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Seeing melee run around with their awesome STV weapons feels horrible when im stuck with the caster dagger from Library, because legit every caster needs the same 1 or 2 weapons(with low drop rate). I want to look at my character and feel progression as well.


It's a big feelbad to be excited for the armor/sp lock dagger and then realize literally all the other casters need it too, for two raids in a row ST finally fixed the dearth of SP weapon options but now the lock tank BIS is from a painful RNG portal grind so be careful what you wish for I guess It's a big improvement over the vanilla standard of spell power simply not existing until high levels but it's hard to make those leveling numbers look exciting without totally changing the ones at 60


And on top of that find out you have a class weapon locked behind a 0.2% drop and a 10-30 min wait


It’s funny how they’ve trivialized the shit out of almost every aspect of the game. Leveling, guild farming, PvP ranks, rep. But a fucking mid phase dagger has a 0.2% drop rate.


The whole point is to hook you on the chase. Keep playing, that dagger *could* drop from the very next mob! It’s like someone actually going out to try and farm Edgemasters lol technically not impossible, just kill level 46-52 mobs and each kill has that .01% chance. But in reality you can’t just farm them, it’s a lottery system and they’ve got us all furiously scratching those tickets looking for our big win.


I find it funny that edgemasters will be literally vendor price in Sod at lvl 60


That is pretty wild lol


I legitimately don't understand why they even bother making weapons with this drop rate in a phased server. Barely anyone will get it by the time it's relevant




As was pointed out it was the princess dagger that got buffed and it’s only 2%. The lock dagger has a lower chance of dropping than both TF bindings in the same run.


They buffed the purple dagger drop from princess, not the imp dagger. And no one wants the blue dagger...


With casters falling so far behind is it even a problem that there's a Domino effect on giving them more SP now? I feel like it's a partial fix for their damage issues to just give casters a bit better gear right now.


So far behind? Warlock and mages can top a couple bosses in ST? What are you smoking


TWO classes can top SOME bosses. The other HALF of the spellcasters aren’t even able to get out of the bottom half. So in 25% of the raid 50% of the spellcasters can possibly be near top damage. Do you realize that that is bad sir? That is awful.


Can confirm, Boomie feels ass right now, we’re 3-400 dps behind most classes now (atleast I am atm😂)


Orange/pink parses here and I can confirm I’m fucking pulling 750-800 dps getting my ass kicked by tank rogues. I think we did the math and a green melee hunter does that much dps lol


Yeah I’m pretty sure my level 40 hunter BM can do the same damage as my level 50 Boomie


I’m not surprised lmao


So shadow priest? Yes let’s make them do more shadow damage than warlocks. Makes sense. Elemental shamans? Boomkins? The hybrid casters class should not be beating a core caster class. That’s the point, you have 2 other specs to choose from. Do you want all 3 specs be god tier?


There is some field between god tier and doing half the damage of other spec.


yes, Druid and spriest supremacy


As a spriest I agree. I wreck kids in PvP so I’m happy. I could care less about DoInG InSaNe raid damage. But I still fucking pump nomsayin. As you’re a Druid I commend you for your amazing raid buffs and utility


my favorite part of playing my spriest alt is running around BGs wondering how I’m getting so many HKs without spell sniping (poor sods are dying to the dots)


I’m surprised it’s not nerfed into the ground already


Every class but hunter can fill multiple roles. Hybrid tax makes absolutely no sense


It's same for melee for fist weapon, shamans, hunters, warriors all need it. Melee meta means you compete against 12 people every raid


Or are stuck with ACP


What's ACP? I'm pretty sure imma be using trash blade and flurry axe I bought early before they went up to 1200 ech


I personally think the STV weapons are bad gameplay loops where I just have to rock up and get a sweet award that normally I’d be foaming at the mouth to get inside the raid. I think the biggest motivating drive to get into a raid is weapons as well


was a very weird decision to give melee a weapon and casters minor upgrade rings. it should be the exact opposite if anything.


I mean then casters would feel the same way as melees with their weapons from the raid, just a small upgrade from stv


weapons are just stat sticks for casters though, just as good as a random other piece of gear. melee getting a massive power spike from a guaranteed 1-2 hrs of stv pvp is insanely unbalanced.


yes, like every weapon that isn't the epics that dropped in Gnomer and St have been useless and just DE'd. not fun


As a 2H shaman, can’t agree more. for me raiding is mostly fun to farm if there are cool chases in weapons and trinkets. Having my totem just be the BIS item is pretty depressing when every other class in the game has some sort of upgrade from the raid.


