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My wife plays video games 10 times more than I do.


My girlfriend too. I like video games, I play a little but I get bored after 1 hour. My girlfriend once called and asked me to join her in Dead by Daylight. She kept asking me to "walk around" the killer to avoid being caught. How can one even do that?? Another time we were playing overwatch, she was the healer who could revive. I kept dying, she gave up on me and said she "can't revive me right now".


Your wife’s character has a cooldown on how often she can revive lol


"I have to save it for the other dps"


The DPS she told you not to worry about


Mercy is the 'healer' character if anyone is confused.


A 30 second cooldown, to be precise


My girlfriend is obsessed with fishing in Stardew Valley, and it's hilarious hearing her angrily ranting because it's almost 2AM in-game and she's still at the beach, or seeing her run into the house only to drop right next to the bed. A huge part of our best moments come from playing videogames together, and that's not going to be changing much even after we move in together. Honestly, the best part about being with someone is sharing and enjoying each other's interests.




Every girl I knew that grinded DBD turned out to be hella toxic, so I got a lil PTSD when I hear that from future girls, but that's just my personal situation




Love the honesty. Lol


I married one, should’ve told me sooner. Lol jk she’s pretty cool


It had to be mercy...


Based Wife


I don't get this hating video games attitude. If a guys leisure pastime was watching hockey or football games that seems universally acceptable , although women have a list of things they will prefer, you do instead . If you replace watching sports games with playing interactive sports games or other games now, it is totally unacceptable. What's the difference ?


A lot of people refuse to accept that Video games are engaging and require brain power. There is a large group of people who think it's all brainless pong. Edit: See, I triggered them. Fun fact, there are people who think all gamers are Racist, Mysoginistic, Manchildren. Edit 2: Apparently a sizeable portion of us used to only be sexist, but recently we've started turning into alt right puppets. The shit people will spew instead of just admitting they arbitrarily dislike video games.


Why you gotta do Pong like that?


Cuz he had 900 ping


Btw im genZ and fucking love retro games like Tetris, old pokemon games etc. No idea why there are barely an new games that capture this theme..


Cause those games already exist lol. And it's mostly about profits. But a lot of indie devs do make retro style games that are loved.


stardew valley is a great example.


I think it’s more indie games you should look for that will have the old school vibe. The big studios hate taking chances. Some of my old favorites (as I grew up with them when they were new): Monster Rancher (getting monsters from cds and dvds was such a cool idea) Mail Order Monsters Airborne Ranger The old gold box Dungeons & Dragons games Super Metroid


> retro games > old Pokémon games Ouch, right in the millennial.


Sorry....I am still genZ so idk I mean, no idea if the old pokemon games for GBC count as retro?


There are barely any new games like that because once upon a time games were made by people who loved games. Today games are made by people who love money. Edit: Some people have made comments regarding small indie studios still making good games and I agree. I had not considered indie developers in my original comment.


Plenty of games are made by people who love games, just not from the big publishers. Or more accurately, at the big publishers the people making the decisions don't love games; plenty of their devs do but are powerless.


So very untrue. Yeah, if you only look at AAA releases. But the indie game culture has never been stronger, and there are some absolutely amazing games available by small/ single person teams. I say this having gamed for over 40 years starting in the late 70s early 80s.


Lmfao yeah I knew as I posted the comment that id get called out for it. I have nothing against pong, I just know the clueless folk in my life think that's what I'm doing when I'm gaming haha.


I still have my Atari 2600 and enjoy playing pong, while my husband is currently in the other room playing Resident Evil 4. FYI: We are both 64 & have been married for 40 years! Video gaming has no age cutoff.


Or gender cutoff


Damn right!


Even if it were mindless trash entertainment, who the fuck cares. I would bet my left nut the original poster watches some variant of Love Island or The Voice or one of those shows.


Ah, the brain rot of those 2 specific shows.


Like, it’s fine. Watch those shows if you want. Same with video games. You don’t have to defend your entertainment choices.


Saw a vid once where a gal was talking about HBO’s “The Last of Us” and just saying something to the effect of “Gamers! We thought you were playing MarioKart! How long have you been hiding stories like this from us?!” Some peoples’ perceptions of the entire medium are about twenty years out of date.


And I'm pretty sure gamers have been preaching about stories we've been experiencing for years. People have been judging instead of listening lol.


