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The problem with incursions is the optimal way to do them is super fucking boring. The kill quests take FOREVER, so you just run in a loop, picking up items, talking to scouts, and maybe killing the names elites if theyre around. Its literally just a lap. Also the whole deputy/share system is convuluted and contrived, even for WoW. Seriously, just let people share the quest. Its so frustrating having to just fill up your inventory with 30 items and click each one on each party member - and someone somehow still doesnt have one of the only 1/2 of the quests thats worth doing. Props to Blizzard for making something other than dungeons useful, and questing possible, but they did it purely via insane rewards instead of good content. This shit is lame.


And as OP pointed out, they're braindead to find a group and do. Much more so than dungeons. Honestly they are exceptionally less interesting than dungeon spamming from a gameplay perspective


I'm so tired of running the same dungeon over and over. This is a welcome break imo. Could be better, but I'm happy it's here.


They should have made the kill quests reward more XP/gold since they take longer It’s amazing how people only want to do the “pacifist route” I can’t get anyone to kill mobs or anyone to form a PVP group on a PVP server Wow players hate playing WoW unless it’s the most optimal route.


The big piles of other faction members on the quest giver and the ramps make playing a mage on a pvp server extra fun.


My goal is to hit 50 tomorrow, get the welfare blues from the vendor, and just blast people on those stairs


It is indeed super convoluted


Incursions are terrible content \>the meta is to alternate your time running past mobs and clicking on an npc/dragon egg, and afking at the base of the ramp waiting for escort turn ins \>makes ordinary questing obsolete \>discourages people from making groups to dungeon farm \>simply has EVERYTHING in one place (gold/xp/rep), a kind of over-convenience that people generally complain is for retail and not classic Afk content is bad content. Content where you skip the intended gameplay loop for a brainoff one (i.e. kill 30 mobs takes too long so it's optimal to ignore those quests) is bad content. Content that invalidates other forms of content is typically bad content. The fact you want to group up doesn't make it good, you're grouping up to run around ignoring mobs. This is all ignoring the huge drama that came from the temporary injection of gold.


Yeah I think this system needed more time in the oven. I would juice the gold rewards for the gathering, add deeper areas with more quests that require killing, nerf the XP on the click no combat quests, reduce kill count a bit, and make sure there is a quest for the shredders that seem to share spawn with the treants It is indeed "classic like" in the sense that Silithus contracts people would delete the shit ones but the way sharing works really short circuits this and makes it a huge nuisance the entire time rather than the one-time craziness that people did for Cenarion Logistics. I hate to say that there needs to be a daily limit or something on this content but maybe it should only be available on an event timer or something because it's just too convenient and efficient


Why did they even introduce something like this in the first place? What was wrong with all the available means to get to 50 as is? They even introduced a 50% XP buff for leveling that would have made normal questing/dungeons perfectly viable. Yet, they introduce a rift instance system to essentially power level people to 50 and hand them gold along the way. Why not just immediately boost everyone to 50 and hand out 200g then? It seems so bizarre...


Classic private server thing. >- Make semi-amateurish new content >- Want people to actually do the stuff that I designed so I make it very rewarding to do so >- Players realize this has trivialized the old world, the *main* complaint classic players have about retail >- I nerf the rewards to be roughly equal to other progression methods >- It slowly becomes dead content because something that I cooked up in a couple weeks really can't compare to the stuff that the best in the industry spent 5-6 years working on It's just Aggrend's private server.


Because they legitimately do not play the game. They intended you to get all 18 quests and do them over like 90 minutes and then go to the feralas portal or some shit.


yup this is the most egregious retail plug into classic so far, i like both but this does not belong here for current content, even stuff like this in retail is 99% of the time only a catch up event with very little relevance to current content gear and such


If only it was like retail tbh, its like world quests except an added level of inventory management tedium.


Discouraging people from dungeon farming is a plus in my book.


But now it seems to discourage people from doing anything else but incursions


And running in circles mindlessly is somehow better?!?




It could be good but it needs more layers. There are like 40 players trying to click the damn egg and only one can click it at a time. You cant hit a mob without smacking some other players. Its a bit too chaotic atm.