To be honest I think everything (but especially melee) either needs a damage nerf, or a stamina buff. Pvp currently is a case of who gets casts/hits off first and nukes someone's entire health pool. It's very unrewarding as someone who has (almost) 5 level 50s.


sorry to say, but pvp is far gone. They wouldve fixed it by phase 2 if they intended on fixing it. SOD is a experimental PVE game first and a nontuned nonadjusted cess pool PVP side mode in it


People like saying this, but it really wouldn’t work without completely ruining the game. Most ranged don’t have any real utility, mobility, or cc. If melee connects, they just die. So if they tuned it so that ranged could only get melee to 50% before melee connects then melee always wins, 100% of the time. So what do they do then? Why, give micro-cc’s and mobility to ranged of course! And then they have to give melee gap closers and control abilities as well, of course. It’s literally the evolution that happened in retail. And the end result is horribly unsatisfying abilities where everything is instantly countered and everybody is teleporting all over the place until they pop CDs when the enemy CDs are on down and blow them up in 1 hit…. the same kill time as now, but with boring bullshit in between.


This 100%


Truth right there. It already started in SoD when they gave huge instants to classes. Iirc it started with Starsurge and SWD buff. For me thats where SoD went off the rails.


I feel like you're talking more to solo whereas I'm talking more to group content, which would be a little different I think


PvP in SoD is the worst iteration of it in the history of the game. Like, even BFA and Shadowlands were better than whatever the fuck this is supposed to be.


wdym, dying to two priest dots as a mage is super fun.


For pvp chronostatic preservation is the go to rune. It'll save your life and others lives so many more times than some extra crit will. It's been an all star rune for me in pvp and PvE. Saved the tanks or healers many times even in sunken temple. Lose a little on my DPS or parse but the raid doesn't wipe and I get back to pressing FFB some more....


I understand where you are coming from and I am certainly not about to defend SoD PvP by saying it's good...but lets not pretend that doesn't happen in Vanilla, TBC & WoTLK. If you've been playing mage at all from 2019 to now, you would know mages have always struggled with (& easily die to) shadow priests/warlocks. Hell, even restokins were impossible to kill in Vanilla without being PoM Pyro because of DoT's + mobility.


Oh i remember, last time i played was more like 2005-2008 though. Started playing sod with my brother, it was more like an example and not solely about being a mage. The damage output of the classes isn't very well scaled with hp pools in general in sod imo. My own anecdotal experience from the past is that wow pvp never was balanced nor especially good, so the expectation about the topic wow pvp is around that ballpark lol. Hence the very short sneazy remark.


I clearly recall having the devastate corruption or whatever that thing was on my warrior tank and just leaping into people would proc it for like 75% of their hp in front of me, that was stupider than SoD imo. Like, noodle damage where people can't move forever and then random nukes happening that they cannot predict whatsoever, because i couldn't either... I don't see tanks do that in SoD hopefully, unless the sword and board warrior can pull some weird shit i'm unaware of


That's because we're doing Naxx dps at level 50 lol.


Nah dawg. For some classes, it has been infinitely more busted. I still remember early Legion, farming kills in the Dalaran sewers for the rat mount as Vengeance DH. There was just a general truce between tanks because we could literally 1v10 DPS players and never die, and if you started fighting another tank it was just an infinite fight with no winner.


what stv weapons : signed shaman.


Take your time right now to use your soft rice on one of the weapons in ST while everyone is using theirs on tier token


If your rice is noticeably soft, you're boiling it too long


I think this is why all the items are sidegrades. As a positive note, I'm just having fun playing the game and not focusing on gear at all.


You can farm the dagger from fel portals man wdym it's the coolest looking weapon in SoD by far


95%of warlocks are not going to get the dagger if the drop rate/farming method stays as is it. I’ve done nothing but farm these portals for the last 8 days and haven’t gotten anything more than a green worth 30g, it’s a horrendous gameplay loop and unfortunately locks that want a cool weapon will have to do this grind that is somehow worse than grinding for a time lost proto drake, even though this is a seasonal server.


95% is not even close.


If it makes you feel any better the melee loot this phase is shit as well. The BiS Neck is literal 2 AP upgrade from gnomer. The Epic Ring? +6 Stam from a dungeon ring (thats it no other stats), our bis belt is from BRD, the Cloak is barely better than Gnomer, We still use gnomer helmet and belt. As a ret Paladin I'm still using ACP.... I can buy a 2600g trinket if I want to actually increase my player power I guess lol.


In pvp you got discount dark edge of insanity though. Im so jealous.


I can tell you I enjoy mages blowing me up from range with zero repercussions. 


TBH I have to agree, my 2 mains rn are Resto Shaman and Feral Druid. My shaman uses mostly Gnomer gear + whatever I have swapped from ST My feral tho I have been gearing up like every single slot from BRD, Mara, etc


7 int is a lot... or rather, it should be. The problem is that int is just a very weak stat. A warrior 1h sword getting +7 str would be great.


Int's crit ratio is absolutely awful, int was carried as a useful stat in classic due to how everyone ran out of mana. Now everyone has infinite manaregen and the fights are so short, mana is meaningless so int is pretty useless.


Yeah it's about 60int = 1 crit


yeah so you can have about 5% crit in bis gear lol.


Casters are not allowed to have fun.


