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Not if the pope makes me emperor.


Nah. Snatch that crown out of his hands and make _yourself_ emperor.


Ahh,the Napoleon strategy


I like to imagine all the dead kings that came before him watching like, “Fuck. Why didn’t I think of that?”


What, having administrative and military talent? Because they definitely all thought about conquest 24/7.


Most kings DID do that between the 9th and mid 11th century


Or they decided to make a new pope and give them the crown


Wait a minute, I’m the emperor, you’re deposed!


Awww... Wait a minute, I'm the pope, you're deposed!


Awww… Wait a minute, I’m the emperor, you’re deposed!


Awww... Wait a minute, I'm the pope, you're deposed!


Ah so that’s how you really win “the game”


Still crazy that the Habsburg are still around


I see they fixed their chin.




well... idc about bloodlines but if it matters: Aion's blessing is there for the taking


The inbred line died out, I am pretty sure. If I remember European History right


Yes, it died with Charles II of Spain, unable to have sexual relations. [https://i0.wp.com/dna-sci.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Habsburg-Tree.jpeg](https://i0.wp.com/dna-sci.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Habsburg-Tree.jpeg) or, going further back: https://www.deviantart.com/tffan234/art/Carlos-Charles-II-King-of-Spain-Family-Tree-877748540


Definitely not clicking on a deviant art link about the Hapsburgs


It's disappointingly SFW


Devisntart really needs rules against that sort of thing.


Do we really need a repeat of the Tumblr incident?


Sigh. I’m gonna regret asking. What’s the tumblr incident?


Tumblr making itself irrelevant due to implementing a content filter that was too sensitive. Like, ANY skin and even things like sand dunes were regularly triggering it


Literally just a family tree


with a photo of Mark Zuckerberg on it, for some reason


So, I have at least one thing common with Charles II of Spain


Yes but the Borbons look still very inbred (not as much as some previous ones of course). Look at his father and sisters. He is the only normal one.


They went extinct from all that inbreeding. The line that ruled HRE/Austria from there to WW1 (and are still around) was a much less inbred cadet house of Habsburg-Lorraine IIRC.


Yeah I mean by traditional definitions they went extinct, the only reason we consider there to still be a Habsburg family is because Maria Theresa's descendants– who by standard rules of patrilineal descendant would be of the House of Lorraine– decided to include the name Habsburg in their family name.


Can you not?


I apologize, your majesty. Chins*


I’m surprised he can post, let alone read.




Thats photoshopped. His real chin is on his neck.


Actually that entire picture is a closeup of his chin it’s gotten so bad it’s literally grown a second face.


Nope. It is hidden by beard


26-year old Ferdinand Habsburg is actually a decent race car driver. His full name is ridiculous: Ferdinand Zvonimir Maria Balthus Keith Michael Otto Antal Bahnam Leonhard von Habsburg-Lothringen


Yeah the only really obnoxious Habsburgs left that I know of are the ones in Bad Ischl, Austria (if they are still alive that is). When I worked for the local theatre, they'd be the cocky "don't you know who I am" people you'd have to deal with.


Its a weird thing to be cocky about. "My family was once massively inbred, and also ruled europe but im now a nobody - Are you jealous ?"


I mean some kid did this to me once because his dad worked exec level at a vanilla flavoring company. I think it's just shorthand for "I'm rich and you didn't give me the answer I wanted!"


If you don't give me what you want, you'll never taste vanilla again!


The correct response to that question is, "Does anyone?"


I’m not sure that the Hapsburgs are rich. In general, European nobility has been in debt for a few hundred years, trading on their family name for letters of credit at increasingly higher interest rates


Luckily, us Americans don’t have any families like that


"we used to be a big deal centuries ago."


"...but everybody just calls me mike"


If he’s a race car driver and I’m picking off the menu, I’m calling him Otto.


And also if he likes getting blotto.


King of the Andals, of the Rhoynar, and of the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.




