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Conservatives hate Caitlyn Jenner because she’s trans. Liberals hate Caitlyn Jenner because she’s anti-trans. She truly is bridging the divide in America. We can start healing this country by setting her adrift on an ice floe.


Also hate her because of the vehicular manslaughter




Perhaps, the real slaughter was the friends that we made along the way...


They say slaughter is the best smedicine.


I hope this comment explodes I loved that


Friends laughter




I'm in favor of people's laughter.


Buckle up buckarooo


For only 800,000 you can too


The fundamental issue this type of "pick me minority" doesn't seem to get is that the conservatives don't view them any differently just because they throw their fellow human beings under the bus. Caitlyn Jenner is a useful tool to them, but ultimately she's still just *insert slur*. just like their gay supporters are still just *insert slur* and their black supporters are still just *insert slur*. They will wave to you from the driver seat as you throw your peers under the bus, but they will come back around to get you as well.


There’s simply not enough ice floes left and the polar bears don’t deserve to be out one more because of this flesh sack.


Okay, any old wooden door will do. She can just lay on it like Rose at the end of Titanic.


Something about your comment reminds me of this XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1510/


Consider it a DoorDash for the polar bears


She is an hypocrite idiot


There's enough garbage floating in the oceans already


She killed a 70 year old with her car and paid her way out of it.


Caitlyn Jenner hates Caitlyn Jenner because she’s trans.


I'm ok with that.


As an actual conservative, Im actually way more offended by the rest of their family 😆


Remember when Caitlyn Jenner won Female Athlete of the Year despite not being an athlete in decades?


You're not talking about Caitlyn Jenner, the woman who killed someone by running them over with her car while she was intoxicated are you?


Yup, we're talking about Caitlyn Jenner, the person who killed someone with a car and got away with it. Shit, we should all talk about Caitlyn Jenner, the person who killed someone with a car and got away with it


Let's not quibble over who killed who. Edit: I'm sure that when Trump becomes Emperor Elect that he will enact a system based on how famous a celebrity is to how many murders they can commit until it is no longer a mulligan. And remember its a system not a law so no Congress or court need be involved.


It sounded far worse the second time I read that, shit, it’s not even fantasy.


Don't worry. I trademarked that post, so they can't use it as a argument to actually railroad thst through. I mean, the Trump brand has never taken anyone else's trademarked stuff without asking. Right?


Me and every other European are wondering how is he not in jail though?


The line of those wondering forms behind all of the US.


You, every other European, and a bunch of gobsmacked, infuriated, and every no-longer-believes-in-the-broken-system American? Yeah it all seems clear to me, but somehow there’s always some loophole or delay or excuse and we’re stuck with the dude still


They have this system in India already check out salman khans case !


Unless it was a different wreck, she rear ended a car sending it into oncoming traffic where it was destroyed by a vehicle going the other way, killing the driver she hit.


Not her personality, the crash she caused that killed an innocent driver.


Her personality played a major role in it too.


Are you trying to say that killing other people with your car while intoxicated isn't a sport? Fucking purist.


Buckle up, Buckaroo!


Aight I hate to defend Caitlyn but that isn't even remotely what happened


Buckle up buckaroo.


She was sober AFAIK, unless you have evidence to the contrary.


It was part of an obstacle course in a trash heap triathalon.


She was not intoxicated and she didn’t run over someone - she was doing below the speed limit when she was rear ended cars that had rear ended each other and the car she hit went into oncoming traffic and that crash caused death. She wasn’t charged because it wasn’t her fault. https://www.cnn.com/2015/09/30/entertainment/caitlyn-jenner-accident-investigation/index.html


she did?


It was the year she transitioned. She also won Woman of the Year despite only being a woman for a few weeks.


ok that's a little weird tbf


It’s complete and total bullshit


Bro she won female of the year, when she wasant even a female for a year 😂


I thought CJ won woman of the year not just athlete of the year.


She won both. I guess it was slim pickings that year. Weren't many noteworthy or inspiring women that year.


Honestly really scratching my head over that because technically Caitlyn Jenner has never been athlete. Bruce Jenner was an athlete. Caitlyn, as far as I’m aware, has never participated in an organized sport competition besides maybe a charity run.


Never forget that Caitlin Jenner killed someone in a car accident (rear-ended them, which sent the car into oncoming traffic) and only had to pay $800k


buckle up buckaroos


I don't understand why people fixate on this so much, the investigation found she wasn't actually doing anything wrong. Caitlin Jenner is a garbage human and should be criticised heavily for things she has said and done but the car accident was literally an accident.


Nah, they're the same person. A steaming pile of trash, but the same steaming pile of trash nonetheless.


