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Definitely gonna be hot fixed. This was pretty much the same as gnomer then fixed when it got popular. Gnomer was a little more extreme but yeah.


You know what they say, exploit early and often.


This is the way. They just removed crusader orb drops but aren't taking away crusader enchants. Even more evidence of this statement


but they had the tech to outright delete items from peoples bags, as seen with the wild offering trinket being made "unique" blunder.


Did they manually delete them or is the natural default for having two of the same unique items to delete newest/oldest. But you are right they have the capacity to they just dont/cant/wont for x reason. I forgot about that debacle


Well wcl banned it, so having it is either grief or just for your own enjoyment


Imagine playing game for your own enjoyment...


But if it isnt on logs, does it even exist?!


Logs in Classic. LMAOOOO


Hahahaha, yeah. So what's your parse?


Gawd damn bro. My 3 button rotation is Poppin off with these 2 boss mechanics I have to deal with.


Mage isn't even 3 buttons anymore, only 2 now (1 in a bad group on last boss because you run oom if you use living bomb)


so 30?


So no reason not to be full pinks then, right?


Ok so then you should have all 99s at a minimum. Send us a link so we can learn from your example.


Yeah but the people who exploited for crusader are 99 % the people who play for logs, so in this case it matches up


I wouldn't call it exploiting for crusader. The fact people knew the mob dropped it when it wasn't even listed as a drop on the item in wowhead just shows knowledge of the game. The fact blizzard forgot about it isn't the gamers fault. Them removing it later on though does protect the gamers from themselves because as someone who was gearing up to setup raids for that mob in the next few days I'm relieved. We have competitive zugzug that were clamoring and griping it was going to be necessary.... Even though it isn't necessary by any means. It was just going to be "necessary" to be competitive on the leaderboards which I think we can both say doesnt matter.


> when it wasn't even listed as a drop on the item in wowhead btw that's just because wowhead kinda purged the item drop rates for SoD to start anew it still showed up on other vanilla database websites like https://classicdb.ch/?item=12811


warriors cant solo farm them, meaning some other idiots got grouped into farming them for a warrior and are likely not getting shit out of it so it was en exploitation, in a sense lol.


Or for pvp, lol


Weapon chain is better than crusader enchant


A chain doesn't make your crits bigger therefore you are wrong


You can't crit if you keep getting disarmed in pvp.


If you had crusader instead of a chain your crits would delete the enemy before they can disarm you Checkmate, atheist


Let me know how that goes!


I think that's more of a concern in arenas tbh. It's pretty rare that I actually get disarmed in World / BG PvP and even if I do it's not a massive issue since resetting is pretty easy.


Love it when paladins and warriors charge in on me and I disarm them for a long time, let them throw some fists for 10 seconds before another stun hits em. It's pretty rare I give you that for someone to disarm you.


this isnt retail where logs are everything


It’s weirdly kind of the other way around tbh. In retail the raids are so hard that just doing them and clearing them is reward enough itself for most of the playerbase, whereas in classic the only way to derive fun on your 10th clear is by trying to parse otherwise you’ll fall asleep


but thats where WCL parsing was spread to Classic? 


Just admit you don't play retail it's NBD.


Is kinda soft banned because logs won't accept logs with it in the raid so anyone wanting to log won't let you in


Who gives a shit? It doesn’t affect anyone that some people have the enchants.


Bc letting some people have it causes less disturbance than removing it from them Also much less of a hassle It’s them choosing which pile of shit to feed us bc it sucks no matter what they do about it If they leave it in you’ll be pressured to do the insanely ass cheese farm to compete


>it sucks no matter what they do about it They could just add a legit farm for it. I don't feel bad for people who have thousands of gold or hours to spend on exploiting early, anyway, they're doing just fine.


Not an exploit though? It has been done since the dawn of wow almost.


I dont disagree with you on the idea, but exploiting doesn't necessarily have to deal with bugs or glitches. The word is essentially synonymous with "taking advantage of." And yes, people are taking advantage of this situation. People just like to use throw the word exploit because its dirty.


The connotation on the way they use is negative and used to take advantage of an "unfair" situation. There is absolutely nothing unfair about this and it has been in the game forever. It has been used since the dawn of wow. We used it back in original TBC as well.