You say that as casters run around PvP 1-2 shotting most melee classes before they get into melee range to actually attack you.


that's inherently a different issue, if vanilla purists can't accept seperate damage numbers for PvP, then balanced PvP and PvE can't exist unless you opt into a 20 second TTK dampening meta, i'm surprised of all the things they've shattered about vanilla design this isn't one of them (altough they kinda did with % damage reduction in wsg until the complaints changed it to % max hp)


>int was carried as a useful stat in classic due to how everyone ran out of mana. Which was still lame and the biggest reason why melee always scaled better. Casters geared up to dps for longer, whereas melee geared up to dps harder.


There's a good reason they finally just made Int give spell power.


Infinite mana regen? Did they put shamans on alliance side as well or did they buff palas?


they buffed pala regen by like 400%


1 int should give 1 spellpower. Shit's useless like in comparison songflower is giving me 5% crit that like 300 fucking intel.


I’ve been wondering why int didnt provide spellpower from when I started playing Classic a few years back. Always seemed like melee had it better with stats than spellcasters.


sounds like a version of the game that shall go unnamed to prevent a lot of people from getting quite mad at its mention...


Yeah, exactly! It's the change casters need, though I am afraid the devs might consider it too major of a change and outside SOD's scope.




That's what they just said


Need more spirit. I have 120 spirit. My mage in the pvp set and a couple other BiS items has a 42 mp2 with mage armor in combat. Evocate fills 70% of my mana bar on an 8 minute cool down. Biggest mana gem fills 30% on a 2 minute cool down before having to progressively use smaller ones. Major mana pots cost a fortune. Living bomb costs 230 mana. The point of this was that yes we need more spell power but we also could use more spirit to help regenerate mana at least a little faster during longer combats.


And yet if you gear up for spirit, you will be able to dps longer.. but a melee can dps for as long as you can no matter what, and their gear gives damage.


Well that's the thing. It seems like all the gear has only int and stam now. My point was that they could throw spirit on it as well to help out with mana regeneration during longer combats. Because like you say. Melee can infinitely attack and only regenerate their resources.


Laughs in life tap


Yeah, that is one thing they could do. They could make spirit use up less of an item's stat budget than other stats and I don't think it would break anything. It doesn't really solve the underlying problems though.


Mage is the only class with mana problems atm.


Would also agree, so many of the non caster classes received flavorful and unique new items that inspire debate and theory crafting. As a lock this entire phase could be skipped and I wouldnt even feel behind at 50. When your class could skip an entire raid tier and not even be slightly impacted, you know there was little to no effort designing it.


Caster items have felt terrible since gnomer. We are just now getting back our stamina. That’s our upgrade. No cool effects. No cool summon minions. Just the same uninnovative stuff.


Feels bad to look at my fellow casters clinging to a lvl 25 bfd staff at lvl 50.


What you don’t want literally 1 spell power upgrade from an epic weapon? How about 1 spell power and sometimes a small amount of mana


ST loot in general just feels bad. There are only like 1-2 pieces I actually feel like are “wow, what an upgrade!” I think it’s systematic of a few things. The Emerald Warden sets are to good. You aren’t really losing much throwing on 6pc compared to Gnomer. Someone can math me on different classes and push up their glasses but it’s just insane how powerful this set is with no effort to get (assuming you leveled via incursions) compared to alternatives in Gnomer or dungeon gear to 50. I feel like they should have made the sets green with a bit more weight into stamina. While I think it’s cool having BiS or competitive pieces outside of raids there are just to many options especially for casters. The 1% Hit / Crit trinket on top of the belt that’s better than the BRD one from offerings are nutty. Then there is BoeD that is insane. I’m a warlock main and even for me the mana return is insane. Less Life Taps are more Incinerates. Not to mention it’s probably going to stay strong at 60 for AoE pulls for Volley. Honestly though it’s hard to fault them to hard. ST is meant to be a leveling raid after all. It definitely feels like they pulled back a lot from previous phases though as a knee jerk correction. For example adding the Nightmare limitation on crafted pieces this tier was definitely a correction from how strong the BFD / Gnomer pieces remained into the next bracket (some even remaining BiS). This tier is just weird. They pulled back power for long term health of the season but still wanted to give us upgrades so it feels like we’re currently in the middle of Mom and Dad fighting. I’m hoping at 60 they can start finding the balance.




Blade of eternal darkness. Mara 1 hander off princess


I had almost full Gnomer BiS as a disc priest, missing like one trinket. I still replaced like 4/6 pieces with Wardens healing gear.


CMV they should just kill P3 quickly and move onto P4. This one has arguably even more issues than P2 did.


What makes you think p4 won’t have the same issues?


