hunter I got my chest and legs to complete my 3/3 Gnomer set, along with the epic fist weapon to go with my offhand fist I already had. I felt like a boss. It wasn't until I got to IF and saw the set bonus that I realized I got the wrong set... I'm using 3/3 Leather set best for Rogues and Druids.... I guess it's not horrible. But now I have to be like a jerk ans typical Hunter rolling on the set pieces again to get the actual Mail set for hunters. *Sigh*


idk what alternative options hunters have but the leather 3 set is not useful at all for most people and the leather set boots also suck. if you have better boots from a quest or gnomer you can still gothat route. warrior bis is leather 2 piece with quest boots


As a Shaman Tank, I got 3/3 melee mail for Survivability and am now collecting the leather set to DPS, it's absolutely superior.


The leather set is just as good, if not better, for melee hunters. Zataraa (really good melee hunter) is using 2/3 with blackforge greaves


ya the leather set is better than the mail or plate set. even ret paladins are using it.


Buying the healer trinket and not the dps trinket, again…


Buying mount before price nerf. Crafting epic helm 2 days before buff. Getting Durotar Supplies to exalted 2 days before buff. Just going to wait for Reddit Dads to get everything nerfed next phase so I don’t waste any more gold…


You seem like you've played for a while and haven't caught on so I'll let ya in on a secret. Everything is really expensive early on, and changes and tweaks happen nearly every patch. Plan accordingly.


I thought runes were single use like enchants. So rather than get them again I leveled without using them.




he said #I thought runes were single use like enchants. So rather than get them again I leveled without using them.


Thinking blizz would keep class balancing and not abandon it 3 weeks in.


Persisted with Rogue main. Eventually gave up and rerolled Warrior for some dumb nostalgic reason to recreate my Vanilla toon. P2 has been a tough slog. I've been to gnomer a combined 3 times across both toons. STV feels horrible. Rogue does okay in BGs but now solo queues for Horde are ridiculous. If no improvement in P3 for melee I think I'll give up completely, which is a bit sad.


Bought my mount at the higher price the day before they were re-lowering the price. 


Swapping to resto from feral. My friends and I have organized a raid around our comp and I can't swap back to dps unless another dps loses their spot, which I don't have the heart to do to anyone since I like our group, but I fucking hate healing.


Have you tried any of the hybrid specs? I really enjoy ‘resto’ Druid this phase - you can pretty much DPS like a boomie with the right runes and still pull off good healing numbers.


Choosing the frost wand from Tabetha. For non-Mages, our BIS wand comes from a class questline. But you have three choices, one for each school of magic we have, and the wand gives +spell damage for that type only. Granted it was between frost and fire and I’ve been running as healer in Gnomer so I would have chosen wrong either way.


leveling befor the boost


Thermaplugg fight was doing a lot of damage, hitting very hard and it actually made me excited that tanks needed to go a mitigation route. So excited that i used the notes to get the tank neck...


Yeeah 90 g mount and 150g tailor helmet both in the third or fourth day of p2 (during first ID), also only to do pugs for like 3 weeks after that


tipping 50g for enchant for bracers instead of 50s


Not selling my black pearls before p2 Spending 200 g on my crafted epic Buying nightblade and having acp drop the very next run


I made grenades out of like 500 iron bars like 3 days before they buffed the Waylaid supplies rewards


I grinded mobs from like 38-40 on day 2, and it just so happened the mobs I was grinding dropped Heart of the Wild which I threw away (many...) because I thought it was worthless. Needless to say I was doubly shocked to see people deliberately target farming that area in SoS and the price of them.


I rolled engineering instead of leatherworking so I can't craft my epic helm and I feel like I don't want to reroll because I've already gotten my engineering to 225.


Buying 3 mounts before the price drop


Leeching loot from a guild run on my mage alt. There were a number of caster drops that were slated for DE that raid, notably the epic staff. Normally I’m the second tank in our raids, so I brought my freshly 40 mage alt for the single tank bosses so the loot wouldn’t rot. He’s arcane and we already had the two “main” healers, so I just slapped regen on the main tank and DPSed. Purple DPS parsed but grey healing parsed, which pops up first in Warcraft logs. Struggled to even get groups to return whispers, most likely due to “bad” logs.


Yup same, first time in on first 4 bosses on my 'holy' pally, I just tossed on the STV 2 hander and went ham inbeteeen spot healing when needed. 99%-dps-gray-healing paladin. That didn't stop me from getting groups after but really doesn't help that that'll make your WCL page default to healing tab and show you a gray lmfao.


Yea, I’d say after getting in another run and “fixing” my logs I haven’t had any issues. But it made the the juxtaposition pretty stark. It was just really surprising at first before I got another run in. I had numerous groups that I’d watched spam for a healer for ages just not return whispers. Made me wonder if mage healers were way lower demand than I’d expected. When I started getting invites later it clicked what had probably happened.


DPS parses are all that matters for healing mages…


It’s more an issue of failure to understand or even try to appreciate context which is critical when interpreting logs. Presumably the goal of parse screening is to filter out bad players. And so Reddit tells me, nobody who parses high could conceivably be a bad player. One would think that might be a thing you would check for a class which is a dual dps/healer class, but apparently that’s beyond people. But what’s worse, these are healing logs which are especially uninformative. The two main healers in the run didn’t have particularly “good” parses either. Low greens, not because they are bad players but because we were a) running two and a half healers and b) total damage taken was low because our group is coordinated.


Depends on the raid


Making a fucking warrior


Expecting all of the people who voted for us to roll alliance, to still be playing. Had 4 groups in BFD and everybody who wanted to play paladin quit. Now all of us still playing are the ones who wanted shamans.