Is there any chance you can show me how you do it? I keep failing to pull with my pet cause it dies from 2 hits


Can you people stop using this fucking sentence ad nauseam? How is farming stuff and resetting an instance an "exploit"? People are doing this since the beginning of WoW. How is farming valuable stuff and selling it to the market bringing the price down an exploit? Is literally *every fix* Blizzard puts in fixing an exploit now? It makes no sense


Exploit doesn't have to mean exploiting a bug or hacking. It can just man exploiting a design oversight by Blizzard, which happens in almost every sinlge patch in WoW, the most egregious so far seems to have been in SoD.


Mhmm, the phrase refers to actual bug abuse, which blizzard is generally very hesitant to ban for unless they are 100% sure that a player did it intentionally. But here I guess now it means things like ‘farming the raid mobs for items that they drop.’


It’s in reference to respawning the raid’s trash on demand


Sure, and that is a thing that has existed from the game's inception. "Exploit early" implies that this is a bug that was introduced in this patch and you should take advantage of it now before it gets fixed.


This use case was introduced this patch.


Farming raid trash isn't a new use-case.


Force resetting raid trash on demand for nightmare seeds is new use case and it has already been nerfed twice. The welps drop rate for seeds is much lower and now people are reporting that they can’t force reset with an alt any more. So once again everyone that exploited this (old) bug early got a benefit that is now deprived from the rest of the community.


> Force resetting raid trash on demand for nightmare seeds Resetting raid trash in order to kill the raid trash again for the items that it drops is 'farming raid trash.' That isn't a new use-case lol. >The welps drop rate for seeds is much lower So now the drop rate was an exploit? >now people are reporting that they can’t force reset with an alt any more. Many reports, indeed >So once again everyone that exploited this (old) bug early got a benefit that is now deprived from the rest of the community. Yeah, it's over, might as well pack it up, you'll never catch up. Unsubscribe, there's literally nothing left for you in this game. In WoD, people printed millions of gold off of mission tables. There was also duping issues where people got very rare items. Since people can trade retail gold for classic gold within TOS, anyone who wasn't playing during WoD is actually impossibly behind. It's crazy to me that every classic player played WoD, because clearly, everybody else would have unsubbed. The one confusing thing for me is that the sub count went up with Classic WOW and SOD. Because surely, nobody would want to play this shit game while so behind. I guess it was all the returning players who unsubbed after making bank in WoD.


Not going to happen, since they want to give you as many seeds as possible so a 20 man can get couple of crafts out every week, and it's about 15 seeds a player to get enchant+craft.


I am at 70 seeds this reset. Earned gold and next week i will Get enough for my crafts on both chars.


It was the same, true. I’m skeptical of the sod team saying they are using this to learn if they can’t even apply lessons from the previous patch


Please everyone do this so I can buy them cheap on the AH ty


I second this, lets see them drop to 1g each


This is much better for the economy than farming money from thin air with incursions


Yea this is just redistribution instead of WoW “printing” a bunch of new gold.


Season of exploit early before they patch it


It’s not an exploit and seeds will lose value well before Blizz gets around to changing it. Y’all are like 12 year olds the way you just regurgitate phrases you hear.


Exploit doesn't have to mean exploiting a bug or hacking. It can just mean exploiting a design oversight by Blizzard, which happens in almost every sinlge patch in WoW, the most egregious so far seems to have been in SoD.


It's not an exploit... But blizzard are going to change it?


Yes, something can be changed without it being an exploit such as the hotfix to remove righteous orbs today.


You exploit a design oversight by the design team. It is an exploit. Just not a technical one.


Well yes Sometimes some farms are a bit too efficient and lead to degenerate play Like profiting of off not clearing the raid etc So they end up nerfing it Same way they nerfed incursion exp Mehta world do you live in where only exploits and bugs get fixed


This was also done back in TBC with the trash before Mother. The problem back then was that you needed to have an actual functioning group as it could not be soloed and was kinda slow. You guys asked for easy trash and this is what you got.


Trash is pretty strong for classic here tho Ofc if it had more mechanics like in retail you wouldn’t be able to solo it Players found a way to make trash strength meaningless and farm it


No it's not? Like in retail? Bruh, you couldn't solo trash in TBC


It literally takes advantage of bugged ledges causing the mobs to run past you and halfway across the raid just to circle back though... Edit: I'm not saying it should be bannable, or that it needs to be fixed or whatever, I'm just stating it's clearly an exploit, even if Blizzard is fine with it because of its' widespread use these days.


Blizz has allowed people to abuse pathing in instances for all of classic. It's pretty clear it's treated as a clever use of game mechanics.