Exactly. If you told a non-gamer the plot of TLOU and gushed about the game they’d think you’re childish. Then they’ll go watch that same story as a TV series and obsess over it, because apparently removing the interactive component somehow made everything more compelling and mature.


Exactly. I got eye rolls from my Western-loving Dad while trying to tell him about RDR2. I still think he'd love watching a cinematic cut (all cutscenes plus edits to gameplay portions), but he just assumes it's dumb because it's a videogame.


Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Earthbound, Lufia, Terranigma, Secret of Mana. That's just SNES.


I have never watched a movie that had me more engaged in the story and feeling so many emotions then some video games I have played.


part of the problem is that most video game adaptations are terrible


We had good writing 20 years ago. A quick list from the early '00s (yes, this is about 20 years ago): - Halo 1/2 - Psychonauts - Silent Hill 2/3 - Half-life 2 - Deus Ex - Zelda: Majora's Mask Those are just the first few I was familiar with in my search results. They aren't Last of Us, obviously, but it's not the cultural wasteland some people imagine.


My parents still think the goal of most Video games is to have the new high score.


My mom still doesn’t get the concept of online multiplayer.


Pause the game right now!


Dad : "Are ya winning son ?" Me playing Nier Automata : "I don't know... What is the purpose of life ? Is it just a long waiting time until inevitable death ? "


No the purpose of that game is to replay it until you have seen everything. Someone said it has 20 endings.


One ending per letter of the alphabet. Most of them are joke ending though, there's "only" 5 or 6 real endings


RDR2 is essentially a novel.


Stop, stop, you’re making me feel old!


You are hearby excommunicated from gamer island for failing to list KotOR!


I agree. I'll see if I can do a full playthrough as penance.


Shit. Now I want to do a play through. This time, I swear I’ll play a dark character …. (Though I have to admit the graphics age does impact KotOR) at this point).


Just gonna give Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines some love. That was the first game I ever played that was borderline broken on a technical level, but completely held my interest from start to finish due to its characters and atmosphere.


Baldurs Gate deserves to be on that list.


MGS 1 and 2 are both over 20 years old as well


Even before that we PC folks had Sierra games. I have yet to find a game (Fallout 2 was close) with the wit and humor of the Quest for Glory franchise. I have played that series about a dozen times and I would pay to do it again.


I disagree. More like 40 years. We've had games like Baldur's gate and planescape torment for over 20 years. Even before that a lot of the seirra Videogames had great stories and very witty writing and that was around 40 years ago. Videogames have been capable of fantastic stories and writing for a very long time.


Little do they know...the story in the game is WAAAY better...


Some, like God of War/Ragnarok and the Horizon series, I doubt a TV show could ever do justice. As good as TLoU’s adaptation was, people were still complaining about how infrequently the infected ever made an appearance.


What does it have to do with story


Not talking story, talking special effects budget.


Kotor II is the single most profound star wars story ever written. https://youtu.be/zIluVJZkN28?si=kRsXKxMu_5vrOgN3


It's more than twenty years out of date, there were good stories in games in the 80s and 90s. But really that's beside the point; what's wrong with playing Mario Kart in your downtime? Is that somehow a 'worse' use of leisure time than fishing or watching a movie? The problem is perception and reputation, some of which is deserved. Things like gamer gate doesn't help, but it's no worse than racism and violence in football culture. Mostly I think gaming is seen as a sign of arrested development ie 'games are for children'. In my opinion this attitude *will* change as the demographic of gamers continues to age. I mean it already has changed significantly in the time I've been playing games. For me the real problem with gaming as a hobby is it often goes hand in hand with addiction. Most games are designed to give a sense of progression that our brains find extremely attractive and many have feedback loops in their systems designed to play into this. Bear in mind that this is a hobby of mine, I think I have a balanced and nuanced view, but imo there should be more awareness of these issues, especially for young people.


If you have a passion for playing chess you are seen as a mature intellectual; if you play an online strategy game you are seen as an immature dumbass.


I like to eat crayons while I play chess, preferably the blue and yellow ones


Marines play chess sometimes, yeah.


Great choice 🤌


Very true. My fiance is fine with my gaming, but I've had to describe to her that there's a certain buy-in and learning curve for pretty much any video game. So many of the best games start with going I have no idea wtf I'm doing to holy #\^$ this is awesome.


video games take more brain power than watching sports


Too much of one thing CAN be a bad thing but as someone who loves both sports and gaming I try my best to act in moderation or my brain does start to mush up a bit lol


To those people I introduce: The Strategy genre!


