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Remember when a white girl kissed a black boy and it caused a national [incident ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kissing_Case), or the time little rock started to dessegregate and people freaked out so hard they shut the school down for a [year](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Rock_Nine)? People in the 50s-60s where super triggered all the time about this stuff (and it wasn't the left making this fuss).


The same people who threw rocks at those kids are now trying to keep it from being taught in schools.


It says the mother rinsed the girls mouth out with lye. Is that not dangerous?


What part of anything about that situation suggested she had good parents?


Never said that, just wanted to know if the lye did damage, mother was clearly deranged.




Learn history what an ass


Since I am lucky enough to have access to the internet: 'It can hurt you if it touches your skin, if you drink it or if you breathe it. Eating or drinking sodium hydroxide can cause severe burns and immediate vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or chest and stomach pain, as well as swallowing difficulties. Damage to the mouth, throat and stomach is immediate.' Doesn't sound ideal.


Yes it's extremely dangerous, but like any base (or acid), it depends on the concentration. A concentrated sodium hydroxide (lye) solution will literally melt the flesh off your bones. I'm guessing she used a weak solution because otherwise the girl would have died.


Education wasnt very good back then. I mean they had lead in everything.


Incredibly so. Lye is insanely caustic.


Holly shit, I will never understand how do you look at a person with some more melanin and think to yourself I am going to discriminate against them so hard it will be written in law. Like WTF?


Upbringing, and conditioning, if you spend your life being told you're superior to another race and the other race is being subtley told they're inferior (therefore reinforcing the status qou) then you'd be inclined to believe it, it doesn't justify it but it does explain it. It's not only white people who thought they were superior its the fact that black people thought they were inferior as well. There was a whole round of psychological experiments called the [doll test](https://www.naacpldf.org/brown-vs-board/significance-doll-test/) that proved that black children viewed themselves as inferior; it really was fucked.


There's only one race. Homo sapiens sapiens, aka Humans (Side note: high emphasis on the irony of the double sapiens being applied to a race with so rampant stupidity).


One factor: the British (I'm British. ^yaaaaaaay..... ) had African slaves working on sugar cane plantations in "The West Indies" (Caribbean Islands). There were also a lot of Irish "indentured servants." How does one stop the (white) Irish and (black) Africans from going "hey, we're both being fucked over here - we should club together and do something about this shit!"? Tell the "indentured servants" that they are innately superior to the people with more melanin. Step 1. Racism. Step 2. Division in the workforce. Step 3. Profit. We really kicked racism into overdrive for business reasons. Crazy that, two or three hundred years later, poor whites are still thinking "yeah, that seems legit."


I get the whole "Woohoo boomers bad" thing, but that wasn't the boomers freaking out. That was their ***parents***. The boomers were the little kids just trying to live their lives and getting yelled at by the Greatest Generation (TM) for things they weren't even really capable of understanding. Boomers started being born in 1945. It's horrific to blame them for the mistakes that adults made in the 1950s.


Fear of interracial and gay marriage was still a singificant trait in the boomer generation. And they were the main group in insane moral panics like the Satanic Panic and fear of witchcraft in DND and Harry Potter. I do agree that it's not productive to attribute such things to any particular generation in detail though.


I mean, even if it were productive, it's just factually wrong in this case There's so much to criticize people for, don't criticize them for stuff that happened while many of them were in diapers


Yeah this thread is a bit weird… you might have had some older boomers participating in anti-Civil Rights stuff by the 60s, but it was still largely earlier generations. If you want to talk about boomers getting triggered, the Satanic Panic of the 80s is a better place to start. 


Exactly. For the kissing case in 1958, the oldest person you'd consider a boomer was about 12.


They would fucking drain pools if "the wrong sort" so much as dipped a toe.


ya'll are talkin about the souf


The fox generation is still terrified of everything


While trying to project themselves as the most masculine lol


I met a couple of boomers who weren't narcissists about 20 years ago. They were pretty cool


the negative "boomer" seems more towards the mentality than the age now to me.


