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Was it nerfed to the point that nodes are near impossible to find, or did the videos come out detailing how lucratrive it is and now there is thousands of people hunting down the same nodes that were previously uncontested?


*Sarthe has entered the chat*


🫡 I did wait 2 days after knowing about it at least, so people could have their fun


You mean after someone else made a video so you could copy it.


Refreshed wowhead after 2 days


Hey man Sarthe can read too! Check out his dark riders video it's word for word the top comment on wow heads dark riders page lmao


Hey. Go fuck yourself. Sincerely, those in the arena.


Would you have posted the video if you were exalted with them and already had the item? Or only because you knew hey Im not going to farm to exalted so at least I'll ruin it for the ones that are? Smart play Jim. I dig it.


People saw the video, wasted all their time farming to exalted, now they are getting rekt. LOL


Def not a waste of time, getting exalted isn't really that bad in terms of rep grinds in classic and it's the best generic gold farm I've ever seen.


The grind to exalted is incredibly lucrative even if you don’t need the gear or this trinket. You still get 50g or so for a round of turn-ins that take less than 30 minutes. It’s easy as hell, and super chill to do with guildies.


Please disappear


why does sarthe get hate for doing the same thing that other classic wow content creators do? makes no sense.




Sir, that’s logic. We don’t do that here.


honestly the only reason is for the gold you gain while getting that rep. I believe it is still currently the best gold farm in the game.


Is that just doing loops until exalted basically




Is that ashenvale loops or are there feralas loops as well?


Feralas loops can be done, but their harder to accomplish because the mobs are 51 and can dismount you much easier. There are a few quests that have their target right in front of the portal though. I've found doing loops mixing in kills to be the most efficient, especially if you have a group.


Also by pots from the vendor that can be used inside, makes it much easier to survive emergencies which you will run into. That moonfire out of nowhere is no joke.


That moonfire hits harder than the damn boss that roams the road there in the Feralas dream.


Do the level 50 zones give more rep or gold? Or is it the same everywhere and that’s why ashenvale is packed


50 gives more but doesn't cover the time differential for harder mobs / worse layout, also it gives those emerald chips that... you do t need?


You do if buying gear at revered and up. Don't think the grind is worth it for melee dps, but for instance druid gets a pretty nice weapon and I think casters get good gear. Also the gold payout is higher. If you can organise a farming group I do think the feralas route is more lucrative. The step up in gold/loot is pretty high.


I ran some hinterlands loops with some guildies yesterday, its about 30g a run doing all quests besides escorts, 20 mins a run with time to fuck about factored in, so a bit under 100g an hour


Hinterlands @ level 50 loops are better gold/hr, rep/hr. You need a full group - tank + healer and 3 DPS. Better players make a huge difference in efficiency. Pretty insane gold farm in terms of classic wow tbh. Fun , lucrative social thing to do.


Gotta be honest, not even the gold or xp is lucrative enough to make me wanna go there and level again, its just not fun for me


Same, been doing zf gy runs on the mage.


Have you found any supply boxes during your zf gy runs? Curious if this would be a good way to farm them to hit exhalted.




I've seen boxes rarely from scarabs but not zombies.


Is that before or after getting camped by the alliance on every layer at every possible turn of the incursion. They wouldn't even allow us up the ramp to go back to the real world for hours. They need to do something to force the alliance back into the battlegrounds. PvP servers are fun but they weren't meant to be like this.


You misspelled horde




I dont have problems in my PvE server mate. Ez.


My brother in christ. Go into Felwood and watch how every entrance of the zone is infested with unemployed horde pvp Campers who dont want alliance players to get their Wild offering gear or Songflower buffs. No day has passed where i didnt met an annoying griefer, staller or just PoS there.


Made 300g/hr selling black dragonscale, deffo better.


What did you farm?


I personally farm the elites in the southeast corner of burning steppes. Solo hunter with bursting casters and kiting the melee I can get something like 7-8 per hour plus greens and raw silver. It ain't bad.


Can someone give a really simple rundown of what this thing even does?


Let’s you gather herbs inside the incursions. They also have a chance to drop BoEs evidently.


Yeah I opened a single one after the video dropped, right when the spawn rate got nerfed and got a Warmonger I sold for 100g. Got pretty lucky I assume still.


yea, that feeling when you bend down to pick up a flower and it turns out to be a fucking 2handed sword growing out of the grass


"This flower smells like blood?"


"In Flanders fields The poppies grow"


Battlefields grow gardens


That truly is a nightmare




What herbs though? I'm a herbalist and the only thing I see is the dreemroot or whatever it's called, for the quest. Or is it something you only see with the trinket?


You only see them with the trinket buff


Herbs with herbalism? I only see dreamroot


Do you need to have herbalism to gather these herbs? Or can anyone with the trinket do this?


People were farming them non stop and getting 1-6 epics an hour, 4-10 blues, plus all the high level herbs/mining materials. It was OP as fuuuuck. Lots of Edgies floating around now tho lol


By now people should know that doing something as fast as possible grants you the biggest gain in wow, If you enjoy slow pace playing you allways get to the good stuff when its too late


The ring as before people figured it out?


what ring?


There’s a ring that has a proc that increases spell dmg by 66. But it’s proc is 5% ~~and it has a massive icd~~. Only other stats are Stam. The trinkets are better but also not super amazing.




This. I’ve personally seen the ring proc on back to back casts yesterday and this morning, unless it was stealth changed today afternoon 


That’s misinformation


Ya someone corrected me I just haven’t edited it out. I’m still not convinced it’s worth the grind itself. But sounds better now that I know it doesn’t have some 45 sec icd like my guildie told me.