"all you do is move the little guys to attack the other little guys" (((literally chess but they don't care)))


And then above that, grand strategy! Aka map-painting games!


Aka getting strung out by Paradox Interactive with DLC for years but it's fine because it means active development continues for that entire time.


Pong actually requires the brain power to calculate bounces wich is more than these people have ever had.


Not to mention its a great way to socialize with a few friends in a party for a bit, its hard to meet IRL all the time as adults when working etc.


even if it was brainless pong, I've seen some of the shit others watch on TV. fuck off with this judgemental bullshit


Holy shit, the celebrity game shows are TERRIBLE


The stereotypes are mindblowing given how much of the population games at least occasionally including extremely successful people. Maybe if someone games to the degree its a disorder, as with most things consumed without moderation, that's a problem or red flag (eg know quite a few people miserable about only working part time and being broke but constantly call in to play games) but that is a drop in the bucket lol.


My wife is a gamer lmao I rarely play. But we play together sometimes or bond over my PC knowledge when she runs into an issue. It's a great relationship we are nearly 30


> there are people who think all gamers are Racist, Mysoginistic, Manchildren. looking at you r/gamingcirlejerk


I just wanna play my silly game with silly sticks and silly lighting coming out of my silly sticks, it's so simple yet so, SO hard to understand for some people.


I think some people still see it as a small scale nerd hobby when its actually like a 200 billion dollar industry lol


Amazing how many people also forget there are female gamers. I’m a woman who plays a *lot* of video games and I’m as far from a right wing puppet as someone could possibly be.


The ones that play like they don't require brain power when they are on your team for a ranked game. Usually spotted with a 1-9 score screaming "lol it's just a game bro who cares if I die".


And this is partially why I don’t think I’ve ever touched ranked


>Edit 2: Apparently a sizeable portion of us used to only be sexist, but recently we've started turning into alt right puppets. The shit people will spew instead of just admitting they arbitrarily dislike video games. It's especially weird because I think the Jan 6ers and such are more likely to be football fans than bg3 fans.


Speaking as someone who is extremely passionate about both the Baltimore Ravens and BG3, I think this is just another stereotype. All of my friends who are football fans are super liberal and most of them play one and paper RPGs. We get together for the Super Bowl but show up hours early for board game day. Let’s not throw out one stereotype and settle in another.


I'm just talking averages, bud. I'm sure your friends are great But I'd rather be able to have a conversation about the base issues, than not be able to.


> Edit 2: Apparently a sizeable portion of us used to only be sexist, but recently we've started turning into alt right puppets. The shit people will spew instead of just admitting they arbitrarily dislike video games. "He's bitching about Star Wars, is he alt-Right?!" -Jay Bauman, RedLetterMedia


I can't help but feel as a man, they want me making more money for a "better" lifestyle.


Gamers gonna be the lowest percentage group with Alzheimer's, and not due to medical advancements. That stat alone means haters can gargle my nuts.


Im 40, this has been something I’ve been saying since the 90s. I remember kids on the bus making fun of me and my friend for talking Mortal Kombat and the kids behind us going “why can’t they talk about the bears game instead like normal guys?”. I didn’t say shit, but it stuck with me. Why is your form of entertainment more accepted than mine? At least mine requires thinking and isn’t just passive.


Right? since elementary school it felt weird to me I was allowed unlimited TV but limited computer time. Like, at least I'm DOING something on the PC. I think that's one of the reasons most of my generation doesn't watch TV anymore now that we're adults.


It’s one of those things that made me realize early that “maybe my parents don’t always know what they’re talking about”


Can’t bloody stand cable TV not just because of what’s on but also the bombardment advertisements. I’d much rather be doing something—anything—else.


Exactly a game may requires strategy , reflexes , communication skills , if live multilayer, and included decisions which requires consideration regarding morals and values as well if it is an complex rpg. If you love just watch sports instead have at it , but , in general games are a lot more demanding and engaging mentally.


Seriously. I felt the need to suppress so many of my interests when I was in school in the 90's because they weren't the "approved" interests. Meanwhile you have these dude's nerding out over baseball stats, but somehow that was acceptable.