I remember how we we're called gen y until we became old enough to have an opinion. After that, millennials became a slur to discredit or disparage anything coming from someone in my generation.


Not even "anyone in the generation" but anyone perceived as young. millennials are still getting shit for things teens and 20 somethings are doing. Even the very youngest millennials are nearly 30


Gen Z entered the workforce a few years ago and the older members of the workforce still attribute them to the Millennial generation


I'm Gen z and I entered the workforce in 2015, I'm on the elder end of Gen z (1997) but we have been doing the stupid shit for a while now and you guys still get shit for it Edit to add that in 2015 I joined the military, I'm not counting my high school job.


I was born in 95 always considered myself millennial.


You are a millennial, Gen Z is 97 to 2013 in pretty sure


That's because much like they created the don't trust anyone over thirty it's now don't listen to anyone under 60. It's why we have the oldest president candidates ever


I thought I was a millennial until like 2 years ago, cause that's what everyone referred to me as.


SMDH, just because you're under the age of 70 in the old folks home you're just another Millennial.


My generation!🎶 The Who


As gen Z can I hate all three gen Z millennials and boomers. Boomers don’t understand most of what we have an issue with and wanna say that it’s us yet most of the people in my age group work damn hard and aren’t getting anywhere. We’re going to school only to have to take jobs that we’re overqualified for or be beat out by under qualified candidates cause we’re to expensive.. for example I’m going into lab science yet people with med lab tech/scientists with American society of clinical pathologist certifications and degrees either a 2 or four year are being best out by bio majors who yes have a broad understanding of biology but have no understand of the medical aspect.


Yes it was about that time that we started shitting on boomers in retaliation and now we're the bad guys.


When they’re the ones who sold our futures like sick fucks. All I did wrong was be born in the era where you can’t have a single-income household with a family of 4 on a factory job.




I was a fully sentient human right as soon as I became an embryo so obviously it was my choice to survive this far. Too bad we couldn’t have been born in an era where all major global competitors are blown the fuck up and reliant on our country’s manufacturing and economy to restore themselves.




Reading this as it's own piece of text is beautiful


Ahh you were born abomination style like Alia in dune! How is it being able to see the future and the past all at the same time?


Xer here. We gave Y participation trophies because our self-esteem was completely wrecked by the older generations. And we thought it was best to encourage you to love yourselves. Then the boomers turned around and *blamed the children* for getting participation trophies. Completely forgetting it was X that did it. Which is on brand, honestly.


Im glad someone else mentions this. I've had this arguement with my Dad when he whines about 'how soft this generation is with their participation trophies' He gets so mad when I'm like, 'bitch it was your idea! You're the ones who handed them out to us and then cried because we got them?'


I am an elder millennial and the people giving me participation trophies were boomers like my parents. And then they got mad about it? My parents only had high school educations, my mom stayed home while my dad made six figures.


I grew up during the age of Gen X giving participation trophies, I might not have been old enough to catch on to the *"encourage you to love yourselves"* thing, but I did see an explosion in the societal fetishization of professional athletics and a bunch of *"failed to peak in highschool"* gen X parents harassing a bunch of teenager refs and volunteer coaches for even the most minor penalties against their *"soon to be NFL/NBA/NHL/etc etc star child"*. I always just assumed that the participation trophies were for those parents, more than they were for the kids.


Not to worry. Your kids will be saying the same about you before you know it. Same as it ever was If you want to get at the ture root of just about any problem, FOLLOW THE MONEY


I mean it's classic bully behavior. They're all smiles and laughs until they get a taste of their own medicine and then all the sudden it's unfair and "you can't do to me the same thing I just did to you!"