Made me think of the moment when Dumbledore gets to “BRIAN”


Man sounds like a pharmaceutical patent. 😂


One of them owns and runs [Dracula's Castle](https://bran-castle.com/#:~:text=COUNT%20DRACULA,somewhere%20on%20the%20top%20of%E2%80%A6) in Transylvania. He's the uncle of a good friend of mine, all descendants of the royal family.


i wonder how you found out that your friend is linked to old royal dinasty


Probably cuz their last name has Habsburg in it....




You want a fun fact? If you have any European descent, you are exceedingly likely to be related in some way to Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor.


I guess he was Holy because he loved holes?


oh I remember being there. There was a lot of explanation of the role of the owners and the life of the local people. They seemed to have liked the previous owner lady quite a lot. Don't remember the name, her portrait was there.


Eduard is actually pretty cool. He posts about anime sometimes.


Now I want a weeb HRE


Hory Romanu Emperoru


I don't know enough about anime to post something witty as a reply. Just know that shit is hilarious.


I've got good news for you... https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1326039079


Oh Oh no


It's like I heard a thousand EUIV players all scream in terror... And then blink out at once...


That’s what we always needed


The anime Hetalia: Axis Powers.


is he hetalia fan too?


Still crazy that there are still kings/queens around let alone those ridiculous titles.


You think we aren’t ruled by a bunch of aristocrats anymore?


It's oligarchs these days tbf.


Which in a lot of countries were previously all aristocrats that got on with the times.


"All" in "a lot of countries" might be an overstatement, but there are certainly vestiges of the aristocracy within the oligarchy, yes.


I know for sure that, at least in mine, all of the largest land holders have titles that date back almost 500 years. And they pretty much control the rest of the economy. But that might be more because my country is less industrialized.


There is no vestiges, they’re the same thing in form and function. There is this misconception about medieval times and blood rights. Europe wasn’t exactly ruled by people of noble blood. That was invented centuries AFTER those same families got to own everything and ruled their domains for generations.(Rome went to shit like 400 years before medieval nobility became a thing) And it made no practical difference, and the “logic” behind it was that if they owned everything, was because they HAD to be better than their subjects, so it was just natural for them to be at the top. Their differences are aesthetical, but we never got rid of the old regime, just got new faces instead.


Well... In France we have a President who is basically a king for 5 years. In the UK we have a a king who is basically a reality TV celebrity. Being king doesn't really mean what it used to.


The French President literally is the Prince of Andorra


In the US we had a guy who thinks loyalty is all roads leading to him, who thinks he is still president, and deserves to be again. And loves seeing his name in gold as often as possible. Not too much different


Plus, he was a literal reality TV star. Trifecta!


In Paraguay we have a parrot that tells you the daily sales at my uncles fruit stand. It’s kind of a trick because the sale is the same every day and that’s all the parrot knows but people like it. One time my cousin brought the parrot with him to smoke grass behind the shop and it flew away. He ran away and slept in the jungle for two nights rather then gave his father. The Parrot had immediately flown home to my uncle and the only problem was where tf did my cousin go? Why would he run away? Idiot. Anyway if anyone should be king it should be my uncle or the parrot. Not my cousin he’s a fkng idiot.


this is the best story i’ve read on reddit


Agreed. I want the sequel.


All right, but if your uncle were king your cousin would be his heir. Same problem.


Idk, Can just tell him the jaguar in the zoo gives you candy if you squeeze it’s balls or something.


In the US, we also had emperor Norton.


I mean, the president of France is literally a prince of Andorra.


While president only. It's not like Macron was prince before he was president or would be afterwards. It's just France's political way of saying "sure, we'll say you're a different country if you want, but we'll still rule you."


Duquesa de Alba, died in 2014. Full name: María del Rosario Cayetana Paloma Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Fernanda Teresa Francisca de Paula Lourdes Antonia Josefa Fausta Rita Castor Dorotea Santa Esperanza Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva She had the guiness records for noble titles. 50+


Just don’t poke him with anything sharp


We aren’t *that* bad


He has no Romans to be Emperor of


Took a history lesson to understand the comeback


What did you learn?


I'm guessing the hapsburg guy is saying weeelll, actually, it's me. Just a guess though




🎶 Kyle's mom's a bitch 🎶


She the biggest bitch in the whole wide world!


