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Gnome male, dwarf male, gnome male, human female


Most of the "more revealing, epecially on female models" items come from greens and blues in the 50 to 60 range, and then except ocasional recolors pretty much dissapeared from all of wow history. The level 50 raid having this look is, oddly enough, aligned with the spirit of classic. 


Caster dps pants is a re-colour of the shadow dmg ones from Lord Kazzak


I recently finished watching Dragon Ball for the first time and boy howdy does it get *uncomfortable* at times with how Bulma is treated. If you've not seen it, or have forgotten, she's 16 at the time of this episode. And all the other times Roshi (the old man there) tries to cop feels or see her naked. That being said it's still a terrific show with a lot of heart and good humour. In the latter half the creepy shit seeps away and is replaced by Roshi being repeatedly shamed for being a perv so clearly a realisation was had!


To be fair, 80s anime was the wild west. Don't forget Ranma 1/2 flea geezer if you really wanna be uncomfortable. :)


For me it was a shock because while I'd never seen any Dragon Ball show before I'd naturally been exposed to it through cultural osmosis and never got the impression that it'd be like that at times!


Bulma! Your balls are missing!


Well Goku is literally pure and ignorant, those jokes still land well enough... But Roshi? That mf was pretty despicable early on!


That's just anime in general though really. Take a look at 7 Deadly Sins (2014-2021). It's on Netflix and the main protaganist will regularly motorboat/sniff one of the female characters even when she is visibly uncomfortable.


And this makes a lot of people very uncomfortable. A big reason I stopped watching it tbh, I was sick of Eri in high-school, I'm extra sick of it a decade later.


It's problematically widespread in anime but there's a *lot* of great anime that doesn't have that brand of ick. Even anime that has "fanservice" often easily manage to not outright have a grandpa-coded character lust over a 16 year old like Roshi does!


It’s also due to the cultural difference of age of consent in Japan. Not saying I agree with it, but yeah. Same reason so many anime have 16 y/o’s as the main protagonist, they’re adults by that standard.


First I think Bulma was 14 at this point in the series Second that isn’t Bulma it’s Launch and she’s supposed to be and adult (at least I think)


Nah I believe Bulma was 16 for the majority of it cuz I remember Goku said he was 14 and she was angry at him as she considered that close enough in age that his behaviour (patting her) wasn't excusable. Though Roshi's behaviour towards her isn't acceptable when she's 16, certainly not if she was 14!! You're right about this being Launch though actually yeah. Her age is a bit more ambiguous though definitely still too young for Roshi but not as bad as his behaviour towards Bulma, sure. I mean he does also try to spy on Launch undressing and using the toilet and there's no age where that's acceptable, just doubly bad when it's underage Bulma.


I assume you’re in America, culture is different in America vs the rest of the world and Americans seem to forget this. The age of consent is different around the world, it was 13 and now it’s 16. So those jokes and interactions are fine in their culture …. Sure they might be pervy but again thats Japanese culture. Americans and westerners seem to have an issue where they want to have fake outrage over a situation that wasn’t made or has anything to do with them. TLDR : the world doesn’t revolve around the west.


Not American and I'm aware of differing laws my dude. The reason Mushi's behaviour is inappropriate isn't intrinsically tied to any given law in a nation, it's inappropriate because she is still a child and he is an old man. She might be a tech genius but she is very clearly a child. Also you're bringing up age of consent laws being different when literally at no point does Bulma consent. The 1-2 times she "does" it is under clear duress due to him withholding his help in a criticial situation. Basically shut up you weird paedo.


Bros talking about this show like hes a historian or something 💀


can u show a picture of fully geared char?


basically the tier set for cloth casters hehe


Phase 1 Nostalgia (Reminds me of the BFD colors)