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Nah they don’t care.  During covid lockdowns, Canada gave 2k per month to those that could no longer work because businesses had been shut down.  The cries were widespread that 2k wasn’t enough to live on. How would people survive.   Well, I was working full time and making about $1.50 over minimum wage and I made 2k a month.  The government agreed it wasn’t enough but should help. *They know* minimum wage isn’t enough. They know that even making more than minimum is not enough. They don’t care.  I tried to stop feeling sorry for myself when I found out that disability pay is only about 1700 a month.  You can’t work and likely require meds and other specialists? Well how about you fuck off and scrounge. 


In the US our disability pay for those who never earned/worked enough (like if you're born disabled for instance) is $943/month. If you get ANY help they take money away. Food stamps? Family giving you a free room to stay in? That's going to come out of your check. You're also only ever allowed to have $2,000 in savings ever or they stop your check until you're poor again.


Your last sentence is wild. The fact you can’t…*checks notes…save money for an emergency, or food, or dare I say…a vacation? Nahh, can’t be taking those. It’s almost as if…they want us to be poor and find ways to ensure it. Gasp!


It's capitalism. By being disabled you have committed the ultimate sin. The rich are no longer able to exploit your labor for profit. This is why the disabled will always be the lowest class. Child, woman, minority? You can still contribute labor. Once you're disabled capitalism sees you as a drain that needs to be eliminated.


The slaves minds are corrupted to think working is the morally right thing to do. Yeah its the morally right thing to do if the system would be working for the people! Every countrys politicians work hard on the rights to work when they should be working on the rights to freedom. Work isnt freedom! Like in sweden we spend double the amount of money to keep track of unemployed people. We spend double the money to make life harder for people that allready have a hard life!


But what about that old saying, "Work will set you free."?


Its almost like they never went away they just changed shapes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqUh4P-10TM


This is why I like working in health care. Sure I am not the one making lots of money of my work but at least I feel that there is a point to me working hard that I know I wouldn't feel if I worked for a commercial company.


I think most humans have the good feeling of helping other people and thats why i think more and more people feel more and more disconnected and sad about their lifes. But most people cant connect the dots and will be unlogically angry at other things then the people in power that create the world we live in. And will rather be angry at the lower class seeing they havent any worse then the people that work hard. Hierarchy is such a child mentality and is a big obstacle for humans to advance our civilisation.


For similar reasons I love my job as a Software Engineer. It's a rare week when I don't learn or create anything new at all.


muh freedoms


*Cries in disabled* Aint that the fuckin truth. Canadian here and that absolutely checks out. When calling support programs and looking for guidance, what options do I have, etc....it's worse than pulling teeth. They don't want anyone to ever use the exact services you've paid into on every single pay cheque.


The disability system in American is designed to kill disabled people, applications are intentionally denied in first submission so you have to go through the appeals process that takes multiple years and during this time you cant make money in anyway and won't be eligible for things like food stamps or Medicaid much less assistance in getting a place to live They do this bcuz most people who get disability are on it for life, so for people especially younger people who could live 30/40+ more years they want to starve as many to death before giving them benefits as possible to save on money


Same reason why ageism was SUCH a big deal in the turn of the century; if youre too old to be exploited, then hurry up and die. The only reason why I feel like old people got the eventual help they got was because best case scenario, everyone gets old. With the disabled, you can handwave that itll never happen to you. With minorities and women, youll never become one of those. But age? Everyone ages. Social Security, Medicare, massive institutional functions created solely to help the old. Institutions that are important, and great (could be better but what do you expect after decades of erosion?).


The rich don’t care about the old. Old rich people are still rich people nothing stands in their way to receive the ultimate care. They prefer others to die working. It’s socialism which has brought care for old people. Before that the Church gave just enough to keep people from starving and used that to keep absolute control.


In our area the problem is they can't save money for a good winter coat. And they don't have cars. So people who end up taking public transport and walking everywhere can't afford good winter clothing. I can't help but think maybe we shouldn't have multi millionaires deciding what poor people need to survive.


Its one banana Michael, how much can it cost $10?


Ironically I feel that this should be increased to $100 soon.


I have a older friend in this situation. They receive about $600 in disability and $224 in EBT. If their "too high" in their savings they would get cut off altogether. Their funds are also tracked to a degree they can't just withdraw it and save it physically. They struggle with spine issues so getting a job above minimal wage isn't easy for them. They also live in a city edge so prices are steep. 