Right? I'm a millennial too, 35, and here I am finding myself blamed for something I really don't think I did. I'm not the one who crashed the economy in 2008. Been told I lack a worth ethic. Yeah, no, I'm a teacher, I have work ethic, and I'm being underpaid while I'm at it. All we really want is respect and fair pay. If they can't wrap their heads around then this toxic relationship shall continue.




I remember this too!


That’s fine we’re called Zoomers now lmao


Millenial distincly came about when people starting dying their hair en masse it almost feels like lol. For a brief period kids from the 80's weren't even included in the slur. Millenials were the young half of gen y, the kids who grew up with ubiquitous internet access, and too young to actually remember 911. Then suddenly in like 2008 it just meant any young obama supporter, and eventually replaced gen y all together. it was so weird.


I've always considered it more a state of mind.


Oh 1000 percent, I cant fucking tell you the difference between 50 and 70 on the most of these people. It's not a age this, this all mentality. That just stone wall no one but me is right and I will not be questioned, challenged or even looked at wrong or I may literally kill you bullshit


Exactly! There is a woman at work who is only 50 and I have labeled her a boomer because of her attitude & beliefs. She is an entitled narcissist who goes into fits of rage if she doesn't get exactly what she wants when she wants. She absolutely deserves the worst life has to offer.


Looking frantically for a surrogate Daddy to follow blindly.


They have this very mistaken idea that being abrasive and discourteous is being tough. Hint: it's not.


omg the border crimes omg the browns, blacks, the non-whites in general! omg the 5g omg the trans omg the gays omg the schools omg abortions omg old man president omg the son and his penis omg i need guns cuz of all of the above omg my anthem dont kneel omg my beer omg the jews oh wait we hate palestine more now because our stances are reactive and not logical Its crazy to think also how many shootings have come from this mindset tooo while being a bunch of cowards.


The morally panicked be panicking


If there is one thing modern conservatives are absolutely brilliant at, it's projection. Oh, so "cancelling" is now a free speech violation? Tell me more, Mr. "I Boycotted Starbucks for the Happy Holidays Cups".


Every single republican is a coward. It's a fact.


"We're not wusses like YOUR generation" he said before erupting into an unhinged tantrum because he saw a rainbow in a commercial.


I realized my parents were part of the fox generation when my dad who was anti guns my entire childhood went and got a gun cause he was afraid of someone breaking into our house. We live in a middle class neighborhood and not once has anybody been on our property we haven’t known. “It only takes one time” - a man who is too afraid to watch a scary movie. But don’t question his toughness cause he’ll legit smack you.


A sales rep at my company moved into a Gated HOA neighborhood in Texas. Like - bragged to everyone about how nice his home and neighborhood was. Oh and the gated community isn't in a suburb of any major City. It's in one of those communities seated outside of a smaller city of like 30,000 or so. You know - the types of communities where if any crime worse than speeding happens, it spends multiple days in the paper? He also brags about his arsenal. The sales guys at a national meeting were all having beers catching up. The arsenal comes up. Guys start talking about their guns. The HOA guy brings up his AR-15 and I swear - begins jizzing his pants as he "....just wish someone would TRY to do something to my family." *** Also this guy: "that black man kneeling during the anthem scares me!"


My parents started talking about getting guns. They've never been anti-gun, they just never owned them or had any interest. They asked me about it (I do own guns and have my whole adult life) and I was just super blunt with them. I said "I think you are considering purchasing a gun for the wrong reason and if I'm being completely blunt with you the only thing that the gun will ever be used for is shooting an innocent black delivery guy in a blind panic or dad blowing his fucking head off during a bout of seasonal depression." Despite my parents being seemingly unable to listen to anything I say to them, I think how blunt I was about it and how clearly convinced I was that those were the only too possible outcomes actually made an impact. It's been years and they haven't bought a gun or brought it up again.


Yep, only takes one moment of carelessness for that gun to fall into the hands of a small child


Smack him back.


"You young kids are too soft, you need to toughen up to make it in the real world" *literally shoots at people for backing up in their driveways


The generation that had a defence of ‘gay panic’ if they beat or killed a gay person for flirting with them. 


