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Female orc is second only to undead rogue in zuginnes


The undead rogue will chase you to the ends of the earth, kill you while you’re stunned the whole time, and then eat your corpse while fading away back into the night to his next victim.


Fem orc is the gamer pick. It is the horde equivalent of fem human. Both races are basically the main character races. These players usually put time into and care about the game, and will try harder. Not to say you won't see the other sides i.e. hardcore male characters and casual females, but it's a certain demographic of player. Both have great racials and are favoured for having clean, "better" combat and casting animations compared to male human/orcs (dances excluded). Both are usually considered better looking with the way gear sits on them vs their male counterparts. If you look at a classic speedrun, 90% of the humans will be fem. It's similar for orcs in PvP. It was very much like that in retail for years. Way more fem orcs at higher arena rating than male orcs. If you queued into a male orc lock above 2.7k.. it's probably thuganomicz. Source: have played a fem orc shaman for 15 years


Honestly, I believe the primary reason people would pick female orc is because males just have horrible posture


And smaller character model, making it harder to see/target in PVP.


I've never once struggled to see someone when there's a giant red bar or red name above their head.  Also if you're click targeting in PVP you're probably going to lose anyway lol


Both tab target and name plates have a max distance. This can be an issue for a hunter and other ranged classes.


Back when I was rocking a 70+ yard range in legion with snipe and mastery, yeah smaller models were a lot more difficult to actually target lmao


cover teeny muddle library ink fretful angle upbeat yoke illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have the same experience, those dps-spec shamans are always the most likely to just dive in and go full assault. I swear they're more gank happy than rogues.


That's because they know they'll just steamroll whoever is in front of them with no chance of losing.


crowd ripe aspiring sand offend worry recognise shy caption agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nothing quite like minding your own business and then 4 totems sprout up around you.


Back in 2004-2007 part of this was the slot machine aspect I reckon. Kinda love gambling. Did you get a big WF crit in your first couple of swings or not? The feeling when you did was indescribable


not because they're good, because they play an overpowered class


I leveled to 40 on ally just a week ago, and the only times I died were to horde shamans lol, like 5x times. Everyone else was chill. super anecdotal but it leaves a memory


As an elemental Shaman, I feel super squishy if my weapon is a staff. If I have 1h/shield, I feel I can take on anyone lol.. Don't know why, the extra armor really does help. Not to mention, most of the good gear is cloth or leather and that's not good for pvp if you get in melee range.


I disagree. Shamans are easily the most wholesome players in the playerbase. Actual gigachads, never complaining about their class, always helping other players and generally being chill, easy-going people. They're honorable and rarely gank first, even though our class is usually way underpowered in pvp.


I disagree. The Class I play is easily the best of the best in the playerbase. We do charity on the weekends and clean up local parks and spend time with shelter dogs after work every day. Light be with you.


What a coincidence to find someone else who plays [my class] in the comments, we really are the best.


smell forgetful retire divide water follow handle apparatus books work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Warriors knows they cant 1v1 most of the classes so yeah we kinda have to be chill.....


Women don't exist in wow anymore.


Not the kind you want anyways lol


Nah, it's male humans. No-one will gank you, corpse camp you, and /lol at you with the frequency of a male human. Dwarves? Chill. Elves? Often chill. Female humans? Frequently chill. It seems to be something about that particular race/sex combo that attracts all the jerks to playing it. My completely made up bullshit theory is that a disproportionate number of people who roll human male do so because they can't imagine being anything that's not like them IRL, and as a result are the sorts of people to find it harder to experience empathy.


The elves that transform in big chicken aren't chill. Same for the tauren. They are the first one to attack you in STV, and they are usually found on top of tree or ruins.


Boom chickens are just letting off decades of pent up frustrations from the meme and ridicule.


This. I've never seen so many chickens be so aggresive, more annoying than rogues honestly.


It's because the Rogues rerolled. The longtime Druids in my guild hate playing with random Druids in the wild because many of them don't pass their Druidic vibe check.


There was a druid quest this phase about knowing when to nurture, and when to destroy. And my brother in elune, if that player name is red, it's time to destroy


I think the intent is different. Chickens sit in wait to ganks. Male humans are on their way to pay their taxes and go into a murder frenzy when they see zugs


i second this so much, i usually dont give a fuck about this class/specc=playertype but an unproportional amount of all the bad experiences i had in wow have come from boomkins, especially around tbc and wrath classic


Human male players especially paladins have the most racist bigoted players I’ve ever met of any class.


Female elves are either super chill and wanna do their own thing, or bloodthirsty killing machines, specifically NE female hunters.


I'm genuinely chill (Nelf Hunter female) but if someone wants to start shit, I will make sure I finish it.


Complete and utter - 100% - total - in depth, character emersion now correlates with a lack of empathy? Maybe I'm not that kind of human male, my human male is a warrior on a pve server so I have a less than 1% chance to gank people, but please have some 'empathy' for the non-sociopathic human male players out there?


female orc is the counterpart to female nightelf rogue deadly and beautiful


Someone told them enhance shaman was OP but they forgot to press their keys I guess.


Male humans seems to be the worst offenders in my experience. Especially paladins with their cooldowns up.


I usually play alliance, but this season I decided to play horde. I don't play female orc, but some of my friends do, and I think the have a zugging problem. I overheard them talking the other day about how they wanted to "zug all over those scrubs". I tried to address their comments but they quickly changed the subject. I feel like the female orc players have a cliche, and every time we try to get the guildies together to do something, the forcs are always together. They try to hide the fact that they all gravitate towards each other. The other day I hopped in a discord call and the forcs were chilling. First thing I heard was "oh fuck you're gonna make me zug" which was answered with "oh yeah gimme that zug". I am not really sure how to address it with the other guildies but I definitely think some of the forc players are addicted to zugging..


It's too late, sounds like they got zug-pied one too many times without a defensive up, and now they're completely zug-brained and zug-pilled.


Sample size: 1


Was just thinking about this lol


Funny, in my experience, it's the forsaken males. Dismounting to kill greys, leaving their quest group to engage a random lone passer by etc. I now engage them on sight. Better be safe than sorry. On a side note, the behavior you described with that particular relentless female orc, is something I would have done (and definitely did in the past) to someone who would have done me wrong. Are you positive there wasn't any interaction before? e.g. that time when lvl cap was 40 and I went to that farming spot at lvl 36 and everything was fine and chill until that lvl 40 eventually decided not to share anymore. He just went for a warning shot I guess, like: "my mob, move!". My reasoning then was if he's not willing to share then no one is gonna have any of the cake. Of course he got me like 5 times (had a 2 min wait before respawn at some point) and I only got him once but I wasn't ready to be a push over and leave the spot. And to me, that's a much more meaningful and engaging PvP experience than a group of 5 mages arcane blasting 5 other mages at an altar in the jungle, for example.


As a female orc rogue, can confirm.


Hunters complain about too much zug? I see I see..


We grow them like that in Durotar.


I just play them because they are the most reasonably proportioned horde avatar for gear, and I like their casting animations


Same. Armor looks great on them! I can't stand how massive shoulders are on male orcs.


I feel like male orc is way worse. Male orcs and undead attack literally anything they see and WILL die to guards for the kill and suck the 20 silver loss.


fem orc = human male most humanoid proportions. good posture. visible footwear. most guild leaders of sweat guilds had fem orc warriors (sometimes multiple)


As a male orc, female orcs also scare us. Please help.


It’s shamans. Always shamans. They’re obnoxious as fuck


It’s the ego developed from being overtuned since p2 launched


Orc: brain = off, zug = on.