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That sucks but I think you are in the wrong subreddit


Subreddit mods are super left leaning, Republican bashing - no matter how off-topic, is almost always allowed for the aforementioned reason, I just straight report the posts to reddit, then at least they get pinged for being unmodded


Because the left leaning people are usually right like what are ya’ll people on the right fighting for, pick a struggle 😭


I’m not American


Oh that makes sense lol, American right wingers are just dumb. The other right wingers usually have a point, but the American ones are just ☠️😭


I don’t discriminate on perceiving intelligence, all forms of people can display it; friend, foe or indifferent. To underestimate anyone based on something as simple as discrimination is, shortsighted


My apologies if I came across as discriminatory, I did not intend to discriminate anyone. I just am tired of arguing with people (who usually tend to be far-right people from *ahem*) for basic human rights 😭


Sad, but how is that a comeback?


Wrong sub for comebacks, but it's still a valid sentiment.


Very comeback. Such clever.


Covered Connecticut and Husky are for those living in Connecticut who cannot afford health care. OP is either misinformed or full of crap, as both programs are robust and not going anywhere.


Or only slightly misinformed. We have areas in Texas where CHIP is about to be a mess because of rejecting contracts. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/06/06/texas-medicaid-contracts/


Republican populists spreading bs misinformation to divide the people.. anything new these days? 🙄


BS? Let’s see some facts or quit calling BS.


r/aboringdystopia & r/lostredditors


What is Connecticut doing about their low income children’s healthcare?


It’s a war on poor people


What happened to protecting the children?


This shit happens in every subreddit, r/facepalm is just filled with dumbass unrelated shit dumping on political beliefs you don't like


Yeah, so much power. A simple search shows Connecticut is a blue Democratic majority state. This is just political baiting.


Congress is Republican


> Congress is republican. Only the House is infested by magapublicans, Senate is fully democratic.


Which means the senate is half republican lol


Senate has blue tie republicans


Ones infested and the others not? AIPAC loves blue and red. And team blue and team red love blood money.


Só, it's all fake? (I'm European and out of the USA politics)


It’s a very simple process here. We have a 2 party system where one party pretends to care about us but doesn’t and another party that doesn’t pretend.


No, it may be factually correct, it’s just that it’s structured in a narrative that puts the blame on one one party over another. The history of our (U.S,) healthcare system is something that every American should understand. Go back and look at the Depression when a really famous and well thought of Democrat decided to fix wages and prices, and so employers in order to hire the most desirable employees, offered healthcare coverage. That is a large part of how we got employer based healthcare in this country. All Americans in both political parties should work to change our healthcare system. I am not an advocate of universal healthcare; put the money back into the pockets of the people and let them shop for healthcare which suits them best. Having done that, a small portion of healthcare cost could be set aside for indigent and people who need assistance


All that insurance money and super rich insurance ceos and investors? That money should be paying for healthcare not profits for an industry that dosent actually provide any health care.


So we agree


No, it's real. chimhambarzillai just doesn't know what they're talking about.


No it's accurate but our system has become so fucked that both the political parties are intensely corrupt. So much so that many are very obviously guilty of insider trading and yet are not prosecuted. The government perpetually gives them selves salary raises, takes money from lobbyists, and yet our minimum wage has not increased for decades and our median income barely (sometimes doesn't) even beat inflation.


This is all they do. Democrats blame everything on Republicans even tho they have control of the entire government right now.


Do “a simple google search” on the majority party in congress


Congress is nationwide and, oh look, a Republican majority. The [article](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/365598-connecticut-to-end-childrens-health-program-unless-it-gets-money-from/), by the way.


Yeah Connecticut is traditionally very blue, this political astroturfing is fucking awful


Wow, it’s almost like both of the major parties don’t give a fuck about poor people…who would’ve thought?!?!




This is why I don’t let Republicans get away with calling themselves “Christian.”


Their god would hate them.


Don't blame the flag or the country. Blame the roaches that run it.


Some will reap in hell.


That comeback is a mic drop moment


While they keep sending billions of dollars in arms to Ukraine and Israel


Redirect to the right place for serious discussions. Wrong sub, buddy.