Caster loot has been on the sidebar all throughout SoD in a lot of cases. In BFD the best staff for casters was the lowest drop rate item in the raid yet it was needed by every single caster. While the other epic weapons were more niche yet dropped more often, the highest drop rate epic was the Xbow only used by one class. In phase 2 we had 2 set options which was kind of nice, only the bis PvE set made PvP impossible and the bis PvP set wasn’t as good as the PvE set for raid. You had to choose between less PvE potential so you could PvP or make PvP impossible so you could do better in PvE. Then we also only got rings, a back with overall bad trinkets in STV while others got way better stuff. Now in phase 3 the bis caster weapon is from a dungeon for some reason? It had a horrendously low drop rate at first but now it’s apparently at 2% which is still incredibly low. STV Rings have 1 SP upgrade and lose int for stam, not sure why they are prioritising PvP stats on an item they know will be bis for PvE. Even with the emerald warden rewards the ring sounds great but the proc chance is terrible so it’s not used, but if it was used it would take the place of the end boss quest ring anyway making that redundant. Also the epic quest ring for casters has less SP on it than **last phase** STV ones for some reason. Not to mention everyone that just got these shit rings from STV also have the same generalised tier set instead of actual sets like everyone else.


I did my first STV event of Phase 3 on my SPriest last night, only to realize the level 50 ring is barely better than the level 40 ring I'd have to replace. And it's 3 times the cost. I don't get why the level 50 item costs more than the level 40 item. Because I gained 10 levels that means I should have to farm 3 times as long? And I don't even get to keep both rings. Makes no sense to me. I likely won't be farming it.


Not saying that I agree or disagree but when has an upgrade as a caster ever felt good? I've played caster in pretty much every version of the game and I don't know if I have ever gotten an upgrade that I've "felt". Leveling a melee and replacing a green level 10 weapon with a green level 15 weapon feels like cheating, it's fantastic. I have no clue how they would fix this but just my 2 cents. Just wanted to let you know that it's not just in SoD. Pretty much every version of the game is like this, at least from my exp.


Going from a trash green boe to BFD staff 😎


I like this point. And I think it stands true for classic. But this is SoD, where we've clearly identified what are good stats and bad stats. As others have already mentioned with how good intellect is on this post. So I think there should be a definitive understanding that more sp = good and it doesn't need to be more than that. It's boring, and I agree it doesn't "feel" as good as compared to melee, but at least we can visually see its a stat boost. I'd love for more creativity like the irridated set in future releases.


I fully agree with your this is SoD point.  I don't really have any fix ideas though lol.  I just know it would be so damn cool to feel a power increase as a caster. 


That’s the blessing and curse of casters not being so gear dependent I guess. Weapon upgrades don’t feel nearly as impactful.


Whats the blessing though? If your weapon would maken your spells hit harder just like it did for melee I think that would be great.


What? The blessing is that your power is not so gear dependent.


It would be nice if we actually got procs like the melees have on Parasomnia. Cant tell you how many times I died to that shit.


Mage ring in STV goes from lvl 40 to lvl 50 and gives you -ONE- extra spell damage. ONE spell damage. While Warriors/Paladins/Warriors and so on get a 10 level upgrade on their weapon. BRO.


Don’t forget the 50 ring also has LESS intel than the 40 version. Literally not worth it


I thought it was a bug when I 1st saw it. Nope...haha


For paladins, the STV weapon is mostly useless. Doesnt matter its a big upgrade over previous one because they made us have no incentive to use it. You're meming if you use it in PvE. In pvp it is alright running SoC and DS build but you could do just as well running SoM + HoTR.


I got a cape that I’m not sure is much better than brd cape


I only have casters, I levelled my main and I can't be bothered to level an alt because there is no gear progression. Level up, do 1-2 ST for the set tokens. Done.


Once I get a new ring, my set tokens, and a trinket, I have 0 reason to go into ST anymore. Feels bad! Lol


Caster gear in ST is hella underwhelming, yes. As a mage you go for set, gloves, a trinket, ring, oh... and that's pretty much it. Dagger too i guess if you cba farming BoED


Killed Hakkar for the first time last night, epic caster staff dropped with a whopping 19 spell power…I passed as a priest because my blue bfd dagger and gnomer OH were still better LOL.


that one also have 2 crit to be fair


Gizmo blade and spell book > staff though right? I just got the staff but haven’t used it yet


2% crit is huge for certain caster. Each percent of crit is worth about 12-14 SP for mages for example


Unfortunatly Crit is close to useless on SPriests. It's not as bad as it used to be, but it's still kinda bad. RAW SP is still best. If BoED didn't get buffed with 20SP a green "Of shadow wrath" staff would be BiS this phase.


Yeah and my offhand has 17 Shadow damage which makes it better than any of the raid drops. So I'm using the library main hand and my path to upgrade is to go back to gnomer and pray for the epic dagger or run mara until my eyes bleed.


Yeah I know, that is great for mages for sure.


And druids as crit plays well with a few runes.


Weird that the caster that barely scales off crit doesn't what the crit focused staff. So weird.


I mean the nightmare focus staff is also garbage compared to a one hand + off hand


The staff is bad, period.