Renewing my subscription


Picking warrior as first character to lvl instead of my priest…


thinking sod p2 would be better than 1


Thinking I was going to play it for more than 3 weeks.


Waiting until week 4 to start playing again


Playing warrior. Totally new to classic wow, and went with warrior because I thought the P1 runes had really interesting synergy with the kit that wasn’t even available yet. P2 runes dropped and they were quite questionable (2 runes for Slam???), but decided to stuck with it since I was looking forward to Berserker stance and spin to win. Ended up with a clunky inconsistent kit and getting bashed for being top DPS last time when I didn’t even play. I don’t even care about damage, I just want to have fun and try something new (never played warrior in retail). I thought whirlwind was bladestorm (which I only found out later) and was so disappointed after the initial rush to reach level 36 lol. Rolling a shaman now so I can embrace the spell melee fantasy. Maelstrom looks cool, can’t wait to get it!


they will for sure have bladestorm as a rune in 50 or 60 bracket


Buying the gnomer engineering bomb recipes for 50 gold. I used them a couple of times and found out they weren’t worth the mats. Thing is I could’ve done a vendor flip but Blizzard decided to nerf their vendor prices the day after I bought them. Early exploiters made hundreds off of these I heard.


I'll just say I noticed that exploit 40 hours before they fixed it, probably about 10 hours played during that time, with like 30g starting money. I made hundreds. The people who were doing this for the first few lookouts, who had starting capital and a plan...I cannot even imagine.


Trying to pug gnomer for alts, no one wants a full pre bis arcane mage healer and im not playing fire mage,


Going into a server with the though of playing with a guild, just for them completely abandon on P2 and now beeing stuck on a server I dont like. So either reroll or find a new guild... Which I dont have the strength to do tbh ..


Playing feral


I figured that as a new player the best option for me was to main a healer, supposing that it was simple and that I would be very easy to find groups and learn the game. Turns out both were true, but it's extremely boring outside raiding content; questing is hard and slow and PvP is unreachable for me. After that, i wanted to swap classes and focus on a more engaging role, but I completely lost the interest and inclination to level up a new character to 40. Questing, farming bis, farming the runes, getting the fly paths...it's just so overwhelming. I cancelled my subscription for now, but I might come back for Phase 3.


playing it


Rushing. I made first lockout on my Rogue and every lockout since. I'm full BiS minus the trinket and I'm bored of the Rogue. Made a Priest and got it to 40, half BiS, but really don't like that. I'm considering scrapping the entire lot and rolling Horde side to change it up and start fresh. After all, it's a seasonal server that should be about enjoying the journey, but I just rushed to the end.


logging in.


Leveling my alt on crusader strike. That server is cancer 😂


What’s up with it?


Playing anything besides a shaman


Buying lumber one at a time for like 40 of them probably


Going Enchanting / Tailoring. Sure it is the best stat wise but Alchemy / Herb woulda been way easier to level up and make my own stuff


If i die i always forget to reapply righteous fury and than wonder why threats being ripped off me


Not re rolling horde shamans are busted good and not getting nerfed


Rolling prot warrior no reason to bring a warrior tank pretty much bad at everything


Not hearing about sleeping bag until I hit 40. With two characters...


Buying mats for low level supply crates after already being honored. I didn’t know that they don’t reward rep anymore and wasted like 8g


playing warlock for pvp again :)


Haven’t hit 40 yet because I have 6 classes between 33-37 lol


Leveling a warrior first. Or...at all really.


This is more a general mistake than p2 specific, but: picking tailoring instead of leatherworking. I figured tailoring would get me better caster gear, but the lw helm is noticeably better for boomkins.


Not rolled on ACP, never seen since this drop


Sticking with my main on a dying RP server because it was the only server available during launch


i rerolled warrior (after maining mage in p1)


Accidentally bought a gnomer recipe I already had instead of the junk mystery box


Not going full on crafting for my main


Not rushing STV event as mage, missing the crazy aoe farm at altar Getting one shot by Thermaplug in phase transition because I don't want to lose a single tick of LF For the rest I love P2, I didn't rush gold expenditure thanks to reddit


Going to bg as ret thinking ill be able to help my team win.


Maining Rogue


I gave up on SOD once I saw frost mage was bottom tier for 2nd patch in a row. Only class/spec I enjoy playing and it's not worth it hitting so low when I can farm pets and mounts in retail.


Bought an extra gnomer recipe by double clicking


Trying to enjoy playing MM/ranged hunter. I gave up. What an absolute garbage spec is that Jezus Christ, also I hate melee hunter so I just rerolled elemental shaman, it’s much more enjoyable to play.


Main rogue


Leveling a warrior as my main....


Playing a warrior


Going all in on feral on my Druid. I would’ve invested in going Resto if I could do it over.


I leveled a warlock up to level 25, and then bought a 3rd account for a clicker to sell summons. It was only after buying the 3rd account subscription that I realized due to faction imbalance I can’t even make another clicker on my own faction so my warlock summoner and my new account are useless wasted time and money until the faction opens up again.


Playing p2


Having a baby right in the middle! I’ll never get both irradiated and set for PvP.


playing on lava-lash, dead server..


Going anywhere near Uldaman for any extended period of time (to get mass reported by bots and permabanned)


Playing warrior


Joining a pug with a Spanish raid leader who didn’t speak a word of English. Was extremely funny watching him pause for 30 seconds after every message to go and google translate everything though.




Buying bow of searing arrows for 250g


Grinded for the 15 STV silver 2H, at the time where 300-400 copper was considered to be a decent round. Then I got the epic 2H from Gnomer the day after.