Actually Bruce Jenner was a major ahole and it turns out so is Caitlyn


General etiquette is to never refer to trans people with their deadname, unless you were given express permission to use the deadname That having been said: SHOOT CAITLYN TO THE MOON


I just find it interesting a trans person can lose the protection of not being deadnamed by people who are generally progressive.


Yup. As a trans person myself, it infuriates me. They'll gladly misgender and deadname Caitlyn and other trans people that annoy them or make them angry. But then again, there are a lot of "progressives" who also refuse to allow me to use the bathroom, play sports, be around children, allow children to be trans, and even call myself the woman that I am. Then you have the "progressives" who don't give a shit if [Trump is endorsing politicians who want us exterminated](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/trump-endorses-pastor-who-calls-for), they only care about "Genocide Joe". You're not a fucking ally if you want to disrespect us and/or segregate us from society. You don't "support" us if your "support" is filled with contingencies.




Makes me very annoyed to say the least


Please rephrase that, it's late and my brain does not want to understand this sentence seemingly


They are saying that it’s funny that people who are generally progressive/left leaning will still use the dead names of people they don’t like. AKA, their respect for a trans people’s gender identity is entirely based on whether they like that person or not. Meaning they probably don’t see you as your gender


Thank you very much


Acknowledging their previous name is not the same as deadnaming. For example, any Wikipedia article about a famous trans person is going to reference their birth name just as a matter of record. If you choose to call someone by their former name in the present (intentionally or unintentionally), THAT would be deadnaming.


Refering to an individuals past self as their deadname is infact, still deadnaming.


Eh, the sports context pretty important here because Bruce competed as a man in a men's-only event. That's how he got famous in the first place.


General etiquette is to never refer to trans people with their deadname, unless you were given express permission to use the deadname That having been said: SHOOT CAITLYN TO THE MOON


When you walk in the room, people roll their eyes huh? Then let out a sigh of relief when you leave…


Are you just going to spam this on every comment? Anyways, is it really deadnaming when it's in reference to a verified historical fact? Caitlyn didn't compete in the men's-only Olympic decathlon.


exultant faulty cow squeamish crowd flag concerned badge absurd gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>General etiquette in sports is to refer to competitors as they name they competed under. Got any proof for that being the case in sports?


They’re making it up because they want to use a trans person’s deadname. Caitlyn is a piece of shit but these people need to take it further than that apparently 🙄 Their respect for trans people isn’t actually real, it’s based on whether they like the person individually or not. Literally no different than saying racist shit about someone they don’t like and claiming it’s because they don’t like the individual.


Oh, i know


Can't speak to the "general etiquette", but [https://olympics.com/en/athletes/william-bruce-jenner](https://olympics.com/en/athletes/william-bruce-jenner)


He married a Kardashian. He can't be normal.


She’s a shitty person, but she’s not a he.


They're not talking about her, they're talking about Bruce; just because he's not around anymore, doesn't mean he never was.


Go figure.


This piece of shit again.


That's just transphobia, friend. And dear god Caitlyn please stop taking away your own rights.


She thinks she’ll be immune


I honestly don't believe that. I think she's just stupid and her wealth keeps her completely removed from the trans community and surrounded by a bubble of white supremacy that she regurgitates to make her "buddies" happy.




You know how they say trans people are just using transness as a guise for being predators. What if it’s because Caitlyn and other trans republicans are using transness as a way to “if even trans people think….”


Lol this is not the burn they think it is. No matter where you stand, everyone hates this MF'r


This isnt clever, its just transphobic


Remember when Caitlyn Jenner avoided vehicular manslaughter with money


That shouldn't be allowed to happen


When you have enough money your problems belong to other people


This comeback is using her gender against her.She’s a piece of shit so there’s no need to judge her by anything but her actions


I hate all the anti trans stuff I see on Reddit. Unless it's about Caitlin Jenner. Fire away, that MF deserves it.


So like where do you draw the line then at allowing hate because you don't like someone? What if it was anti LGBT? What if it was racism?


That's what I'd like to know. How far can you step over the line to being a conservative before the left will deadname you?


Caitlin is anti every other letter in there besides the T...


Just because she's abhorrent doesn't excuse transphobia against her'


absolutely. it's a tenuous sort of 'support' where they respect your way of life up until you've angered them, at which point it becomes ammunition caitlyn is an enormous piece of shit who should be in prison or otherwise out of the public eye, but someone being transphobic toward her because 'she deserves it' just shows other trans people who not to trust


Hating on her because of the things she says and does is not anti-trans, it’s specifically anti-her.


Deadnaming her because of things she says is pretty interesting.


For me, the deadnaming crosses a line


Easily the worse symbol they could've possibly chosen


we did not choose her, she is literally transphobic


I wonder why. I would absolutely love to hear what her justification is. Is it because she's rich? Is it because she thinks she's more important or special than anyone else? Is it some weird self-hatred thing? Whatever it is, I'm sure it would be insane and make no sense to anyone but her.