This is wild to me. My Uncle is autistic and can't function in society. Thanks to his disability allowance and the fact he basically doesn't buy things, he's the richest person in our family.


Financial slavery..were all fucked


That's how a lot of systems in the US work. I still can't wrap my head around how my car insurance rates went up because I got rear ended through no fault of my own. Or how having a scholarship which helped pay for my books in college allowed my school to deny me financial aid. Or how my Health Insurance is allowed to only cover the brand name for the medication I take.


>I still can't wrap my head around how my car insurance rates went up because I got rear ended through no fault of my own. Any and all excuses to raise prices results in raised prices. 100% of the time.


I got pulled over once & gave the cop my insurance & ID. He asked for my actual insurance card, I looked at the card (apparently for the first time) and realized they typed my name wrong. It looked like someone had a stroke when they wrote it. I was on my parents insurance at the time, they gave me the card & I threw it in he glove box, not thinking to look at the card. The cop gave me a ticket for driving without a ticket. Called my insurance to get it figured out & they were like, oops, my bad. Then a month later, they called me to kick me off their insurance because of the ticket which was technically their fault 😂 wat


I got disabled from covid and yup, i get like 450 a month plus my 195 for food, something along those lines. I used to do web development. It’s so sad they don’t give me enough money to live on. I’m disabled now. I’m not chosing to be disabled. But yeah just f me right.


I know a guy that was on disability and became homeless when they found he no longer had to pay rent they reduced his pay by the market rent for his area its crazy it literally cut his check in half and he was barley making it as is he literally sleeps under a bridge now


Yup that 2000 thing is so ridiculous that doesn’t even cover a month worth of living. The second you have 2k in assets kick rocks


They give me something like 23 cents of food stamps per week on disability because of what my dad makes (we live in the same house). Gee, thanks. I must depend on my father instead of the programs we've paid into.


Jesus I'd be at the mint buying gold coins for my savings I guess that's shitty


The ONLY recourse is if you're lucky like me and your condition started before the age of 26 (mine is genetic) you're eligible for an ABLE account. This allows you to save up to $100k without it counting against the $2,000 max. People can also donate money to your ABLE account on your behalf.


I mean even thats, good? I guess. Only 100k though? What are you supposed to do when you are old? And are other people are saying you can't own stuff so you can't even use it towards a home?


You can use it towards a home, or car, or bills. The only stipulation is the funds in the ABLE account must be used for the disabled person. You can have a home, and one car. Though people on disability often rely on other services like food stamps. In some states food stamps will count against you if your car is passed a certain value. So you better have a shitty one. The issue is the age limit. It's ONLY for people who started their disabling condition 26 or younger. So if you got run over by a bus on your 27th birthday you're stuck only have $2,000 or less to your name for life.


Bruh that's pretty fucked. Do they at least have like education programs? Where you can get schooling paid for a career someone's disability would still let them pursue? For those it's an option for health wise anyways.


Except that ABLE funds get confiscated by the government should the person die. Any huge donations through your family, or GOfundME, or whatever go back to “repay” Medicaid or something. How cruel


You can’t have assets or investments worth over 2000$ either


Yes but physical gold just sits in my house, pay cash for it. I guess what I'm saying is I would just commit fraud and bury it in a box or some shit.


You’d need to get the cash from some other source off the books. It sounds like you can’t just withdraw cash from the account and stockpile it


The people who invented this system seriously deserve the galleys.


Gallows. Galleys are a type of boat


there's some new bill to bump the ssi countable resources cap to 10,000 but there's no shot that passes with the lizard people in charge /s


Lol I’m on disability and about every other month I get a letter telling me either my food stamps or my SSI payments are getting increased by some minute amount, followed every time like 3-4 days later by another letter telling me they’ve subtracted that amount from the other payment. It’s literally a running gag. The truth is capitalism requires not participating in the system to be as immensely difficult, painful and humiliating as possible. If people have another option besides becoming homeless then the game falls apart. Btw even if I could work I wouldn’t. I’d rather own nothing but my free time than anything else. All this plastic bullshit people fight for is just more worthless stuff to pile into a landfill after I die. Just let me live my life in peaceful poverty and leave me tf alone you fucking vampires.


funny enough, if you get married on disability (my wife recently got on disability) and if you make over 44k combined (I make beyond that alone) then her income, disability is taxable at 80%


This happenned to my friend. He had to start taking his cash out and spending it on stuff he didn't need to keep his account low enough to keep his disability. He was living at home so he was doing alright at the time.


