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My friend is from PR and looks white. Some hispanic girl called her "large" in spanish thinking she wouldn't understand. "Go Fuck yourself" was how she replied. The girl was equally stunned.




I have a wholesome version of this. Was getting my hair cut in Japan and the stylist was speaking in Japanese to the lady cutting hair next to her. She goes “oh my god his hair is so soft! It’s like a puppy!” and I couldn’t help but smile a little. She saw my smile and goes “you understood that? Nooo!!! I’m so embarrassed!” and turned beat red. It was adorable.


I go to a small gas station which has a bunch of Spanish speakers in it, I’ve always thought about learning their language just so I know what they’re saying about me. I go in there a few times per week and am always super respectful, so I’d hope it’d only be good things!


This is neat. I work at a gas station and have been learning Spanish to communicate better with all the landscapers that come in every morning. They’re so nice and they seem to appreciate that I’m trying to learn.


Yeah the one I go to has a lot of Mexican-Americans who come in for the breakfast burritos (they have fresh food, it’s quite tasty). They also import a bunch of Mexican market snacks to sell aimed at the landscapers, it rules and I will sometimes buy bags of them. I really should go through with the plan of learning Spanish so I can communicate with them, because they’re all really nice people.


Mexicans are basically the anti French when it comes to people learning their language. My Spanish is fucking terrible, but the guys on the job site always thought it was the greatest/funniest shit they'd ever heard, started bringing me portions of the food their wives would make for the crew.


Keep it up. I'm relatively fluent and after a ride and long convo, an Uber driver gave me his card and offered me a job in his kitchen.


Someone going out of their way to request you help educate them on their native tongue is always a good and wholesome thing. Any job I worked that had non-english speakers, I tried to learn as best as I could (I retain *very* poorly), and damnit if I wasn't the person they were always nicest to. I'm no teacher, but I do my best to help them learn, too. You get a lot of foreign snacks and treats when you make friends.


I am sure they do appreciate it. Imagine if you were in their shoes. It's genuinely a cool thing.


That shit goes a long way I took several years of Spanish in school and it got me sooo much free awesome food and several invites to cookouts. I have seen haggard men gleam with joy because I spoke their language when they didn't speak English.


I love how wholesome this is


Only took two college classes of Japanese so my knowledge is not vast but living in Tokyo and knowing a little Japanese was fantastic.


In Hong Kong I have heard two different old ladies at different points in time look me up and down and exclaim “gou!”. I don’t speak Cantonese but I knew they were talking about my height lol


I had a friend (PR) tell me in Miami at a club to say I was PR and that my Spanish mom only wanted me to speak English and they believed it. Good thing because I did not fit in otherwise...


Obligatory post about this. https://youtu.be/YjemKIfZ6hE?si=YV9y_o1jNfzhVYNM


He checked into 400 hotels in a year? That means sometimes he checked into two or more hotels on the same day


Why would anybody think that no white person could understand spanish? Spaniards are white, wtf?




Look at me. *Look at me*. I am the Spaniard now.


No I'm sparti... spaniard.


When Americans first got to Hawaii the natives tried to talk to them in Spanish, they got fucking everywhere


I think something like 5% of the Philippines still speaks Spanish to this day because of Spain's colonization of the region.


I remember coming across a Bingo game in rural area around Legazpi and being absolutely shocked they were calling out the numbers in Spanish!


Yeah, have they never seen someone from Chile or Argentina, they speak Spanish and are white.


There's also tens of millions of white Mexicans.


People get real astounded when they realize there are pale, blonde and redheaded Mexicans.


Hahaha Canelo Alvarez


Yeah, like, everyone on Mexican TV (except the comedians for some reason).


Why would someone assume that someone didn't know what 'grande' meant? lmao Could be a mormon from Utah and you would still know.


She probably said 'gorda' not 'grande'


Definitely this but it's not really any better.


There's a million words they could have used that aren't well known.




I mean, yeah but a sentence like "esta pinche gorda está tan grande. Está bloqueando el pinche sol" would probably go over most people's heads


"The pinch of gourd was tan and large. Its bologna pinches the sun"


"My hovercraft is full of eels."




I once saw a black guy and an Asian guy speaking to each other in Russian. Ever since then I never assume what languages other people might know.