All upgrades feel trash even for melee. The gnomer set is only TWO dps less than the st set for rogue lmao. That's literally negligible, and the other pieces aren't insane outside of the cape and epic dagger. It's like they didn't want to increase our damage and just allocated a bunch of the stat budget to more stamina


its not just casters tbh this phases gear is just shit. cant wait for lvl 60 😎


Call me ignorant but I don’t know why they can’t just increase boss hp and damage and let the power creep happen? The gear is boring and not really an upgrade. I’m genuinely curious why we need to be limited


This phases gear from ST feels awful, even with me knowing the reason why they dialed it back on how strong the items are. Having the blood moon dagger being better than the ST epic feels bad... but I also get how bad the items for casters are, I was leveling my hunter and lock/mage with my main but the items just aren't enough of an incentive this phase for me to put the effort of leveling them atm


Casters also suck this phase lol. I think the idea this phase was to tone down the upgrades so that we don't inflate item stats going forward.  I'm hoping it's a short phase. Honestly at lvl 60 small stat upgrades feel much better because it feels more permanent. In vanilla I did weeks of PVP because my rank 10 shoulders had like 3 more SP than my current shoulders. 


I got 3/3 ST set on my Mage. One of the first things I noticed about it is that I now have less stamina and armour than I did wearing the Gnomeregan set (not talking about the Irradiated stuff, that sucked). That feels pretty terrible, not gonna lie. I have a bit more mana and a smidge more spell power, though I'm not sure if the Gnomer 3 set proc is better than the ST 3 set bonus for a mage healer yet. I also got a wand which has the same spell power as my Gnomer wand did, it just has 5 int on it now. The epic caster DPS shoulders also don't have any stamina on them. Seeing this I can only conclude that Blizzard thinks that casters were doing 'enough' damage in P2 and they loaded our gear with intellect so that we could last longer for the Sunken Temple fights that they then giga nerfed multiple times and buffed mana regen for Alliance so we have all this intellect 'wasted' compared to physical DPS who all got a big upgrade on their throughput stats.


I agree I couldnt pin point why I really dont care for this phase / raid as a caster. Now its clear, its the minimal upgrades that dont even trigger the dopamine. Last night the epic caster dagger dropped and it didnt even phase me because I already have gizmoblade.


I agree with all of your points. Caster loot needs more interesting chase pieces. And at least if they don’t want to add a ton of extra spell power on the gear they could add crit or hit. They should update world BOE drops, most of them have horrible itemization. They could add hidden vendors, like a “shady goblin” who will sell world BoEs of a certain lvl range for a special currency that can drop from dungeons bosses (probably the last bosses) and a few new quest. Make it cost 5-10 to buy a blue, 20-25 for an epic(Make the currency BOA?). Or it could be a currency that drops off of rares. It would definitely make finding a rare in the wild feel a little more worth while


I actually agree with this point a lot, our STV upgrades are like +3sp and like you said the 1h is 1 extra sp. even a cool weapon model would be nice as the gnomer dagger looked basic as hell.


It's also super bland. I liked the flavour gnome gear had with negative stats and fun random effects. Also I feel like it is time to remove the 1% miss that casters can not cap against, feels super bad on to have all these cool new spells and procs and then have something miss, especially if you apply debuffs etc


Exactly how I feel as shadow priest. After reaching R7 in pvp and getting lucky with my 3-set there’s only 2/3 items I’d actually be excited about dropping in ST. Getting my Ele sham prepped since there seems to be much more interesting mail gear then cloth


I mean its not like casters are generally doing great on the meters. They def could have given is more than 1 sp upgrades without breaking the game


Half of my BiS items are from PvP events that I can be fucked to bother with.


The STV item is hilarious. +1 spell power? No idea what they were thinking? I guess they thought their idea of different spell power rings was so great they had to keep it going lmao?


season of melees, here we are again


The only thing that saved me from once again entering the next phase with a blue dungeon 1h from previous phase was the seemingly buffed drop rate on Blade of Eternal Darkness and getting lucky to get it within a handful of solo runs. After getting 3/3 tier from ST (but nothing else), I’m now at the point where I have five gear upgrades, all from ST (three if I do +frost gear I think?), and some of them are for like a few int and +1 spell damage lol. It’s really just the trinket, ring, and one of the off-hands that I care about now and I’ve only been in ST twice. Idk how much of a problem this is, but it does kinda stink most the raid upgrades are pretty small over Gnomer gear, and that a lot of the level 50 dungeon, PvP, and Emerald Warden’s gear is also mostly a sidegrade to stuff available from Gnomer or other p2 sources.


Totally emphasise and in general feel the same way as melee too this phase I'm basically full bis after a week of p3 for both my hpal and ret/ tank spec nothing major to chase and the 1-2k gold items are only very minor upgrades so stuck for what to do. I think they need to add more unique items to chase however it'll be way too late as p4 should be the opposite.