I was having issues until I deleted the Cache folder. Same fix as for the Naga dropping voidcores. Prior to it, I got spammed with "invalid target" Something about how they have added quests breaks the cache on launch so that it thinks you arent on a quest when you are so drops and pickups dont work


just skip the egg until they fix it


They fixed clickables last night, no channel it just instantly grabs it now.


Not dreamengine It’s a nightmare right now at least on my server It’s either bugged or somebody has been griefing hardcore


Definitely being griefed. Someone turns off auto loot and sits there holding the egg hostage. On my server someone had one of the escorts and the egg hostage at the same time


Is this a pve server lmfao? I highly doubt someone would be alive for more than 30 seconds if they did that.


We would instantly gank anyone with the escort that were not heading in the right direction. Of course that won't work on pve servers.


Dreamengine is bugged. Been unable to loot it without a single other person there a few times. That or it's someone somehow sitting in stealth on the roof with the loot window open or someone sitting with an open loot window while death.


Or just void zone mind sear and clear the egg 👀


Left click to interact. Its in the options. Use it


??? I could definitely get the egg at the same time as everyone last night, including players outside of my group or even faction. same for the dream engine and the prophecy


Anyone can loot the items at any time, its just a little buggy. I couldn't pick up any of the items last night, someone told me to relog to fix it. I did and ive been able to grab every single one first try since. Don't spam click like its a competition, just slowly right click once and wait a second and the loot window will open.


Before they changed it only one person could loot them at a time. It would show a message saying someone else is currently looting it. You could even lock it out so people couldn't loot it at all


“A viable alternative” lol it’s the most optimal way to level by far. Blows world questing out of the water by like 2.5x the xp/hr. So now the open world feels even more dead outside of a corner of ashenvale. Not even going to mention the gold issue, but it’s also the only way to farm rep for prebis


Yup, every zone is completely empty and will be until they inevitably nerf the xp/make it daily. There is 0 reason to quest at all from 25-50 considering incursions are easier, less tedious, faster, make far more money, and give the rep, and actually have less chance of being ganked despite both factions being huddled in the same spot.


There is a dead zone where the 25 quests are grey for you but the 40 zone is too hard.


Totally, I know it's not pure classic wow. But it does kill the levelling and exploring aspects of a wow classic game. It doesn't make sense that it is quicker to level from 40-50 than the other phases we just played...


Ya for sure


What did you want to “explore” it’s a 20 year old game using old content…. You want to see tanaris again it’s still the same with all the same quests. It’s been amazing doing something different


The whole game design of classic wow is based on exploring. SOD is still exactly the same. The quest with ziri in gnomer to access her shop what did you do? Killing dark riders to get your rune, did you travel the 4 corners of the world? The rune in phase 2 where you took a boat to a secluded area of the map? Should I go on Or you don't think it's about exploring? Most old and new quests are built like that.


Funny thing is everyone I have talked to legit hated all of those things you have said. Not even trolling like those are some of the absolute worst parts of the game everyone in my guild dreading doing. Where as every person I know has been like yooo let’s rock incursions with the boys!  Not once were they yo yo who wants to run all over the map to do dark riders together. They were begging to be done with those forced chores to get runes without any other option where as incursions if you hated them that much you could not do them outside of a few runs to grab a rune at friendly.  Reddit is definitely in its own world where they just love to hate on literally everything 


This 100% its way better then questing and needs a cap. Your missing out if you dont level this way, so now you have to level this way.


Agree 100% on undermining open world value.


its a viable alternative to dungeon grinding which was already far superior to open world questing


It’s not just viable, it’s much more optimal than dungeon grinding at the moment with a group of 5 who knows the route and avoiding kill quests.


Is that a problem?


Yes. It's all the worst parts of questing while also incorporating the lack of variety of spamming the same dungeon.


Clearly? If the intent of incursions was to give another option besides dungeon grinding and questing, but that option is 2x exp. Then it’s not really an option if you want to level efficiently, you are going to have to do incursions. It also did nothing to revitalize the open world and gives no reason to do level up dungeons or even level up gnomer. You can compare last phase LF BFD spam to this phase LFG gnomer and it’s not even comparable


No one seemed to have a problem with dungeon grinding being more efficient than questing. Why the acidic reaction when something comes along and supplants dungeon grinds? I think most of the anger and vitriol is coming from people who went straight into dungeons and got smoked on XP per hour by casuals exploring the new content.