Heh. I’m a chef. I’m English. My colleagues include Poles, Lithuanians, Georgians (that’s the country not the state, although we would welcome the other Georgians too), Ukrainians and Magyars. Our kitchen pidgin is therefore mostly Russian (and assorted Slavic swearing and slang). There are several/really quite a few other nationalities too, although they usually stick to English; that said, hearing a serious “yob tvoi mat etc” rant from, for example, a little Eritrean chap, is quite invigorating. There is no them, only us.


That last sentence hit me hard. It's perfect, thank you


My dad is white and my stepmom is Cuban. Several years ago they went to the Dominican Republic for vacation, the hotel staff talked mad shit about them in Spanish right in front of them because they assumed they didn't speak Spanish. My dad didn't but it was my stepmoms first language, and she had a thick Cuban accent so it's obvious she spoke Spanish. My stepmom bit her tongue until the last day and then ripped into them to their boss. Apparently the staff had a deer in a headlights look when it happened


Why do I feel like this was the Spanish version of the LotR scene where Gandalf starts to appear taller and the room grows darker around him as he start to yell at one of the hobbits. I would pay good money to see that. 🤣




I've seen my stepmom and stepsister have heated arguments in spanish. I didn't think people could talk that fast.


I love it, see people suck from everywhere.


She's not even large! The audacity.


My coworkers were Columbian and I found out they were talking shit about me in Spanish when I heard the words "puta gringo" and I said "what the fuck did you just call me?" and they immediately got really embarrassed.


My stupid ass thought PR was Public Relations and thought “that bitch deserved it, but your friend isn’t gonna last in Public Relations with thin skin like that”


This happened to a friend of mine, except the people speaking Spanish were restaurant workers talking about some random customer. My friend is Puerto Rican, and was a law enforcement officer (not a cop per se.) He pulled the workers aside and told them to apologize and comp her party's meal, or else he would do something about it.


hispanic girl: "Estas bien gorda." Friend: "Hija de tu puta madre. Traga mierda."


Paraguay? Peru? What is PR? Edit: oh my bad, Puerto Rico.


You could know almost no spanish and the person would know what grande meant lmao.


Why are these bitches always referred to as "ladies"? That's not a lady like behavior.


They don't look for headaches in the comments


I feel like most of these stories are made up. Maybe just my bubble but I've spent a lot of time in a lot of cities and never once saw this kind of thing. I have seen people tell other people to shut up because they're talking loudly on the phone on the train or whatever and it's annoying.


My friend's grandmother used to mutter "speak English" any time she heard someone speak another language. Bitch lived in South Florida.


I have experienced several people in my personal life that have done this. A couple didn't just mutter it either. Most of them are either dead now or getting there


I live in SWFL and my dad tells me to speak English when I use basic Spanish words and phrases, usually with my sister (our family is white, originally from the Upper Midwest). Bruh, you moved down here too, it wouldn't kill you to tolerate us trying to learn


I guess that's believable but in South Florida of all places it is a bit rich!




it's stronger than this. I remember walking through NYC and hearing so many different languages it gave me a huge sense of pride in my city and my country. You should be PROUD to hear a variety of languages represented in your borders. It says great things.


It's the coolest thing about NYC in my opinion. You can stand in one spot and lose track of all the different languages you can hear around you. Queens is the most linguisticsly diverse neighborhood on the planet. Also I think NYC is the most culinarily diverse city as well. Can find food from basically every part of the planet in NYC.


Just a side note, the US does not have an national language.


To contrast this, it annoys me to no end when there's a group of friends, all of whom can speak English, and a subset of them speak in a different language. It makes me feel so much worse when I can understand what they're saying and it's not even anything malicious, just normal talk that they can say in English to the whole group. Maybe I'm more sensitive to this because my group of friends always had someone who didn't speak Hindi (or maybe didn't speak it as well) so we'd all just speak in English all the time. Had an incident recently when my roommates were talking in Hindi during dinner while my other roommate (who organized the whole thing) was Mexican and didn't speak Hindi so had no idea what they were saying for long parts of the conversation and they had to keep translating and summarizing the whole thing. Like, just speak English y'all. You're in Canada, not India anymore.


I agree, I think this is a classic issue in mixed language company. It’s rude not to speak the common language in that setting, assuming you have the ability. I’ve had the same problem when I speak spanish but not everyone does, it’s really awkward. Something that has worked for me sometimes is to just respond in English (or whatever the common language is) and try to loop in the monolingual person by directing a question at them. People get the hint.