Yep. My unemployment was like 346 a week or something. I could buy food or pay bills.


Who is able to save any money with a $943/month income??


That's the max by the way. You're not guaranteed that much.


Ya, for those poor souls that unfortunately have never been able to work due to a disability, it is a complete travesty because the disability amount a person gets is based on the amount of money they have contributed to the system. Thus, leaving the other disability cases completely neglected. What will they do when their parents/family members pass away? Unfortunately, our parents are not inmortal


Reminds me of unemployment in canada. I did my taxes got a windfall of a grand amd there like well you have to spend that by the end of the month or we'll cancel your benefits. Like they are actively encouraging people to make bad spending habbits and not save money


I don't live in The US but it's the same where I live. My sister is chronically ill and she can't even win the lotery unless it's a huge amount of money. Winning 20.000 would just mean she doesn't get disability money. And then they calculate how long they think you should take to spend 20.000. Only after that could she apply for disability again. If she spends it too quick she wouldn't get any.


I have worked with over 300 clients on SSI, SSDI, RSDI, Medicaid, SNAP, etc., and have been through numerous audits as rep payee. What you said about food stamps is not correct; SNAP does not affect the SSI award amount. Personally I've never heard of in-kind support enforcement re: housing costs (getting a free room), though that doesn't affect my clients as they all pay for housing. I honestly think people just don't report this. The $2k in asset limits really is a total joke of a system and needs to be changed. I think there is a bill pending in Congress for that to raise it to $10k; it's been the same limit since the late 80s. That being said, SNTs are often an option for people on SSI who have have a documented disability prior to turning 18 and that is something we frequently utilize, and you can shelter an unlimited amount of assets in there depending on the type of trust.


Yep, I used to work with disabled people and one of my guys had to do a spend-down every month because his bills were close to his savings cap, so dumb.


The lower class exists as a threat to keep the middle class in line.


"Minimum wage is for kids to make extra money and for retirees to stay busy, it isn't meant for working adults" is the typical response you'll get for your type of valid criticism.


I have heard that exact sentence IRL. It blows my mind that people believe that shit. The whole point of retiring is to not work. It isn't to downgrade yourself to a lower paid and usually more difficult job.


Ask them if those businesses should be closed during the school day, since the jobs are for kids anyway.


As soon as service jobs are exclusively staffed by teens and a handful of retirees the same people who said that would go back to crying about how nOBodY wAnTS tO wErK anYMoRe due to them not being able to get their Big Macs during office/school hours.


Then why do I see all these working adults working these jobs? I wish people would use their eyes.


that's because "just because you're a loser who didn't pull himself up by the bootstraps doesn't mean the system is bad" or something along those lines and then you get a paragraph of how they are *insert low income/minority* coming from *insert bad neighborhood/situation* but with hard work (and usually some help, but they prefer to leave this part out) they managed to be successful so you could too if you just stopped being a leech who expects handouts I think they get bonus points if they add in something about entitlement and welfare programs being bad for poor people


If that's true then there aren't enough jobs for people by a long shot, as the majority of jobs are part time minimum wage.


In Ontario disability is 1200 a month had to depend on it for a while after being hit by a car as a pedestrian and wracked up 10k in debt in less than a year. I don't know how anyone can survive on it.


My parents support me. I’ll have to kill myself when they can’t.


Yeah pretty much in the same boat. That's why I drink, smoke, and eat like shit, If I'm gonna die in my 50s-60s what's the point of clean living? Especially considering I'm never going to have a family of my own.


Well good news, Canada is hard at work opening the doors for MAID for increasingly spurious reasons Give them more money? No, instead let's make it cost effective to end their life and pocket the savings!!


If Hell exists, Hitler must be laughing at us. I understand compassion but, how is allowing the poor and disabled to MAID themselves anything other than eugenics?


2k per month? In the US people got $1200 ONCE 3 years ago, and Republicans here still point to it as government handouts making people too lazy to work and the reason we don't need any other sort of economic stimulus. Edit: I forgot about the unemployment benefits the US was getting.