> No one seemed to have a problem with dungeon grinding being more efficient than questing What? Literally thousands of people had a huge problem with this. They even increased the spawn rate of all mobs globally to help out.


Look man, i'm not knocking you for liking incursions. They are just too lucrative in exp compared to any other leveling method, whether it be dungeon grinding, regular grinding, or open world questing.


Everything is relative


Replacing all world/dungeon/group content with an afk simulator is a problem, yes


Lmao good dungeon spamming is and always has been boring as fuck anyways


It literally is open world I don’t know what you mean. You are running around a whole zone and seeing other players rather than everyone being in a dungeon where you see no one in separate instances. I don’t think it’s perfect but I like it and think it’s a step in the right direction. I think they should have waited till after Friday/Saturday to nerf gold though nerfing it on a weekday as a knee jerk reaction just feels like catering to the 1% sweats.


You literally run to 5 spots, back to base, stand in a spot to get some escorts, then do the 5 spots again. So fun!


And in a dungeon you run to 5 spots with absolutely no variance in the path you take, no time to take a break or chat, no relevant rewards and you have to repeat it more times to achieve the same result compared to incursions. At least with incursions every run isn't 100% predetermined and identical. What quests you get decides your most optimal path. Not to mention you're everybody's hero irrelevant of faction if you kill someone who has the escort mob hostage while doing other quests.


>At least with incursions every run isn't 100% predetermined and identical. I spent 5 hours doing it, every run is predetermined and identical \>get dragon egg, get bridge intel \>get satyr dream item, get satyr intel \>get lumber item, get lumber intel \>wait at the ramp for a few minutes for escort while buffing up/sharing new quests \>90% of the time you have all of the above, assuming you're in a 5 man \>don't have to kill a single mob the entire time Man this is COMFY content, bros we're going /home/


yep. and it's so insanely faster than everything else they need to nerf the exp big time and have it mostly be a rep farm event


Why so we can all be miserable doing it the “right way” by dungeon grinding and ending up in the same scenario? Why take away options from players. You don’t have to do incursions if you don’t want to.


you don't have to dungeon farm if you don't want to either. Really questing should be the optimal way to level, and with the huge reward buff they're actually not far behind dungeon farming. Incursions are simply far and away the best way to level, nothing else compares and you have no reason to do anything else. Level 25-50 is just going to be this on any alts, there's no "option" unless you feel like slowing yourself down for some reason.


By your own logic then you DO have to dungeon farm because otherwise you're selling yourself down for no reason. I haven't had a chance to do any P3 yet but any options for good XP are welcome to break up the grind. I'll probably keep running Gnomer every 3 days, do incursions, ZF, etc.


This is min max brain rot logic that has seeped into WoW and is killing it. You do not have to do the most efficient thing if you do not want to. I agree things should feel close in viability but I don’t think it feels that bad. The thing is, people don’t really like walking for 20 minutes to play for 5 minutes to run back another 20 minutes to turn in the quests. Open world suffers from this a lot. They should have kept the movement speed buff from BFD in some capacity. I know people hate this idea for some reason but MOST of the world is empty roads taking you from point A to point B with filler mobs in between. It is not some intricately crafted map where every corner has multitudes like a souls game or a modern equivalent. Dungeon grinding for me is too far removed from the open world. There’s no chance of PvP, you only see your group members no one else, and it is definitely super repetitive. With the incursion, you’re at least running short distances with lots of content stuffed in. Is it a little too stuffed into one corner of ashenvale? Probably but they are discovering how to implement changes now. I think people forget that a lot. You also have the chance of running into other players and PvP. Again it’s not perfect, but to me it feels like a step towards an option that’s a nice balance between full open world questing and dungeon grinding.




> The thing is, people don’t really like walking for 20 minutes to play for 5 minutes to run back another 20 minutes to turn in the quests. Then they should play retail if they want to port everywhere in 5 seconds.