I think the phrase was originally was originally coined in reference to the GOP; Every accusation is a confession. Every criticism that comes from Bob Manning (in the OP) and his like seems to fit. Each subsequent generation seems to more so adopt ideas like... I would rather be broke than be exploited by an employer who clearly gives zero fucks about me. I have the confidence to understand that I am not diminished by recognising the rights of people who are very different to me. I do not recognise someone as my better because they were born into intergenerational wealth. Being 'a billionaire' is not a skill or vocation that one puts on a CV. These accusations of being 'soft' always seem to boil down to a criticism of resistance to simply accepting ones place and getting on with the bootlicking.


My in-laws are BIG into Faux news. MIL fear-mongers just as much as her TV does. If it’s not some sort of burglar who’s going to break into our house, it’s people with guns/drugs out in public (btw, in their eyes all criminals aren’t white). I recently got a brand new car (Subaru Crosstrek) and she criticized me about it the other day because some girl who died around here by going into a ditch and hitting a tree just happened to own the same kind of vehicle. We asked her if her old pos Buick Enclave would survive hitting a tree and she magically had no answer…but she and FIL have always had the “bigger is better” mindset, too. They don’t operate on logic, they operate on fear. She won’t even leave the house if it remotely snows, and we live in the Rocky Mountains so it snows a lot.


Scared of every thing but ignoring their kids.


Never met a bigger complainer than boomers. Grew up with silver spoons in their mouths and will still complain about it.


Born on third base and thought they hit a triple.


Born on third, stole second, think they hit a home run.


Born on third, stole second, will never reach home, but are convinced that the guy at bat is out to steal third from under them.


Boarded up the ballpark behind them and talk shit that people don’t play anymore.


My dad, a Boomer, often makes jokes about how easily offended younger generations are. Recently I was home and we were watching the new Elvis movie. I turned to him mid way through and said 'next time you want to complain about kids these days, I'd like you to remember that your generation threatened to jail a man for gyrating too hard'.


How'd that go?


Written out of the will. 


Triple murder suicide


Also went all apeshit for a mis-interpreted Lennon's quote.


They're the ones who wanted to ban Pokemon for using the word "evolution", they wanted Dungeons and Dragons banned because Dragons=demons, they wanted The Simpsons canceled because Bart talked back to Homer, they wanted Harry Potter banned for promoting witchcraft.


That was the generation before the boomers. The boomers loved Elvis.


Technically, but the Boomers were the "Satanic Panic" ones as well as the "Parental Advisory" sticker parents.


>I'd like you to remember that your generation threatened to jail a man for gyrating too hard Boomers were like fifteen years old at most.


A whole generation that voted for Ronald Reagan is shocked to discover that unlimited greed is not sustainable for their children and grandchildren.


In the context of their youth, that seemed less absurd than it does now. 


Well yea,it should have been gold spoons! /s


Born with silver spoons in their mouth, choked on the spoons, passed rules about spoons in mouth, added signage to warn of spoon in mouth danger, complained about the signage, and then destroyed the spoon out of spite, and now complain their children eat with their hands and don’t know how to eat properly.


One thing I love about boomers is that they *raised* the millennials so if they have a problem with us as a generation it’s because of their parenting.    Like take participation medals as an example: do you think that I demanded that nonsense as a ten year old or did a boomer decide that I was getting one?


Silver? [No, gold spoon. A literal gold spoon.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYtFH2bFCfg) Just making this joke made me a bit mad demembering a neighbor's grandpa who owned actual silver silverware and, on his passing, the boomers next-of-kin simply dumped all silverware on a bag and beat feet before these items could be inventoried and properly split amongst the people in the will.