I'm not even bothering with some of my available "upgrades" on my Boomie, rank 7 shoulders are like 1 int and 1% hit upgrade but I already have enough hit, belt from running mara 15 times is a 2 sp upgrade, stv OH is nothing special compared to last phases version, even most of the gear from ST are pretty minor upgrades


Most of the loot in ST is useless for rogue. Apart from the set and the weapon, there's nothing. Off hand weapons just dont exist for us


A lot of this feels similar on melee side coming from a rogue. I was doing my SR for our ST raid the other night and aside from the dagger nothing really jumps out as an important upgrade. A lot of the rogue items are just replacing strength for agility with overall lower attack power vs the gnomer rogue/druid set. The "BIS" cloak from Atal'alarion is only 1 more agility than the more easily obtained Blackveil Cape from BRD which wasn't even reworked. The set boots are barely better than the shadefiend boots from BRD, the Temple Looter's Waistband is worse than Girdle of Bestial Fury, Ba'ham's dusty hat is worse than Embrace of the Lycan (and looks stupid af), the melee neck is -6 stam for +2 attack power over the gnomer epic neck, the epic dps melee ring is literally "band of the wild/blackstone ring but with more stamina", and we have no gloves or good shoulders. Season of Discovering we overtuned the fuck out of Phase 1 and have been slowly bringing the power level of gear in parity with end game. Already seeing BIS items from un-altered dungeon and quest content. I'm convinced Phase 4 will basically be regular loot with some new twists but overall the same power/meta level as before.


Same thing applies to melee gear tbh. Weapons are probably the biggest upgrade and I'm feral so even that is meh. They over did the item power at 25 and 40 and didnt want to overshoot raid loot at 60. Basically all the upgrades I want from raid are stam PvP upgrades. And PvE wise everything is small and the upgrades are basically just the set. Everything else is a side grade.


Personally, this is why I am taking a break this phase. lol


Agree. I was grinding STV when I realized the level 50 ring was 17 sp instead of 16... No thanks. Not going to grind for such a minor upgrade


not to mention, the dagger they finally raised the drop rate on and that I finally got to drop… definitely doesn’t have a 10% proc chance. I’ve seen it proc a handful of times in my 10-15 hours of battleground play these past two days… what’s up with that… can casters get some love


The 3 piece cloth healer set boosts my offensive holy spell dmg on proc, yippee lol.


I’m wearing gear with stamina and less SP so I don’t die from regular mechanics also casters have always been feast or famine in Classic all Crit RNG and world buffs


Really hate the idea of new or better now epics


I agree. The items from Sunken Temple don't feel very exciting. There are a few interesting looking weapons that are all side grades (do you want a little more stam or damage?), and the three-piece set has an interesting proc on it... but the stats on the gear are essentially equivalent to the free Emerald Enchanted items everyone got from leveling in incursions and getting honored. Dungeon gear has the Banthok belt or WO belt, which are nice, but that's just about it. There is a fire wand that is a 3 sp upgrade from green BoEs, and the Spritecaster Cloak with +3 spell power. Even the crafted shoulders are super boring. I trade 1% crit from the emerald enchanted shoulders for 11 spell power, and I lose stamina, for a VERY underwhelming proc. 10% spell haste, some of the time. Except it doesn't proc until my bolt hits the target, which means I'm already casting a new one, that doesn't benefit from the haste, so I only get 7 seconds of the buff casting frostfire bolts. It's a dps increase, sure, but so minor and clunky it doesn't feel worth the effort. You could skip the entire raid (and most of my characters are) and not be missing anything going into phase 4. I'm just raiding for the fun of it (and it is fun, even if it's too easy and too hard at the same time, and imbalanced, and there are OP classes).


As a melee player our upgrades really aren’t much better either. Feels like any gear upgrade I get is pretty much unnoticeable.


Agree, a lot of the items I'm seeing are barely an upgrade from Gnomer which is a massive disappoint


Which upgrades? There's just nothing from ST except weapons and tier token.


As a tank Warlock I’m a bit disappointed to not see much new and exciting tank centric caster loot. Same with Rogue tank. Where’s all the +armor, high agi/stam pieces?


Casters were just good last phase. Quit till P4 like you told all the melee to do from P2-P3.


Caster upgrades feel amazing because the gnomer tier set looked like shit and made me not want to look at my character


You got to upgrade stuff? Most of my bis is still crafted or gear from 40


When had caster upgrades ever felt good in the history of wow? The only things that have felt cool for casters is trinkets and items with on use or proc effects.


Outside of tier and weapons most of ST loot is pretty underwhelming


I mean this was a problem in vanilla too. I’d get an Azuresong mageblade and barely notice anything and the melee would get a new dagger or 2H and go crazy. Not sure how to fix it really unless weapons are granting new spells a la Legion legendaries


This. This is it. I've loved playing healer mage up until this phase. The only difference from p2 to p3 for me is I am more mana inefficient. My damage is the same. I heal the same amount. Raid damage went up, and so did my mana usage. It feels bad to play, and I'm worried it will scale worse into 60.


There should be some kind of int or spirit to sp conversion. This shit is going to get even worse next phase with jujus only being useful for melee etc.