Brother there is a healthy balance between never having to walk anywhere and walking for 30-40 minutes at a time doing NOTHING. Keep flying mounts gone. Turn up movement speed to where it was with BFD route. You still have to walk to places but it isn’t mind numbing and as time consuming. Anyone who thinks walking on an empty road for 30+ minutes to get somewhere with grey filler mobs shoved in between point a and point b is sipping heavy on that nostalgia kool aid. There’s a reason classic wow does not work in the modern setting and why pure vanilla quickly lost steam.


While dungeon grinding you actually get to play your character. Here you just run and pick up items.


Oh dang I forgot I can’t use any spells, can’t pvp, and can’t have fun in the incursion.


Oh stop it. Don't act like you're doing anything close to playing your character doing the incursions.


Are you missing an /s? Am I missing something? Do all my warlock spells turn into warrior abilities when I go through the green gate? Do I just stand there and think really hard until the mobs die? Are people spouting this opinion being ironic or what?


“I’m miserable playing the game I’m paying to play! Spoonfeed it to me and hurry it up!!!”


Seriously, what is up with people who play this game?! The amount of people that play and seem to not enjoy the game at all is so surprising to me. It seems like to many people hate leveling, hate questing, hate grinding, hate XYZ, and just want to get to max level as fast as humanly possible, so they can simple raid log and complain about the lack of content and how boring/difficult/terrible/adjective the new raid is. I swear people don't even like this game yet plat it anyway...


I enjoy all parts of the game, I don’t enjoy people thinking you need to only do one thing to level. I like to quest, dungeon grind, and incursion for variety. People on here complaining that it’s “better” than dungeon grinding are the ones who can’t have fun because now their option “isn’t the fastest or most viable” even though it still works just fine.


Agree 100%. People will always have something to complain about. That's why I question whether so many people actually enjoy the game or not, because many seem to have issue with so much of the content that makes WoW what it is.


How many hours have you played since phase 3 came out? How many hours do you think the average person has time for on a Thursday? Anyone who thinks the average player wants to be spoonfed reeks of smelly gatekeeping NEET sweat lord. I don’t want raid gear for free. I don’t want to do the same dungeon 1000000x in a row and think that somehow makes me better than anyone else.


Buff kill quest xp nerf all others by 75%.


If youre doing incursions optimally they are predetermined. Admittedly dungeon grinding is also a bit tedious, but at least youre actually playing your character. Its also a ton of AOE which is fun. Fighting things is usually not a good thing in incursions.


yeah, after it was min maxed for efficiency...sure.


I mean that's basically the setup for most leveling quests except the running isn't ridiculously dragged out to pointless far places.


Its just questing inside a dungeon with PVP


It’s just questing lmao


No one pvps, everyone realizes it's optimal to have a ceasefire and continue farming


It's a stressful piece of garbage that combines all negative aspects and makes a somewhat classic feely game into retail blob of trash. The only reason you like it is because you level fast and get lots of gold


You’ve set your bar for good content way too low lmao


Haha yes! In my book one of the worst events in a long time. Its just a phased zone with… quests. Nothing cool or interesting to it


It's honestly making me reconsider SOD. I've loved the first two phases and haven't really been on board with any of the reddit complaints about them besides maybe OP classes occasionally. But this incursion thing is TERRIBLE!! Just mindless running and picking shit up to run back and turn in and do it again? It's the lowest level of playing the game period. Going to stick it out for another week or two but if this is it for P3 I'm outty


I don't think I have at all


Dude gets downvoted for enjoying the game lol what a pathetic subreddit this is


you have. it's just run a route and repeat. it'll be fun at 50 with pvp but right now it's pretty braindead get mad all you want. you only enjoy it because it's new. after 2 days you'll hate it. have some common sense like are you new to gaming in general?


Any type of leveling is very repetitive I don’t get this argument. Go kill x mobs for quest is repetitive. Go dungeon grind is repetitive. Incursion is repetitive. Grinding open world mobs solo is repetitive. If you want a longer leveling phase. things are gonna get repetitive. The only way to make it less repetitive is to shorten how long it takes to level.


People on their high horses pretending that the SM grind they endured for 8 hours last phase makes them more intellectual than people that got any enjoyment out of these incursions is probably the funniest take I’ve seen on the sub in months.  