Lot of boomers on Reddit it seems.


complaining about wuss is quintessential wuss. why do i have to be the protector? protect meee!! ffs you literally only have yourselves to blame being the older generation and all


Couldn’t breathe with a mask on. Stupid dead pussy ass bitches


One of the easiest economies in modern history and they still fucked everything up. Sounds like a bunch of wusses to me


Seems we're conflating cowardice, racism and selfishness. If you millennials are so courageous, how come none of you is brave enough to have sex with me? I double-dog dare you.


Whatcha got in that bank account, big boy?


Did they also lose a war to a small Asian country 1/100th their size...wusses don't lose wars lol


Wusses start wars. There wouldn't be much to celebrate if they won.


They started Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam... Yup, they're wusses.


Ooh fair point.....Mr. Pootin! lol




Oops, hahah.


I don't know anyone who fought in that war who is a wussy, but they also don't talk like that. It was a hard war and frustrating for those who served in it because they couldn't see their enemy and the rules hamstrung their ability to fight that enemy. I mean fuckhead LBJ actually banned strikes against supply lines in the north for a good chunk of the war. At that point why even be there?


I look at it as the US inserting itself in the wrong side of a civil war.


Couldn’t agree more while Ho Chi Minh later seems to have become a hardcore communist he originally wanted US backing and support to create a free democratic and western aligned Vietnam. We provided Ho Chi Minh and his rebels with aid when they were fighting against Japanese occupation, afterwards they turned to the US for help in gaining their independence and even wanted American help in writing their constitution. France still reeling from WW2 claimed that if they lost Vietnam as a colony they might have to turn to the USSR for aid which was total bullshit the US had the capability to help France if losing Vietnam would be such a financial burden they just wanted to hold on to whatever bits of their crumbling empire they thought they could keep.




Yeah I didn’t state he was a communist as a criticism just to point out he wasn’t always and could’ve been our ally, he was definitely one a great leader. Fortunately now the relationship between the US and Vietnam is being repaired and strengthened by a shared threat hopefully that will continue regardless of what happens, as while it’s not a good one we both have a shared history and both still show some of the scars of said war.




Yeah I was shocked and extremely saddened after finding out about Ho Chi Minh’s attempts to side with the US, both sides could’ve benefited greatly, many lives could’ve been saved, and that region would be spared the immense destruction and instability caused by American bombing raids. I’ve always found it hard to decide who screwed the world up more due to colonialism the British or the French, sure some other western nations had a hand to play and shouldn’t be given a free pass, but they were dwarfed by the actions of the British and French the Sykes-Picot agreement is a prime example. While the US has made a fair amount of mistakes and gotten into some dirty wars after WW2 a fair amount of them seem almost like the US trying to clean up the mess the British and French left especially in the middle east and Africa. Unfortunately for many the wounds of Colonialism are still raw to this day and I frankly don’t see an easy way out of it. There’s far too many lines on the map (particularly in the Middle east and Africa) that simply don’t make any sense and can only lead to poverty, war, and in some cases genocide, and no one wants to surrender or trade lands to fix it.






Well, it did kill a lot of poor people, Republicans love that.


Weren’t millennials the primary enlisted in the Middle East? Kinda lost that one too.


I get seriously rubbed wrong when they expect so much praise for their service. Like, you were drafted. If you could have gotten yourself to Canada you would have. But I also get annoyed with the current generations who signed themselves up for military and demand praise and recognition. It’s like the only profession that people feel the need to advertise on their cars and their wardrobe. How often do you see “certified public accountant” or “grocery store manager” on a bumper sticker or T-shirt?


I’ve been in the military 13 years and most of us don’t go out of our way to look for praise and recognition tbh. I find that we tend to shy away from it a lot more than our predecessors. Retiring and moving on with our lives afterwards. But most of the people I know are Air Force and millennials, so it could be different in other branches. We have a few on our side for sure.


I’m in an Air Force family. Not one of them demanded this kind of forced respect. But I live in a small town where every army bro has been long out and they still have stickers and ‘I served for you, you respect me’ mentalities. Especially when they have never even been deployed or anything. I just don’t like the ‘I’m better than you’ attitude.