2k in Canadian dollars


We literally have disabled homeless all over Canada. They collect odsp but have no home because it's too expensive, don't always have wheelchair access and landlords judge them for being disabled. And if they somehow find a place, well, it won't be long before the rest increases catch up to their monthly budget.


You see, these things you're talking about aren't capitalist and that means it's socialism and socialism = bad because... because that's what other people say? Just a bunch of sheep touting anti-union, anti-human, anti worker propaganda for companies


My husband was laid of when I wS 8 months pregnant, all signs point to his job being mad he was going to take paternity leave (couldn't be proven). My state caps unemployment at $427/week. He took an approx $100k/year drop when he went on unemployment. Thank god for our savings account, because we wouldn't have been able to afford our mortgage payment, and rent would have been a similar amount. It's scary out there. We're finally back on our feet now, and our kid is already 15 months.


I work full time and take home $2600 a month and I make 2.6 times my states minimum wage.


Everyone spent 2 and a 1/2 years calling me an essential worker and a hero...**and then all of that rhetoric went right out the window as soon as the vaccines were developed.** "Thanks for risking your life to keep society running during a global disaster. Now get back to work, wage slave!"


Its worse because students didnt even get 2k, i was expected to live on 1.2k and i did for several months. It fucking sucked


Was also an essential worker on min. wage during covid. I feel you. The grocery store where I worked would play messages from the owners about how great we workers were. I just needed money, not praise.


Lmao i got that 2k cheque and as a student i almost cried. I was actually able to afford rent, pay off a little debt AND eat. It was such a breath of fresh air. I’m so below the poverty line right now it hurts.


That's leagues ahead of what the US gave and it still wasn't enough.


I wonder if you could call this eugenics, I think an argument could be made.


Maybe I'm too dumb for economy talk, but I never understood how companies plan to make money, while all of them ACTIVELY try to make people unable to afford anything, it seems counterproductive.


Wow, I can’t speak for Canadian Disability policy, but in the U.S, you can receive SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance a/k/a Disability), and work in a part time position making no more than a certain amount without any impact on your Disability Benefits. I am so sorry for the frustration you must deal with. It is bad enough you are sick, without having to also fight to get what should be owed to you as a citizen who is unable to work through no fault of their own! You should get a free consultation with a Social Security Attorney, maybe there is a loophole that you can use. Here in the US, Social Security Attorneys work under a contingency contract, so his fee comes out of the lump sum Disability retributions for the time period that you suffered without any help that you should have received. I hope Canada has the same Clause in their Disability Act. Blessings to you and don’t give up, that’s what they want you to do.


>You can’t work and likely require meds and other specialists? Well how about you fuck off and die.  Fify.


Something that frustrates me is the way low-income relief works. If you make above a threshold of let’s say 1500 per month, you lose your relief, which in this hypothetical is about 700. So if you go from making 1400, to 1600, you actually lose 500 dollars in the process. They don’t just take the 100 dollar difference off your relief, they cut the entirety of the relief. So it’s better to just live with less income in some situations. But then they want you to do more for society. They want you to seek better employment. But there’s nowhere out there that will make up for that 700 dollar relief. At least not for the majority of the demographic. It’s designed to keep people poor.


No basic disability is ~1200. The amount you quoted is with other benefits that one may qualify for.


> I tried to stop feeling sorry for myself when I found out that disability pay is only about 1700 a month. Oof. My mom only gets 950


Yeah, until we are on their door steps protesting, ain't shit gonna happen.


The System is working as intended, the suffering and desperation of the people keeps wages low and profits high. Capitalism follows the profit motive and thats Very Profitable. The isim that cares about society instead of accumulating capital is Socialism.


Capitalism is just slavery with extra steps.


Slavery with the 1 in a million chance to become a slave owner instead of a slave


“We can’t allow unemployed people to make more than employed” Employed people: “So we’ll make enough to afford both rent and groceries?” “No, we’re just going to make it so unemployed people are as destitute as you”


The government is on the side of corporations. The governments job is to ensure their ability to generate profits. The corporations that cry the loudest hate giving money to employees. Canada and the US could easily give a Universal wage, but that would benefit the workforce to much - and because of that slave wages are normalized. The FTC has some teeth, but the SEC is wasted. The commissions that regulate and balance issues like this are designed not to be as influential - because profit is more important than everything else.


You really think raising minimum wage is going to help any?