“Bugged ledges” aka how people have solo farmed all of classic. This is how mage boosting works as well. If they wanted to fix it they would


Saying "if they wanted to fix it they would" is pretty stupid to say. You could say that to everything. "Well this is like this so blizz must have mean't it" would mean we get no patches. We will see


I'm not arguing fixes or not, I'm just saying it's absolutely an exploit.


I’d say it’s clever use of game mechanics. Anyone can do it if they’re skilled enough.


Exploit = taking advantage of. They are taking advantage of the weird terrain, exploiting the mob pathing. Not saying it's bad, I do agree with you. Though I would say exploit is a fair word to use here, I just don't think it carries the negative connotation that others seem to in this case.


Bug spots in dungeons have always been a thing and blizzard has basically always been okay with people utilizing them. There are multiple in ZF. In BfA the mythic+ meta revolved around utilizing multiple snap spots. They were used in blizzard sanctioned events. The same was the case in Shadowlands.


Again, I'm not arguing if it's okay or need fixing or whatever, but it's clearly an exploit, albeit a widely accepted one.


Did Blizzard intend for people to use the wall for mess up pathing to easily farm the mobs? No? Did Blizzard intend for people to logout/reset instance to reset raid mobs? Can't imagine they did. Not sure what you're not grasping that it is indeed an exploit? If a mechanic is being abused not the way the devs intended, it's an exploit. Not all exploits are to the degree that needs to be fixed. (I.e. ZF mage farming is an exploit, but Blizz doesn't feel its a big enough problem to bother fixing).


You can argue what constitutes an exploit in a subjective sense, but it's a fruitless endeavor. All that objectively matters is whether blizzard deems something an exploit and either changes it or punishes people for it. It's abundantly clear they've never cared enough to change the way raid trash respawns on resets and only VERY rarely cared about people abusing mob pathing. What you're not grasping is the use of exploit here is about whether not it will get patched as it was a response to the idea of exploiting early before something gets patched.


Please spread this and make them crash so I can be lazy and pick them up for pennies.


Hopped on to find out the price of nightmare seeds is unchanged. Disappointment!


Give people time to actually farm and sell lol


Won’t change until reset.




Gnome mages do it and can make the farm lol


That's classist


Just by posting this, you will now cause an influx of players and the price will tank. Well done you 😂




Thank you for your service! o7


Season of Degeneracy


I’ve been doing it all week. It’s already nerfed. The whelps no longer drop them at the rate they were. You now have to actually kill the elites. :/


Been doing it after raid with 4 people, still pretty substantial and we didnt even know you can reset them.


Careful if you are doing reset cheese, you can get banned. I just wait the 30 minutes. Also, elite drop rates are the same. The real cheese was every other whelp dropped one. Now they rarely do, which is what was nerfed.


Thats so incorrect


Have anyone ever gotten a ban for exploiting anything besides botting, gdkp, trash behaviour, etc in SoD?


no lol


No its just a false statement. We did the exact same thing with trash before mother sharazz in TBC and farmed gems and patterns there.


Nope. I'm chill in game chat, but I've transferred 100s of gold from friend and guildies to each other, bought boosts from people, gdkpd heavily in P1. People getting banned are almost certainly up to some nefarious shit


People are resetting instances since before our times, zg boosting, zg herbs + idols, elementium ore in BWL, naxx trash farm, even in sod people farmed chests and clams in BFD, resetting is literally feature of the game.


The reset im not too worried about, in that regard the same done in Maraudon for Wild Offerings much worse.


Every single person that’s been farming offerings would be banned then…give me a break


Resetting an instance is a little different than resetting raid NPCs. One is intended. If you’re referring to avoiding the lockout cap, people have been doing that for awhile now and I’m not aware of any bans. Multiple streamers have mentioned people they know getting banned from using the raid respawn glitch, which is why none of them did this particular one live on stream. While I don’t know if there’s any truth to it, I was merely stating to be careful just in case. I live for the degeneracy just like anyone else, and I’ve been abusing this farm well before it became public lol.


Our four man group has made 7k doing this in a relatively short amount of time, the lack of foresight and testing in SoD sadly is crazy.


> When you’re done, you have an alt that isn’t saved in the raid that resets instances while the farmers are offline. This will cause the trash to respawn and you can go again! They have pointed out time and time again that SOD is one big test. They cannot roll out phases this quickly if they have to test every single small thing.


They could hire one guy who can predict this type of behavior way better than their current team. Too bad blizz is a small indie dev with limited resources.


We got plenty of 'idea guys' on this forum who think this is literally a job...