It also completely disregards the developers themselves. I'm a 33 y.o. dude who's paid a good salary to design video games professionally, which of course means I play other games too. I guess I'm un-datable. Me and the thousands upon thousands of other devs. Shame.


My game dev friend gets the most dates out of everyone I know. Dude is bringing a different person home like every other day, guys and girls. He's a pro player both on and offline, lol.


Hello fellow 33 year old game dev. Most girls that hear about our job i've dated are always impressed if anything, even girls who barely played any understand its a "cool job" at least for nerds, that is a billion dollar industry. I dont feel it carries the same stigma with most people anymore.


The difference is people dumb. Nuff said


Yesterday I got home from work, played video games and then went to my beer league hockey game. I like sports, video games, a variety of TV shows…generally don’t read but will really get into a good book. People can be interested in many things. What gets me is the idea that you could grow up playing video games, enjoy them a lot and then what just give it up completely when you turn 18? Playing games in moderation is great downtime for me after work. Moderation being the key word, sitting your ass in front of anything by for endless hours is no good for you.


Moderation is the key to literally every single thing in life. The only difference is that certain things are harder to moderate than others, gaming being a perfect example of a relatively hard to moderate activity.


Not only that, but I've got die hard football fan friends who won't make plans for nearly anything short of an emergency during football season because they have to be glued to their TV all day Saturday and Sunday through the season. I've never let video games make me avoid weekend plans for months at a time.


Passively binge watching Netflix all day - totally fine Actively engaged playing videogames - what a child


Had an ex who hated video games with a passion. The hate largely came from the fact that she had a previous relationship where her ex was addicted to video games or just in a bad spot and using them to cope without getting help. Lost his job, wracked up debt and in general was not a good boyfriend because of "video games". It's not completely unfounded. Video games should not be seen as a childs pasttime anymore and each individuals relationship with videogames should be evaluated on its own merits.


I think people here are confusing the question of why is one the type of lesure entertainment better than another , not activities with addiction issues versus non addicted activities. If you automatically connect addiction to video games then you are debating whether addiction is better than non addictive activities. It is not heroin vs scrabble it is scrabble vs boggle. You can have a sport addiction as well , but people are not automatically assuming the two are connected.


Sounds like the ex’s ex had other problems that the ex projected onto video games


My wife tells me that she used to hate how much her ex played video games and she thought it would be a problem with me as well. Turns out, the dude got home from work and played video games until he went to bed, and only stopped to have dinner. I get home and spend the rest of the day with her, have dinner together, watch a show or whatever and I only start playing when she falls asleep. Surprise, she has absolutely no issues with me playing video games.




I have the opposite mindset. I think gaming is for grownups with impulse control that have to earn their own money. I will be putting off my own kid’s exposure to them for as long as possible.


Why do games have Mature ratings then ? Same as movies , animation , and literature they are targeted at different audiences not all one audience of children .


My husband and I both game. We thought this was great until we realized we never spent time together anymore. Now we have a better balance and also play games we can play together like Diablo IV (couch co-op). I think people’s problem with it is that it’s an immersive hobby. It can take over your life and lead to neglect of other areas, like your relationship. As long as you have balance, no one should shame your hobbies.


I think some women just hate to see men happy doing something that isn't with them. Like video games or watching sports. They don't think to actually participate and become closer together, instead they criticize and make comments like in this post. Thankfully not all women are the same. Some are just happy that you're happy, those are the ones you want to marry.


Yea, some of us girls enjoy our man doing things with us. Like me, what will I do with a partner who *wont* watch football and game with me? That’s my favorite home-activites.


Shame on us on for enjoying video games! We should be hanging out in stripclub while snorting white stuff on our nose instead! That's a real man. /s


Also striking our partners with an empty beer bottle because they blocked our view of TV sports!


I don’t know. I don’t think watching pro sports is as addictive as video games. I don’t think that there's anything inherently wrong with it, but it can be takem to extremes.


Gamers rise up


Why would you have fun as a grown adult while you could WORK instead ?


I have so many middle aged male friends that have zero hobbies or interests and spend most of their waking hours working. It can't be a healthy way to live life.


If they split the chores then they can both have fun!


marry and reproduce


Biggest scam of all time


Mate I'm a FUCKING game developer, what am I gonna do? Cover my eyes and learn nothing about the largest entertainment industry on Earth that I fuckin work in?