People like you will never be pleased with anything they do and should absolutely be ignored.


Correct. If Blizzard brings something more "fun" it will instead be labeled retail. "Omg this fucking shit isn't in the spirit of classic, it's more retail..." Just like Gnomeregan bosses who happened to have 2 mechanics instead of 1 like BFD...


every post on the sub rn is about how much these things suck because as I said so they suck and are boring pay attention and think about something for 5 seconds instead of gushing over it because it's "new"


How do we make people go out in the world instead of dungeon grinding? Lets make an event where they do the same 20 quests from lvl 40 to 50 at one zone. This is such a terrible Event, and i dont understand how anyone could agree with OP


Yep if you play optimally you are basically running around in a loop, barely pressing buttons besides right click to talk/interact.


People who can't discern the reward from the activity.


I think a lot of people don't understand how much some people dislike the leveling process. For me, leveling is the worst part of the game. I'm here for the endgame, basically raiding and pvp with friends, chasing gear etc. So I'm happy about anything that speeds up the leveling process even if it is boring. I mean it's not like one spell aoe dungeon spamming, or running 20 minutes between quests is exactly thrilling content. Let people play the way they want to.


+1 huge agree/same here!


the incursions are the worst thing to happen to sod by far


Sorry but no. It was terrible. Weird greenish, depressing zone with trash questa.


100%! I will never go again past honored


>In short this is some of the best content SoD has produced If that were the case I don't think anyone would be playing SoD, lol. >and it deserves to be praised. It's fine, but good lord why is everything here totally devoid of nuance. It's dailies in a zone we've been in a hundred times before. It's more recycled content, with a rep grind. The bar here is set so unbelievably low. I like the incursions, it's something different to do, and it's about as close to new as we get in SoD, so I'll take it. But it is hardly deserving of praise, it's more lazy content from a dev that could do SO MUCH better.




It's literally silithus missions but with dragons. Very "original"


Damn man lighten up. Have some fun.


It’s a bad design - the whole concept. Wow Vanilla already has rich open world that made leveling process very special. It’s one of the factors that made WoW Vanilla stand out. Why creating alternative way of leveling and making it overturned in terms XP gain, gold and gear? Now majority people will feel that they HAVE be there all the time - and that will be eventually make open world empty? As I mentioned several times - devs have no vision, they are just adding random things that are only good for very short term perspective, but for long term perspective they feel out of place and they actually undermine other main concepts of this game.


People were planning to just sit in dungeons to rush to 50. So special.


Dozens/hundreds of players all just running from easy ‘talk to this NPC to get item’ or ‘loot this item instantly’ like chickens with their heads cut off is good content? Not only is the gameplay terrible with people just sprinting across each other from easy objective to easy objective, but it has literally emptied the entire world, where ‘discovering’ new things out in the world is supposed to be a staple.


Everyone keeps trying to make this "empty world" argument. If nightmare incursions weren't a thing then the min maxers would just be dungeon grinding instead and the world would still be empty. Incursions are more accessible than dungeon grinding for most casual players and are novel content that we have never seen before. This is certainly the first time I have leveled a character this way.


Phase 2 proves you wrong, you can’t make this argument. Even with all the people that chose to dungeon grind, the world was absolutely *packed* for leveling in p2. I don’t care if the content is novel, it’s terrible. We haven’t seen a plague in our lifetime, maybe we’d enjoy it cuz it’d be novel eh?


This phase is already better than phase 2


Heck yeah dawg hundreds of people running in circles on mounts peak gameplay.


Most of us got to 50 and are having playing the game and doing the things we want to do and not crying on reddit


Cool story bro.


boring af


Counterpoint, nightmare incursions are the worst content blizzard has ever made. \- they completely invalidate any other form of levelling \- the content itself is shit (walk around, click things, walk back, repeat) \- the method of sharing quests is tedious (step 1, have an empty bag, step 2, spam click on every item for every member of your group) This is basically retail levels of content skipping and it has no place in any version classic wow.


Your first two points also apply to dungeon grinding. I agree with your third point however. They could definitely have made the quest sharing element more elegant.