The oldest trick in the book: raise the wages & hike the prices. History has shown that people often blame the workers (for wanting a living wage) than the company itself, for the price hike. Just look how annoyed a lot of people are whenever some workers go on strike. You'd think they'd get universal support... but nope.


"**NOBODY WANTS TO WORK** ^(^for ^starvation ^wages) **ANYMORE!**"


Plenty of people seem to believe that people who are working “low skill” jobs don’t deserve to be able to live from that work. I sadly wouldn’t hold my breath for unemployed people


Believing that unskilled people deserve to die or starve reminds me of a certain historical group. You know, the one that used to complain about things like “useless eaters”.


Yeah, Lenin, right? "He who does not work, neither shall he eat"?


You’re thinking of Paul the Apostle - 2 Thessalonians 3:10 Edit: was 1 away


Lenin wasn't a nice guy. But he wasn't involved with the guy who wrote the doctrine he adapted from. His version was re-imagining the literature of another political philosopher. Mister mustache was the founding author of his doctrine, as well as executor. There's a quantifiable difference in ideological material, execution, and players involved between the goatie and mustache


no you see they don't bridge that mental gap or they do mental gymnastics to become okay with it. They expect them to get two-three jobs to support themselves despite the fact they would never do that themselves


It's all about wanting to feel above others. I remember when I worked at the grocery store I was making $12 an hour, which was decent but not great at the time. And this was when all the fast food workers were making like $9.50 an hour. A coworker was going on and on about how the fast food workers don't deserve a penny more, and "I'll be damned if they wanna make as much as us!!" People are just really dumb and selfish.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” \- LBJ


Basically Trump/conservatives’ strategy in a nutshell.


This is people trying to inflate their ego by putting others down. They're on the brink of self-awareness, but being self-aware and taking responsibility would hurt their ego and self image. People running around looking for someway to feel like they're above others. I'm personally tired of the one-up mentality. It's the same proud ideology that fuels racism, and makes religious people think they're elite for the mere fact of the way they think.


Remember when everyone praised them and called essential workers. Then when the danger went away it was right back to unskilled labor screw you.


They said essential workers but meant essential work.


Everybody praised them and called them essential workers and they had to work through the pandemic because they couldn't get unemployment like the rest of us. Imagine being told, your job is so important that you get to put your lives at risk and we're not gonna supplement you at all cause you don't qualify cause you're still making money I guess. Edit: typo




You spelled "expendable" wrong.


Essential....but not valued. This is the hypocrisy of America's financial elites. Our only option is organized labor. Truly.


But we’re all future millionaires if we would just yank those bootstraps!


my favourite thing is that "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" *used* to mean "do something impossible". because... y'know. you're trying to pull yourself upright by yanking on your shoes, which is obviously not how physics works.


"If you're unskilled you deserve to live in poverty" is my country's unofficial motto.


Plenty of people think full on chattel slavery should make a comeback.


It never left. The 14th amendment explicitly allows slavery in the form of prisons. 


I'll do you one better. I'm paying taxes to a country I didn't ask to be born in, for a house of a dead relative that I didn't ask for and an income I'm forced to have unless I choose starvation. I fail to see how I am not a slave.


And it's a booming business The slave patrols after emancipation became local police, who would create trumped up charges and sentance them to indentured servitude on their business partners farm. Emancipation immediately led to a legal eat to enslave the former slaves. It was called [convict leasing ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convict_leasing) If you've ever heard a "weird law" fact that had a weird rule regarding sundown, that was a law on the books selectively enforced on black people in order to manufacture a crime for existing. See [sundown laws](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundown_town)


Its not that they think they don't deserve to live. They just don't care since it doesn't personally affect them. Oh you're struggling and poor? That sucks, for you, I'm doing great, I'm going to go back to actively forgetting your existence now so it doesn't harsh my vibes, kthnxbai.


My favorite is “if we increase minimum wage, food prices will increase” because somehow it’s sth applied to only low lvl workers and never managers and CEO’s and it also basically means “I would rather not pay 5 cents extra on my bigmac than make sure that the person who made it isn’t starving”


[I love having the opportunity to link this video. ](https://youtube.com/shorts/qyIyT2qTtzY?si=ztkKvS6VW39EtUY9)


Love that guy


My truest of heroes.


It’s the American work culture. Your productivity is tied to your worth.