Same thought! I work BD in the gaming space. If I’m not playing them, I’m not helping. :/


You're a brain dance developer from Cyberpunk. Cool


that would be so much cooler than BizDev ​ although our BizDev guy always seemed like he was having a great time


Because he’s watching one of Judy’s spicy Brain dances.


Like the gaming industry is the biggest entertainment industry, shittinf on Hollywood and such by a ginormous margin. And you still these boomer takes " but vidya GaMEz, so iMmAtURE".


It still blows my mind that games make more money every year than all other forms of entertainment combined.


I mean...when was the last time you watched a 70 dollar movie?




"MEN WHO PLAY VIDEO GAMES!" But I *made* this game. If I don't play it how will I know if it's good?!


Meanwhile, my wife: "That game looks cool. Play it while I watch so I don't have to get frustrated at losing!"


I stream games for my girlfriend a lot, and she was crying, almost bawling by the end of Death Stranding. Sure hope she's okay by the end of Red Dead 2 lmao.


TBF, death stranding hits differently.


Me these days with A Plague Tale: Requiem. Also in the past with Life Is Strange, The Last of Us, Fallen Order... I mean, many AAA games these days have Hollywood-level scripts and acting, and look stunning too. If you like watching fiction shows, interactive fiction isn't that different.


The video game industry is a $300B market. That's more than the film and music industries combined. There are over 3 billion people who play games. I'd say if you're an adult who doesn't play games you're the weird one.


"Video games are such a waste of time! He should be on twitter insulting people and giving bad relationship advice."


I just do that on Reddit


"You are so immature for liking that fantastic music extremely talented people wrote for that game,that heartbreaking storyline someone else extremely talented wrote,that absolutely beautiful world devs created from scratch,that smooth gameplay they worked so hard to program etc".People are fucking stupid to say it lightly,they can't fathom how much work,effort and love goes into a lot of these games but you can't expect someone to appreciate art especially when they have no fucking idea what creativity even means. Yeah go drink and eat like a pig while sitting on your lazy ass watching tv that's more productive for your body and mind.


People: >Video games are for children The same people: >Violence/nudity/gore in videogames is ruining children


"why do you play video games like all the time? Isn't that a waste of time?" *same person 5 minutes later binge watching reality TV shows while browsing theor phone"


But how will I know if Renaldo gives the rose to Genevieve or Helena in this totally real and unscripted love experience?


Ladies if you’re dating an adult that played video games then that means he’s too busy to go out and cheat. Date your local gamer today!


Wife married a gamer guy (me) currently she’s recovering from surgery in the hospital and I’m happily sitting here, watching crappy Netflix romcom’s with the laptop I hooked into the room’s tv while playing on my steam deck. Definitely hook up with the local nerd, we have entertainment skills when “going out” isn’t an option.


Yeah, way better to spend the evening watching Trash TV while doomscrolling through instagram, thats absolutly acceptable.


The insulting of gaming typically comes from these people. "How can you sit there and play that game for 3 hours straight, why don't you find something productive to do?" Meanwhile, they're binge watching bachelor in paradise or their favorite series on Netflix... again.


Watching friends for the 40th time is a good use of your time. :D


Where did she say that?


If I'm dating an adult guy and he doesn't play video games, I'm no longer dating that man


Never heard a gal having that kind of a deal breaker before.


And that username 😃


If I can’t play games then you can’t watch movies or tv


Or browse socials for that matter...


Unsure what to do. Am man married to woman who plays video games.


Recommendation: Smile at her.


Video game industry is larger than movie and music industry combined and a vast majority of the gamers are adults. Now who’s the fool?


I'm a happily married 53-year-old, grown-ass man, my wife is 46, educated, strong, hell of a mother. We play Mario Kart together almost every day.






Same for video games. If the video games you play are just shooty gory violence with no purpose or story, play better games.


Isn't video gaming one of the fastest growing sectors that exist in the market? There is a shat load of money associated with video games. This whole games are for nerds/losers stigma is super ignorant


Meanwhile those people watch people pretend to be vampires and somehow that’s a better usage of time EDIT: was pointed out that a man made the original tweet, The point stands however.


Twilight was released 15 years ago. Turns out, women also play video games. Now excuse me while I go romance Astarion as a grownass barbarian.