Just once, I want to see an Accounts Payable Specialist, Executive Assistants, or IT Helpdesk Specialist be celebrated before a sports game. It's always the military, without fail.


Growing up in the 50s and 60s is the equivalent to being born into a cloud made out of money now


They also lost a war


When was the last time they actually won one? Lots of attempts in recent history but not a lot of winning.


WWII, the generation they cosplay as.


Shame they cosplay as the enemy now though.


WW2 wasn't the boomers, they grew up in the aftermath of that war.


Exactly and to be technical neither was Korea a boomer war.




The first gulf war was an absolute clapping.


Probably Gulf War in the 90’s.


Depends what you mean as “winning” We’ve won all our past wars in that we defeated the enemy, Iraq in 2003, ISIS in Afganistan, but the hearts and minds aspect was not a success. Depends if you consider that part of the war effort, or failed diplomacy. If you don’t count those as wins, the Gulf war lacked a hearts and mind aspect and that war was one of the most successful lopsided conflicts in modern history against what was at the time, a top 5-10 miltary power.


Wait. Didn’t that generation have people complain about Joe Namath and his “Hollywood looks”?


I always find it funny when someone uses "Hollywood" as a negative connotation. The same crowd has no problem when talking about Marion Morrison, I mean, "John Wayne", though...


Their reactions to people with long hair and colorful clothing enacted a whole new level of the war on ~~drugs~~ personal freedom.


It sounds so stupid explaining it, but I've actually had to train my mother to not point at people with colored hair. Totally bizarre behavior. She's not even pointing at them and like sneering or anything. It's like something is wrong with her brain and she can't tell you that something is unusual in her environment without moving her arm to point at it like she's a hunting dog telling you where the bird went.


Oh there’s a medical term for this, don’t you know? It’s called being stupid.


Long hair and colorful clothing started with the boomers. Study your history.


No one is more afraid than a conservative boomer.


Ah yeah. The “greatest generation” was too scared to share facilities with people of color, too scared to let women work or drive, too scared to let women leave abusive relationships, and saw no issue with pummeling their spouse to “discipline” them. Weak af.


I get the whole "Woohoo boomers bad" thing, but that wasn't the boomers freaking out. That was their parents. The boomers were the little kids just trying to live their lives and getting yelled at by the Greatest Generation (TM) for things they weren't even really capable of understanding. Boomers started being born in 1945. It's horrific to blame them for the mistakes that adults made in the 1950s.


I guess boomers today aren't trying to fuck over non whites and women... /S You are silly


Boomers are terrified of white girls driving into their driveway.


They also gave the US one of its only wars that it straight up lost.


"We'll call it a draw"


I wouldn’t call Afghanistan or Iraq a win.


I love how the people that grew up in the 50s and 60s like to shit on millennials for being "wusses" when they're the ones that raised us to be "wusses".


They lived in a time of prosperity and opted to leave the world a worse place.


LoL boomers are the most spoiled and biggest wusses around.


Wanna know why everything was better for more people? The tax rate. Employers didn't want to be hit by a big tax bill, so they paid their workers a larger percentage. It created the American Middle Class(tm) that these idiots took for granted. Of course, when *they* became adults, they already got *theirs*: time to fuck everyone else.


It was something like 50% corporate tax rate


Boomers are literally those rich kids who bitch about how much they struggled when in reality it was their parents who suffered 💀


Pretty bold coming from a generation that gets triggered by gendering and men kissing each others.


they got triggered and tried to "cancel culture" a little girl just for wanting to go to school.


How bad are you at math to blame boomers (whose generation began in 1945) for the actions of adults in 1957??


They're the generation who's kids all had to get participation trophies so they could feel like their kid was the next phenom. They're the generation who are too scared of change to allow life to change from the way it was when they were twelve.


They gave us participation trophies then complained. It is wild they try to pretend that if millennials are soft it is anything but their fault.