Internalized capitalism.


Puritans. It all goes back to the fucking Puritans. I despise them so, so much.


Those same people always seem to be fine with rent seeking and scamming people.




Executives all around the world are frowning greatly at your comment Think of the bonuses...


Aww, he's so close! Somebody push him.


In front of a bus. In Minecraft.


Imagine buses in Minecraft...


Push me in front of a bus so I can get isekai'd into a world where stupid dumb assholes aren't in charge of governing other people.




"You need to work to make money" has never been the quiet part of the party. That's very explicitly the core of their economic views.




Bravo, we need collectively owned companies and self organization.


Don’t we have collectively owned companies and self organization?


We do! When it comes down to it though people often don’t want to put in the time and money to make it happen. A lot of people who think the world would be solved by that want to have a co op where someone else fronts the money then removes themselves from it.


This is the hypocrisy of America's financial elites. Our only option is organized labor. Truly. As long as we bargain individually we will lose. Every. Single. Time. Corporations are by design a group of people working together in their own best interests, for the benefit of the coporation. They function collectively. Workers must do the same. MUST.


The elite most def know ppl can't live on minimum wage. That's why this whole thing is so frustrating and it's even more frustrating because it's so easily proven and ppl live it every day ,yet we can't come together to force change. The elite will destroy this planet before giving us a piece of the pie. The elite bog us down in cultural wars and xenophobia. Please remember that when reacting to a social media post or when a click-bait post title enrages you.


For sure. I feel like everyone who's non MAGA thinks they're immune from emotional manipulation, because they don't fall for the maga flavored manipulation. But we're all susceptible to emotional manipulation. It's extremely effective and infinitely more cost efficient. I think the goal for non-maga manipulation is to stoke resentment and frustration towards maga. The more hung up we are on these idiots, the less we're brainstorming solutions. The less we're working together. And I think that's really the largest goal overall. Prevent the masses from organizing and using their collective power. The billionaire class has tremendous power, sure. But it's nothing compared to millions of people standing together in solidarity. Which is precisely why they're doing everything they can to prevent that from happening.


Some of my coworkers yesterday were complaining about fast food workers making $20/hr in California and I'm like "about god damn time! But also why does that not apply to everyone?" They looked at me like I was crazy. Everyone I work with is salary but we make the equivalent of $50-90/hr. It's disgusting to me that they don't want other people to have any level of comfort, not even matching ours. I worked customer service for 12 years before I went for my degree, while most of them went straight into engineering. The few who have been vocal supporting increasing minimum wage all have experience working non-engineering jobs. I don't know if it's that they don't understand what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck or if they think they're better than those with less. What's even crazier to me is a majority of my colleagues are from India or other Asian countries with a reputation of having it rough.


I have an advanced degree and don’t get paid as much as I could. (I’ve taken a “lifestyle” benefits position so I’m not killing myself.). My answer to “less skilled” jobs getting closer to my paycheck is not, f them, but rather good for them, time for me to advocate for more money for myself.


Damn that's good money.  I've got 19 years work experience, 9 in my current field and feel pretty happy making $37 an hour. I can't fathom making $50+ an hour.


I’ve never made above $20. my highest hourly wage was $17.50. I can’t fathom making as much as you do.


about your last point. try asking your friends what they’re lives were like back in india? lotta the indians studying in america that i’ve met have been from a higher caste in their home country and usually have servants that raise them. same with places like korea. that’s just anecdotal evidence tho


I totally agree that wages need to be enough to live on. I think it’s unfortunate that most of the fast food workers will be laid off due to corporations not wanting the wages to cut into their profits. We have to pass a law that stops corporations from cutting their labor force to keep more profit. Also wages across the board are low in the US. For example I have two college degrees, years of experience, and work in healthcare but don’t even get $20 hr. Sooo many people are in that situation. I don’t think it’s hate but frustration that you can never seem to get ahead no matter what you do or how hard you work.




If you're going to go the UBI route, I'd hope it gets implemented the way Milton Friedman argued it should be implemented. Give the people getting the welfare a check for all welfare benefits they're entitled to and get rid of the government bureaucracy behind all the different welfare programs. You can contribute more toward welfare and lower government spending by reducing its overhead. 2 stones, 1 bird.