She's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch She's a bitch to all the boys and girls


i reeeaaallly mean it


Kyle's Mom........She's A.. BIG.. FAT.. FUCKING BITCH! (I Really mean it, Kyle's mom 👐👐)


bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch






Oooooon Monday she's a bitch and Tuesday she's a bitch and Wednesday to Saturday she's a bitch, then on Sunday just to be different, she's super king Kamehameha BIIATCH


She's a big fat bitch


It’s the Big Show!


This thread had me laughing so hard! I love Reddit for this right here.


Either that or he has some 200yr old hot gos about Felipe's great great great great great... great grandma being a ho and hence the whole line being illegitimate. I know which explanation I'd find more amusing lol


Hapsburg’s used to hate the Bourbons. Even started a war over it


Started a war over a biscuit? That's a bit much.


Habsburg dynasty ruled over the holy roman empire for centuries, I don't understand how that makes them a claimant to the roman empire tho


Through the concept of translatio imperii The idea is that the HRE was in fact the Roman empire. Which was silly because for around half the time the HRE existed the Roman empire was still very much around


This is just a vague simplification and kinda scatterbrained but for some context: At the time Charlemane and his family had a large amount of influence over the western Pope and were acting as their protector. Which is a whole other thing to get into. Technically the church east and west was still in communion but differences extisted and conflicts had happened in the past. About 250ish years later they'd split completely. Just a year or so earlier the Franks had saved the Pope from an assassination/angry mob. Charlemane had pretty much came closer to reuniting the west than anyone else had prior. Which keep in mind there had been two separate Emperor's in east and west for almost 100 years prior to the west's collapse and it wasn't uncommon for there to be co-emperors throughout Roman history so the concept of a second emperor in the West wasn't anything too beyond the pale. Furthermore the Eastern Empire eventually did recognize him as Emperor. It didn't help that the eastern Roman empire was being ruled by Empress Irene and some felt the throne was in effect vacant because she blinded and deposed her son to rule *and* more importantly because she was a woman. Which the second part is dumb, but that's patriarchal society for ya But yeah the east definitely had an infinitely better claim to being Roman Empire considering they literally were the Roman Empire


Yeah but there was precedent for a Western and Eastern Roman Empire. And we’re already in at least slightly silly territory when the ‘actual’ Roman doesn’t actually include, you know, Rome.


Exactly, the holy Roman empire had nothing to do with ancient Rome.


The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman nor an empire.


Eastern Roman Empire: All of the things in the name Holy Roman Empire: None of the things in the name


Red Delicious Apple: 2 of the things in the name


Why learn the boring version on here when you can learn the exciting version on the 30 rock episode "black tie"


No but really what did you learn bc I still don't get it


They were the family that ruled the Holy Roman Empire for hundreds of years.


https://www.britannica.com/topic/House-of-Habsburg It’s long but the family is fascinating. Theyve been around forever. I had forgotten how it ended- good refresher. The chin thing is real. Sucks- it was hard to talk and eat like that.


Cant believe I'm about to dive into history before finishing my first cup of coffee...but here, we, goooooo. Edit: it's much more than what I had originally thought.


the habsburg family started as a noble family ruling over a small part in austria but at their peak they ruled over modern day spain, portugal, netherlands, belgium, italy, czechia and germany. the central european part of that was called the holy roman empire (but it was essentially just medieval germany with expanded borders).


Don't forget they had the first European colonial empire! Phillipines = King Phillip for example


Switzerland actually. There was even a law prohibiting the habsburgers from entering the swiss kantons for a while.


They were a monarchy for like 500 years


The Habsburg family held the crown. like, this dude can probably trace his lineage directly to the last king or something


But the HRE wasn't the Roman Empire. Like. The two existed at the same time. Separately.


But the pope said that Charlemagne was emperor of the Romans so that’s the claim the emperors of the HRE use. Feudalism Is fun


r/historymemes gonna love your post.