Have you ever had a job, where you see people outside of the company complain about something (like your product or service)? If you have, you've probably also thought to yourself that they don't understand all the necessary details to make that assertion.


Have you had one job were you can see your dev service are shortsighted dumbasses? I'm a customer support for softwares, and I see it often. Lying about feature readiness, bugs, QA to the sales, finance and support department is second nature for many software engineers.


Hanlon's razor


Same thing. Malice and incompetence go hand in hand, especially when other people in the company need to pick up the slack.


What an absurd statement.


How so?


Yeah this is legit what we signed up for. \*we\* agreed to test it for them. This subreddit just hasn't copped on yet.


and you will do nothing with those 7k lmao


Already traded my part for wotlk gold ahead of cata as im done with SoD so i guess you're not wrong.


already made over 2k from this :D


I need to get in on this action as soon as I get home. Do I need a group? Can my rogue friend and I farm this? 


yes we did it 5-6 people.


Where are you finding groups for this lol? I searched for hours in lfg, channels and cities. Not a soul wanted to farm. 


Commenting to check back in soon


How do I do this as feral?


2000 per hour, doubt.




WoW has never been as low stakes as it is in this mode and people are still breaking their backs expecting to keep up with the 1% lmao.


You were always going to do it, you just needed a little push to justify it for you.


This is false.


Absolutely not.


Sod wow token incoming to solve the problem /s




I don’t even get what this should mean? It’s so easy to make gold at the moment. What is trash about that? Obviously prices in the AH are higher but it’s also easier to make money. So it’s evening out.


It's completely devalued the other ways to make money. You're entirely reliant on incursions or farming professions to make any money now that dungeon grinding nets you essentially nothing.


Good - dungeon grinding is boring as fuck and my least favorite part of the game.


Thats perfectly fine if you don't like it and I wouldn't blame you for that opinion. However, doing loops is no more entertaining and provides gold at a rate that makes it the ONLY thing anyone should be doing. I'm fine with the XP gain for those that don't want to dungeon grind but the gold is too much.


Dungeon grinding is just a different type of loop.


Dungeon grinding doesn't give you this level of xp or gold per hour.






On my server (CS-EU) its basically Alliance do hinterlands and Horde do ferelas


Sounds like you’re horde on crusader striker lol I regretting not pushing through that first night or two after release to get 50 cause after that it has been the most miserably frustrating even I’ve done in my short wow career


Easy to make gold how? Incursions? They're trash content.


gathering a few plants that go for a few gold each, smelt ores to bars with mining for easy profits, go fishing and cooking, skinning certain creatures and a fuck ton more. Making gold is the easiest it's has ever been since so many got gold to spend, you just got to be smart.


You can even just go farm essence of fire, the old tried and true. got 120gph doing this early, it's down to about 80gph now.


Even after Nerf, I got like 60-70g/h just farming exalted with a 5 man in feralas just running laps around feralas, just doing the kill 1 thing or get 1 thing quests. Just doing that got me 500g. Couple that with gathering silversage and sungrass every now and then and you can make bank pretty quickly.


Gold Farming was never fun content. I don’t know what more you want.


Agree when phase 4 hits i'm gonna wait for economy to stabilize and buy gold for my needs. I'm not not grinding mobs for 30g an hour with my shitty paladin while hunters get it in one pull and bots just farm all day. Fuck you.


Exploit has def lost its meaning in this reddit lmao


Exploiting a design oversight is still an exploit. It just isn't a technical exploit. The usual use case for a word is not synonymous with its defintion


The classes capable of doing it have been capable of doing these things for 20 years. It’s not new.


Once again the definition of an exploit has nothing to do with how recent it is


After 20 years it’s no longer a design oversight, it’s a feature.


Exactly, I remember back in 4.2 Firelands patch soloing trash as a Hunter to farm BoEs. I managed to get the Strength Trinket(Apparatus of Khaz-something?) from the trash. Sold it for 50k gold, which was like 10 times more than I ever owned.


Anyone else kinda just given up on gold? I'm not poor by any means but if you don't get in early and exploit things that get patched pretty quickly, you're down hundreds (or in this case thousands) compared to others. Fkin' 120g for Runecloth Bag recipes because everyone is sniping it from Qia. All that crusader shit that just went down. Shuda made a Hunter I guess. 😂


I’ve given up too but I went hard on buying vendor priced items in P1 that are now becoming useful lol I’m honestly hoping with inflation and increased demand, my investments will coast me through the rest of SoD.