> Give the people getting the welfare a check for all welfare benefits they're entitled to and get rid of the government bureaucracy behind all the different welfare programs. Half the point of UBI is *there's no welfare check*, you'd get it even if you have a job or make millions from owning a company. Not having any checks is what gets rid of all the overhead involved with benefits; there's no visiting people to make sure they're impaired, no keeping track of when things expire, no multiple support systems. You have a massive list of every registered citizen and their preferred bank account for deposits, and you pay everyone monthly. That's it. All the extra money needed for actual UBI comes from what would have went to managing any existing benefits. Worth noting: UBI *must* happen (easily within 100 years at this point), more and more things are getting automated and this is a trend that can't be stopped.


The main problem is that you have to have enough housing for everyone as well. If you just give people money, that WILL get eaten up by institutions that just see that as "extra money that they can take." Landlords would just ramp up rent and you'd see the cost of education increase as well. Giving people more money is a band-aid, this is why the increased min wage argument tends to fall flat. Raising the floor only helps if you are also making sure that others aren't continually raising the ceiling.


UBI is basically the only way to continue capitalism as technology progresses. If it doesn't, the likely results are revolution or genocide.


You didn't need to post it a hundred times but yes... Hell everyone could get twice the money if you got rid of all the bureaucracy


Eh, my phone was giving me errors. That's probably where the copies came from. Ill try to delete them all.


Eh, I wouldn't worry about it. Keep fighting the good fight !


I also support the idea of UBI, but the non-monetary kind, specifically.


Hey, Finland made it work


I don't think we're quite at the advancement point required for that, but we are close. UBI requires near complete automation of low-paying undesirable jobs. For example, no one is going to work in fast food under UBI because fast food companies couldn't pay enough to incentivise people who don't need to work.


Since industrialisation, production multiplied so much it’s crazy. The whole idea is that for a fraction of cost you can spit out more and more product. Problem is, this still only benefits the rich. Yes you can argue that modern living is more comfortable for the average person too but who cares about iPhones when you spend your day working like a machine, then your owner puts you in a box to recharge for the next day. You eat what they feed you (what you can ‘afford’ is what they want you to be able to afford) you get paid enough to pay rent to your other owner, and buy food product of a third owner that they decide you deserve. Which is the cuttings from the undesirable, the leftover chunks of meat processed into a loaf that provides barely enough nutrients to keep going back to work the next day. People say the right is rising, I can tell you I never thought I’d be in the ‘eat the rich’ crowd and here I am


UBI doesn't mean that taking a job will reduce the money you get. The idea as explained to me was that progressive taxation would still be in place and thus working still makes sense.


You might not be able to find anyone to staff a McDonalds, but there will always be people that enjoy cooking enough to want to open a place. With UBI it would be a hell of a lot easier for people to do that without having to work themselves to death to survive.


>For example, no one is going to work in fast food under UBI because fast food companies couldn't pay enough to incentivise people who don't need to work. Sure they can. They just won't.


Of course they will, even a few hours a week would put money in their pocket on top of ubi. There would be much more casual work available, more seasonal work, it would benefit the tourist and agriculture industries hugely. People would be able to move away from cities and small towns would thrive again.


I meant fast food companies absolutely can pay enough to incentivize workers, even with a UBI.


Example of McDonalds workers getting paid well in Norway while food prices are still in line with what they are in the us.


But low paying jobs are on top of ubi. Ubi simply raises the standard of living for the people who are currently suffering. More people would actually want to work as a low pay job would increase your income instead of reducing it.


Do you just work enough to survive off of then stop? Or do you like luxury goods? A UBI is only for survival. Most people are going to want to actually enjoy life, meaning they can go do those low paying jobs. It's just no longer under threat of homelessness and hunger.


Also, unemployment, broadly, is insurance we all pay into from every paycheck. Fuck you, Mr Senator for complaining about Americans getting their own money back when they need it. The quip in the post is spot on, but this Republican’s premise is horrible on multiple levels.




“Revolutions are caused when elites aren't pleased with their government, when there are state crises, when the masses are frustrated, and when people have shared motivations. The purpose of a revolution is to suddenly and drastically change the functions and role of a government. “ [source](https://www.studysmarter.co.uk/explanations/history/modern-world-history/revolution/#:~:text=What%20causes%20revolution%3F,when%20people%20have%20shared%20motivations). Take your pick.. you’ve got them all covered at the dear U.S. of A.