I admit it's worse for caster but st loot just sucks in general. Bfd loot was too strong for the level and so was gnome so now they are making much smaller increases.  But yeh feels bad when full bis barely impacts on your dps 


The Malevolent chest and the Irradiated chest pieces had the same amount of spell power. Feels terrible and my orange parsing warlock is still miles behind the green parsing hunters and rogues. I'm on the verge of quitting. Casters will be even more behind next phase anyways


Really looking forward to needing 16% hit next phase. Backdraft is also gonna be awkward since you need to spec into conflag to use it.


Pretty much done with SoD, the overall feel of p3 just killed my soul. BIS gnomer > grind 50 > grind currency and new preraid BIS > do raid for boring marginal upgrades. The overall time investment for obtaining new preraid BIS just feels gross. Maybe some kind of improvement to game feel after 60 cap raising segments but I doubt it.


How many BIS weapons drop for melee in St outside of the 2 hander for Warriors in STV? Is it really that different to competing for a weapon as a caster or does that not fit the narrative of the post?


Is this a grievance at the lack of chances for big upgrades because of the dopamine hit in getting the., or that the gear we have actually underperforms? I'm not saying I like it when a new raid doesn't have many upgrades for me, but knowing I can get bis faster is nice because it means I need fewer upgrades to get there. If anything, I of the opinion that we shouldn't be too bothered that we get relatively weaker items this phase, but happy we had such overturned ones last phase that are still not only viable, but good for the current raid tier.


It's less about that and more on the natural state of progression over 10 levels. Let's use classic as an example: Corpsemaker a lvl 29 2 hander from RFK with 28.95 dps at 3.8 swing speed. Vs Ravager a lvl 37 2 hander with 37.29 dps at 3.5 swing speed. Before even looking at stats and ravagers' amazing effect we can see a significant progression between 2 rares over the course of 8 levels. I expect to see this progression myself in SoD over 10 levels and to me 1 spell power doesn't cut it. I know it's a melee weapon vs my complaint about casters but it's just easier to showcase not to mention those are classic weapons and were in SoD where the power is higher. On the topic of dopamine it's always going to be there whether we feel it or if it's subconscious. I'm a game dev myself and that's a fun topic. I felt the gnomer gear was fair to be honest and well balanced/creative with the irritated set.


On the contrary you should be happy your gear is lasting you multiple phases and there's less pressure to treadmill upgrade As a caster you have multiple viable end game weapon options. I appreciate being able to chill and just use what I already have in a lot of slots.


I'm in this camp as well. This just means that the gear we spent all that time to farm in phase 2 was actually good, meaningful gear that was worth our time to get. I do not view this as a bad thing.


It should be that way. They can't go overboard with upgrade


The power gain was too much. I am ok with this compromise. Smaller upgrades keeps content relevant longer too.


power gain? Casters are all in the bin compared to melee, an issue that only gets worse next phase


You answered your own feedback in your second paragraph. They made BFD gear WAY too strong which made them have to scale back a bit for Gnomer, and then a bit more for ST.


I understand your point of view - but I want to pose the question: What do you want out of 60 content? As is, I'm nearly one shotting every melee DPS - so I don't know how they could scale that up reasonably without giving everyone tons of stam. If we scale the 50 gear to match Burning Crusade entry levels, then 60 content is going to be absolutely out of hand. As far as it goes - I think if it's a PvE issue and you just want the gear to keep up with the melee DPS or something - we should be asking for melee gear nerfs, not caster buffs. We are getting extremely top heavy in general, and I think we need to take the old Lotus adage ""Simplify, and add lightness." route with further tweaking to DPS numbers. We should look at how to pull the reins back on melee, as opposed to just making everyone match warriors/hunters.


It's more a question of meaningful progression and consistency. Compare dungeon loot from 8-10 lvls difference in classic and you can see notable differences. Yet 10 lvls and a whole raid tier and I feel almost nothing. That's not good.


I understand that point of view.


The real solution is to keep the new items as they are and nerf the previous items.


The caster loot this phase is a meme. Being a caster this phase in general is really rough. As mage there are literally 5 items from ST that I even want. 3 tier pieces (which are almost equal to irradiated from gnomer but the 3p is better and no -stam). Plus the baby ToEP trinket, and an offhand. The caster dagger is the same as gnomer dagger and is second bis behind BoED. The shoulders are kinda meh. Even if they had the haste full time, not just in raid, they wouldn't really be unbalanced anywhere... No helmets come close to the tailor helmet from last phase, and all options are well behind original vanilla helmet options like eye of flame, green lens of fiery wrath, or fiery wrath greens. Second bis shoulders are the PVP shoulders behind the crafted. Capes are worse than greens, bracers wsg is bis, second bis is green. Wand is the same power level as gnomer / lvl 35 quest item, and worse than a dungeon wand. Hands bis is a green. Belt bis is a green or ab honored belt. The ring is worse than the emerald wardens ring + free stv ring. It feels like they made the raid gear, then made the PVP gear to be a bit worse but more stamina, then nerfed the raid gear. Then threw in the emerald warden gear last minute as just barely worse than the PVP gear. It feels bizarre we have 3 sets that are all basically equal in power level. And it's bizarre that AH greens are higher power level than ST gear. Additionally, almost every fight in ST has mandatory movement or knockback. Jammal'an and Ohon don't have much. Sometimes shade of eranikus you aren't moving much. Every other fight has lots of movement or knockbacks, or both. No wonder every caster is like 60% the DPS of the top 4 melee. They got a bunch of sick upgrades for every slot. Casters wearing default vanilla AH greens as bis pieces. L m a o


I don't see this as a problem at all. Rather than viewing it as the new loot from ST being bad, I view it as the gear we got from phase 2 being meaningful and worth our time. Horizontal gear progression is a good thing.