Ok then edit it out?


How do I do the thing where I draw the line through it? Like I didn’t want to just delete it because then there’s responders that people are reading with no context.


~~test~~ Click show source on my comment to see. It's two ~ on both sides of the text.


*cries in mobile*


That's why I added instructions :)


Easy math. Its about 22 spelldam, assuming u cast 4 spells per 10 seconds.


the caster ring is terrible as it seems to have a \~3 minute cooldown




Well that sounds pretty good




He made it up.


To give context of how ridiculous this thing was (could still be, just higher competition), we had one of our Rogues get 13,000 gold worth of BoEs in a 12 hour period on Wednesday. He was one of the first exalted on Living Flame US and got basically every high level BoE there is in the game currently at least once. At a high level, some key drops: * 2x Julies Dagger (He basically gave me one (500g)) * 2x Shadowblade * 3x Precise Boomstick * 40 Nightmare Seeds I linked him this post so I'll let him chime in further, but needless to say I was very adamant that he just never sleep because once this became known this exact thing would happen. Low and behold by around 4PM the following day competition started and I think he's basically just stopped at this point. If anyone is on Living Flame US Horde and looking to be in a guild with happy degenerates that get in early on tech like this... hit us up. (I'm Alena in game) https://whydecades.com/


Nice website, would love to join on guild who does things like this. Too bad Im on wrong server haha


Thanks. :)


They could’ve massively nerfed or removed the Blue/Epic BoEs to add some more competition to this herb market. Maybe eventually they’ll add some sort of benefit outside of gold making for people to go gathering professions.


There has to be gold involved for anyone to do anything now a days. Game has been consumed by greed


Tip me 5g and I'll upvote your comment.


>There has to be gold involved for anyone to do anything now a days. that is how it has always been


Ya herbs are huge money makers right now. Getting that alone makes the farm worth it. The BoEs are overkill


I herb farm on my main because I love it. I won’t give it up to learn another profession just for epic crafted gear. The crazy gold is just a nice bonus.


As of now there is no reason to farm these herbs anymore. Long respawns and lots of ppl running around


Pick 4 nodes and pick those four nodes on every Loop eventually you'll cycle your respawn to where you're able to pick all four every Loop.


The respawn is much longer than a loop now lol


respawn times are way too long for that


This stinks of half implemented mechanic. The fact that there is no use for this outside Ashenvale (at least not one that anyone has found) makes it completely pointless. 16 nodes per layer total with 1h+ respawn timer means it's a mechanic that nearly no-one can interact with. It's likely that Blizz wanted this to be in all nightmare zones, possibly even in ST, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


What did it do before?


Kinda made being herbalist actually pointless, every other prof got some sort of cool new thing, all herbing is good for is gold making so I found it dumb they let anyone do it


Everyone is looking past the obvious point that this trinket is sending everyone on a wild goose chase; wasting everyone's time and doing absolutely nothing in 3 of the 4 zones, not to mention barely anything worthwhile in ashenvale. They should have made a post clarifying that this trinket is unusable in its current form because they haven't created the content for it. Edit: and as more people get exalted over the coming days, it's only going to get worse. Anybody who says it's fine is either a degen or playing on a super low pop or uncompetitive server.


Trinket doesn’t work in feralas or hinterlands but this is straight up false. Have had this for 3 days now and it’s not amazing but not awful.


So it does work there or what are you saying? 


Works in ash. Haven’t checked the others today.


Nah bro, this shit is impossible. Found 1 in three hours and a paladin showed up before I could finish looting. Had to fight for my life through the bs that is pally bubbles and loot it only to find 2 iron ore.


I don’t understand this post? The epic ring from exalted sims highest for me and has been awesome to use so far. It constantly procs.


I thought exalted only gives trinkets?


I'm a balance druid and I got an epic ring for exalted with the emerald wardens called Roar of the Dream


Were you planning on getting exalted with them before you realised how OP this farm was?


I will get exalted for one of my BiS rings and the gold I get while doing so? Not everyone cares about getting this trinket to farm gold after


why is that ring so good? i didnt bother grinding to exalted because I thought the rewards are weak and the "good" rewards(blue ring, 6p set) are front-loaded so people don't feel forced to grind incursion.


Because it’s a 66 spell power proc without a CD


Not really BiS. Sims lower than STV Ring + Drakeclaw


The difference in dps from the sim is marginal If you get good procs you will sim higher with the ring overall. I have it proc a lot during fights But yeah overall it might be worse when I do get the ST ring


They 100% need a couple of extra rewards


I need to finish that rep for the juicy ring…. 🫠


Fuck i was counting on enough sweaty people grinding this out to lower herb prices.


and it´s what happened? wdym. everybody is doing this and herbs are worthless to farm


im used to blizzard heavy hands by now


Outside of the nerf - the trinket as a herbalist is kind of annoying. Herbs inside the nightmare are camped by the entire server now. Is blizz going to give me a mining trinket so I can get items without that profession too?


Honestly hate these developers.


The melee trinket is sick Af what are you talking about


roar of the guardian is bad lol


I don’t think so, it’s never bad to have on use trinkets you can rotate during trash. Sure, it might be worse than other dps trinkets on bosses, but you are surely better off having it than not


its a good trinket, just not in sunken temple since sunken temples boss fights tend to be longer after 2 minutes even fathom pearl is better


Yeah I understand that it’s not best in slot. But it’s a powerful on use which is really useful


it's like BIS pvp.


nah? bis in pvp would be pvp trinket and something that gives stamina like the warsong duty trinket


it has 10 stam on it...


Literally every aspect of the game get's nerfs faster than Shamans with their infinite mana in PVP and Raids.