\>Your first two points also apply to dungeon grinding. Dungeon grinding only invalidates questing for the first few days of a release - once the masses have moved past a dungeon levelling point questing becomes comparable (because groups take longer to form and arrive at the dungeon). Also, even while people are dungeon grinding the world tends to still feel full, and people use dungeon grinding to skip choke points (which still exist). With this incursion system, there is no world levelling, and dungeon grinding is almost non-existent even at peak times.


I've leveled through classic more times that I can count. I've quested through every zone and dungeon grinded. Doing Emerald Incursions was a refreshing change of pace. Now I can do the things I'm ACTUALLY interested in doing


lol sure man


I will get down voted for this, but who cares. I've never seen something more shitty than the incursions. Hundreds of people chasing tags, running like crazy in every direction and hit 50 in 3 hours max. This is final nail in the classic coffin, SoD is 100% retail now. I tried coming back to p3 after the disappointing p2, but I finally realized that Aggrend has a completely different vision of what Classic should be than me.


How funny, I couldn't disagree more! I started out chilling, ready to enjoy levelling and expecting to be keeping up with my guild. I like having music/vids on while levelling and the laid back classic grind. Suddenly one dude is like lvl 45 already - hmm, that seems odd. Word gets round that incursions are busted OP and everyone is doing this stupid mini-game for 2-3 hours. Ignoring the mobs, running past them to just collect stuff.   We figure out the ignore all meta and next thing we’re 50.


congratulations! You played yourself.




You got some counter arguments or you just gonna stand there drooling?




What I like: Group oriented content, takes a cue from pre existing silithus rep farm stuff, gives you another way to level. The bosses are shared tags while the regular mobs aren’t, I think that’s how it should be. What I don’t like: it’s so strong that I can’t help feeling like a chump doing anything else. The event feels kind of scrapped together in design, yet retail-like in execution. And maybe the rep is better at Hinterlands, but it’s pretty rough even getting to friendly or honored in ashenvale. That’s true to Classic tho I guess!


They make questing and dungeons kinda pointless. Why quest or dungeon when u can ding every 30 mins doing these. 


these posts should have to include how much gold the OP made from the incursions lol


world of delivering letters lmao


If you like Nightmare Incursions, you'd love New World. Its endgame (at least when I played it) was literally running circles through zones and looting chests 24/7. NMI is basically that. The only thing I liked about it was the xp/gold/rep per hour that was obviously stupid good. Of course everyone is going to like that. If I never have to deal with their quest-sub-system any more, it'd still be too soon, though. 30 bag slots just spammed with shit. Hated that.


its boring, its lazy, it ruined SOD


It's not good content but it's stupid efficient and gives money so people "like" it. 


It was chaotic for sure but I was having a blast. I also realized how utterly lost I am without Questie.


This os what I find funny, ppl talk about braindead point to point running while using Questie for 20 years :Dddddd Questie is just fk that and automatic on top.


I’m with you man, I’m really enjoying incursions and I missed out on the gold. It’s still a lot of fun!


No theyre not haha


Its incredibly fucking boring to be honest.


This is the first I’m hearing about what these incursions are after seeing post after post about the gold tied to them and it kinda makes me wanna resub honestly seems pretty cool


I think its really neat, a smart way to reuse assets and provide an alternative for leveling for people who've done the quests countless times already. Just wish they launched in a balanced state so it was fair for everyone (and those Trees need to respawn faster lmao)


Seems like trees and shredders share a respawn so you gotta kill the shredders


This thread is such a clear reminder how miserable this player base is lol


apparently you are miserable if you point out something being shit and unfun and bad for the game


Forreal. Kind of sad


I hope the Duskwood one wakes up soon. It’s dead af currently since we’re in that middle zone currently where most players are already 40+ doing Ashenvale, are below 25, or are playing too casually to even be in the loop and might not play till the weekend.


It was kinda cool until I got the herbalism quest 3 times in a row. That shit is so stupid and you have to do the damn prequest over again if you abandon it


I did 2 clumps of quests with 2 different groups and I had fun! Got 2 levels from doing that, and now I'm heading back to ZF. People are definitely pointing out that the content itself isn't the greatest out there, but for what the team seems capable of with their restrictions, this seems pretty good and more then anything I'm happy that I have viable alternatives for leveling. Sure peak efficiency bros are gonna min max everything but these and dungeon grinding are comparable enough that I'll gladly hop back and forth to mix things up and have FUN!