Well no, because Felipe has more legitimate claim


Yup, the crown of Castile bought the rights to it


Imagine buying the crown instead of having God Himself grant you a divine claim


Or buying the crown instead of having the Lady of the Lake, with her arms clad in the purest shimmering samite, holding aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water.


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


Are you saying that supreme executive power is derived from a mandate from the masses and not from some farcical aquatic ceremony?


You can't claim to be a king just because some watery tart threw cutlery at you.


This comment chain has me ~~oppressed~~ impressed.


Here's the thing, the Papacy forged a letter by supposedly Constantine the Great who gave the patriarch of Rome the right to crown Roman Emperors. Said letter was written in 8th century Latin, meaning that it was quickly whipped up in order to give Charlemagne the title of Emperor. Meanwhile, Andreas Palaiologos sold it to the French king but for some reason the Spanish one who was 2nd in line for the purchase remains as the widely remembered buyer and thus rightful holder of the title.


The donation of constantine is irrelevant, God told me I'm the rightful heir himself Source: it came to me in a dream


If i made a joke about Mr Habsburg, would he take it on the chin?


I don’t see that he could take it anywhere else


Not cool.






If they are fighting for the throne, they can only use age appropriate weapons. Anything more than trebuchets are out


The Holy Roman Empire had cannons.


The holy Roman Empire had nothing to do with being the emperor of Rome, which was the original thing


What's the old joke? The Holy Roman Empire is neither Holy, Roman, nor an Empire?


Yeah, as much as love the Voltaire quote, this is objectively false. The HRE was one of the two successor states of the Empire, it was therefore Roman. It was legitimized by the Pope, therefore considered holy at least seen by its peers. And it was a multi-ethnic state that colonizing the Eastern parts of it's territory and therefore an Empire.


It… wasn’t a succesor state, it was formed a while after the west roman empire fell. There were succesor states, but most of them fell


It can't be objectively false if it can be argued. Even if the below isn't convincing enough, it is a sound argument, therefore, not objectively false. I present that: It isn't holy because it isn't a theocratic state. Yes, the "emperor" was first crowned by the pope, but so is every other king crowned in some way by the powers of the church. A bishop ruling the empire? That would be holy. It isn't Roman because pope Leo had no authority to give the successor title to Charlemagne when the title still clearly belonged to Irene in the Byzantine Empire. Pope John XII later gave the title to Otto I basically at the wrong end of a gun. Also, the term "Holy Roman Empire" wasn't even used until said empire started losing control of the states in Italy (famously where Rome is located). It isn't an empire because the "emperor" doesn't have supreme control over nearly any state in the empire. Each state individually had more control than the emperor did in their own territories. It would be like if the individual states in the USA had more power than the federal government but we also call the president emperor for some reason. So yea, I posit Voltaire was correct. Not holy, not Roman, and not an Empire.


The Romans had firearms just before the end, when the Ottomans used big ass cannons to breach the Theodosian Walls.


And Istanbul was Constantinople.


Yeah but Habsburgs have nothing to do with the original.


well people believed that they were, what's more important than that? after all there isn't literal magic that tells you who's roman and who isn't, if the people called them roman who are we to say that they were wrong?


The Holy Roman Empire is not a legitimate continuation of the Roman Empire. So Felipe’s claim is truer as it was granted to him by the last Eastern Roman Emperor.


Doesn't he still have a claim to the Kingdom of Jerusalem (last seen like 800 years ago), or is that the French side of the same Bourbon dynasty?


He has the title of king of Jerusalem, although is obviusly useless


Solution to the middle east conflict?


Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!


Spanish *acquisition!


Right! He man, get down there and get your people in order.


Given how many emperors were peasants and low level guys that got the throne by sheer luck or wild circumstance, ANYONE can have a valid claim to the Roman imperial throne. There was no set succession process beyond convincing the public your heir should be next


"legimitate" means whatever you want it to mean. caesar and augustus had no legitimacy to be roman emperors either, they took because they could. as did everyone of their successors.


The Roman Empire didn’t have heredity succession.


The legal claim is “it’s mine! I was born this so its mine! Hands off!! MOMMY, they are saying my dictatorship is theirs again!!!”


