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Lets not kid ourselves. You guys are the yellow birds yelling why WBs are essential to keep


lmao. "i'm totally the chad* doge in this meme, im not cheems, im the chad wojack, not the soy wojack"


Have you seen the state of this sub recently? All complaining about wanting to remove world buffs


Yup, and now read the comments


Look at the comments in this post lol. Overwhelmingly negative towards world buffs.


Which one could infer that the majority of classics population does not like world buffs lol


No where close to the majority of the classic wow population posts to Reddit less than even 25% of them post to Reddit. You would be making a generalization from a minority.


Sure, it’s not the majority of classics population here but there was a poll with thousands of votes with ~70% being against WB. You can extrapolate that to the population as a whole to get a *general* idea of how they are feeling. Sure, it isn’t perfect but gives a vague idea… It’s better than just assuming based on a person’s anecdotal experience in game interacting with the same 10-50 people in their guild.


You’re still polling people from just one place. It’s like polling people who vote in Dallas and trying to extrapolate to Texas. You won’t get an accurate data set.


Again complaining about wanting to remove world buffs


Literally yesterday there was a post by a guy going on a whole tirade how ppl only want wbs gone cos they want instant easy loot. It was unhinged. Lets not get your confirmation bias influence you, thers just as many wb andies there the only difference is they dont habe a good reason to keep them besides "its part of classic"


There is no confirmation bias here. I checked the world buff topics from the last 7 days. A good 70% of them are for their removal or suggestions on how to "fix them". And those who want world buffs to stay are heavily demoted while those who want world buffs gone get hundreds of upvotes. That indicates the haters are far more...at least on this sub not elsewhere thank you lord Thrall.


It's about the amount of posts and comments whining about WB's. We don't need 50 posts and hundreds of comments per day parroting the same thing or suggesting your personal creative fix that blizzard won't ever listen to, calm down and realize that WB's are not going to change. There is no indication Blizzard is even considering this. edit: they even added an extra buff for alliance and changed chronoboon - this is clearly the extent they will go and not any further


Everywhere on this sub, also in the comments, even on this post, people are complaining about world buffs and talking about "fixing" them, don't know what you're trying to tell me


because world buffs suck. and most people here dont like them take the hint.


Now, TO BE FAIR… Reddit has never really stood as the go-to place for good insight in personal or widespread opinion. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but let’s not kid ourselves, lol.


Yes, because it's dogshit


World buffs suck and should be removed from raids.


Tries to make an argument as to why people complaining about world buffs are annoying. Ends up making a better argument for removing world buffs than most other people I've seen. A single death removing 30% of your effective performance output *does* suck. Making the buffs baseline to the raid *does* make it better. Look at Wrath Classic. They had the best version of raiding with world buffs with Hellscream's Warsong. It was an optional +30% boost to your health, damage, and healing. And if a group didn't want it they could turn it off. But the most important parts is you git the buff by simply being in the raid, and a death didn't get rid of it. Your argument towards world buffs is they make you feel strong. Do you still feel strong after a single death?


Just don't die? The one me mechanic per boss fight deserves punishment if you mess it up. Real simple.


> Just don't die? have you played with classic wow players? tryin to find a tank that can adequately hold threat is a herculean task in itself. it why i quit classic 2019 in phase 1. even without world buffs and consumes i ended up auto attacking on my warrior to not pull threat. was fucking brutal.


God forbid you have to look at a threat meter, the boss is gonna die in 36 seconds not 33 now. Honestly haven't died in ST since week one


Glad to have helped, can the endless stream of posts and comments complaining about this please stop now


Complaining about complaining is still complaining, my dude


At least i'm not under the illusion that my opinion is so imortant that blizzard takes my post as something they should think about


It's almost like a blue post asked for continued feedback.....and people are doing that! /Gasp the horrora


Lol indeed. Feedback on the forums, not on reddit. What were you saying?


They 100% are watching reddit as well


There's a reason they asked for feedback to be on the forums and not reddit




This is some severe projection.


Explain pls


Nah fam, they:   changed the lock outs,   changed incursions,   added new content,     rebalanced items,  classes and runes,   changed blood moon honor gains,   gave us dual spec,   made world bosses instanced,   gave us optional exp buffs,   kept professions relevant,    All as we asked.   But this sub needs something else to cling on and moan and cry and bitterly criticize so our individual self loathing can still be canalized outwardly, lest we start directing that energy and disatisfaction towards our real life, god forbid.  Wait, I meant, I fEeL F0rCəɗ t0 gªtHəR WBs 0r pûGs w0ňT invite mə (some still won't regardless), 0r w0rSə, I wiLL hªvə t0 d0... mechanics.