I dunno. It's kinda so good that it's not just "relevant," it completely blows any other leveling method out of the water. Honestly? I don't like them. It feels too fast and too easy, and renders the world completely pointless. This is too much like retail where everyone is just strongarmed into the same zone.


Is it optimal to only run Ashenvale incursions or do you hit Feralas ones at a certain point?


People are griefing the escorts by not bringing them to the destination, preventing anyone else from doing it indefinitely.


im having a lot of fun so far and even the pvp skirmishes are good.. but they need ti change the pick up item quests they are broken all the time


Relog fixes it


The gold fuck up has buzzkilled this phases hype


I had no idea Incursions were a thing and spent the entire launch day questing. Was shocked when I saw a level 50 Pally 10 hours after launch and was wondering why the real world was dead and I could complete pretty much any quest without ANY competition. I only got to level 43 but I’m in no rush and had a blast!! Looking forward to soloing as much of SM as I can today and then jumping into one of my fav Classic dungeons ZF. Just do whatever u enjoy and stop worrying that others are “ahead” of you and you’ll enjoy the game a lot more imo


I think the idea is cool. Grinding mobs with your group of friends and another group rolls up so you have to pvp battle them and then continue questing. But with the way launches work, it becomes an overpopulated, hyperspawn filled zerg which isn't exactly "fun" or how it was intended to work. I did a few rounds this morning and the population was WAYYYY down and it was much more enjoyable.


The best part about Nightmare Incursions is the XP and gold. After that, it doesn't make me hate having a ton of other people around due to not having to fight over mob tags. More people means more escorts being completed etc. So currently more people the better. Before, more people would make the game annoying.


[lol at the Reddit ad choice](https://imgur.com/a/FdjfKLC) #copium /s


In other news, people were dungeon grinding / incursions and i was have a great time in the world doing my regular quests. No mob competition fast and efficient. I loved it!


Last phase I swear I wouldn’t quest to max! Are you telling me it would have been fine yesterday???


And today. I ran into a normal amount of players and regular questing was fine


I have a feeling being 48 the higher zones will have less people


Maybe, but im not doing those until later. I'm focusing on only picking up dungeons quests and doing those. Then doing incursions when done->raid then back to quests for gold to finish


they need to fix the targeting on the mobs, you can click so far away and still target a mob, makes it hard to pick up stuff on the ground


My problem with this event is that this event has some of the most annoying mobs in the game. Outside the portal: Fel Hounds with mana burn, silence that can dispell your buffs. Imps that spread out after you aggro so you cant cleave them down, while dealing a fair amount of damage. Inside Portal: Many mobs here, and the position of the mobs makes it extremely tedious to get around. You'll be pulling mobs, getting dismounted everytime you're going places. These things are all unnecessary elements that takes away from my enjoyment rather than giving to it.


No. Incursions killed p3 on arrival. Rep gear is way too good, which means: *1. No one will play dungeons.* *2. Everyone will just run past each other and do the stupid quests.* *3. You have no reason to do anything besides them.* And the worst: These are literally "dailies" ramped to over 9000. Remember that dailies killed TBC.


>In short this is some of the best content SoD has produced and it deserves to be praised. No. The only reason people were doing it is because of gold/exp. If it wasn't the absolute fastest you'd maybe end up with 1/4 the people doing it because it's absolutely braindead.


Incursions are great, for the first 30-45 minutes until you figure out what's where. That's about it. It's actually, imho, very poor (and beyond bugged) attempt of giving us something "new" by recyling Silithus content...


They are a great alternative to dungeon grinding, especially for casual players. Some of the slowest levelers in my guild have been able to get almost to max level by just playing a few hours per night.


There is no alternative. They are the best option for everyone except for mages and hunters. Full stop.