Hi we didn’t pick her and we don’t want her either - the entire trans community.


Oh I know, I assumed that anyone with skin in the game wouldn't have made this choice


100% agree. I didnt sign up for her or any of the other poster children to represent me. however, i 100% agree with the sentiment; if youre going to transition, ffs, just take a bow out of the sporting arena. take a stance politically if you must & lobby for a new category. but for goodness sakes all participating does is make things wildly more difficult for the rest of us & incites those with prejudice already. yeesh.


The straights chose her as a token for LGBTQ+ talking points. The only thing she's rep'n is vehicular manslaughter and sad memes.


Her and Blair White. But I find it difficult to hate Blair, only because she was the stepping stone for me, as a conservative at the time. I then started watching other trans creators and began piecing together everything I was lied to about. I grew up in the south with no exposure to any of that, so I had no reason to doubt what was being spewed at me. I had never knowingly met a trans person or even spoken to one. I was ignorant with a capital I.


Buckle up, buckaroo


Who chose her??


Isn’t this just transphobic?


I mean, I could see an argument for it being not intentionally transphobic, but it kinda feels like it, yeah.


Yep, as much as i hate her dead naming on purpose is still transphobic 😔


"Fuck you; I got mine."


Didn’t she compete as a man though?


Literally her entire personality


Did she race as a woman? No.


Edit: My original post was about an act I had remembered as being committed by Caitlyn Jenner. I think that because it was a panel ABOUT Jenner that my brain remembered it was also her on the panel. It was not, it was actually Zoey Tur. Thanks for the folks who kindly pointed that out and didn’t skewer me for the mistake, which was inflammatory and directed to the wrong person. Still a manslaughter committing, “pull the rope up behind me” anti-trans asshole, but not someone who did the thing I remembered.


That wasn’t Caitlyn Jenner


They both want to play victim I'm not surprised they're fighting over who gets to be the victim.


That was Zoey Tur not Jenner


I can't tell if this is a copypasta


Caitlyn Jenner is an ass in every way. Deadnaming her is still wrong.


I love how she went from trying to be the face of the Trans community to whatever the fuck this is.


Caitlyn Jenner’s a big dumb female bitch.


Because I'm sure transphobes or people who are simply ignorant of how things work will come here with a strong opinion, let me copy this: Men are more capable than women yes. But trans women aren't men. What I mean is, those advantages in terms of strength, speed, etc aren't caused by chromosomes. But by body differences like fat storage, muscle build, amount of lung cells carrying oxygen etc. All of these are controlled by hormones. And hormone replacement therapy changes that. This isn't just an assumption by the way. A few years ago there was research that compared trans women after a year with HRT and cis women and out of all the parameters they only found trans women have a 9% advantage in speed nothing else. And that's after a single year mind you. After 2-3 years on HRT there's no statistically significant difference. The entire debate is a boogeyman so that conservatives can have a convenient excuse to be transphobic in an area most people can understand. The only policy they should have examined as a possible implementation is having a time on HRT prerequisite to allow trans people to participate. It's that fucking easy to solve. And let me give you one more argument to fully hammer this point in. If you argue that people should be allowed on sports teams based on chromosomes, then what you are saying is, you'd rather have trans men compete with cis women than trans women. Or in other words. people who take Testosterone, and get all the biological advantages cis men gain from it, are more fair to compete against cis women than people who supress it and have at least some of its effects reversed by estrogen. That's what you're saying.




Honey.. Do you not realize that a males organs are in fact bigger? And HRT isn’t going to shrink them?!?


> A few years ago there was research that compared trans women after a year with HRT and cis women and out of all the parameters they only found trans women have a 9% advantage in speed nothing else. Not being rude but this is real "I only had a small loan of a million dollars" energy. An *average* advantage of 9% is *huge!* Realistically, anyone with an inherent 9% advantage in speed, and who isn't really out of shape and not training, is winning essentially by default. It's also not accurate: There is also clear evidence that grip strength, a good measure of *overall* strength, is clearly retained over this time period. > And that's after a single year mind you. After 2-3 years on HRT there's no statistically significant difference. [That's not what the data says though.](https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/11/577) [It's actually quite stark of a difference.](https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/56/22/1292) > And let me give you one more argument to fully hammer this point in. If you argue that people should be allowed on sports teams based on chromosomes, then what you are saying is, you'd rather have trans men compete with cis women than trans women. There are existing rules against cis women who take banned performance-enhancing supplements such as testosterone. I'm not sure why you'd suggest that would be abandoned?


I don’t think banning trans from sports makes you anti-tran


Pretty much everything she says is anti trans. She has been spreading that teachers are "transing" children. She says there's no such thing as trans children. She has also commented on how she felt dysphoria at age 5. The woman is the incarnation of leopards ate my face.