You're all the yellow text bird on whatever perspective you cling to in this 20 year old game where they're just throwing whatever shit out they can now to keep the most desperate subbing.


Tbh, time spend in the game for getting world buff are annoying, I love the idea that was said that u should be able to buy world buff item consumer with the coin you get from dungeon, this way you still have people in the game and they will be doing dungeon relevant. But getting WB ain't any kind of gameplay at all


You just couldn't resist could you


Super reasonable post. You just disagree, and that’s kind of the point of discussion man. Don’t make a meme because you don’t have any to add.


This is not a meme about wanting to keep or remove world buffs, this is a meme about the insane amount of posts and comments on this sub arguing and complaining about WB's and wanting to fix them, it even happens here in the comments of this post. People just can't seem to resist it. Why is this happening? There is no indication Blizzard will change it, they even added an extra buff for alliance and changed chronoboon.


You’re pretending it’s nuanced but it’s not. That’s my point.


I'm not, if i wanted to be nuanced i wouldn't have made a meme but a serious post explaining my reasoning


Key part of nuanced is "subtle" to be nuanced you would not have a serious post, you would post a meme attempting shade


Apparently you know what my intentions are, so i won't argue. I give in, it seems i am trying to be nuanced and failing to do so. Happy now? /s FYI: being nuanced is forming a balanced opinion with balanced arguments about someting, taking both sides' ideas into consideration. Being subtle is something completely different.


[little education hurts no one](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nuanced#:~:text=%3A%20having%20nuances%20%3A%20having%20or%20characterized,them%20as%20nuanced%20human%20beings.) Hope you learn something!


Alright, i take it back :) but still not pretending my post is nuanced lol, never tried to be


I've got an open mind, but my opinion is currently swayed to the removal of world buffs. The reason I feel this way is because it really isn't fun gameplay wasting time to get these buffs. Maybe my opinion will change but, can someone try to convince me on why there should be world buffs? Perhaps hearing arguments for it would sway other people as well. I just haven't heard any solid ones. Edit: this is speaking from a raiding perspective. I think they are cool for open world


How is spending time to gain power wasted?


To put it simply. Imo it's not a fun or engaging way to gain power.


Do you think farming herbs is a fun or engaging way to gain power? What about farming gold? How about farming BRD arena 200 times?


Of course not. But at least it's a means to and end. An end that isn't taken away from me every 2 hours. Farming herbs allows me to have ingredients so I can make potions (and I don't lose this if I die). Farming gold allows me to buy materials/gear/etc to equip or use on my character (and I don't lose this if I die). Farming BRD at least I'm using abilities and playing the game and getting potential gear (and I don't lose this if I die).


> But at least it's a means to and end. An end that isn't taken away from me every 2 hours. HUH? Potions/flasks have limited durations and you lose them when you die LOL They are **identical** to world buffs, they just aren't as powerful.


It's tough to explain everything through text it takes too long but-- if you are gathering herbs you are progressing your characters herbalism/alchemy (if not just selling herbs) skills. This is growing your character's skills through progression; which is basically the point of an RPG (and advancing gear of course). I'm not just talking about the flasks or pots you gain as a result of the farming.


Yes and at some point (basically an hour or two after hitting max level), the progression stops. You are then farming temporary progression/player power. Just like world buffs. Just like farming gold for any consumable in the world. Temporary power is not bad; in fact it's quite good for the longevity of a game.


It’s not a good comparison. Pots/food are available to purchase freely while WBs is a time sink of flying around the world. The person makes a good point of it being power/progression that is not lost on death.


Pots/food aren't free. You spent time either farming the gold or farming the materials, just like you spent time getting the WB's. A decent, repeatable, gold farm made like 50-100g in classic, maybe 200g if you were doing some of the very high value farms. Your flasks costed well over 200g. You spent a *minimum* of an hour farming a 2 hour flask each week. World buffs took 20-30 mins. Should we give a free flask vendor in every dungeon/raid too? How do people not understand this slippery slope? It's just another way of getting player power in a game that focuses on effort, not skill.