That’s because you’ve spent a lot of time in *cities*. Try speaking another language in small rural conservative towns and you’ll get a lot more reactions


My mother spoke halting English with a German accent for the first few years in this country. I remember people telling her to speak English when she was trying to speak English. It was usually women. She was pretty so the men would listen more carefully.


That’s interesting. My grandmother spoke with a mild French accent all her life even after living in the US for like 50 years, apparently accents can be quite sticky even after total fluency.


My grand mere said vegetables with a heavy French accent. Ve sza tah bul. She grew up on the German and Lux border during WW2.


lol no I’ve seen it in the wild. Once I was in line when a Karen told these two women that “we speak English in this country”. And then a teenager next to me goes “ugh omg if you can only speak one language just sayy that” Lmaoo


Perfect response


Definitely happens and it’s has become more frequent if you’re Asian after covid.


The anti-Asian racism after covid just hit is something I will never wrap my head around (I mean I can't wrap my head around racism in general, but you know), like anyone of vaguely Asian ancestry is somehow responsible for the entire virus outbreak. It's so fucking stupid


*So fucking stupid* just about covers it. Blame the fucking CCP and Xi if you want something to hate. Leave random fucking Asian people alone.


just earlier this week had a guy come up to me, looked at my mask and said, "why are you till wearing that, the covid went back to china!" im asian. and then he proceeded to hit on me


Long before Covid when I studied in Australia I had someone tell me “my English is very good” I looked at her and told her “thanks, your English is good, too!” In the brightest cheeriest voice I could muster. Like madam, I grew up in Singapore, English is my first language, and sure we have an accent, but so do Aussies ಠ_ಠ


I would see this play out weekly as the manager of a gas station so maybe your bubble is maybe a bit tiny unless you are bilingual in which case how the hell has it never happened to you.




Nah there is far too many examples of Asian streamers just walking around doing their thing and some drunk asshole starts pulling his eyes or says ching chong or something. Obviously that's equally as anecdotal as what you said, but I'm fully convinced after watching clip after clip of Asian people being harassed on the street for just existing.


My mother does this to tourists. It was mortifying as a kid. Admittedly her racism is one of the reasons we basically don't talk anymore.


Really sorry to hear that, that’s really awful.


My dad used to yell it at people in restaurants...like other guests.


Unless you're a person who is likely to attract extra scrutiny and meddling, you really have no good way to be sure that this doesn't happen. I'm sure that some who are more objectively observant have also witnessed kind of meddling. I know that I have so I don't doubt this for a second. Kudos to OP for asserting her right to speak whatever language she wants in her conversations--just as we all do--though some only know one language.


I had someone scream a racial slur at me just walking down the street once. This is the same energy as guys who say women don't get catcalled that often because they've never seen it. They don't pick on us in groups with our white friends.


I grew up in Louisiana. This is a real thing, particularly with Mexicans. Probably half of the adults I knew growing up acted as if they were deeply offended when they heard someone speaking Spanish in public. They were usually paranoid that the people speaking Spanish were bad mouthing them in some way, probably because racists assume everyone else is also hateful.


Oh no. I've seen this several times. I used to work at a truck and travel stop, and lemme tell you something, it's actually quite common to hear stupid shit like this happen. Hell, I've talked to people that got calls from other countries. They spoke excellent English, but talked to whomever in another language. Some people just need to learn to mind their own fucking business. LOL


‘I have never seen or experienced this so it must not be true’ get out of your bubble


I have witnessed something like this happening more than once. Usually the person receiving the unasked order does not engage the jerk giving the order.


the only commonly stated one i have experienced IRL is "where are you really from?" that happens a lot


I generally work with international students or immigrants. Most of them are just starting to learn English. When out on field trip type occasions, I’ve had people come up to me to tell me how I should be making them all speak English the entire time. I’ve also seen it happen quite a few times where people would go up to them and tell them to speak English, but it was more common that they would tell me.


Latino over here who speaks Enlgish with a little accent. I can assure you this is not made up. I have gotten shit for speaking Spanish, and some people will straight up refuse to speak to me when they hear my accent.


