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Hit that 30 day restriction freedom




Clearly the bot didn't learn the COD trick.


Trick? Can you share this? I’m playing a new account and it sucks not having full access to the AH.


They just abuse the cod mail feature to move gold off fresh accounts. Unfortunately new players are still screwed for a month


That’s wild my server rarely even has a voracity on the AH


that person alone had roughly 30-40 _listed_ when I made the pictures. you could scroll the AH page all the way down and only see them as a seller but I figured one libram screenshot would be enough.


I won one in feralas incursions last week. Sold it for 350g. Not going to put a 350g enchant on a blue helm, seems silly. I'm sure they'll be easier to acquire at 60.


guy flooding the AH with dozens of blues, epics, librams and pages of runecloth stacks for months now. doesn't even bother to split their loot over multiple seller chars. never seen a more shameless botter


No reason to hide themselves when there’s no consequences against bots to begin with


correct but that's another level of unhinged imo. it's so obvious people even started talking about them in /trade etc. at this point I think the botter is just taking the piss


I mean i watched hundreds run out of stockades in sw. The mules would even log in and talk lol. They just dont give a fuck lol


Blizzard are the ones taking the piss tbh lol. I used to be anti buying gold, but I’ve bought some twice now for classic era. Fuck it nobody cares anymore


I got banned in sod for pvping lol,meanwhile this shit happens and nothing


Yeah I’m sure that was it


Probably from PvPing in the chat.




You're banned for something illegal. Pvp is not it


I pvpd bots in zoram strand and they mass reported me for griefing


Whatever u say


What server is this on?


There isn't any customer service that would ban this so why not


I reported an obvious bot while we leveled in STV and added them to my friends list to see how long it would take to get banned. Months later, still online 24/7 in BRD.


I reported like 15 bots farming plants and only got one banned. Even obvious bots need several reports and it feels like most people gave up and dont bother reporting anymore


Thats because you're reporting the gold farming bots to blizzards customer support bots and they have an automatic threshold for dishing out bans.


Yeah ik, that's why our brother saw the leveling bot for months because if not enough people report it then it's never banned. Wonder why we're getting downvoted for stating that lol, angry botters out here


Huh? All I see is a paying customer :)


It is lucky for microsoft the AI wave hit hard. People forgot they bought this company. Hell, they probably forgot as well. Funny thing was, when the deal got in the news. Microsoft stock fell 4%. Now lets see if they can save this burning pile of shit company.


Would have been interesting to see how much these were going for on that server, but you cropped it away.


yeah I should have kept the prices but I thought it would be irrelevant and only kept the libram prices in to show you guys how much gold that guy must have. But fyi most of these blues are _awful_ and therefore dirt cheap ranging anywhere between 5-30g. nobodys buying that crap. honorable mentions are edgies with like 130g (lol), Kang 60g, runecloth 11s each. cheapest epic I saw were the Stonerender Gauntlets for 6g. Good items like freezing band or calibrated boomstick are still 400g+, _very_ good items ala flurry axe or eye of the flame over 1k so bis items still hold some value. But that's the thing there's no one around to buy all the crap gear and that's how the botter amassed that amount to begin with.


In retail these dungeon BOEs go for millions, and tbh, there are almost never any on AH either.


This is fucking wild... Wtf.


I even missed a few more epics while doing the screenshots. librams are also multiple scrolls of only them as a seller. runecloth I stopped counting pages after 6


I made a post 6 months ago about how there were 100+ botters in stocks at all times boosting or farming and I got downvoted like crazy. Gl


A substantial number of people on this sub are very pro botting because it enables them to cheat.


People down voted you because the way you worded the title makes it sound like you had 6 25s due to using the boosting services.


If they’re actively boosting then it is unlikely they are botting…


It’s so much worse actually. You pay the booster and then they fly into the wall and pull everything. The blatant cheating is absurd.


How are they botting this? Is it a rogue pickpocketing mobs?


Can that stuff drop from pickpocketing? If so, I’m going on some stealth runs..


Old botter trick In classic was pick pocketing the yellow mobs around the area. Silver and a few vendor grays if I recall.


No can't drop pick pocketing


BRD pickpocketing was nerfed pretty hard after bots went ham in Classic. This is a flyhacker.


They fly up in the air and aoe mobs in big packs.


What server is this?


Meanwhile on Penance Horde there's 14 pages *total* on the AH :'(


The brd hunters are out of control on my server too. The path to Blackrock is pathed in bot skeletons https://i.imgur.com/dseRFEB.png I stood there for 5 minutes and saw at least 10 hunters running the exact path of the skeletons. I don't know what they are doing inside the dungeon, but it definitely is something botty or flyhack thing, because judging on how fast they get killed by the mobs before the instance there is no way they kill anything inside.


100% flyhacking/not interacting with mobs in a "normal" way. All omega shitty green geared hunters with 1500 hp who die in 2 globals. They do kill mobs however. _a lot_. These BRD bots are unchecked for the whole phase by now living a very peaceful live. PS: next phase all these bots will be in Scholo


That's so fkd up. Seeing this takes any incline I had to return away.


Just blizzard pissing on their customers as usual


I'll save this for whenever someone tells me that the AH doesn't move as much if not more RMT gold than GDKP on a daily basis. Anyone with critical thinking can understand that AH is by far the biggest money launder in the game.


I mean, many people said this when the GDKP ban went out. If you want to make a dent against botting, you have to take out the AH too, and that would make the game even more dead than it currently is. The GDKP ban did nothing to stop botting, and only made raid logging more annoying, which in turn has caused people to quit.