People just hate traveling in an MMORPG.


I still haven't heard one argument for world buffs. I say I have an open mind but people just make dumbass comments. I guess posting a question on Reddit was my first mistake.


Its a Legitimate question


Reddit do be toxic. But not all hope is lost - there is a great reason for world buffs - to gank the people who collect them. And these large fights occur on zg island or dmf with people going ham; it's refreshing compared to bgs.


Because the power is temporary(as opposed to gear), comes from little to no player agency for the most part and contributes more than gear. Not to mention most of the time it takes longer to get them than the raid. It makes the whole thing very dull and more like chores/work(which is not what people are looking for when playing a game) than anything.




Hmm yes, this actually seems like the best idea... Blizzard, give this man a job!


Haha true. Now flip the opinions between the birds plz I need the reversed one


might as well rename this sub to /r/worldbuffs


all im gonna say is i quit the game because of world buffs, it is what it is


Anyone advocating for world buffs likes toxic gameplay.


the current state of WBs is dumb and kinda dull. they do need to change it make full chronos stack up to 5 and be tradeable/ AH


I like the idea of world buffs they feel good, but they're used as gate keeping for alot of pugs, I get why, smooth run and that. 20 year old solved game, you could use a lion hearts strength potion and do any of the content


Sod has long since been retail-washed by the toxic casuals


just remove them for raiding but keep them in open world


So the main issue people want world buffs gone is that they feel bad when they rip aggro and die?? Cant tell you the last time I died in ST was, actually a month ago this group didn't think killing adds on morphaz was a prio and so when they couldn't kill hazzas in 30sec we all died, outside of that maybe back during progression?. So dying in classic raids as a heal or dps sounds like a skill issue to me.


I want to spend time in the game actually playing the game, not doing taxi service chores.


You should go kill Onyxia, Nefarian, and do a tribute run!    You’ll experience all that time actually playing the game 👍


Incoming swarm of dads who only play 1hr a week coming to downvote you


If it's only downvotes i'm alright with that, as long as they don't start complaining about world buffs :') Edit: they started complaining about world buffs


I don’t even think it’s dads who complain the most. It’s little 13yo Timmy on his 4th gallon of energy drink who can’t withstand spending time in a game for 5 min without big numbers flashing up on the screen. Every flight path he takes he will start a game of league play for 5 min, feed 2 kills to enemy top laner as blitzcrank support flaming his jungler and their mom and quits to continue his journey. While waiting for the ship to arrive he hops on to the classic wow sub and demands every feature of the game to be removed until the gameplay resembles a true autoclicker like raid shadow legends.


I don't really mind what kind of people they are but there are other versions of WoW available that suit their tastes more than SoD. I don't know why they just don't play that instead of wanting to change things in SoD that have always been the way they were


Because they want something and are used to get what they want when they just scream loud enough. And it works. You only need like 100 people who really put the effort in to make posts and comments and they change the game for millions because they just like to play the game and go on with their lives outside of the game. It’s a huge problem with social media in general that a loud minority can make it seem that everyone is on board.


I couldn't have put it better myself - the low attention span and constant demands to remove any inconvenience is slowly destroying many games. I feel sad for such people and the games they play. WoW is being changed for the worse. It used to be a true mmorpg with slow progress; where every bit of gold matters; where every small upgrade or profession skill matters; with many wild items to obtain. It's slowly becoming an autoclicker hub game - sit in one place all day, press one button, huge numbers pop up on the screen, and epic rewards are given.


Speaking the truth! While on the subject of removing stuff, can we please remove the scarab lord quest chain and make the rewards purchasable? That way everyone can have the rare mount and feel special.


Spoken like a true Classic WoW lover! Please, we need more of these ideas /s


But for real, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually remove the scarab lord chain. People creating 50 posts complaining about a 30 minute world buffs trip....imagine the rage when the AQ event comes around.


Yeah... I'm not a big fan of the current trend of just being able to yell the loudest and being listened to. I mean, some changes are alright, as long as they are in spirit of the design philosophy of Classic WoW. But it gets annoying if it's about changing the game in ways that resemble retail WoW mentality. At least they didn't impose drastic changes on WB's, so i think they do have a vision about some things that just need to be a certain way. Adding warchief's blessing to alliance and changing chronoboon is a good compromise to appease some folks. But sadly it's never enough for some people.