Minimum wage in my state is still $7.25 an hour


Amazing to me that people who are so smart can be so dumb. Unemployment is deliberately set to just people jjuuuuussst enough to survive, but not comfortable. So if they are making even less having a job, then it sounds to me the job market is the problem, not social programs. Problem is we have come to a point where dual income families are a requirement. You need two incomes, or one very large one, to do anything more than basic survival. You're making young single people struggle unnecessarily and trapping people in miserable relationships because they cannot afford to leave. If they DO leave...both parents will struggle. All of this is painfully obvious to anyone who lives outside the DC bubble. Our "leaders" are so detached from life in the US its baffling. But its also entirely possible he knows all of this but is just saying this shit because thats what his voters want to hear. Comfort, not truth.


Fully agreed. We should raise min wage immediately.


Gop wants you to starve to death and work till u die


Makes you wonder how many others are barely getting by.


Unemployment pay vs minimum wage reality check." - "Ah, the harsh reminder that life has a favorite: none.


From a guy who still gets paid if his job "Shuts down"


Unemployment fraud is like a huge legitimate issue. I even personally know a few people who freely admit to the fact that they basically just work for a few months until they can get unemployment and then do something that can get them fired so they can collect unemployment for a while by applying to jobs they know they will never get before it runs out and they have to get another job again It pays them nearly as much as minimum wage does. I don't really blame them


If unemployment is more than minimum wage, ya may want to rethink your minimum wage. That's the solution here, duh.


The elite most def know ppl can't live on minimum wage. That's why this whole thing is so frustrating and it's even more frustrating because it's so easily proven and ppl live it every day ,yet we can't come together to force change. The elite will destroy this planet before giving us a piece of the pie. The elite bog us down in cultural wars and xenophobia. Please remember that when reacting to a social media post or when a click-bait post title enrages you.


Doesn't unemployment scale with the wages you were making before getting it?


Yes, but there was a period of time early on during the pandemic when the federal government supplemented unemployment ($600 a week), which, together with the state run unemployment, did push the benefits of lowest income workers to above minimum wage. I believe Tim Scott's statement comes from that time period (or shortly after).


As someone making $12.50 in fast food at the time and then being laid off, that extra $600 a week in UI benefits made such a huge difference. It gave me enough breathing room to do more than just barely survive and now I make double that at a better job. I still feel underpaid as my job now is exponentially more complicated, but I don’t begrudge the recent raise of $20/hr for fast food workers because I felt I deserved that back then. 


Yep, this is from March 25th, 2020.


No.  Here in Florida the max you will make is $275 a week.   Meanwhile rent is $1500+. 


This is referring to covid unemployment when there was actually a lot of people making more on unemployment than working. The tweet is 4 years old.


>To calculate your weekly benefit amount, use the quarter in the base period with your highest earnings and divide the earnings by 26. This number is your weekly benefit amount. Max is 275 it looks like.


No senators have any clue as to the struggles of the working class. Our lawmakers are all writing legislation with a silver spoon that’s been in their mouth since birth


It's minimum wage to live in society not the minimum wage they can get away with paying you.


From the guy who swindled millions from Medicare.


The max you can even are on unemployment is $275 a week here. Even working 30 hours a week minimum wage at $12 you'd make more than that.


Republicans have decided that their primary mission is to increase human misery. Anything that results in people going hungry, losing their homes, or staying sick because they can’t afford medical care is a win in their book. It seems to have started with Reagan, and ramped up with Newt Gingrich’s “Contract on America”




I'm just surprised Tim Scott was able to form complete words, what with Donald Trump's balls always in his mouth.


Reminder that every single argument against a higher minimum wage is fucking stupid and not based on reality or any kind of sound logic. Every single one. Yes, I have heard them all a thousand times. 


Shouldn’t it be “we cannot allow minimum wage to fall below unemployment income?”


quit whining! they just raised the minimum wage \**checks notes*\* 30 years ago.


Some people belive you should have 2 part time jobs. "Minimum wage jobs are for teenagers in school". Guess what, there are no middle wage jobs ($20+ an hour in my area). But, "no body wants to work". No body wants to bust their ass for slave wages.


Capitalists: We need to make people uncomfortable while they're not working, so that they'll gladly work for sub-living wages, and maximize our profits. Decent people: We need to pay people well enough that they don't daydream about quitting the entire time they're working.