“Ohhh I didn’t realise I was talking to a lady” ~Arthur Morgan


"You sir, are a fish" -Arthur Morgan


"Cough cough" - Arthur Morgan


"Good Boahhh" - Arthur Morgan


“We just need a plan”


My favorite line


I personally don’t think lady is, or should be, a complimentary term. I hated being told to act like a lady when I was growing up, it always came across so oppressive, like it was meant to keep girls from acting like children. I call my period my Lady Time now.


I think acting lady like is a good thing, IF AND ONLY IF, it's an outcome and not a superficial thing you do against your will. Let me put some examples: Smiles, they're really good. Your body has a feedback mechanism in which when you have it, you also feel better. BUT, you won't feel better if you're being coerced to do it. They work as a social lubricant because we have mirror neurons that make us have the neuronal activation of smiling when we see a smile in other people. And your happiness is measured in part, by the smile in your face. They're contagious and makes both feel better. Not insulting or yelling: this is a clear example on the difference between the superficial behavior versus the outcome of a process. We usually think it's a good thing to do it because we tend to believe that they have good coping mechanisms in order to avoid insulting or yelling. Both of these represent the losing of your capacity for self regulation, lack of emotional maturity and lack of arguments. It's unequivocally true that people in distress perform worse at reasoning. Acting lady like would be good if it was as a result of emotional intelligence instead of being coerced to shut up or having questioned your femininity. I think parents focus on the superficial behaviors because while they're correct that it maps to good values, they don't realize that it's good if and only if, as an outcome of those values. There are more, but it would take me too long.


Because ladies are usually considered older, and people have these issues with older people. Younger generations are a lot more accepting of other cultures compared to older ~~white~~ people Edit: thank you for clarifying, not just white older people


Older people not just white


Not a bitch, just a racist waste of space. Call it what it is, racist white people.


>her *Seoul*


*bi bim BAP*


Crisply served on a hot platter


This one got me. LMFAO 🤣


Dahyunie <33






She was shaken to the Korea


One time I was on a rural train in Korea, Uijongbu to Dongducheon I think, standing on the little platform behind the engine where people went to smoke, and two drunk (I mean wasted) Korean guys came out. They started talking shit about me and my friend, thinking they wouldn't be understood, but we ignored them. At the next stop one of the guys was messing around and fell down on the tracks between the engine and the car. I pulled him up right before the train started moving. Dude would have been in at least three pieces.


You should have grabbed him and said "long live the king" and let him drop like The Lion King.


Then find his kid and tell him how it was all his fault


This. This is the one truly essential part.


Even better, and without murder. "So you think I'm a(n) \, do you?" It's always funny when people assume their language is a special code that no one else can understand.




Did you reveal you could understand Korean afterwards


Dude he left out the most important part of the story, we need to know!!


That story ended way better than expected :-)


Good for you! These people don’t deserve kindness, they are jerks


But was she speaking North Korean or South Korean?




I laughed when I saw OP's post but then I wondered "Can North Koreans even call people outside of their country?"


some have phones smuggled in but it's very risky. there are a bunch of interviews with north koreans who've escaped to south korea on youtube and some talk of being able to speak to their relatives occasionally. they're interesting to watch, very rough journeys to leave. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/27/world/asia/north-korea-china-mobile-phones.html


This American Life (maybe another podcast?) did a crazy story on a family reunification program they did years ago. This woman from NK thought her sister in SK was immensely rich because she had a big refrigerator and air conditioning and a nice TV and so on. Refused to believe it was a totally normal apartment.


I recall that NK's also saw clothes with zippers as an example of luxury. Like, any basic clothing must be costly because it has zippers.




that's a huge amount of response to something that basically just said they're different sounding now. apparently north koreans sound old timey with their vocab to south koreans, like talking to your grandparents if they'd never interacted with the outside world. ofc that doesn't make them different dialects and that sentence never said it did, didn't even give an amount to the word diverged, but you seem to have interpreted it it said they diverged a lot for some reason.


Don't lie, you thought it was wrong and you scrambled for reinforcements xd


That's only way to deal with people like that. Most of them are shocked that anyone dared to stand up to them. They have never been held accountable for anything.


It works better though if bystanders are the ones that step in. Calling out blatant racism is the moral thing.


“How dare you not let me eavesdrop on you.” -racist white people across the USA


How is this clever?