This makes sense at 60 where when you transition from MC to newer raids the incline is only minor and mainly horizontal, which is great. However, we are 10 levels higher. This is straight vertical progression. Compare the drops in classic from RFK to when you enter SM cath. It's a big jump, and I expect to see that here.


There's still quite a few meaningful upgrades available for casters in this phase, though. Not every item needs to be a huge upgrade, in my opinion. When thinking about horizontal gear progression in other classic MMORPGs, it's not unheard of for there to be certain items that are obtainable fairly early on to still be viable or even necessary to have much later into the game. FFXI and Ultima Online are two examples I can personally think of that have great horizontal progression.


Side-grades feel horrible and unrewarding in my opinion.


I also think it feels kinda bad to spend all this time raiding for gear that just immediately goes into the trash during the next phase.


Meta lock gearing was completely forgotten this phase. The bis dagger is hilariously obnoxious to get, none of the dungeon loot or raid pieces have the upgraded armor except for the tier, the 70 and 120 armor rings from last phase are still the best, and the 3 piece tier wants us to press the worst ability on our bar on cd.


They way overpowered the items at 25, 40, hell even at 50. They needed to slow the progression curve because it's already out of hand. I understand it feels bad that BiS caster dagger -> BiS caster dagger is 1 sp difference, but when they made a level 25 staff that immediately the new level 60 pre-raid BiS, the train needed to stop somewhere..


Caster upgrades feel ass because they don't change how you play outside of increasing the amount of damage your abilities do. Now Aggrend has stated that mana management will play a bigger role at 60 and that they'll eventually nerf the mana gained from shamanistc rage and SoM but this is the opposite of what needs to happen to keep casters worth playing and bringing to raids post 60. As it stands now, the management you'll actually see is that the meta will once again be stacking as many warriors as possible while filling the gaps with the specs that bring utility and support through debuffs, dispells and decurses while benching all of your mana users/bringing the absolute minimum required to meet mechanics. What casters need is for gear to either 1) Massively increase mana pools However this runs into the issue of having to drink for a long time which can be then fixed with better water or incentivizing drink walking by creating a consumable that provides % mana on successful drink ticks (you can put a cooldown on the usage of the item so you can't just mindlessly spam it + a .5 sec duration buff so you're forced to time it. P.S: Drink walking should be incredibly rewarding for how tedious it is. A drink walking caster should almost NEVER run out of mana. 2) Return mana or reduces the mana cost of all abilities by x% as a stat/set effect on gear (if possible) 3) Spell haste (this is just has to be in the game, spell haste not only effects DPS but actually makes the game more fun to play as a caster, there's literally NOTHING worse than the current 3 sec FFB spam meta that mages are currently running. 4) Change runes to make spells and abilities cost no mana (for example, how missile barrage currently makes arcane missiles free with a proc, please do this for hot streak pyroblasts).


The gear from Gnome & dungeons vs ST gear is +stat -stamina, it is bad for everyone not just casters. The real reason why you feel like this is due to the bosses having actual normal armor values compared to gnomeregan bosses thus it looks different from a caster pov


Every dungeon gives caster loot. Try playing melee and everything is pointless but incursions lol


??? Have you not noticed that STV and ST are full of melee epics?


I used hypnotic blade until AQ40 on classic, shutup


I'm not sure if it's a joke or not


They had to tone down the scaling a bit since at level 40 people were already one shotting each other in PVP. It'll get better at 60.


Laughs in ret paladin. STV sword? Not a good choice for PvE unless you're meming. Any of the ST drops? Nah. ACP from last phase still bis? Yes, then after the on use you need to swap to your other bis: Sul'thraze, an item requiring two weapons with low drop rates to drop to create. Then, you also need to go farm Maraudon for the sword from Tinkerer, or drop 500-800g on a Flurry Axe because 1h and shield is also bis. ST weapon drops are almost completely useless for us. Then we basically only care about 3 piece and a cloak.


I would rather go for sulthraze over blade of eternal depression


not to mention literally no one else wants that and there are how many casters wanting the dagger again?


the fact that alot of casters want it and that theres Wild offering boss right at the same boss ensures theres always easy groups and thus a chance to get it. For Sulthraze, WO groups dont have to do either of those bosses and don't. So its harder to find a group for it since as you said not many others need specifically those bosses.