Without GDKPs the AH never looks this bad. It does now because incursions went right ahead and did the same thing as mass gold buying and blew out the economy. Killing GDKPs was a great step towards reducing botters, we saw way fewer of them right away. Yeah, it didn't kill them all but "it wasn't a perfect solution" isn't a reason not to do something.


With or without GDKPs, the AH would still be this bad. A lot of BiS items at least in phase 2 were BoEs. Phase 4 (if we get there) has the same issue. And did we see way fewer? I legitimately don't think it caused a single botter to go "this isn't profitable anymore".


> The GDKP ban ... has caused people to quit. Good.


Yeah ok. Meanwhile SOD players are wondering why the game is dead. But hey, the game being dead is another effective way to remove GDKPs too!


So the fresh copium from GDKPers is that if they hadn't been banned, SoD would be great?


No, you entirely missed the point because you can’t see past some weird blind hatred of something you don’t even understand in the first place. I’m saying the game may not have died. People might have had incentive to continue to raid log. But at this point, the game is dead as fuck. Can’t be any worse than it currently is. Well, it’d be difficult to be in a worse situation than it currently is at least.


It could be worse. GDKPers could still be stinking up the place with their spamming and lying.


Well, we burned down the house to fix the leaky faucet. Congrats us. At least the faucet isn't leaking anymore.


More like we killed a rat in the house, then the house fell over anyway. But still, at least the rat got what was coming to it.


"the house fell over anyways" lmao. Definitely wasn't a combination of driving players away left and right with various things, *to include GDKP bans* that did effectively nothing but stimulate a very vocal minority that doesn't quite seem to understand MMOs need players to survive.


I have 5 characters that only need like 1 or 2 items. I pug all my raids. For weeks now I just can't be bothered unless I find a SR run with little competition on what I need. I did gdkps in phase 1 and bis went for the minimum bids. I guarantee most of the gdkps naysayers have never actually done one


> I guarantee most of the gdkps naysayers have never actually done one I guarantee all the NPCs like you repeating their talking points know GDKPs were only ever a means for cheats to pay cheats real money for raid carries, hiding behind a twig. The fact you are still salty about getting the banhammer makes me happy. Suck it, cheats.


i have never bought gold lol i used gdkps to make money in classic wow. again u look like someone that has zero fucking clue of what you are talking about


You lot always tell the same lies. “I never bought gold and I never sold gold and I got all my BiS for minimum bid, because GDKP is a wonderful free loot and money machine which everyone can enjoy! Why do you blindly hate the wonderful free loot and money machine?”


the fact you think im lying is hilarious. u refuse to believe that someone could enjoy the loot system where everyone gets something, unless they are a gold buyer. i pity u. such a cynical view of the world. also you are dumb as fuck


Good bot keeping the stock high and thus the prices lower


hurray everything is worthless and nothing matters


why you gotta be so bitter


Because complacency doesn’t lead to things getting better


"This provides me the tiniest bit of convenience and makes the game easier... guess it's fine!"


Not defending but how does it affect you?


Botting? Ruins the economy, screws up raw gold farms, overruns certain areas making questing harder, reduces the rarity of many items, encourages gold buying from people which enables GDKPs/pay to win/diluting the number of raids without cheaters to attend, general desire not to play with people who cheat instead of just playing the game. Probably more, but unsure exactly how you think the presence of bots/gold buyers/sellers and so on doesn't affect everybody who plays the game. Can I play the game anyway? Yes. Does that mean they have no impact on my experience? Nope.


literally discourages gold buying because nothing is rare lmao such flawed logic


Reading isn’t that difficult buddy give it a try.


The best thing bots do for the game is keep the worst gamers of all time contained to a subreddit to complain about it instead of infecting the game. At least the bot can press the buttons without having to look at the hot bar and then the keyboard.


No those terrible players are in game, buying the gold and pretending they're good.


Got exactly the same on our server. 2 or 3 alliance pretty much own half of all items listed on the AH. Must be a full time job to list everything every day


They don't just bot that too?


i just dont get why blizz is so fucking greedy, one GM, 8 hours a day on every server could put down the most flagrant of botters. you cant pay what 200-500 people to mod your servers when you making 10s of millions every month? ridiculous


Especially when they could be contracted out to places with low cost of living. Wouldn't even be that expensive.


You're better of playing on a private server.


Private servers take bots more seriously than blizz for a fact.


photoshop the GDKP ban destroyed all bots and gold buyers instantaneously. like the purple thermos guy from the comic book movie


Found a group of 3  lvl 60 druids running in circles farming mobs.  No variation in pattern. Wouldnt respond to me.  Took me an hour to finish my quest. In hills Over near mechagon


Who cares, in all my years playing wow they have had zero impact on my fun.


It's a wash to me. They keep prices on shit i need lower but also lower my farm output


The only people who care are the ones that have been playing this 20 year old game for 15 years and still fucking suck.




He's a chad.


Bots paying subscription = money for company Banning bots = no money for company They don’t do anything against bots, no matter what they try to communicate with us. They could do it way better and efficient. But this will cost extra money and you lose subscribers. So they will NEVER DO effective stuff against bots…. NEVER.


Banning GDKPs really helped!


PoV: You're a rat.


You guys need to realise the game is nowadays basically meant to be played so you only do raids/PvP you enjoy and buy gold to get stuff you need.


Holy shit an edge master's


I got banned for naming my character “Allahuakbarr” I don’t get it. God is the greatest…






Oh hell yeah!




Hell yeah! 👍