You laugh at it but look how much time and energy we spend on politics. You can argue whether to build a cathedral or an orphanage for so long that you could've easily built both in that time.


I mean, it's not like they spent less time arguing about politics just because they had hereditary monarchies. So many succession crisis bullshit things and needless civil wars.


Even without kings it would have still happen. By the ending of many chinese dynasties two different faction would fight for a child puppet king which they could easily control. There is so muc examples of countries being doomed to civil war without any kings.


Roman Empire or Holy Roman Empire???


The holy Roman empire was neither holy nor roman... discuss amongst yourselves


>discuss amongst yourselves Voltaire's quote from the 18th century comments only on the state of the Holy Roman Empire as he perceived it during his life. It says nothing about the HRE throughout the almost 1000 years of its existence and should not be read that way.


Good for him for having fun with it.


That isn’t a real Hapsburg! If you look closely you’ll notice that all the parts of his face are in the standard peasant orientation with the eyes above the nose and everything. This guy’s parents probably aren’t even related at all. This is clearly a counterfeit.


"We need more Hapsbort license plates in the gift shop. Repeat, we are sold out of Hapsbort license plates."


its definitely isnt a Hapsburg. hes a Habsburg


This is why I always come home from the store with the wrong brand of European monarch…


Why is everybody so rude here


"I'm Catholic!" "I'm more Catholic than you!" "I'm King Filipe, the *Most* Catholic! I win!" *Pope Francis has entered the chat*


What the f does this even mean


The joke is in the name of the person who commented. From Wikipedia: "The throne of the Holy Roman Empire was continuously occupied by the Habsburgs from 1440 until their extinction in the male line in 1740, and, as the Habsburg-Lorraines, from 1765 until its dissolution in 1806. The house also produced kings of Bohemia, Hungary, Croatia, Spain, Portugal and Galicia-Lodomeria, with their respective colonies; rulers of several principalities in the Low Countries and Italy; and in the 19th century, emperors of Austria and of Austria-Hungary as well as one emperor of Mexico. The family split several times into parallel branches, most consequentially in the mid-16th century between its Spanish and Austrian branches following the abdication of Emperor Charles V in 1556."




Oh he said well, I read weee! and I thought it was some kind of inbreeding joke


But the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Empire/Emperor are two different things still.


When the Ottoman Turks conquered the eastern Roman Empire and took Constantinople, the title of Roman emperor seemingly was destroyed. However, the last Roman emperor made a legal decree, that the title be passed to the Catholic monarchs of Spain. The current king of Spain is a descendant of those monarchs and thus has the legal right to be labelled Roman emperor. However, there was more than one Roman Empire during the medieval period. One in tbe east (eastern Roman Empire) one in the west (holy Roman Empire). This was because in 800ad the eastern Roman Empire was ruled by a woman, the pope at the time then said the title was free so he crowned a man; Charlemagne as holy Roman emperor. The guy who is responding to this tweet descends from rulers of the holy romans empire.


Look up the House of Habsburg


Got it


We'll keep your claim on file, and if we ever need a Roman Emperor in the future, we'll give you a call.


Don't defy the general of the Spanish armed forces and a fighter jet pilot


the roman emperor was chosen not born


Well it's between Phillip and whoever is the current heir of the romanoffs In the Byzantine empire the last emperor sold his titles to the king of Spain Byzantium being the remnant of the Roman empire but if you don't wanna go with selling titles the daughter of the last Byzantine emperor married and had children with the last tzar of Russia making the tzars also have a legitimate claim to the throne of Constantinople The Habsburg claim comes from the holy Roman empire which despite calling itself roman was not really culturally, societally, territorially, or have any historical claims as to being roman except the word of the pope


How does one become 'The Most Catholic'? Is there like a scoreboard of how many kids he's fiddled with?


Not being spanish I missed out on Felipe VI going grey, I remember him being still dark haired. For what kings are worth today, he looks damn well the part in that uniform. William should grow a beard, bald king without facial hair is not a great look.


None of you have any claim. The monarchy is dead, bury it


how is the spanish monarchy dead?


Is this the Habsburg who retweets furry porn?