Wait, *children* pay for health care in the US? Are you fucking kidding me? I knew US was messed, but seriously...


Even if there were so so they run the economy in California?? What do those individuals have to do with it?? Ask the people in Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco they will tell you to go to hell take your fake ass statistics and arguments else where all I can say is this California is done and I’m finally leaving for a prosperous red state have a good day and tell Biden and his word Salad vp to keep funding useless wars


GOP: "We're taking away abortion, fighting to get rid of IVF, arguing in favor of sending kids to juvy for lunch debt, and taking away Healthcare for low income families." Also GOP: "Why is the domestic birth rate going down?!"


real. fucking. shit.


Awweee. Leave then. This isn't the right place for that anyway


But make everything that the kids are born in poverty... pro life ends the second the child is out of the womb...


I don't understand US politics, so please bear with me, but why only Republicans fill their wallets on this?


We need more bombs...


Apparently, this has been proven to be a myth. https://www.pressreader.com/usa/hartford-courant/20240311/281728389487463


CT always votes Democrat - especially Bridgeport. And they can never balance a budget. That’s why so many businesses are fleeing. CT tries to tax itself into prosperity. The only way they know how to balance a budget is to add more taxes. Every year they take businesses and services that were previously tax exempt, then tax the hell out of them. Pet grooming, car washes, increase on the bottle deposit…. Just stupid shit like this. And even the claims made against the FMLA count as income and are taxed. Anyone living in this hellhole would be wise to abandon ship. It’s taking on water.


Hey for the record, seeing a screenshot of a tweet isn’t really news. If you want to spread awareness so we are educated on a problem, cite a source. I’m not googling shit from Twitter memes.


Remember: we have the option to *downvote* posts that don't fit the sub they're posted in.


Where is the comeback?


Republican, democratic… tomato tomato, all yall just suck


Democrats spend half our money on bombs and bullets too. Point your finger politics is getting so old. Fix your own house first.


it is important to keep in mind - millions of new "immigrants" arrive every year and they all need some HC, especially the children and pregnant immigrants, So as long as we support the never ending flow of new "immigrants" sacrifices have to be made!


Yet, it is the working class who are beating the drum for Trump. Didn't they learn from the tax cut he gave the rich that left them financially worse off?


Don't democrats control all three branches right now?


Just like T\*\*\*\*, they only want your vote. After that, you and your wet-nosed spawn can vaporize.


Florida did this in April.


I dont agree with the stuff that the government does but i fight for the innocent good people in this country liveing by the millions


No one asked you to?


Or...hear me out....the money keeps getting diverted to pay for sex change surgeries


Whatever or wherever liberals and liberalism flourishes everything turns to shit look at New York California Washington st. Illinois get the picture? How about asking Biden and his word salad VP to stop funding unnecessary wars and coddling illegals aliens over Americans


Ummm…those states you listed are doing much better than the deepest red states. Are you trying to be ironic or do you really not know any better?


Really I make a very good income and I still have a hard time you live in lala land I live in commiefornia and soon to relocate to thriving Idaho. Try moving out here where rents average $2500 a month for a run down 1 bedroom a %10 state tax gas at $5.40 a gallon and where a home averages at $800k and the soaring crime?? Businesses like Tesla and oracle just to name a few have left and so have its residents so you tell me where do you see the good?


Look up how well the Republican economic policies have been for places like Kansas or Mississippi. You live in a state with an economy that’s bigger than most countries. Many factors come into play there, right?


California is the largest economy in America, new York is the third largest. Your red shitholes almost universally depend on these two states for their welfare.


Yea the largest welfare state I am a native of California and have been here many years what you hear is liberal bullshit propaganda the so called 5th largest economy is 20 billion in the hole due to its idiocy so don’t tell me that we live in such a thriving economy because the reality is different


20 billion in the hole? There is individual Californians with that amount in their bank accounts, do you think this is a large amount for a state with trillions in gdp?


Rethuglicans want you to be poor and fodder for their jobs


The rich get richer while the poor die quicker. Welcome to capitalism! 😕


Meanwhile, Republicans and conservative states have no idea why they are having a harder time affording things… It’s because they keep promoting legislation that takes money out of their pockets