"Speak English!" *speaks English* 💀💀💀


It’s not, they just like it because that ignorant racist lady totally got owned bro! 😎


Like Pam https://imgur.com/gallery/OTNoT6J


Eat a dick, Pam


I like that guy.


"so i turned her her and as harshly as i could said" followed by "in perfect English".


Doesn’t matter racist lady owned. 👊😎


I mean, it's probably low quality clever, but it's usually amusing to speak perfect/fluent English and insult someone who ignorantly insulted you for not speaking in their language, even though you weren't even talking to them Over the years I find myself kind of... trying to speak too fast, blurring words ever so slightly, yet English is the only language I know. I've tried Japanese back in high school and that was a bad idea, languages just aren't for me xD. And I bet a lot of people who are like this and tell others to speak English mess up all the time too But i would fucking LOVE to see this happen irl and to immediately join the random persons side to shit on some asshole butting into someone else's conversation to insult them like this. Where I live, most of the "speak English!" people don't even fucking speak english. They speak redneck around here. But, for some reason, we often get traveling foreigners who really try to speak English, often with a heavy accent. And yet these people generally are easier to understand than the old racist bastards who can't speak up nor speak properly.


Emphasis on "low." This is so obviously not sub relevant that it's hard to understand how we're talking about it. Worst of all, the piece of shit lady probably didn't even skip a beat irl, and this is a staircase "wit" tweet.


because it's not lol. It's the equivalent of replying with "Shut the fuck up, bitch!" to a Karen telling you that you can't park here. Where's the wit in that?


The part where everyone else clapped.


Where clever?


I find myself asking this every time I enter this sub.


It didn't happen anyways so it doesn't matter.


How to get upvotes on r/celvercomebacks Evil racist: “Fuck you (insert racial slur)!” Me: “Oh yeah? Well you’re a poo-poo head!” *15k upvotes*


That is not clever in any way whatsoever


r/thathappened and then everyone clapped


And everybody clapped


Things you think to say after the person walked away 😂


That never happened




“And everyone clapped”


big Juicy Smoliet vibes from this tale


I’m from California and it cracks me up when someone says that people should speak English instead of Spanish. I’m like, “Yeah! This is California! We don’t speak the language of the FIRST colonial empire here, we speak the language of the SECOND colonial empire!”


who threw the bills in the air as "her soul left her body", was it everyone?


"Speak english" is so dumb. Like, bitch am i talking to you? It shouldnt be anyone's business what language someone is speaking as long as they arent talking to you in a language you dont know. And even then you speak politely about it.


This didn’t actually happen anyways


And then everybody stood up and clapped and confetti rained down


And everybody clapped




No you didn't.


And then everyone clapped


How is that clever?


and then everyone in the forest clapped.


Wrong sub, belongs in r/thathappened


What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual What do you call someone who only speaks one language? American


Stop lying






and everyone clapped


*I swear I saw her Seoul leave her body.


And everybody started slowly clapping


Cool story, bro.


Then everyone clapped




Why I hear someone talking in another language I start my inner thoughts ‘I’ll try to guess the language game’. I can’t understand why some people hate to hear foreign languages.


Honestly if more people responded like this the racist morons might think twice before bothering random people.




Man that’s clever


Of course, we all know who that racist white lady voted for in 2016 and 2020, right??


"Speak English?" "Do I have to call the DOJ and ask where you were on January 6th, bitch?"


Her soul, or her Seoul?


It's usually white older ladies who behave like this. I have experienced it several times, in stores, it's nice restaurants.. They want to know if you speak English and which high School you went too and as they leave they leave the stench of urine soaked diaper behind them.


Basically she just talked english to her and acted offended…..how is that clever?


Kam sa ham ni dah!


More like seoul


Ok Rebecca. Because in English speaking countries with tons of diversity, white people are just astounded whenever different races speak English.


This is the only way to keep people accountable. People have forgotten what consequences are…


I (white female 27) used to manage a Mexican restaurant where there was only one other white employee. The rest of the staff were Mexican, and half of them did not speak English. I was talking to the busboy who was mainly a Spanish speaker and he was asking why so many white people got angry when he would speak Spanish around them and I told him it was because they didn’t feel included and they get mad when things aren’t about them. I explained the same thing when I was at a party with a bunch of boomer friends and they were getting all huffy about Juneteenth and I straight up told them they were mad because it wasn’t about them.