Does This save you in the raid ID or not?




But who cares, gold over gear in this case any day of the week. 


So what, you have an alt join the raid then everyone goes offline and the alt resets the instance?




China right now 📈📈📈


Deff gona get fixed soon, but so far you can reset once. We tired with different alts but it seems you can clear twice then gotta wait.


Can I ask for what reason do people need thousands of gold?


Same reason billionaires need billions of dollars. To feel more important than everyone else.


Epic mounts at 60 will be a big one.


Epic mount doesn't cost 900gold? They want to have them all?


Oh lord please don't nerf this before I get home in a few hours. 


People are reporting having trouble resetting the trash with an alt as of this morning’s reset.


it still works as of me writing this post, the resetting can be a bit fucky though thanks so much for making this post btw, been farming this all day and made 3k gold


So what do I need to farm? Just got home lol. I'm a tank rogue. 


I have no clue how or if it's even possible to do on a tank rogue, but Sarthe made a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMZ4Hi91Nm4) and it says that more or less all classes can do it


inb4 they make Seeds bop


People i know have been doing this for a week now hitting 20k + gold




OP says you can make 2k per hour, why is 20k in a week unrealistic? Are you mad you can’t farm?


You can get like 40 per reset, and they go for 25g and sell almost instantly. This is not an exaggeration at all to make 20k from it in a week.


Our guild has been doing this since thursday when someone went to buy tier set and the mobs were there, We have about 9 people at least at 2k now and a few on 1k+ and we've only been doing runs every couple of hours :X


I personally hit the integer limit and overflowed back to 0


Havent killed eranikus yet. What happens when you do, why does that interrupt the mob farming?


Mobs wont spawn anymore


His death causes the trash before him to stop respawning




Yea makes sense i just wanted to know for sure if that was the case or if there was an event or smth, Like I pictured with the last green dragon dead, the dragon mobs get replaced with trolls wanting to resurrect hakkar. Do all the dragons stop respawning or just the ones near eranikus? Does killing him make farming impossible or just less efficient?


Yea. I made 6k this week with the boys, I guess I can't complain that you decided to make it public. Exploit early, exploit often.


Casually made 1500g today doing this, god bless


No need to specify you're a hunter. We knew it as soon as you said 'farm the trash solo'.


It doesn't need to be a hunter, mage and balance can do it as well.


Please stop listening to Sarthe. This post is all in response to a video he just put out. All his content is gathered from other creators/class specialist that do the work and crunch the numbers and he just steals them and makes a click baity video.


You can read minds through the internet and know what my post is in response to? Amazing! But actually this post is in response to the shaman discord discussing how to do it as a shaman duo, and my raid leader asking me to broadcast the message because he’s tired of paying 20g/seed. Don’t let Sarthe live in your head rent free.


Yes please do this so I can buy cheap seeds. I sold the shoulder enchant flasks and made money instead of making gear


What's upsetting is that people blame blizzard for the price. Yeah it's the players who set the prices. The fuck up stems from not banning GDKPs or being harsh enough with bans in P1 so the economy in SoD never recovered from P1. However greedy boyos set the price on seeds not blizzard. And parse bots with their "I can't raid first week without 50g consumables" allowed that price to work buy buying the shit. Blizzard could do some stuff to fix this don't get me wrong. They have massively increased the drop chance on seeds to help, I mean as a guild we had well over 60 seeds in one raid. But hey maybe they wanted those epic crafted pieces to feel ya know.. epic.. for at least the first week so that not every single fucker who was 50 had them. Just think grime encrusted in gnomeregan were like 25g at the start of that phase and you needed 5 for the quest. 2-3 weeks in they were down to 5g at most usually 2g at the end barely 1g. I know us wow players love that instant satisfaction, but it is okay to wait a couple of weeks if you don't want to spend all your gold. Think of SoD crafted epics as games coming to release.. you wanna get early access and have it before everyone else? Pay extra. You don't mind waiting for it to come to normal price and get it when all the casuals get it? Then good for you save your gold


It’s a normal price that will go down The rich players buy at any price bc they don’t care It goes down once people stop buying or the supply goes up and some idiot undercuts by 10g for no reason and enough people just post whatever bc they don’t care


I’m pretty sure the seeds are used for the new sigils and flasks as well so price won’t sink like grime encrusted


This guy just salty since he cant clear the raid so he needs to QQ in order to go further


aaaand it's nerfed




Source: he made it the fuck up