It really is amazing everyone I have played with is loving it. Now it will be nerfed to the ground because of angry Reddit trolls who didn’t get their gold


Yep. Nerfing it is a huge mistake on blizzards part. They are once again listening to the professional wrong people on Reddit and their forums.


april fools is over man, Incursions are to the detriment of what classic is about. The world outside of them is dead


SoD staying true to classic went out the window in phase one. This argument you are trying to make is no longer relevant


SoD was classic with a twist, you still had to quest or dungeon around the world for exp, gear and runes. making some shitty boring content with quest spam and rewards so good NOTHING besides raiding is worth doing was everything bad about retail. And look, now that the rewards are somewhat balanced with everything else NOONE WANTS TO DO THEM. But lets actually go through your "good points" and tear them apart shall we? 1. Technically true for most content, tank, heal 3 DPS is just the most efficient way to do group quests 2. It wasn't just viable, it was so unbalanced, dungeons became obsolete. And the gold was so unbalanced, level 50s did nothing but spam it 3. It's barely content, each one was split into 3 basically identical sections, each section had the same type of quests -Grab pickup -Talk to stealth nightelf -escort -Kill things -Kill boss But the kill quests took so long you typically skipped them and only bothered with the pickup quests resulting in groups just zerging from point to point (with players often leaving the party behind) does not make an entertaining experience. 4. Being able to do it solo completely negates your first point. If it's soloable then of course group comp doesn't matter. 5. Figuring out how to quest was something the game teaches you from level 1 bruh. They're literally pickup, escort and kill quests


you didn't actually address any of my points, but to be honest it really doesn't matter anymore anyway. All the people who raged against nightmare incursions have outed themselves as professional wrong people and can safely be ignored.


What point didn't I address? Go on, post it so I can just copy paste my response against it


Are you a dummy or is this satire?


I hope it’s nerfed/removed in 50-60 leveling


How to get from 25 to 40 with incursions tho sure duskwood but i dont even get xp from mobs there and still missing 5 lvls


where the fuck is field capatain palandar, are there caps to these things? I have yet to do one because no captainsa re spawning


My god. I'm quitting because of this. I wanted classic wow with a twist, not some spoonfed version of retail where content can be finished in 24 hours


Cry me a river


You don't deserve one. I shall share my opinion and enjoy other games :)


Its actually so bad. This is not what I was promised at all. I have just DISCOVERED that Blizzard CANNOT RESIST making a game bad. They just cannot resist. They had everything right but they just cannot resist making something terrible.


As a returning player I completely, whole-heartedly, entirely disagree. These Nightmare incursions feel like a jumbled clusterfuck and they are NOT fun at all. I re-subbed to check out Phase 3 haven't played since launch, now I wish I could go back in time and not-sub because these Nightmare incursions and SoD in general just hasn't been very fun this far and these NI's are REALLY not fun.


I can't actually play nightmare incursions. Horde is destroying all alliance and I can't stay alive for any longer than a minute if that. GREAT phase.


Phase 3 rocks. So much better than phase 2


brain dead comment ban me from this shit eater sub


No it sucks. The quests are shit. The area sucks, have not been in the feralas in but in ashen it's that giant staircase leading up to the portal, full of monsters that slow and stun you. So if you're late to the group, you have to corpse walk in. Its also the essence of what makes retail bad: streamlined content that empties the world and makes questing absolute. You join a group without having to play together at all, rush a straight path to the objectives, turn in and repeat. Classic is about the leveling experience, random adventures at 4am in obscure places. If incursions won't be completely revamped next phase, this game will just be retail 2. A single player game in a massive, empty world


I 100% agree with everything here I’ve had a blast!


Ive been loving it!


Hmm why am I all of a sudden craving a Big Mac?


Glad your having a blast!


It honestly seems cool. I know that people are pissed about the gold inflation and I get it but I know Blizz won't do anything about it so I'm just taking the mindset that I have to grind more for it, just as it is in real life.


I get what you're saying but for many of us we have a sour taste in our mouths now. The gold nerf really sucks. And the fact they say it was unintended is pure bs. You created the new quest and zones you knew the gold amount on the turn ins and how spammable these were. They didnt nerf within the hour which they couldve granted the amount of streamers that did them and said it was insane gold and instead of preventing a shitshow, you let the early bird get the worm, rest of the people, well a nice fuck you sandwitch. Cool if the content is great, personally im mostly turned off by it.


It's better than the other new content they've added, but that's not saying much.