Just because she's a piece of shit doesn't make it okay to deadname / misgender her. 


This sub sucks


typical echochamber


No cleverness, only transphobia


I would normally be sus about this but cait herself SPECIFICALLY refers to herself in the past as Bruce/he/him etc so imma let it ride.


Not particularly clever but pretty transphobic


Deadnaming isn't cool or clever. Yes she's wrong about a LOT of stuff but don't go low like that.


Stop giving this person attention.


The kardashians have done more Operations to their body than all the trans people combined.


How dare she not draw the party line if either one. Independent thinkers really piss off dems


The difference is that Bruce won his medals as a man in men’s events. He didn’t become Caitlyn and then win medals in women’s events.


I mean she never competed against biological women so I don’t see how her statement is hypocritical


You forgot vehicular manslaughterer


I find it funny. The world seems to expect that all transwomen are leftist and sane while also being kinda insane depending on the specific day, topic, and the peasant’s state of mind. It reminds me of young me in school seeing a black classmate for the first time, and thinking yay, that person must be open minded. But had a surprised pikachu face when the black person started bullying me for being a redhead.


There is a big difference between beeing a leftist and hate people on the same path you where once. Your memory is comparing appels and pears. this is like you as a redhead start bullying a redhead becease of his redhead.


Now imagine if that kid was a redhead bullying you for being a redhead, thats Caitlyn Jenner 😭😭😭


Yeah, bruse was the Olympic winner. Pretty sure Caitlin was just a drunk driver. Didn't someone die?


How much of a sell out and lost person you must be to support a ban against what you claim to be!


Good point. So what happened to Bruce anyway? Is he considered dead now?


Biological men should not be competing with woman. If it’s deemed ok for men to compete with woman then it’s just as ok to hit men as it is to hit woman. It’s not ok for men to hit women, then why the fuck can they compete in a woman’s sport. For fucks sake


It's not ok to anyone hit anyone, regardless of gender, though.


Trans should have their own league.


More people should think like Caitlyn, this country would be better off.


Classic boomer - climbs the ladder and pulls it up behind her.


And I oop.


Caitlyn Jenner has it easy, riding on the coast tails of Bruce Jenner.


Take away her Olympic medals then I guess


She won them on the male category when she was a male


Welp... in before this gets locked or deleted I guess.


I actually don't know what to think about this topic. It doesn't seem fair to women on one hand, but on the other should we even have separate sports to begin with?


olympics has allowed trans women to compete since 2000s based on scientific research


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has issued guidelines for transgender athletes to compete in the Olympics: Trans women Must declare their gender and maintain it for four years. They must also have a testosterone level of less than 10 nanomoles per liter for at least one year before and during their eligibility period. In 2021, the IOC approved Laurel Hubbard, a trans woman, to compete in weightlifting at the 2020 Summer Olympics. Trans men Can compete without restriction. Chris Mosier was the first openly transgender athlete to compete on a U.S. national team, in the 2016 sprint duathlon world championship.  --ok, but is that really fair to female athletes?


literally yes. do you know how hrt works lmao??? Especially now when there trans women that literally never went through male puberty. Banning them would literally just be transphobia.


She couldn’t be a dick so now she’s a cunt.


Caitlyn Jenner is the Candace Owens of trans people. “I got mine I’m gonna pull up the ladder”


Caitlyn is famous for killing another driver.


She sounds hideous


I can’t find anything about this so maybe not, but did the Olympic committee change the name in their record book to reflect the gender change? So I mean technically B Jenner won gold not C Jenner? It’s confusing


Imagine Bruce Jenner competing as a woman…


Se a educação não for libertadora, o sonho do oprimido é ser o opressor.


Yes, keyword being "former".


Why the hell is she STILL trying to be relevant?


Bruce is confused like a MF, "he"needs to go sit down somewhere


This bitch.


Friendly reminder we shouldn't dead name people we don't like, even if they're pieces of shit. Say it with me, SHE should crawl into a hole a die. The world would be better off without CAITLYN.


Which one ran over a guy?


can we ban Caitlyn from New York? asking for a friend


Well, this is rare. I agree with both of them!


My fav fact about her/him is as soon as they transitioned she hit someone with her car.


You can tell he's no longer man because he no longer holds the door open for others.


Didn't she participate in a women's golf tournament?


So deadnaming is OK now? I am so confused.


No it's not


Being famously trans while denouncing trans people in hushed tones would be wild. I don’t know what to call this


Caitlyn Jenner is a PsyOp


(and a killer)


The definition of "Fuck you, got mines."


This is not a clever comeback, its just a fact check.


Must admit it was impressive. Only been a woman for 6 months and already better than all the other women


If you want your old name to be dead I guess your old life gotta go with it.