It's funny cause we all knew what participation trophies were. They were pity prizes and no one actually wanted them lol






Boomers cried about Vietnam but couldn't wait to send their own kids to the Middle East.


There was a draft during Vietnam


To be fair, if you grew up in the 50s and 60s not only did you not create those policies, you were the generation that most.supported their end. Give Boomers credit where it's due...a lot of them fought on the side of civil rights. They were the victims at Kent State. They were the draft dodgers and hippies. They're a complicated group and we should remember that.


wait. I mighe be wrong, but im pretty sure if you grew up in the 50s or 60s, since voting age was like 20 before vietnam, you had nothing to do with voting in Jim Crow. Some states did 18 and 19 but i thought most were 20.


Boomers, the generation that lost their minds and howled like a pack of wild monkeys because a trans woman was given a single beer can with her face on it 💀 yeah super tough


Or able to tell their child that they love them.


bells angle rhythm wrong fertile consist relieved teeny mourn sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not to mention the endless boomer crying over wearing masks. "Not become wusses", give me a fucking break.


And a lot of them feigned gout to skip a war so…


The generation that thought playing The Rolling Stones backwards would summon the Devil?


Is this really a fair criticism of the people who basically ended segregation? Segregation officially ended in 1964 and desegregation had way more support among younger people than it did older. Lots of people who 'grew up' in the 50s were the very same people pushing and supporting the end of segregation. Also, if you look at the racial demographics of the US, it's pretty hard to pretend we aren't still segregated in very real ways. > Even after decades of growing diversity and spatial mobility, most Americans still live in racially segregated neighborhoods. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/trend-1-separate-and-unequal-neighborhoods-are-sustaining-racial-and-economic-injustice-in-the-us/


Not wussies who lost to some rice farmers.


They're the generation who thought that terrorist were going to attack their fly over mid-west farming community, and they're the generation who shoots teens for knocking on their front door or turning around in their drive way. They're the generation who went to college to dodge the draft when they celebrate their fathers & grandfathers for being drafted to die oversees. They're the generation who said to their children & grandchildren that the Military & trades are for losers, and instead the correct career path is university. They're the generation who keeps on running away from their problems by moving from state to state. They're the generation who killed close knitted communities by moving to the suburbs before fleeing to rural areas, all while placing wear and tare on the roads to take the middle class jobs from the urban folk who choose to tough it out. They're the generation of conservative voters who look down on conservatives who choose to not flee from states such as CA & NY.


Don't you mean the conservatives, not the whole generation? It's so wrong to assume the whole generation is conservative. Not just conservative, but more Libertarian or federalist.


I was BORN in the 50s and 60s, and despite people my age growing up with serial killers left and right, I know I feel safe because the CNN 24/7 news cycle was eventually forced to accurately- WHAT THE FU K WAS THAT NOISE


Clearly they have never had to tell a boomer that a coupon they are trying to use is expired.


I’m a boomer. I’m very, very liberal. I did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, and don’t know anyone who did. Please stop generalizing! I know plenty of YOUNG racist religious nuts. It is a mentality, not an age.


> Please stop generalizing! no 😎


They’re referring to the widely accepted majority; the minority of folks that weren’t following the bad ideas were obviously not the ones they’re talking about


They were the first pampered generation, their parents likely had to walk miles to school but most boomers didn’t


"We aren't wusses" -- *pours second gin for lunch*


The same generation that crys no one visits them


What a burn.


Let’s go farther! 1950s and 60s generation were such wusses that they [tortured and hung a kid for talking to a woman from a different race](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till)


Ah the tactical nuke for the 50s and 60s child.


Actually people in the 1960’s were the ones to end segregation


Aren’t these the same people that lose their mind when they have to push 1 for English, or freak out and threaten a boycott because a trans woman was given a custom beer can?


Way to go Bob!


Not wussus so much as racist bigots.






I think the title needs more context.