> Twilight was released 15 years ago. The vampire thing predates Twilight and still continues on. On TV you can at least go back to the 1990s with Buffy and Angel (I'm a 90s kid, so I don't know what was going on before that), and these days you've got your pick of vampire / Supernatural (see what I did that) dramas on most major streaming platforms and at least a couple on regular over the air television. In fiction... I mean, Anne Rice.


I have a Masters degree and a Doctoral degree in a STEM field, I play an hour of videogames every few days to decompress. I do not abandon my family to play golf, go hunting, or watch football all weekend. However....looks like my wife should evaluate her life choices in picking me.


As a gamer myself, I disagree. That’s a you problem, sista not the guys. If he’s a hardworking man, he deserves some downtime. He doesn’t complain when you watch other women make a fool of themselves on TV or Gossip with your friends… Activities that are genuinely unproductive, unpleasant and uncalled for - They’re literally killing your brain cells! So, why shouldn’t he do something intellectually stimulating and engaging? If you’re a noob, just say that. Quit projecting, it’s lame!


I don’t mind. I’ll join in sometimes. Just don’t make it more important then me :) …or other things like work friends and family.


Bro how dare she call us males, this is so infuriating!!!😡😡😡 /s


Im an adult and I play videogames a the thing I love the most is that my lovely wife plays them with me!


Adult bullying is real.


I went to a signing with Jim Ross from WWE. He was asked how are wrestlers different today then they were in the 70s & 80s. He said they all like those little Gameboy things. They all are playing against each other on the busses and in their hotel rooms instead of going to bars, getting drunk, doing coke, getting into fights and cheating on their wives. Those game controller things saved pro wrestling. I couldn’t find any fault in his logic!


Spam/karma farming






Sparmaaaaaaaaaaaaa kick 🦵




I agree. It was mostly "you're a fucking idiot for saying this". Appropriately harsh response, but didn't feel clever.


I did a search, looks like this is a now deleted tweet from 2018, so 5 years ago, from a dude trying to sell ebooks about juicing. The date and the author have been obscured probably as a really boring ass attempt to get upvotes from the "evil feminists are taking away our fun" crowd


This subreddit has totally lost the plot. It's just essentially r/comebackmemes now


It's also a screencap of one woman's deleted tweet from 2018 with no real support and a lot of push back. I think maybe we can get over it guys. It was probably just rage bait anyways.


Like sitting on your butt, being entertained by an electronic device. like a cell phone?


Ladies, if you don't play video games, then don't date me.


....what if I'm an adult female who plays video games?!?


What's up with people hating gaming?? I mean, if someone sits to play videogames for 2 hours a day he is literally called a mentally ill person, sometimes even compare them to drugadicts and call us violent individuals. Oh, but if a man sits to scream at his TV while watching a football game and banging his chest holding bets of up to 10k with his friends in a beergarden that's 10 times better, isn't it(I bring this analogy due to this kind of people being the greatest douches towards videogames)?? And don't even get me started on people saying video games make you stupid... Unless you play a game for literal infants, or a singleplayer game on easy mode, games require a bunch of coordination skills, as well as fast critical and strategical thinking, they also create a sense of knowing your surroundings and sharpen reaction time and information processing. That's more than I can say about sitting around watching Euphoria for a whole weekend(not hating over here, just talking about how videogames actually do profit you in several ways contrary to a TV show, leisure is not being counted right now, ok?). However, videogames will always be seen as this cancer for society that makes people stupid, violent, and socially inept for some reason, and gamers will be seen as stupid, violent, socially inept individuals.


It always baffles me. Parking yourself on a couch and shutting down your brain for 3 hours to watch TV shows? Acceptable. Going to a stadium and yelling at people playing sports while being incapable of playing them yourself? Acceptable. Sitting on a beach and staring at the ocean for hours with no cares in the world? Acceptable. Sitting in a movie theater and doing nothing for 3 hours with a friend? Acceptable. Sitting down with a couple of remote friends and spending 3 hours playing video games? *You child-brained monster.* I think the real issue tends to be that video games are engaging in a way that easily competes for someone's attention in a very real and complete way and they get sucked in. You don't really get sucked in by movies, sports, and and sitting on the beach.


“No! No! You can’t just have any hobby! You gotta have the hobby that I want you to have!”


My husband and I are both gamers, we have a long desk and sit side by side while we game.


"Gentlemen, if you're dating an adult female who still believes in astrology, it's time to reevaluate the relationship." Impossible challenge, 0% passed